Understanding NvMedia SIPL Framework

Applies to: DRIVE AGX Xavier and DRIVE AGX Pegasus
The NvMedia SIPL framework provides a simplified API to capture the output of image sensors connected to NVIDIA® DRIVE AGX Xavier™ and NVIDIA® DRIVE AGX Pegasus™ platforms. SIPL is implemented in C++ on top of the NvMedia API.
The purpose of SIPL is to abstract the following operations from the application layer:
Programming the image sensors, EEPROMs, serializers, and deserializers.
Programming platforms to capture and process the images using hardware image processing pipelines (ISPs).

SIPL Architecture

The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the SIPL framework.
Diagram Description automatically generated
The SIPL Query component is used to query data about which external devices are supported, how they are connected to the platform, and how they should be configured. It returns this information in the form of a PlatformCfg struct.
The SIPL Device Block component initializes and controls the external devices attached to the platform. SIPL Device Block is composed of four primary sub-components: Core, Device Driver Interface (DDI), Camera Device Drivers, and Camera Device Interface (CDI). As a combined component, SIPL Device Block uses I2C to program the settings specified in the PlatformCfg struct. Additionally, it initializes the GMSL deserializers, brings up the serializer/deserializer (serdes) link(s) between the camera modules and the deserializers, and begins streaming from the sensors on the camera modules. Please note that the application does not directly use SIPL Device Block to control and interact with external devices; instead, it must go through SIPL Core.
The SIPL Core component orchestrates the entire capture process from initialization, through running, to deinitialization. It uses the SIPL Device Block component to initialize the external devices, and it uses NvMedia ICP and NvMedia ISP to initialize the SoC to process captured images. It also allows the user to request images both before and after they have gone through the ISP pipeline and provides queues to deliver those images to the user.

Using the SIPL Framework

Step 1: Querying Platform Configuration

First, use the SIPL Query component through the INvSIPLQuery interface to get a list of supported platform configurations. A platform configuration is structure (a struct) that lists properties of external devices and how they are connected to the platform. This includes but is not limited to:
Device I2C addresses
Image properties (frame rate, data type, image size, etc.)
Deserializer MIPI properties (PHY mode, number of lanes, etc.)
Which camera modules are connected to which CSI brick
This information is returned in the form of a list of PlatformCfg structs. Choose the PlatformCfg struct that reflects the current configuration. It is not strictly necessary to use the SIPL Query component, and the PlatformCfg struct may be obtained by other means, or even hard coded into the application.

Step 2: Initialize SIPL

To initialize SIPL Core, first use the INvSIPLCamera::GetInstance method to get an instance of a class that implements INvSIPLCamera. The following methods can then be used to configure the settings that SIPL Core is to use during capture:
Once SIPL Core has been configured, call INvSIPLCamera::Init()to initialize SIPL. This programs the external devices to prepare them to stream images, and programs the NvMedia ICP and ISP components to prepare them to receive and process images. Note that this step prepares SIPL to capture and process images but does not actually start the process.

Step 3: Start SIPL

Next, register output buffers and configure autocontrol using the following methods:
Once the output buffers have been registered, the pipeline may be started using INvSIPLCamera::Start(). This method programs the externally connected devices to start streaming images. After this method is called, capture is active. SIPL starts receiving images, processing them through ISP, and sending them to the image output queues.


SIPL Query

The SIPL Query component implements the INvSIPLQuery interface and is contained in the shared library libnvsipl_query.so. It maintains a database of supported external image devices and their properties. It also maintains a database of platform configurations. The database contains the following types of objects:
Database Object Type
An object that stores the settings for an image sensor external device.
An object that stores the settings for an EEPROM external device.
An object that stores the settings for a GMSL serializer external device.
An object that stores the properties for a camera module external device. This consists of one SerInfo object, zero or more EEPROMInfo objects, and zero or more SensorInfo objects.
An object that stores the settings for a GMSL deserializer external device.
An object that describes all external devices that are attached to the CSI ports of the SoC. This includes which DeserInfo objects are to be used for each camera group, and which CameraModuleInfo objects are to be used.
SIPL Query provides API calls to:
Parse the default database
Get information about all devices supported by the library
Get a list of all supported platform configurations
Retrieve a specific platform configuration by name
Parse a user-provided platform_config.json file to override the PlatformCfg structs in the SIPL Query database
Apply a mask to enable only specific deserializer links in a specific platform configuration

