DGX A100 System Firmware Update Container Version 22.5.5

The DGX Firmware Update container version 22.5.5 is available.

  • Package name: nvfw-dgxa100_22.5.5_220518.tar.gz

  • Run file name: nvfw-dgxa100_22.5.5_220518.run

  • Image name: nvfw-dgxa100:22.5.5

  • ISO image: DGXA100_FWUI-22.5.5-2022-05-19-00-23-59.iso

  • PXE netboot: pxeboot-DGXA100_FWUI-22.5.5.tgz

Highlights and Changes in this Release

  • This release is supported with the following DGX OS software:

    • DGX OS 5.1 or later.


      This firmware update container does not support DGX OS 4.99.xx. To use the container on DGX A100 servers, update to DGX OS 5.1 or later.

    • EL7-21.10 or later (See Special Instructions for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7)

    • EL8-21.08 Update 1 or later

  • Fixed BMC issues

    • Fixed an issue so that certain sensors are now displaying in the BMC Web UI.

    • Fixed the graceful handling of system power loss, which prevents the BMC Flash file system consistency issue and improves recovery.

    • Fixed issues that caused the BMC usage to dramatically increase, which resulted in a POST failure with error code 91 or B4.

      This fix also improves the error handling in the Redfish interface.

    • Fixed the BMC Web UI security settings and page refresh during full screen mode.

    • Fixed BMC SEL Event page, which was causing an error in certain SEL record parsing.

    • Fixed an issue where the Power/Status LED was flashing continuously after the server was rebooted, and the Power/Status LED stayed on after the server was powered off.

  • Added Redfish API support.

  • Fixed SBIOS issues

    • Fixed two issues that were causing boot order settings to not be saved to the BMC if applied out-of-band, causing settings to be lost after a subsequent firmware update.

    • Added interactive countdown messages during boot, to display the Setup Prompt Timeout configurable through the**Boot** > Setup Prompt Timeout configuration menu.

    • Added reporting of AGESA Version in SMBIOS.

    • Updated AGESA to version 1.0.0.D.

Contents of the DGX A100 System Firmware Container

This container includes the firmware binaries and update utilities for the firmware listed in the following table.

  • If you are updating from 21.11.4 to 22.5.5, the total update time is approximately **1 hour and 3 minutes**.

  • If you are updating from 21.03.6 or earlier to 22.5.5, the total update time is approximately 2 hours and 51 minutes.

The update time for each component is provided in the following table.



Key Changes

Update Time from 21.03.6 or earlier

Update Time from 21.11.4

BMC (via CEC)


Refer to DGX A100 BMC Changes for the list of changes.

31 minutes

31 minutes



Refer to DGX A100 SBIOS Changes for the list of changes.

6 minutes

6 minutes

Broadcom 88096 PCIe switch board


No change

1 minute

0 minute



No change

7 minutes

0 minutes

PEX88064 Retimer


New support

1 minute

1 minutes

PEX88080 Retimer


New support

1 minute

1 minutes

NvSwitch BIOS

No change

2 minutes

0 minutes

VBIOS (A100 40GB)

Added security protection to the I2C interface.

2 minutes

0 minutes

VBIOS (A100 80GB)

Added security protection to the I2C interface.

Same as above.

Same as above.

VBIOS (A100 SystemB 80GB)

New support


Same as above.

U.2 NVMe (Samsung)


Refer to DGX A100 U.2 NVMe Changes for the list of changes.

5 minutes

0 minutes

U.2 NVMe (Kioxia)


No change

Same as above.

Same as above.

M.2 NVMe (Samsung version 1)


No change

0 minutes

0 minutes

M.2 NVMe (Samsung version 2)


New support

Same as above.

Same as above.

FPGA (GPU sled)


New support

22 minutes

21 minutes

CEC1712 SPI (GPU sled)


New support

3 minutes

3 minutes

PSU (Delta rev04)

Primary 1.7/ Secondary 1.7/ Community 1.7

New support

0 minutes

0 minutes

PSU (Delta rev03)

Primary 1.6/ Secondary 1.6/ Community 1.7

No change

90 minutes

Same as above.

PSU (Delta rev02)

Primary 1.6/ Secondary 1.6/ Community 1.7

No change

Same as above.

Same as above.

PSU (LiteOn)


No change

0 minutes

Same as above.

Updating Components with Secondary Images

Some firmware components provide a secondary image as backup. The following is the policy when updating those components:

  • SBIOS: The two images are referred to as active and inactive, where the active is the currently running image and the inactive is the backup image.

    When using update_fw all, the update container updates both active and inactive images.

  • BMC: The two images are referred to as active and inactive, where the active is the currently running image and the inactive is the backup image.

