NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference Release
For Test and Development only
GPU access API: Device management

Detailed Description

Data Structures

struct  NvRmGpuClockGetEntryRec
 Entry for clock get request. More...
struct  NvRmGpuClockSetEntryRec
 Entry for clock set request. More...
struct  NvRmGpuClockRangeRec
 Frequency range for clock domain. More...
struct  NvRmGpuClockPointRec
 Clock voltage/frequency point. More...
struct  NvRmGpuClockDomainInfoRec
 Clock domain info. More...
struct  NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrRec
 Extensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen(). More...
struct  NvRmGpuDeviceEventInfoRec
 GPU device event. More...
struct  NvRmGpuClockAsyncNotImplemented
 OS-specific type of asynchronous clock request handle (unimplemented). More...


 GPU access API: Device management (safety subset)


 Format macro for printf for printing NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle. More...
#define NVRM_GPU_DEFINE_DEVICE_EVENT_SESSION_ATTR(x)   NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr x = { NULL, 0 }
 Definer macro for NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr. More...


typedef struct NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionRec NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession
 Device event session handle. More...
typedef enum NvRmGpuClockType NvRmGpuClockType
 Request type for clock get. More...
typedef struct NvRmGpuClockGetEntryRec NvRmGpuClockGetEntry
 Entry for clock get request. More...
typedef struct NvRmGpuClockSetEntryRec NvRmGpuClockSetEntry
 Entry for clock set request. More...
typedef struct NvRmGpuClockRangeRec NvRmGpuClockRange
 Frequency range for clock domain. More...
typedef struct NvRmGpuClockPointRec NvRmGpuClockPoint
 Clock voltage/frequency point. More...
typedef struct NvRmGpuClockDomainInfoRec NvRmGpuClockDomainInfo
 Clock domain info. More...
typedef struct NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrRec NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr
 Extensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen(). More...
typedef struct NvRmGpuDeviceEventInfoRec NvRmGpuDeviceEventInfo
 GPU device event. More...
typedef struct NvRmGpuClockAsyncNotImplementedNvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle
 OS-specific type of asynchronous clock request handle. More...


enum  NvRmGpuClockDomain {
  NvRmGpuClockDomain_MCLK = 0,
 Clock domains. More...
enum  NvRmGpuClockType {
  NvRmGpuClockType_Target = 1,
  NvRmGpuClockType_Actual = 2,
  NvRmGpuClockType_Effective = 3
 Request type for clock get. More...
enum  NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage {
  NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage_Core = 1,
 Voltage sensors. More...
enum  NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent { NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent_Bus = 1 }
 Electric current sensors. More...
enum  NvRmGpuDevicePower { NvRmGpuDevicePower_Bus = 1 }
 Electric power sensors. More...
enum  NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature { NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature_InternalSensor = 1 }
 Temperature sensors. More...
enum  NvRmGpuDeviceEventId {
  NvRmGpuDeviceEventId_VfUpdate = 0,


NvError NvRmGpuClockGetDomains (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuClockDomainInfo **infos, size_t *pNumDomains)
 Returns available GPU clock domains for the device. More...
NvError NvRmGpuClockGetPoints (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuClockDomain domain, NvRmGpuClockPoint *pClkPoints, size_t *pNumPoints)
 Retrieves voltage/frequency (VF) points for a given clock domain. For information about VF points, see NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle. More...
NvError NvRmGpuClockSet (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuClockSetEntry *pClkSetEntries, size_t numEntries, NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle *phReq)
 Requests minimum clocks for one or more clock domains. More...
NvError NvRmGpuClockWaitAsyncReq (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle *phReqs, size_t numEntries, uint32_t timeoutMs)
 Waits for the completion of one or more asynchronous clock requests. More...
NvError NvRmGpuClockCloseAsyncReq (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle hReq)
 Closes an asynchronous clock request handle. More...
NvError NvRmGpuClockWaitAnyEvent (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, uint32_t timeoutMs)
 This function is not implemented and it should be deleted. More...
NvError NvRmGpuClockGet (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuClockGetEntry *pClkGetEntries, size_t numEntries)
 Request one or more clock domain frequency state. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceListVoltageSensors (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage **pSensors, size_t *pNumSensors)
 Returns the list of available voltage sensors for the device. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceGetVoltage (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage which, uint64_t *pVoltageMicroVolt)
 Retrieves the voltage sensor reading. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceListCurrentSensors (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent **pSensors, size_t *pNumSensors)
 Returns the list of available electric current sensors for the device. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceGetCurrent (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent which, uint64_t *pCurrentMicroAmpere)
 Retrieves the electric current reading. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceListPowerSensors (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDevicePower **pSensors, size_t *pNumSensors)
 Returns the list of available power sensors for the device. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceGetPower (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuDevicePower which, uint64_t *pPowerMicroWatt)
 Retrieves the power sensor reading. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceListTemperatureSensors (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature **pSensors, size_t *pNumSensors)
 Returns the list of available temperature sensors for the device. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceGetTemperature (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature which, int32_t *pTemperatureMilliCelsius)
 Retrieves the temperature sensor reading. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceThermalAlertSetLimit (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, int32_t temperature_mC)
 Sets the thermal alert limit. More...
static void NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrSetAllEvents (NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr *attr)
 Assigns device events attribute structure with a list of all events to listen to. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr *attr, NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession **phSession)
 Opens a session to monitor device events. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionRead (NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession *hSession, NvRmGpuDeviceEventInfo *pEventInfo, uint32_t timeoutMs)
 Read next device event. More...
NvError NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionClose (NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession *hSession)
 Closes the device event session. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Format macro for printf for printing NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle.

