DOCA Documentation v2.5.2 LTS
DOCA 2.5.2

NVIDIA DOCA Release Notes

NVIDIA DOCA release notes containing information on new features, bug fixes, and known issues.

DOCA 2.5.2 is an LTS update to DOCA 2.5.1 which includes bug fixes.


DOCA-Host operating systems updated in this release (details in DOCA-Host installation profiles):

  • RHEL 8.10

  • RHEL 9.4

  • SLES 15-SP6

  • Debian 12.5

This version introduces the following bug fixes.

Ref #

Issue Description


Description: No support for green or yellow jump action policy flow.

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: The representor port cannot be found due to the BlueField device driver not loading correctly.

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: Host PCIe driver hangs when hot plugging a device due to SF creation and error flow handling failure.

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: Virtio-net may see TX timeout on specific queues.

Reported in version: 2.6.0


Description: On BlueField-2, the OOB may not get an IP address due to the interface being down.

Reported in version: 1.5.2


Description: Kernel updated to include the latest security fix for CVE-2023-52340.

Reported in version: 2.5.0

Refer to the NVIDIA DOCA Installation Guide for Linux for information on:

  • Setting up DOCA SDK on your BlueField DPU
  • Supported BlueField platforms

Embedded DOCA Libraries













Embedded DOCA Firmware Components






Arm-trusted firmware is a reference implementation of secure world software for Arm architectures



UEFI is a specification that defines the architecture of the platform firmware used for booting and its interface for interaction with the operating system

BlueField-3 NIC firmware


Firmware is used to run user programs on the BlueField-3 which allow hardware to run

BlueField-2 NIC firmware


Firmware is used to run user programs on the BlueField-2 which allow hardware to run

BMC firmware


BlueField BMC firmware

BlueField-3 eROT (Glacier)


BlueField-3 eROT firmware

BlueField-2 eROT (CEC)


BlueField-2 eROT firmware

Embedded DOCA Drivers

collectx-clxapi1.15.3A library which exposes the CollectX API, which allows any 3rd party to easily use CollectX functionality in their own programs
doca-base (MLNX_OFED)23.10-® MLNX_OFED is a single software stack that operates across all NVIDIA network adapter solutions
dpacc1.6.0-8DPACC is a high-level compiler for the DPA processor which compiles code targeted for the data-path accelerator (DPA) processor into a device executable and generates a DPA program
dpcp1.1.43-1.2310055DPCP provides a unified flexible interface for programming IB devices using DevX
flexio23.10.1873FlexIO SDK exposes an API for managing the device and executing native code over the DPA processor
libvma9.8.40-1The NVIDIA® VMA library accelerates latency-sensitive and throughput-demanding TCP and UDP socket-based applications by offloading traffic from the user-space directly to the NIC, without going through the kernel and the standard IP stack (kernel-bypass)
libxlio3.20.8-1The NVIDIA® XLIO software library boosts the performance of TCP/IP applications based on NGINX (CDN, DoH, etc.) and storage solutions as part of the SPDK
MFT4.26.1-6NVIDIA® MFT is a set of firmware management and debug tools for NVIDIA devices
mlnx-dpdk22.11.0-2310.3.0.23102130.2310.3.0Equivalent to DPDK upstream. The versioning of MLNX_DPDK indicates which upstream DPDK it is compatible with it (e.g., 22.11 is compatible with upstream DPDK 2022.11).
mlnx-libsnap1.6.0-1Libsnap is a common library designed to assist common tasks for applications wishing to interact with emulated hardware over BlueField DPUs and take the most advantage from hardware capabilities
mlnx-snap3.8.0-3BlueField SNAP for NVMe and virtio-blk enables hardware-accelerated virtualization of local storage
mlx-regex1.2-ubuntu1RegEx is a library that provides RegEx pattern matching to DOCA applications using the regular expression processor (RXP) or software-based engines when required
Rivermax1:1.41.2NVIDIA® Rivermax® is an optimized networking SDK for media and data streaming applications
RShim2.0.20The user-space driver to access the BlueField SoC via the RShim interface, providing ways to push boot stream, debug the target, or login via the virtual console or network interface
spdk23.01.5-17SPDK provides a set of tools and libraries for writing high performance, scalable, user-mode storage applications
virtio-net-controller1.7.13-1Virtio-net-controller is a systemd service running on the DPU, with a user interface front-end to communicate with the background service

