You are here: Developer Tools > Desktop Developer Tools > NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition > Configure CUDA Project Properties

With NVIDIA Nsight 4.7, you can set parameters of your CUDA project in order to customize your debugging experience.

To configure your project's CUDA properties page:

  1. In the Solution Explorer, click on the project name so that it is highlighted.
  2. From the Project menu, choose Properties. The Property Pages window opens.
  3. Select CUDA C/C++ in the left pane.


On the Common page, you can configure the following options:

  1. CUDA Toolkit Custom Dir – This option sets a custom path to the CUDA toolkit. You can edit the path, select "Browse" to choose the path, or select "inherit from parent or project defaults." 
  2. Source Dependencies – This option allows you to add additional source file dependencies. If you have a dependency that has been set with an #include statement, it does not need to be explicitly specified in this
  3. Compiler Output (obj/cubin) – This sets the output as a an .obj or a .cubin file. The default setting is $(IntDir)%(Filename)%(Extension).obj.
  4. Additional Include Directories – This option allows you to list at least one additional directory to add to the include path. If you have more than one, use a semi-colon to separate them.
  5. Use Host Include Directories
  6. Keep Preprocessed Files – This option allows you to choose whether or not the preprocessor files generated by the CUDA compiler (for example, .ptx, .cubin, .cudafe1.c, etc.) will be deleted.
  7. Keep Directory – This option sets the path the directory where the preprocessor files generated by the CUDA compiler will be kept.
  8. Generate Relocatable Device Code – This setting chooses whether or not to compile the input file into an object file that contains relocatable device code.
  9. NVCC Compilation Type – This option sets your desired output of NVCC compilation. Choices here include the following: 
  10. CUDA Runtime – This option allows you to specify the type of CUDA runtime library to be used. The choices here include the following: 
  11. Target Machine Platform – This sets the platform of the target machine (either x86 or x64).


On the Device page, you can configure the following options: 

  1. C interleaved in PTXAS Output – This setting chooses whether or not to insert source code into generated PTX.
  2. Code Generation – This option specifies the names of the NVIDIA GPU architectures to generate code for. If you click Edit from the drop-down menu, the following pop-up appears: 

    If you edit this field, the correct syntax to use is [arch],[code] (for example, compute_10,sm_10). If the selected NVCC Compilation Type is compile, then multiple arch/code pairs may be listed, separated by a semi-colon (for example, compute_10,sm_10;compute_20,sm_20).

    Valid values for arch and code include the following: 
  3. Generate GPU Debug Information – This setting selects whether or not GPU debugging information is generated by the CUDA compiler.
  4. Generate Line Number Information – This option chooses whether or not to generate line number information for device code. If Generate GPU Debug Information is on (-G), line information (-lineinfo) is automatically generated as well.
  5. Max Used Register – This option specifies the maximum amount of registers that GPU functions can use.
  6. Verbose PTXAS Output – This option selects whether or not to use verbose PTXAS output.


On the Host page, you can configure the following options: 

  1. Additional Compiler Options – This setting lists additional host compiler options that are not supported by the host's project properties.
  2. Preprocessor Definitions – This option allows you to list preprocessor defines.
  3. Use Host Preprocessor Definitions – This option selects whether or not to use the defines that were used by the host compiler for device code.
  4. Emulation – This option specifies whether or not to generate emulated code.
  5. Generate Host Debug Information – This option specifies whether or not the host debugging information will be generated by the CUDA compiler.
  6. Use Fast Math – This option selects whether or not to make use of the fast math library.
  7. Optimization – This field selects the option for code optimization. Available choices include the following: 
  8. Runtime Library – This field selects the runtime library to use for linking. Available choices include the following: 
  9. Basic Runtime Checks – This field performs basic runtime error checks, incompatible with any optimization type other than debug. Available choices include the following: 
  10. Enable Run-Time Type Info – This option chooses whether or not to add code for checking C++ object types at run time.
  11. Warning Level – This option selects how strictly you want the compiler to be when checking for potentially suspect constructs. Available choices here include: 

Command Line

The Command Line page shows the approximate command line parameters, given the settings you've chosen.





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