The use is similar to PRIu64 for printing uint64_t.

Definition at line 590 of file nvrm_gpu.h.


#define NVRM_GPU_DEFINE_DEVICE_EVENT_SESSION_ATTR (   x)    NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr x = { NULL, 0 }

Definer macro for NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr.

This macro defines a variable of type NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr with the default values.

See also

Definition at line 1330 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle

OS-specific type of asynchronous clock request handle.

Asynchronous clock request handle is a waitable handle for clock change requests. This allows one to issue multiple clock change requests concurrently (e.g., GPU clock and memory clock for multiple devices) and then wait for all of them to complete.

This is void pointer on operating systems that do not support asynchronous clock request handles. HOS does not have the support.

Definition at line 610 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

◆ NvRmGpuClockDomainInfo

◆ NvRmGpuClockGetEntry

Entry for clock get request.

See also

◆ NvRmGpuClockPoint

Clock voltage/frequency point.

See also

◆ NvRmGpuClockRange

Frequency range for clock domain.

See also

◆ NvRmGpuClockSetEntry

Entry for clock set request.

See also

◆ NvRmGpuClockType

Request type for clock get.

See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceEventInfo

GPU device event.

Data type for a single GPU device event. This contains the timestamp and the event type.

See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession

typedef struct NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionRec NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession

Device event session handle.

See also

Definition at line 125 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ NvRmGpuClockDomain

Clock domains.

The GPU has different clock domains that can be queried or requested separately. These include the memory clock and the graphics clock.

See also
NvRmGpuClockGetDomains(), NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::clockDomains

Memory clock.


Main graphics core clock.


Number of clock domains.

Definition at line 620 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

◆ NvRmGpuClockType

Request type for clock get.

See also

Target clock frequency requested by the user.

This is the minimum frequency requested by the user. The programmed
frequency may differ. 

Clock frequency programmed to the HW (including PLL constraints).

@remark This is called the "Actual" clock frequency as this frequency is
the one that is actually programmed. 

Effective clock as measured from hardware.

Definition at line 636 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent

Electric current sensors.


Bus current.

Definition at line 1052 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceEventId

GPU device event type

See also

Voltage/frequency update occurred for a clock domain.

This can be because of:

  • an nvrm_gpu user issued a target frequency request; or
  • because of a change in thermal or power conditions.

This is an informational event.


A clock domain frequency is below target.

This indicates that the GPU may be operating at lower than expected

A clock domain frequency is below local target frequency requested by a session.

This indicates that the GPU may be operating at lower than expected performance.


The clock arbiter has failed.

This is a system failure. Frequency change requests may not be honored

VF table update failed.

VF table update is typically related to operating condition
change. Something went wrong and VF tables could not be updated.

This is a system failure. 

Temperature above threshold.

The GPU temperature is above threshold. Measures may have to be taken to
prevent thermal throttling. For instance, target frequencies may need to
be lowered.

@sa NvRmGpuDeviceThermalAlertSetLimit() 

Power above threshold.

The GPU power drain is above threshold. Measures may have to be taken to
remedy the condition. For instance, target frequencies may need to be

Device lost.