    The update container can only update the inactive image, and will update it only if the active image needs to be updated. After the update is completed, the updated inactive image becomes the active image. Because the active image is now updated, subsequent update_fw all commands will not update the inactive image. To update the inactive image in this case, use update_fw BMC --inactive. Since the container does not support updating the active image directly, commands such as update_fw BMC -a -f will not work.


When updating DGX A100 firmware using the Firmware Update Container, do not update the CPLD firmware unless the DGX A100 system is being upgraded from 320GB to 640GB.

The current DGX A100 Firmware Update Container will not automatically update the CPLD firmware (for example, when running update_fw all). It is possible to update the CPLD firmware using “ update_fw CPLD ”; however, it is strongly recommended that the CPLD firmware not be updated manually unless specifically instructed by NVIDIA Enterprise Support (or email enterprisesupport@nvidia.com). If the DGX A100 is upgraded from 320GB to 640GB, the CPLD firmware update should be performed as instructed.

Special Instructions for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

This section describes the actions that must be taken before updating firmware on DGX A100 systems installed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. There are two options for meeting these requirements.

Option 1: Update to EL7-22.05

Refer to the DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Release Notes for more information.


Updating the DGX software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux will update the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation to 7.9 or later. If you do not want to update your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 installation, then choose Option 2.

Option 2: Install mpt3sas

These instructions apply if:

  • You do not want to update your Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation, and

  • Your system is currently installed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 or later.


If your system is installed with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 or earlier, contact NVIDIA Enterprise Support for assistance.

  1. Perform this step if your system is no longer pointing to the NVIDIA DGX software repository.

    1. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, run the following commands to enable additional repositories required by the DGX software.

      $ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
      $ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
    2. Run the following command to install the DGX software installation package and enable the NVIDIA DGX software repository.


      By running these commands you are confirming that you have read and agree to be bound by the DGX Software License Agreement. You are also confirming that you understand that any pre-release software and materials available that you elect to install in a DGX may not be fully functional, may contain errors or design flaws, and may have reduced or different security, privacy, availability, and reliability standards relative to commercial versions of NVIDIA software and materials, and that you use pre-release versions at your risk.

      $ yum install -y \
  2. Install mpt3sas

    $ sudo yum install mpt3sas-dkms
  3. Load the mpt3sas driver into the Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernel.

    $ sudo modprobe mpt3sas

    You can verify the correct mpt3sas version is installed by issuing the following.

    $ yum list installed

Instructions for Updating Firmware

This section provides a simple way to update the firmware on the system using the firmware update container.

The commands use the .run file, but you can also use any method described in Using the DGX A100 FW Update Utility.


  • Do not log into the BMC dashboard UI while a firmware update is in progress.

  • Stop all unnecessary system activities before attempting to update firmware.

  • Stop all GPU activity, including accessing nvidia-smi, as this can prevent the VBIOS from updating.

  • When issuing update_fw all, stop the following services if they are launched from Docker through the docker run command:

    • dcgm-exporter

    • nvidia-dcgm

    • nvidia-fabricmanager

    • nvidia-persistenced

    • xorg-setup

    • lightdm

    • nvsm-core

    • kubelet The container will attempt to stop these services automatically, but will be unable to stop any that are launched from Docker.

  • Do not add additional loads on the system (such as user jobs, diagnostics, or monitoring services) while an update is in progress. A high workload can disrupt the firmware update process and result in an unusable component.

  • When initiating an update, the update software assists in determining the activity state of the DGX system and provides a warning if it detects that activity levels are above a predetermined threshold. If the warning is encountered, you are strongly advised to take action to reduce the workload before proceeding with the update.

  1. Check if updates are needed by checking the installed versions.

    $ sudo ./nvfw-dgxa100_22.5.5_220518.run show_version
    • If there is “no” in any up-to-date column for updatable firmware, then continue with the next step.

    • If all up-to-date column entries are “yes”, then no updates are needed and no further action is necessary.

  2. Perform the update for all firmware supported by the container.

    $ sudo ./nvfw-dgxa100_22.5.5_220518.run update_fw all

    Depending on the firmware that is updated, you may be prompted to either reboot the system or power cycle the system.

    • If you are prompted to reboot, issue

      $ sudo reboot
    • If you are prompted to power cycle, you can issue the following two commands (there is no output with the first command).

      $ sudo ipmitool raw 0x3c 0x04
      $ sudo ipmitool chassis power cycle
  3. After rebooting or power cycling the system, you may need to perform another update_fw all to update other firmware.

    • Either repeat Step 1 to check if updates are needed and then perform Step 2 if needed, or

    • Repeat Step 2 just in case updates are needed.

    If you perform another update_fw all, you may be prompted again to either reboot the system or power cycle the system.

    See DGX A100 Firmware Update Process for more information about the update process.