SIPL Query Drivers

SIPL Query creates the database at runtime by searching for SIPL Query Drivers. A Query Driver is a shared library in the form libnvsipl_qry_*.so that contains a collection of database objects. SIPL Query searches the paths provided in the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for the first directory named nvsipl_drv and opens all Query Drivers in it.
SIPL Query Core and SIPL Query Drivers
The following table describes the Query Drivers distributed with the PDK and the database objects they contain.
SIPL Query Driver Name
Database Objects Contained
MAX96712 DeserInfo
MAX96705 SerInfo
MAX9295 SerInfo
MAX96759 SerInfo
MAX96717F SerInfo
DS90UB9702 DeserInfo
DS90UB953 SerInfo
AR0231 SensorInfo
SF3324 CameraModuleInfo
SF3325 CameraModuleInfo
SF3324 PlatformCfg
SF3325 PlatformCfg
AR0144 SensorInfo
AR0144 CameraModule
AR0144 PlatformCfg
Constellation SensorInfo
Constellation CameraModule
Constellation PlatformCfg
Constellation_t SensorInfo
Constellation_t CameraModule
Constellation_t PlatformCfg
AR0820 SensorInfo
AR0820 CameraModule
AR0820 PlatformCfg
IMX390 SensorInfo
IMX390 CameraModule
IMX390 PlatformCfg

SIPL Device Block

SIPL Device Block is composed of four primary sub-components:
1. SIPL Device Block Core
2. SIPL Device Block Device Driver Interface (DDI)
3. (Third-party) SIPL Device Block Camera Device Drivers
4. SIPL Device Block Camera Device Interface (CDI)
The sub-components will be discussed in more detail below.
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SIPL Device Block Core

Device Block Core provides a unified interface over arbitrary external device configurations to upper layers of the SIPL stack. To accomplish this and to accommodate custom silicon or driver solutions, Device Block Core defines supported external device types as a series of abstract interfaces. Device Block Core exclusively deals with these interfaces in providing its main functionalities of hardware configuration and initialization, stream manipulation, error retrieval, etc.
Third-party Device Block Camera Device Drivers may provide implementations for the interfaces exported by Device Block Core allowing the SIPL stack to handle a wide variety of hardware solutions.

SIPL Device Block Device Driver Interface (DDI)

The Device Block Device Drivers Interface (DDI) sub-component is a set of C++ driver interface classes that 3rd-party vendors must inherit and implement in their camera device drivers. Using DDI, hardware-specific device drivers can be dynamically loaded into the client process by SIPL according to the provided platform configuration.

SIPL Device Block Camera Device Drivers

Device Block Core uses Device Block Camera Device Drivers to program external devices. A Device Block Camera Device Driver is a shared library in the form libnvsipl_devblk_drv_*.so that is used to program a specific type of camera module. Device Block Core selects which Device Block Camera Device Driver(s) to use based on the names of the camera modules that are attached to each GMSL link of the deserializer.
At runtime, Device Block Core searches the paths defined in the environment variable $LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the first directory named nvsipl_drv and opens all Device Block Camera Device Drivers in it. This allows you to add support for more devices by adding third-party Device Block Camera Device Drivers to the nvsipl_drv directory.
Diagram, timeline Description automatically generated

SIPL Device Block Camera Device Interface (CDI)

The Device Block Camera Device Interface (CDI) sub-component provides a common interface for Device Block Camera Device Drivers to access their hardware over an I2C interface. Additionally, CDI provides interfaces that expose various error signals from external devices.


The SIPL Core component implements the INvSIPLCamera interface. It initializes the external devices through the SIPL Device Block component and initializes the platform to capture and process images with the NvMedia ICP and NvMedia ISP APIs.
SIPL Core also provides queues to contain the output buffers produced by the capture processes. You must read the buffers from these queues regularly to avoid starving the system of output buffers.