The GPU device is lost. This may be due to number of reasons, such as
bus failure, power failure, hardware failure, GPU hang/reboot, firmware
failure, or a programming failure due to KMD.

This is a system failure. The nvrm_gpu user should close all resources.

@remark NvRmGpuDeviceClose() 

Number of events.

Definition at line 1230 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

◆ NvRmGpuDevicePower

Electric power sensors.


Power consumed at the regulator.

Definition at line 1105 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature

Temperature sensors.


The internal GPU temperature sensor.

Definition at line 1157 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage

Voltage sensors.


Core GPU voltage.


SRAM voltage.


Bus voltage.

Definition at line 994 of file nvrm_gpu.h.

Function Documentation

◆ NvRmGpuClockCloseAsyncReq()

NvError NvRmGpuClockCloseAsyncReq ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle  hReq 

Closes an asynchronous clock request handle.

Frees all resources related to an asynchronous request created with NvRmGpuClockSet(). It is not mandatory to wait for request completion before closing the handle.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle
[in]hReqAsynchronous request handle to close. May be NULL.
The usual NvError code
Return values
NvSuccessHandle closed successfully, or NULL handle was provided.
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasClockControls
See also

◆ NvRmGpuClockGet()

NvError NvRmGpuClockGet ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
NvRmGpuClockGetEntry pClkGetEntries,
size_t  numEntries 

Request one or more clock domain frequency state.

This function can be used to request control frequencies on clock domains. This function accepts one or more requests. The request is targeted for:

  • clock domain (e.g., GPC core clock, memory clock). See NvRmGpuClockDomain.
  • control information type: application target frequency, programmed frequency, measured frequency. See NvRmGpuClockType.
[in]hDeviceDevice handle
[in,out]pClkGetEntriesArray of clock request entries. For each entry, the clock domain and clock types must be set. Upon a successful call the associated frequency will be returned on a successful call. It is allowed to mix several clocks domains and clock request types in the same request.
[in]numEntriesNumber of request entries.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_NotSupportedClock controls API not supported.
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasClockControls
See also

◆ NvRmGpuClockGetDomains()

NvError NvRmGpuClockGetDomains ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
const NvRmGpuClockDomainInfo **  infos,
size_t *  pNumDomains 

Returns available GPU clock domains for the device.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[out]infosArray of available clock domains. This list is valid during the life-time of the hDevice handle. The returned pointer must not be freed by the caller.
[out]pNumDomainsNumber of domains in array.
The usual NvError return code.
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request.
NvError_NotSupportedClock controls API not supported by this device. Capability NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasClockControls for this device is false.
NvError_*Unspecified error. Error code returned for diagnostics.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasClockControls. This function can be used to probe the capability. If NvError_NotSupported is returned, then NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasClockControls is false.
There may be more actual clock domains in the GPU HW than returned by this function. This function returns the domains that can be queried or requested.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuClockGetPoints()

NvError NvRmGpuClockGetPoints ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
NvRmGpuClockDomain  domain,
NvRmGpuClockPoint pClkPoints,
size_t *  pNumPoints 

Retrieves voltage/frequency (VF) points for a given clock domain. For information about VF points, see NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle.

Each clock domain has VF points, defined as frequencies for which voltage is optimal. In general, the clock arbiter will try to program frequencies which correspond to VF points.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[in]domainClock domain to query.
[out]pClkPointsPointer to receive the array of optimal VF points. The allocated array must contain space for at least NvRmGpuClockDomainInfo::maxVfPoints (as retrieved by NvRmGpuClockGetDomains()).
[out]pNumPointsNumber of VF points. May vary depending on thermal conditions, and will be at most NvRmGpuClockDomainInfo::maxVfPoints.
The usual NvError return code.
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request.
NvError_NotSupportedClock controls API not supported by this device.
NvError_*Unspecified error. Error code returned for diagnostics.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasClockControls
See also
NvRmGpuClockGet(), NvRmGpuClockSet()

◆ NvRmGpuClockSet()

NvError NvRmGpuClockSet ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
const NvRmGpuClockSetEntry pClkSetEntries,
size_t  numEntries,
NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle phReq 

Requests minimum clocks for one or more clock domains.

This function allows the caller to request minimum GPU clocks for one or more GPU clock domains. Both synchronous and asynchronous requests are supported.

In the asynchronous case, a waitable clock handle is returned. When setting clocks on multiple devices, the asynchronous mode allows one to perform all requests concurrently, and then wait until the clocks have been set. Clock stabilization can take a while.