You can verify the update by issuing the following.

$ sudo ./nvfw-dgxa100_22.5.5_220518.run show_version

Example output for a DGX A100 640GB system

                                             Onboard Version   Manifest       up-to-date
MB_CEC(enabled)                              3.28              3.28               yes
Delta_CEC(enabled)                           4.00              4.00               yes

Image Id              Status         Location      Onboard Version   Manifest  up-to-date
0:Active   Boot       Online         Local         00.17.07          00.17.07     yes
1:Inactive Updatable                 Local         00.17.07          00.17.07     yes

Image Id                           Onboard Version   Manifest        up-to-date
0:Active   Boot Updatable          1.13              1.13               yes
1:Inactive Updatable               1.13              1.13               yes

PCI Bus#                      Model          Onboard Version   Manifest        FUB Updated?  up-to-date
DGX - 0000:91:00.0(U261)      88064_Retimer  3.1.0             3.1.0                 N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:88:00.0(U260)      88064_Retimer  3.1.0             3.1.0                 N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:4f:00.0(U262)      88064_Retimer  3.1.0             3.1.0                 N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:48:00.0(U225)      88080_Retimer  3.1.0             3.1.0                 N/A        yes

DGX - 0000:01:00.0(U1)        PEX88096       2.0               2.0                   N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:81:00.0(U3)        PEX88096       2.0               2.0                   N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:b1:00.0(U4)        PEX88096       2.0               2.0                   N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:41:00.0(U2)        PEX88096       2.0               2.0                   N/A        yes

DGX - 0000:c4:00.0            LR10         N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:c5:00.0            LR10         N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:c6:00.0            LR10         N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:c7:00.0            LR10         N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:c8:00.0            LR10         N/A        yes
DGX - 0000:c9:00.0            LR10         N/A        yes

 Mass Storage
Drive Name/Slot         Model Number         Onboard Version   Manifest        up-to-date
nvme0n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes
nvme1n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes
nvme2n1          Samsung MZ1LB1T9HALS-00007  EDA7602Q          EDA7602Q           yes
nvme3n1          Samsung MZ1LB1T9HALS-00007  EDA7602Q          EDA7602Q           yes
nvme4n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes
nvme5n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes
nvme6n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes
nvme7n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes
nvme8n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes
nvme9n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes

 Video BIOS
Bus            Model            Onboard Version   Manifest         FUB Updated?  up-to-date
0000:07:00.0   A100-SXM4-80GB         yes        yes
0000:0f:00.0   A100-SXM4-80GB         yes        yes
0000:47:00.0   A100-SXM4-80GB         yes        yes
0000:4e:00.0   A100-SXM4-80GB         yes        yes
0000:87:00.0   A100-SXM4-80GB         yes        yes
0000:90:00.0   A100-SXM4-80GB         yes        yes
0000:b7:00.0   A100-SXM4-80GB         yes        yes
0000:bd:00.0   A100-SXM4-80GB         yes        yes

Power Supply
ID                       Vendor Model        MFR ID              Revision  Status    Onboard Version     Manifest       up-to-date
PSU 0: Communication     Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.07               01.07             yes
PSU 0: Secondary         Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 0: Primary           Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 1: Communication     Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.07               01.07             yes
PSU 1: Secondary         Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 1: Primary           Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 2: Communication     Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.07               01.07             yes
PSU 2: Secondary         Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 2: Primary           Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 3: Communication     Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.07               01.07             yes
PSU 3: Secondary         Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 3: Primary           Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 4: Communication     Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.07               01.07             yes
PSU 4: Secondary         Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 4: Primary           Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 5: Communication     Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.07               01.07             yes
PSU 5: Secondary         Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes
PSU 5: Primary           Delta ECD16010092   Delta               03        ok        01.06               01.06             yes

                                             Onboard Version   Manifest       up-to-date
MB_CPLD                                      1.05              1.05               yes
MID_CPLD                                     1.03              1.03               yes

* CPLD won't be updated by default (`update_fw all`), use `update_fw CPLD` if it's needed

Onboard version     Manifest  up-to-date
03.0e               03.0e        yes

Known Issues

Chassis Power State Remains On


When the system completes a GracefulShutdown and is queried by using Redfish, the Chassis Power State remains On, but the system power status will be correctly reported by using IPMI and in the BMC Web UI.


The system can be powered on by using the IPMI command or by using BMC Web UI.

Incorrect Thermal and Voltage Sensor and Fan RPM Values are Displayed


Some thermal and voltage sensors and FAN RPMs might show incorrect (Zero reading) values when retrieved by using the Redfish APIs.


This issue is currently under investigation.

Processor Power Limit and Power Metrics are Not Supported


Some thermal sensor reading and FAN RPMs might show incorrect (a zero reading) value when they are retrieved through the Redfish API.


