31 #ifndef DW_WORLD_LANEGRAPH_H_ 32 #define DW_WORLD_LANEGRAPH_H_ 66 #define DW_LANEGRAPH_MAX_PT_CNT_IN_POLYLINE 600U 90 #define DW_LANEGRAPH_LANE_DIVIDER_MAX_SEGMENTS 30u 99 uint32_t segmentCount;
137 #define DW_LANEGRAPH_ID_RANGE_PER_SOURCE 100 138 #define DW_LANEGRAPH_ID_INVALID UINT_MAX 144 #define DW_LANEGRAPH_MAX_CONTENDER_LANES 10U 160 bool isLaneDividerValid[2];
180 #define DW_LANEGRAPH_MAX_LANE_CNT_IN_LANEGRAPH 15U 231 #endif // DW_WORLD_LANEGRAPH_H_ uint32_t pointCount
number of points defining the polyline
Max num of dwVector3f points in a dwPolyline.
point array
dwLaneGraphLaneType side
left, center, right
Max num of dwLaneGraphLaneContentionProperty objects in a dwLaneGraphLane.
uint32_t leftId
id of the left lane divider
NVIDIA DriveWorks API: Core Types
uint32_t trackId
id of the dwLaneGraphLane object
float float32_t
Specifies POD types.
A lane graph list, which is contiguous memory.
dwLaneGraphSource source
source of creation
Defines a three-element floating-point vector.
Lane graph source enum.
Rail (unsupported, reserved for future)
The type of a lane.
The id of a lane, which consists of the id of the whole lane object and id's of individual left/right...
dwTime_t timestamp
time stamp of the lanegraph object 1) HDMAPS : that of the camera localization pose 2) PILOTNET : tha...
uint32_t endIndex
end index. (one past last)
confidence for each point: 0 for no confidence, 1 for max confidence
uint32_t laneCount
lane count
bool hasRightLane
existence qualifier of the right adjacent lane
Describes Lane marking attributes of the super landmark type DW_LANDMARK_TYPE_LANE_MARKINGS defined a...
Max num of dwLaneGraphLane objects in a dwLaneGraph.
bool hasContenderLane
existence qualifier of the contender lane
bool hasLeftLane
existence qualifier of the left adjacent lane
bool hasMidLane
existence qualifier of the ego lane
dwLaneGraph * laneGraphs
memory location of the first element in the list
LaneFusion (unsupported, reserved for future)
int64_t dwTime_t
Specifies a timestamp unit, in microseconds.
dwLaneGraphLaneContentionProperty contentions
contentions properties
dwLaneGraphPolyline geometry
divider geometry
lane changing lateral maneuver state enum
uint32_t rightId
id of the right lane divider
dwLaneGraphId id
trackID for correspondence
Lane graph defined by a container of dwLaneGraphLane objects and qualifier.
lane handle abort state enum
dwLaneMarkType type
lane divider type.
lane handle speed adaptation state enum
Lane divider defined by a polyline.
Lane defined by the center polyline, relative side w.r.t.
uint32_t contenderLaneIndexCount
number of contentions
uint32_t count
size of the list
List of 3-dimensional points.
per point speed limit in meters per second. 0 if unknown.
The dwLaneMarkType of a lane divider from startIndex to endIndex remains the same.
uint32_t maxCount
capacity of the list
uint32_t startIndex
start index.
Vehicle traces (unsupported, reserved for future)
dwLaneGraphPolyline geometry
lane center geometry