When another request is made for a clock domain in the same NvRmGpuDevice instance, the previous requests are overridden.

The actually programmed clock frequency may not be exactly the requested frequency. Generally, the clock arbiter chooses the optimal voltage-frequency point that is at least as high as the highest frequency requested by any GPU user. However, depending on the thermal and other conditions, the actual GPU frequency may be also lower. Use NvRmGpuClockGet() to query the programmed and the effective frequencies. NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession can be also used to monitor changes in the GPU frequencies.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[in]pClkSetEntriesArray of request entries. Each entry requests target frequency for one clock domain. If a clock domain appears multiple times in one call (not recommended), then only the last entry will be taken into account.
[in]numEntriesNumber of entries in the pClkSetEntries array.
[out]phReqPointer to asynchronous request handle or NULL for a synchronous request
  • If NULL, the request is synchronous and function returns only after all clocks are programmed.
  • If non-NULL, the request is asynchronous and a waitable request completion handle is returned on success. Use NvRmGpuClockWaitAsyncReq() to wait using the handle. The request handle must be closed by the caller using NvRmGpuClockCloseAsyncReq().
The usual NvError code. In case of error, the asynchronous request handle is not returned.
Return values
NvSuccessThe request was successfully made. In the synchronous case, the wait was also successful. In the asynchronous case, the request handle is returned.
NvError_NotSupportedClock controls API not supported by this device.
NvError_BusyA temporary blocking condition when submitting the asynchronous request. The user should try again.
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasClockControls
The synchronous wait case is equivalent with performing the asynchronous wait request followed immediately by calls to NvRmGpuClockWaitAsyncReq() and NvRmGpuClockCloseAsyncReq().
A subsequent clock request to a domain supersedes the previous request (per NvRmGpuDevice instance)
The lifespan of GPU clock requests is tied to the NvRmGpuDevice instance. All requests by the user are canceled when the NvRmGpuDevice handle is closed.
The clock requests of all NvRmGpuDevice instances are coalesced. Generally, given that thermal and power limits are not exceeded, the actual clock frequency will be at least the greatest requested. The exact selection algorithm depends on the global clock management driver policy. The selection algorithm is run by the "clock arbiter" within the KMD component.
Actual frequency might differ depending on global policies, requests from other NvRmGpuDevice instances, or thermal conditions.
If specified target frequency is not a VF point, clock arbiter will generally try to program the clocks with first VF point that is greater than or equal to specified target frequency (assuming a single application)
See also

◆ NvRmGpuClockWaitAnyEvent()

NvError NvRmGpuClockWaitAnyEvent ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
uint32_t  timeoutMs 

This function is not implemented and it should be deleted.

◆ NvRmGpuClockWaitAsyncReq()

NvError NvRmGpuClockWaitAsyncReq ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
const NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle phReqs,
size_t  numEntries,
uint32_t  timeoutMs 

Waits for the completion of one or more asynchronous clock requests.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle
[in]phReqsArray of request handles.
[in]numEntriesNumber of entries in the request array.
[in]timeoutMsWait timeout in milliseconds. Use as follows:
  • NV_WAIT_INFINITE: No timeout, indefinite wait
  • >=0: Timeout specified. The function returns when the request completes or when the timeout expires, whichever comes first.
  • 0: Peek. The function returns immediately.
The usual NvError return value
Return values
NvSuccessAll requests have completed.
NvError_TimeoutTimeout was reached before all requests were completed.
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasClockControls
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionClose()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionClose ( NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession hSession)

Closes the device event session.

[in]hSessionDevice event session handle to close. May be NULL.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessEvent session closed successfully or hSession was NULL.
NvError_*Unspecified error while closing the session. The session is closed, regardless. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Regardless of possible errors in deinitialization, the object will be closed.

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
const NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr attr,
NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession **  phSession 

Opens a session to monitor device events.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[in]attrEvent session attributes. The attribute structure contains the device event filter list.
[out]phSessionPointer to receive the event session handle on success.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessDevice event session created successfully.
NvError_NotSupportedThis device does not support device events.
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDevice::hasDeviceEvents
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrSetAllEvents()

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionRead()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionRead ( NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession hSession,
NvRmGpuDeviceEventInfo pEventInfo,
uint32_t  timeoutMs 

Read next device event.