DOCA Packages

HostDOCA SDK2.5.1Software development kit package for developing host software
DOCA Runtime2.5.1Runtime libraries required to run DOCA-based software applications on host
DOCA Tools2.5.1Tools for developers and administrators on host
DOCA Extra2.5.1Contains helper scripts (doca-info, doca-kernel-support)
DOCA OFED2.5.1Software stack which operates across all NVIDIA network adapter solutions
Arm emulated (QEMU) development container4.5.1Linux-based BlueField Arm emulated container for developers
Target BlueField DPU (Arm)BlueField BSP4.5.1BlueField image and firmware
DOCA SDK2.5.1Software development kit packages for developing Arm software
DOCA Runtime2.5.1Runtime libraries required to run DOCA-based software applications on Arm
DOCA Tools2.5.2Tools for developers and administrators for Arm target

Supported Operating System Distributions


Starting from DOCA 2.6.0, OSs with kernel versions lower than 4.18 will no longer be supported. DOCA 2.5.0 is the last version to support OS with a kernel lower than 4.18.

The default operating system of the BlueField DPU (Arm) is Ubuntu 22.04.

The supported operating systems on the host machine per DOCA profile are the following:


Only the following generic kernel versions are supported for DOCA local repo package for host installation.

DOCA for HostKernelArchdoca-alldoca-cxdoca-ofed
CTYunOS3 23.01 5.10aarch64
RHEL/CentOS 8.24.18x86
RHEL/Rocky 8.64.18x86
Ubuntu 20.045.4x86
Ubuntu 22.045.15x86
Debian 10.84.19x86
Debian / 5.4.210 / 5.15x86
Alinux 3.25.10x86
Oracle Linux 8.75.15x86
RHEL/Rocky Linux 9.15.14x86
BCLinux 21.10 SP24.19.90x86 / aarch64
CTYunOS2.04.19.90x86 / aarch64
Debian11.35.10.0-13x86 / aarch64
Debian12.16.1.0-10x86 / aarch64
Debian12.56.1.0-18x86 / aarch64
Kylin 10 SP24.19.90x86 / aarch64
Oracle Linux 8.65.4x86
openEuler 20.03 SP34.19.90x86 / aarch64
openEuler / aarch64
RHEL/CentOS / aarch64
RHEL/Rocky / aarch64
RHEL/Rocky / aarch64
RHEL/Rocky / aarch64
RHEL/Rocky / aarch64
RHEL/Rocky / aarch64
RHEL/Rocky / aarch64
RHEL/Rocky / aarch64
RHEL/Rocky / aarch64
SLES 15 SP35.3.18-57x86 / aarch64
SLES 15 SP45.14.21-150400.22x86 / aarch64
SLES 15 SP55.14.21-150500.53x86 / aarch64
SLES 15 SP66.4.0-150600.21-defaultx86 / aarch64

Customers who purchased NVIDIA products directly from NVIDIA are invited to contact us through the following methods:

Customers who purchased NVIDIA M-1 Global Support Services, please see your contract for details regarding Technical Support.

Customers who purchased NVIDIA products through an NVIDIA-approved reseller should first seek assistance through their reseller.


For questions, comments, and feedback, please contact us at

The following table lists the known issues and limitations for this release of DOCA SDK.




Description: In CTYunOS 23.01 , which includes MLNX_OFED drivers as part of the OS repository, the DOCA-HOST repository should be enabled before installation to avoid any installation issues.