This issue is currently under investigation.

IndicatorLED Status Might Display an Incorrect State


The IndicatorLED status in Redfish might display an incorrect state for the system and disk resources.


This issue is currently under investigation.

Unable to Update BMC Firmware


To run Firmware Update Container Version 22.5.5, you must use MB_CEC version 3.28.


If you are using an MB_CEC version that is earlier than 3.28, you must first update to firmware update container version 21.03.6 or later.

Firmware Update Container Unable to Recover PSU with Corrupted Firmware


The firmware update container cannot recover the PSU firmware when the container cannot determine the hardware revision of the PSU.


To recover a PSU that is revision 00-03, use firmware update container version 21.11.4.

Setting Up Active Directory Settings Might Fail with “Invalid Domain Name” Error


After logging into the BMC dashboard UI and setting up and enabling Active Directory Authentication, an “Invalid Domain Name” error may occur.


If you encounter this error, set up the DNS manually as follows:

  1. Login to the BMC UI dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Network Settings > DNS Configuration > “Domain Name Server Setting”

  3. Find “Domain Name Server Setting” and change “Automatic ” to “Manual “.

  4. Replace “DNS Server 1” IP to ” ” (the IP is dns.google)

  5. Click Save and accept the alert to restart the BMC network.

NVSM Incorrectly Reports the Delta PSU Part Number Instead of the Model Numbers


When issuing show_version or show_fw_manifest, the number associated with the Delta PSU is the part number instead of the model number.


This will be resolved in a future release.

BMC KVM Screen May Show “No Signal” Under Certain Conditions


When attempting to view the DGX A100 console from the BMC Web UI KVM, the screen might show``No Signal`` if you cold reset the BMC and reboot the server. This is due to a rare condition between BMC and the SBIOS.

For example, the issue might occur after performing the following:

  1. Issue the command to cold reset the BMC.

    $ sudo ipmitool mc reset cold
  2. Wait about 30 seconds and issue the command to reboot the system.

    $ sudo reboot


You can recover the system by issuing a hard reset from the Web UI.

SBIOS “Bootup NumLock State” not Enforced


When turning NumLock to OFF after setting “Boot NumLock State

” to ON from the SBIOS setup menu, NumLock remains off after rebooting the server. Similarly, when turning NumLock to ON after setting “Boot NumLock State

” to OFF from the SBIOS setup menu, NumLock remains on after rebooting the server.


This feature is currently not implemented in the DGX A100 SBIOS.

NVSM Fails to Run the FWUC show_version Command


This is an issue with NGC access without entering an email address for authentication


To resolve this issue, upgrade to NVSM version 20.09.37 and later.

NVSM Exits With an Error Message When Updating Firmware by Using NVSM


When the firmware update container uses NVSM to update the firmware, after a few minutes, NVSM exits with the following message:

('Connection broken: IncompleteRead(0 bytes read)', IncompleteRead(0 bytes read)).

In the nvidia-fw.log, the update process continues in the background until it has completed.


The system can be powered on by using the IPMI command or by using BMC Web UI.

After a Firmware Update, Only the Delta Manifest Version Displays


After a firmware update, the Delta PSU version and the Delta manifest version should be displayed, but only the Delta manifest version appears.


This issue will be fixed in a future release.

PSUs Sometimes Display an Error after an Update


When you run show_version, you might see ERR:retries in the container output and components might be listed as not-supported.


To see the correct firmware versions and component status, run show_version again.

Force FPGA Update Sometimes Fails


When you force-update FPGA firmware, the update might fail, and the``Auto updates are not allowed on a busy system`` message is displayed.


This issue will be fixed in a future release.

Updating to Firmware Container Version 22.5.5 Fails for SSDs


The firmware container version 22.5.5 fails to update SSDs on systems where NVMe multipathing is enabled.


If the container fails to update a device that has c<number>, for example nvme0c0n1, in its name. This is because the device was a multipath device.

Disabling multipathing depends on the type of multipathing and the way it was enabled. As a result, you can update each SSD individually without disabling multipathing by running the following command:

update_fw SSD --select-ssd <ssd_name>

For example, here is a system with the following devices in show version:

Mass Storage
Drive Name/Slot         Model Number         Onboard Version   Manifest        up-to-date
nvme0n1          Samsung MZWLJ3T8HBLS-00007  EPK9CB5Q          EPK9CB5Q           yes
nvme1n1          Samsung MZ1LB1T9HALS-00007  EDA7602Q          EDA7602Q           yes
nvme2n1          Samsung MZ1LB1T9HALS-00007  EDA7602Q          EDA7602Q           yes

To update nvme0n1, run the following command:

update_fw SSD --select-ssd nvme0n1