Registering a User Defined Auto Control Plugin

The application is responsible for allocating and deallocating the plugin object. To avoid resource allocation during safety critical operation, the plugin should only allocate required resources during initialization and deallocate during deinitialization.
To register a user-defined (custom) auto control plugin, the user must derive from the ISiplControlAuto interface class and implement its functions.
class ISiplControlAuto {
virtual SIPLStatus Process(const SiplControlAutoInputParam& inParams, SiplControlAutoOutputParam& outParams) = 0;
virtual SIPLStatus GetNoiseProfile(
const SiplControlEmbedInfo& currFrameEmbedInfo,
const uint32_t maxSupportedNoiseProfiles,
uint32_t& noiseProfile) {
noiseProfile = 0;
virtual ~ISiplControlAuto() = default;
ISiplControlAuto() = default;
ISiplControlAuto(const ISiplControlAuto&) = delete;
ISiplControlAuto& operator= (const ISiplControlAuto&) = delete;

Class Public Functions

The public functions for ISiplControlAuto are as follows.
The function is called for every frame by SIPL to process the input parameters (SIPLControlAutoInputParam) and generate the output settings (SiplControlAutoOutputParam) for future images.
The function is called for every frame by SIPL to generate the output noiseProfile based on the input parameters (SiplControlEmbedData and maxSupportedNoiseProfiles).
Default destructor.

Process Function

The Process function is called in the first frame without ISP Statistics or when the ISP has processed the captured image and generated the statistics.
The plugin must receive input information in the SiplControlAutoInputParam structure and populate the results into the SiplControlAutoOutputParam structure. SiplControlAutoInputParam and SiplControlAutoOutputParam structures are described in the Process Function Input Parameters and Process Function Output Parameters sections.
SIPLStatus Process(const SiplControlAutoInputParam& inParams,
SiplControlAutoOutputParam& outParams)
inParams: Specifies the input parameters to the plugin.
outParams: Specifies the generated output parameters by the plugin.
Return Value
NVSIPL_STATUS_ERROR: An error occurred.

Process Function Input Parameters

When the plugin Process function is called, it must process the input information and generate the output parameters.
The plugin supports the following input categories:
Sensor Attribute Properties
Embedded Data and line information
Histogram and LAC statistics
Flicker band statistics
The input information is passed in the following structure:
struct SiplControlAutoInputParam {
SiplControlEmbedData embedData;
DevBlkISCSensorAttributes sensorAttr;
SiplControlIspStatsInfo statsInfo;
embedData: Specifies the Embedded Settings of the frame.
sensorAttr: Specifies the attributes of the sensor.
statusInfo: Specifies the stats data.
The structure members provide embedded data for the image that is being processed. That information is a set of registers of the image sensor.
The definition is as follows:
struct SiplControlEmbedData {
SiplControlEmbedInfo embedInfo;
DevBlkISCFrameSeqNum frameSeqNum;
DevBlkISCEmbeddedDataChunk topEmbeddedData;
DevBlkISCEmbeddedDataChunk bottomEmbeddedData;
embedInfo: Holds the parsed embedded info for the captured frame.
frameSeqNum: Holds frame sequence number for the captured frame.
topEmbeddedData: Embedded buffer at the beginning of the frame.
bottomEmbeddedData: Embedded buffer at the end of the frame.
The structure members provide attributes data for the image sensor.
struct DevBlkISCSensorAttributes {
uint32_t sensorCFA;
uint8_t numActiveExposures;
DevBlkISCAttrRange sensorExpRange[DEVBLK_ISC_MAX_EXPOSURES];
DevBlkISCAttrRange sensorGainRange […];
DevBlkISCAttrRange sensorWhiteBalanceRange […];
float_t sensorGainFactor[DEVBLK_ISC_MAX_EXPOSURES];
uint32_t numFrameReportBytes;
sensorName: Holds the name attribute.
sensorCFA: Holds the CFA attribute.
sensorFuseId: Holds the fuse ID attribute.
numActiveExposures: Holds the number of active exposures attribute.
sensorExpRange: Holds the sensor exposure ranges for active exposures.
sensorGainRange: Holds the sensor gain ranges for active exposures.
sensorWhiteBalanceRange: Holds the sensor white balance ranges for active exposures.
sensorGainFactor: Holds the additional sensor gain factor between active exposures. These gain factors describe the sensitivity difference between the exposures.
numFrameReportBytes: Holds the number of frame report bytes supported by the sensor.
This structure contains the statistics data.
struct SiplControlIspStatsInfo {
const NvMediaISPLocalAvgClipStatsData* lacData[2];
const NvMediaISPLocalAvgClipStats* lacSettings[2];
const NvMediaISPHistogramStatsData* histData[2];
const NvMediaISPHistogramStats* histSettings[2];
const NvMediaISPFlickerBandStatsData* fbStatsData;
const NvMediaISPFlickerBandStats* fbStatsSettings;
lacData: Holds const pointers to LAC stats data from LAC-0, LAC-1 blocks in ISP.
lacSettings: Holds const pointers to LAC stats settings from LAC-0, LAC-1 blocks in ISP.
histData: Holds const pointers to Histogram stats data from HIST-0, HIST-1 blocks in ISP.
histSettings: Holds const pointers to Histogram stats settings from HIST-0, HIST-1 blocks in ISP.
fbStatsData: Holds const pointer to Flicker Band stats data from FB block in ISP.
fbStatsSettings: Holds const pointer to Flicker Band stats settings from FB block in ISP.