Workaround: Run:


yum --enablerepo=doca install

Keyword: CTYunOS; installation

Reported in version: 2.5.2


Description: When installing DOCA for host on a SLES15.5 system that uses NVMe storage (e.g., NVMe disk) and a non-default kernel that requires rebuilding the kernel, the script doca-kernel-support builds and installs the mlnx-nvme drivers that override standard NVMe kernel drivers, which renders the system unbootable.

Workaround: After installing doca-extra, edit the doca-kernel-extra script before running it to avoid it building mlnx-nvme modules. The option --without-mlnx-nvme must be added to the invocation of


sed -i -e '/install\.pl/a\\t--without-mlnx-nvme \\' /opt/mellanox/doca/tools/doca-kernel-support

Keyword: NVMe; SLES

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: If using DPUs with NVMe and mmcbld and configured to boot from mmcblk, users must create bf.cfg file with device=/dev/mmcblk0, then install the *.bfb as normal.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: NVMe

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: DOCA can run only one instance of a DOCA library per process on setups with a page size different than 4K (e.g., Rockey). Combination of different libraries cannot be run on the same process.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: OpenEuler; Rocky; DOCA libs

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: The overall number of IPsec sessions is limited to 64K per port.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: IPsec

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: When using strongSwan or OVS-IPsec as explained in the NVIDIA BlueField DPU BSP, the IPSec Rx data path is not offloaded to hardware and occurs in software running on the Arm cores. As a result, bandwidth performance is substantially low.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: IPsec

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: The script for the East-West Overlay Encryption application is not supported in DOCA 2.5.0. Users who wish to configure OVS IPsec with hardware offload must should follow the steps explained in the "Configuration Flow" section of the guide instead of running the application.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: IPsec

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: Execution unit partitions are still not implemented and would be added in future releases.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: EU tool

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: When moving to DPU mode from NIC mode, it is necessary to reinstall the BFB and perform a graceful reboot to the DPU by shutting down the Arm cores before rebooting the host system.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: NIC mode

Reported in version: 2.5.0


Description: Installing BFB using bfb-install when mlxconfig PF_TOTAL_SF>1700, triggers server reboot immediately.

Workaround: Change PF_TOTAL_SF to 0, perform a graceful shutdown, power cycle, then installing BFB.

Keyword: SF; PF_TOTAL_SF; BFB installation

Reported in version: 2.2.1


Description: Running mlxfwreset on BlueField-3 may cause the external host to crash when the RShim driver is running on that host.

Workaround: Stop the RShim driver on the external host using systemctl stop rshim before performing mlxfwreset .

Keyword: RShim; mlxfwreset

Reported in version: 2.2.1


Description: When enabling Flex IO SDK tracer at high rates, a slow-down in processing may occur and/or some traces may be lost.

Workaround: Keep tracing limited to ~1M traces per second to avoid a significant processing slow-down. Use tracer for debug purposes and consider disabling it by default.

Keyword: Tracer FlexIO

Reported in version: 2.2.1


Description: When using UEK8 on the host in DPU mode, creating a VF on the host consumes about 100MB memory on the DPU.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: UEK; VF

Reported in version: 2.2.1


Description: doca_rdma does not support cross-subnet routing.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: RDMA

Reported in version: 2.2.1


Description: Virtio hotplug is not supported in GPU-HOST mode on the NVIDIA Converged Accelerator.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: Virtio; Converged Accelerator

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: PXE boot over ConnectX interface might not work due to an invalid MAC address in the UEFI boot entry.

Workaround: On the DPU, create /etc/bf.cfg file with the relevant PXE boot entries, then run the command bfcfg.

Keyword: PXE; boot; MAC

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: Running mlxfwreset sync 1 on NVIDIA Converged Accelerators may be reported as supported although it is not. Executing the reset will fail.

Workaround: N/A

Keywords: mlxfwreset

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: After rebooting a BlueField-3 DPU running Rocky Linux 8.6 BFB, the kernel log shows the following error:


[    3.787135] mlxbf_gige MLNXBF17:00: Error getting PHY irq. Use polling instead

This message indicates that the Ethernet driver will function normally in all aspects, except that PHY polling is enabled.