[in]hSessionEvent session handle
[out]pEventInfoPointer to receive the event on success
[in]timeoutMsTimeout value in milliseconds. Special values:
NvSuccess indicates that one event occurred, and detailed information has been updated in pEventInfo. NvError_Timeout indicates that timeout was reached.
When an event occurs while there is a previous pending event of the same type, the events are merged. In this case, only one event is reported.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_TimeoutTimeout occurred before an event was available
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceGetCurrent()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceGetCurrent ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent  which,
uint64_t *  pCurrentMicroAmpere 

Retrieves the electric current reading.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[in]whichThe current sensor to query.
[out]pCurrentMicroAmperePointer to receive the current in microamperes.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasDeviceSensorInfo
See NvRmGpuDeviceListCurrentSensors() for the available electric current sensors for the device.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceGetPower()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceGetPower ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
NvRmGpuDevicePower  which,
uint64_t *  pPowerMicroWatt 

Retrieves the power sensor reading.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[in]whichThe power sensor to query.
[out]pPowerMicroWattPower in microwatts.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
See NvRmGpuDeviceListPowerSensors() for the available electric power sensors for the device.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasDeviceSensorInfo
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceGetTemperature()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceGetTemperature ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature  which,
int32_t *  pTemperatureMilliCelsius 

Retrieves the temperature sensor reading.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[in]whichTemperature sensor to query.
[out]pTemperatureMilliCelsiusPointer to receive the temperature reading in millidegrees Celsius.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasDeviceSensorInfo
See NvRmGpuDeviceListPowerSensors() for the available temperature sensors for the device.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceGetVoltage()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceGetVoltage ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage  which,
uint64_t *  pVoltageMicroVolt 

Retrieves the voltage sensor reading.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle
[in]whichThe voltage sensor to query
[out]pVoltageMicroVoltnon-NULL pointer to receive the voltage in microvolts.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasDeviceSensorInfo
See NvRmGpuDeviceListVoltageSensors() for the available voltage sensors for the device.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceListCurrentSensors()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceListCurrentSensors ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
const NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent **  pSensors,
size_t *  pNumSensors 

Returns the list of available electric current sensors for the device.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[out]pSensorsPointer to receive a pointer to the array of available sensors. The returned pointer may be NULL if no sensors are available. The the returned pointer is valid for the life-time of hDevice and it must not be freed by the caller.
[out]pNumSensorsPointer to receive the number of available sensors.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceListPowerSensors()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceListPowerSensors ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
const NvRmGpuDevicePower **  pSensors,
size_t *  pNumSensors 

Returns the list of available power sensors for the device.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[out]pSensorsPointer to receive a pointer to the array of available sensors. The returned pointer may be NULL if no sensors are available. The the returned pointer is valid for the life-time of hDevice and it must not be freed by the caller.
[out]pNumSensorsPointer to receive the number of available sensors.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceListTemperatureSensors()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceListTemperatureSensors ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
const NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature **  pSensors,
size_t *  pNumSensors 

Returns the list of available temperature sensors for the device.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[out]pSensorsPointer to receive a pointer to the array of available sensors. The returned pointer may be NULL if no sensors are available. The the returned pointer is valid for the life-time of hDevice and it must not be freed by the caller.
[out]pNumSensorsPointer to receive the number of available sensors.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceListVoltageSensors()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceListVoltageSensors ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
const NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage **  pSensors,
size_t *  pNumSensors 

Returns the list of available voltage sensors for the device.

[in]hDeviceDevice handle.
[out]pSensorsPointer to receive a pointer to the array of available sensors. The returned pointer may be NULL if no sensors are available. The the returned pointer is valid for the life-time of hDevice and it must not be freed by the caller.
[out]pNumSensorsPointer to receive the number of available sensors.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful request
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
See also

◆ NvRmGpuDeviceThermalAlertSetLimit()

NvError NvRmGpuDeviceThermalAlertSetLimit ( NvRmGpuDevice hDevice,
int32_t  temperature_mC 

Sets the thermal alert limit.

hDeviceDevice handle.
temperature_mCThermal temperature alert threshold in millidegrees Celsius.
The usual NvError return code
Return values
NvSuccessSuccessful operation
NvError_NotSupportedOperation not supported for the device.
NvError_*Unspecified error. The error code is returned for diagnostic purposes.
Requires NvRmGpuDeviceInfo::hasDeviceThermalAlert
See also