Process Function Output Parameters

When the plugin Process function is called, it must process the input information and generate the output parameters.
The plugin must generate the information in the following categories:
Exposure control
White balance control
Histogram statistics settings
LAC statistics settings
Flicker-band statistics settings
The SiplControlAutoOutputParam structure provides the ISP stats settings, exposure settings, and white balance settings calculated by plugin based on the ISP stats received in Process Function Input Parameters.
The output is passed in the following structure:
struct SiplControlAutoOutputParam {
SiplControlAutoSensorSetting sensorSetting;
SiplControlAutoAwbSetting awbSetting;
SiplControlIspStatsSetting newStatsSetting;
float_t ispDigitalGain;
sensorSetting: Holds sensor exposure and gain settings.
awbSetting: Holds AWB settings.
newStatsSetting: Holds Stats Settings.
ispDigitalGain: Holds the digital gain to be applied in ISP.
This structure contains the sensor settings.
struct SiplControlAutoSensorSetting {
uint8_t numSensorContexts;
DevBlkISCExposure exposureControl[…];
DevBlkISCWhiteBalance wbControl[…];
numSensorContexts: Holds the number of sensor contexts to activate.
exposureControl: Holds the sensor exposure settings to set for each context.
wbControl: Holds the sensor white balance settings to set for each context.
This structure contains the AWB, CCT and CCM settings.
struct SiplControlAutoAwbSetting {
SiplControlAutoAwbGain wbGainTotal[…];
float_t cct;
float_t ccmMatrix[…][…];
wbGainTotal: Total white balance gains, including both senor channel gains and ISP gains.
cct: Correlated Color Temperature.
ccmMatrix: Color Correlation Matrix.
This structure contains the stat block settings for the ISP.
struct SiplControlIspStatsSetting {
bool valid;
NvMediaISPLocalAvgClipStats lac[2];
NvMediaISPHistogramStats hist1;
NvMediaISPFlickerBandStats fbStats;
valid Settings: to control ISP stats blocks are valid or not.
Lac: Settings for 2 LAC stats ISP blocks.
hist1: Settings for Histogram 1 stats blocks.
fbStats: Settings for Flicker Band stats block.

GetNoiseProfile Function

The GetNoiseProfile function receives the embedded information for the current frame in SiplControlEmbedInfo structure and the parameter maxSupportedNoiseProfiles variable and puts the generated noise profile number in noiseProfile variable. SiplControlEmbedInfo structure is defined in the SiplControlEmbedData section and maxSupportedNoiseProfiles is an integer ranging from 1 to 32, specifying the max number of allowed noise profiles to be used by the plugin.
SIPLStatus GetNoiseProfile(const SiplControlEmbedInfo& currFrameEmbedInfo,const uint32_t maxSupportedNoiseProfiles,
uint32_t& noiseProfile)
currFrameEmbedInfo: Specifies the input embedded info parameters for the current frame.
maxSupportedNoiseProfiles: Specifies the input max number of allowed noise profiles to be used by the plugin.
noiseProfile: Specifies the output calculated noise profile number.
Return Value
NVSIPL_STATUS_ERROR: An error occurred.

GetNoiseProfile Function Input Parameters

When the GetNoiseProfile function is called, it must process the following input information and generate the output parameter.
This structure contains the embedded data for the image that is being processed. This structure is explained in the SiplControlEmbedData section.
This parameter is an integer specifying the max number of allowed noise profiles to be used in plugin.

GetNoiseProfile Function Output Parameters

The output of GetNoiseProfile function is the generated noise profile number, noiseProfile. The valid range for the output noiseProfile is:
0<= noiseProfile < maxSupportedNoiseProfiles.