Workaround: N/A

Keywords: Linux; PHY; kernel

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: When performing longevity tests (e.g., mlxfwreset, DPU reboot, burning of new BFBs), a host running an Intel CPU may observer errors related to "CPU 0: Machine Check Exception".

Workaround: Add intel_idle.max_cstate=1 entry to the kernel command line.

Keywords: Longevity; mlxfwreset; DPU reboot

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: Enhanced NIC mode is not supported on BlueField-2 DPUs.

Workaround: N/A

Keywords: Operation; mode

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: When removing LAG configuration from the DPU, a kernel warning for uverbs_destroy_ufile_hw is observed if virtio-net-controller is still running.

Workaround: Stop virtio-net-controller service before cleaning up bond configuration.

Keywords: Virtio-net; LAG

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: On BlueField-3 devices, from DOCA 2.2.0 to 32.37.1306 (or lower), the host crashes when executing partial Arm reset (e.g., Arm reboot; BFB push; mlxfwreset).

Workaround: Before downgrading the firmware:

  1. Run:


    echo 0 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/mlxbf-bootctl/large_icm

  2. Reboot Arm.

Keyword: BlueField-3; downgrade

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: The NVIDIA DOCA East-West Overlay Encryption Reference Application (and the underlying DPU OS Kernel driver IPsec functionality) is not supported. User space DOCA IPsec is not impacted.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: IPsec

Reported in version: 2.2.0


Description: mlxfwreset is not supported in this release.

Workaround: Perform a graceful shutdown, then power cycle the host.

Keyword: mlxfwreset; support

Reported in version: 2.0.2


When trying to perform a PXE installation when UEFI Secure Boot is enabled, the following error messages may be observed:


error: shim_lock protocol not found. error: you need to load the kernel first.

Workaround: Download a Grub EFI binary from the Ubuntu website. For further information on Ubuntu UEFI Secure Boot PXE Boot, please visit Ubuntu's official website.

Keyword: PXE; UEFI Secure Boot

Reported in version: 2.0.2


Description: While running CentOS 8.2, switchdev Ethernet DPU runs in "shared" RDMA net namespace mode instead of "exclusive".

Workaround: Use ib_core module parameter netns_mode=0. For example:


echo "options ib_core netns_mode=0" >> /etc/modprobe.d/mlnx-bf.conf

Keyword: RDMA; isolation; Net NS

Reported in version: 2.0.2


Description: After live migration of virtio-net devices using the VFE driver, the max_queues_size output from the virtnet list may be wrong. This does not affect the actual value.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: Virtio-net; live migration

Reported in version: 2.0.2


Description: Failure occurs when attempting to raise static LAG with ifenslave_2.10ubuntu3 package.

Workaround: Use ifenslave_2.9ubuntu1.

Keywords: ifenslave; bonding

Reported in version: 4.0.2


Description: When an NVMe controller, SoC management controller, and DMA controller are configured, the maximum number of VFs is limited to 124.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: VF; limitation

Reported in version: 2.0.2


Description: Changing the mode of operation between NIC and DPU modes results in different capabilities for the host driver which might cause unexpected behavior.

Workaround: Reload the host driver or reboot the host.

Keyword: Modes of operation; driver

Reported in version: 2.0.2


Description: In Rocky and CentOS 8.2 inbox-kernel BFBs, RegEx requires the following extra huge page configuration for it to function properly:


sudo hugeadm --pool-pages-min DEFAULT:2048M sudo systemctl start mlx-regex.service systemctl status mlx-regex.service

If these commands have executed successfully you should see active (running) in the last line of the output.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: RegEx; hugepages

Reported in version: 1.5.1


Description: DOCA kernel support only works on a non-default kernel.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: Kernel

Reported in version: 1.5.0


Description: The doca_devinfo_rep_list_create API returns success on the host instead of Operation not supported.

Workaround: N/A

Keyword: DOCA core; InfiniBand

Reported in version: 1.5.0

© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Dec 30, 2024.