Plugin Input Data Range Requirements

The plugin must check the range for all the input parameters based on the valid ranges provided in the NVIDIA DRIVE OS SDK API Reference Documentation and return an error if any value is not in range. In addition, the plugin must return an error if expTimeValid or gainValid is false in EmbedInfo.

Plugin Output Data Range Requirements

The plugin must output values within the ranges provided in the NVIDIA DRIVE OS SDK API Reference Documentation. In addition, SIPL code would detect the following situations and report an error:
When the product of output digital gain and any of the output wbGainTotal gains is greater than 8 or less than 0.
When any coefficient in product of output ccmMatrix and inverse of the Color Space Conversion (CSC) matrix is greater than 8 or less than -8.
The default CSC_Inv matrix is as follows:
CSC_Inv[0] = {0.2126, -0.11457, 0.5};
CSC_Inv[1] = {0.7152, -0.38543, -0.45415};
CSC_Inv[2] = {0.0722, 0.5, -0.04585};
In addition, fusion in ISP is not supported. Therefore, the output SiplControlAutoAwbGain must be filled with valid values for the first plane (SiplControlAutoAwbGain[0]).

ISP Processing and 24-bit Sensor Output

NVIDIA recommends the following programming to process 24-bit sensors: The exposure combination is done in the sensor to generate the 24-bit linear pixel values. Following the exposure combination, the sensor performs a PWL compression on the 24-bit linear values to generate the 12-bit compressed pixel values.
The PWL compression on 24-bit values in the sensor is such that when ISP applies a PWL decompression to retrieve 20-bit data, the 20-bit data are effectively the result of 24-bit linear data compressed by a power curve. The power curve is designed to preserve the dynamic range of the sensor.
All the blocks following the PWL decompression (linearization) block in ISP (specifically the statistics data: LAC0, LAC1, HIST0, HIST1, and FB) operate on the 20-bit compressed data.
Therefore, when using the statistics data, you can write software to linearize the data by using the inverse power-curve.
The semi-raw RGBFP16 output generated by ISP is also compressed using this power-curve. Obtain this linear data by writing the software to use the inverse power-curve.

Retrieving NITO Metadata from a NITO File

The Fetch NITO Metadata API is a non-safety API that allows the user to retrieve NITO metadata from the parameter sets present in a NITO file. Depending on the workflow, NITO metadata can be helpful in use cases such as validation. One example can be confirming that the same NITO is used during initial frame capture and at a later stage (such as ISP processing).
A NITO file may contain one or more “parameter sets”, and each parameter set contains “NITO metadata”, defined as the parameter set ID, parameter set schema hash, and parameter set data hash unique to that parameter set. This API provides the ability to fetch this metadata for each parameter set in a NITO file.
The API consists of a single standalone function (see below), with an associated struct type and constants specific to a NITO file (described in the following section):
SIPLStatus GetNitoMetadataFromMemory(
uint8_t const *const nitoMem,
size_t const nitoMemLength,
NvSIPLNitoMetadata *const metadataArray,
size_t const metadataArrayLength,
size_t *const metadataCount)

NvSIPLNitoMetadata Struct and Related Constants

The API provides constants that define the length of the Parameter Set ID and the Hash values. These are used by the API, and should be used when iterating over the retrieved metadata:
const size_t NITO_SCHEMA_HASH_SIZE = 32U
const size_t NITO_DATA_HASH_SIZE = 32U
This structure contains fixed-length arrays to store the metadata retrieved from a single parameter set.
struct NvSIPLNitoMetadata {
uint8_t parameterSetID[NITO_PARAMETER_SET_ID_SIZE];
uint8_t schemaHash[NITO_SCHEMA_HASH_SIZE];
uint8_t dataHash[NITO_DATA_HASH_SIZE];
parameterSetID: Identifier of the parameter set.
schemaHash: Hash value of the parameter set schema.
dataHash: Hash value of parameter values.

GetNitoMetadataFromMemory Function

The GetNitoMetadataFromMemory function receives information about the NITO file in nitoMem and nitoMemLength, which is a pointer to a memory buffer loaded with the NITO file contents and an integer indicating the size of the NITO memory buffer, respectively. Once metadata is retrieved, it copies the data for each parameter set into metadataArray, an array of NvSIPLNitoMetadata struct (defined in the NvSIPLNitoMetadata and Related Constants section above). metadataArrayLength is an integer which represents length of this array (for example, the maximum number of elements that can be stored), used to guarantee there is enough storage space for all retrieved metadata tuples (ID, schema hash, data hash). The function also updates the metadataCount variable to indicate the number of metadata tuples retrieved.
SIPLStatus GetNitoMetadataFromMemory(
uint8_t const *const nitoMem,
size_t const nitoMemLength,
NvSIPLNitoMetadata *const metadataArray,
size_t const metadataArrayLength,
size_t *const metadataCount)
nitoMem: Specifies the input pointer to the memory containing the NITO buffer.
nitoMemLength: Specifies the length (in bytes) of the input NITO buffer. The buffer length must be between 1 byte and 6MB (maximum NITO file size).
metadataArray: Specifies the output pointer to the NvSIPLNitoMetadata struct array that will store the retrieved metadata.
metadataArrayLength: Specifies the maximum number of elements that can be stored in the NvSIPLNitoMetadata struct array.
metadataCount: Specifies the output pointer to a location to store how many metadata tuples (ID, Schema Hash, Data Hash) were retrieved by the operation.
Return Value
NVSIPL_STATUS_BAD_ARGUMENT – Invalid parameters received, or more metadata tuples retrieved than maximum NvSIPLNitoMetadata struct array length indicated by metadataArrayLength.
NVSIPL_STATUS_INVALID_STATE – Invalid state occurred
NVSIPL_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY – Memory allocation failed
NVSIPL_STATUS_ERROR – Error occurred

GetNitoMetadataFromMemory Function Input Parameters

The input parameters for the GetNitoMetadataFromMemory function are:
nitoMem - Pointer to the memory buffer loaded with NITO file contents.
nitoMemLength - Integer indicating memory buffer length
metadataArrayLength - Integer indicating length of output NvSIPLNitoMetadata struct array.
Input Parameter Restrictions
1. This function can only read NITO content from memory buffers. The user must provide functionality to copy NITO data from other containers (for example, files) into memory before using this API.
2. The length specified by nitoMemLength for the output NvSIPLNitoMetadata struct array must be greater than or equal to the number of parameter set(s) in the NITO buffer. The API will return the error NVSIPL_STATUS_BAD_ARGUMENT if the metadataArray cannot store all retrieved metadata tuples.
3. The API performs standard input parameter checks, such as null pointers and greater than 0 (zero) length.

GetNitoMetadataFromMemory Function Output Parameters

The output of GetNitoMetadataFromMemory function, using the NITO buffer and other information received as described in the GetNitoMetadataFromMemory Function Input Parameters section is the following:
metadataArray (array of struct NvSIPLNitoMetadata), populated with metadata from all parameter set(s) in the NITO buffer.
Updated metadataCount variable to indicate the number of metadata tuples retrieved.

API Usage

The following section describes the API workflow.
1. The user is required to instantiate and pass in five arguments:
nitoMem: Pointer to location of memory that a NITO file is loaded into memory.
As mentioned in the section Input Parameter Restrictions earlier, NITO data in other containers (for example, files) must be copied into memory before using this API.
nitoMemLength: Size of the memory pointed to that holds the NITO file.
metadataArray: Pointer to a user-instantiated array of the NvSIPLNitoMetadata struct, which will be used to store the metadata retrieved.
metadataArrayLength: Size of the metadata array, for example, the number of elements the array can hold.
As mentioned in the section Input Parameter Restrictions earlier, this must be greater than or equal to the number of parameter set(s) in the NITO buffer. The API will return an error if the metadataArray cannot store all retrieved metadata tuples.
metadataCount: Pointer to a variable to store number of tuples in metadataArray on success.
2. On success, the function will populate the NvSIPLNitoMetadata struct array metadataArray with metadata from each parameter set and update the metadataCount variable to indicate the number of metadata tuples retrieved.
For printing the parameter set ID and hash values, the user can iterate over each element of the metadataArray using metadataCount and the NITO file constants described in NvSIPLNitoMetadata and Related Constants section.
3. On failure, an error will be logged stating the possible reason and the corresponding error code.
Sample API usage code is provided in the nvsipl_camera application. In addition, command line arguments have been added to nvsipl_camera to allow users to retrieve metadata from the NITO files loaded by the application, as well as specify the number of parameter sets in the NITO file when necessary.