Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions
FractureTools::CutoutSet Class Reference

#include <FractureToolsStructs.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual uint32_t getCutoutCount () const =0
virtual uint32_t getCutoutVertexCount (uint32_t cutoutIndex) const =0
virtual uint32_t getCutoutLoopCount (uint32_t cutoutIndex) const =0
virtual const physx::PxVec3 & getCutoutVertex (uint32_t cutoutIndex, uint32_t vertexIndex) const =0
virtual uint32_t getCutoutLoopSize (uint32_t coutoutIndex, uint32_t loopIndex) const =0
virtual uint32_t getCutoutLoopVertexIndex (uint32_t cutoutIndex, uint32_t loopIndex, uint32_t vertexNum) const =0
virtual uint32_t getCutoutLoopVertexFlags (uint32_t cutoutIndex, uint32_t loopIndex, uint32_t vertexNum) const =0
virtual bool isPeriodic () const =0
virtual const physx::PxVec2 & getDimensions () const =0
virtual void release ()=0

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~CutoutSet ()

Detailed Description

Interface to a "cutout set," used with chippable fracturing. A cutout set is created from a bitmap. The result is turned into cutouts which are applied to the mesh. For example, a bitmap which looks like a brick pattern will generate a cutout for each "brick," forming the cutout set.

Each cutout is a 2D entity, meant to be projected onto various faces of a mesh. They are represented by a set of 2D vertices, which form closed loops. More than one loop may represent a single cutout, if the loops are forced to be convex. Otherwise, a cutout is represented by a single loop.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual FractureTools::CutoutSet::~CutoutSet ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Protected destructor. Use the release() method.

Member Function Documentation

virtual uint32_t FractureTools::CutoutSet::getCutoutCount ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the number of cutouts in the set.

virtual uint32_t FractureTools::CutoutSet::getCutoutLoopCount ( uint32_t  cutoutIndex) const [pure virtual]

Applies to the cutout indexed by cutoutIndex: Returns the number of loops in this cutout.

virtual uint32_t FractureTools::CutoutSet::getCutoutLoopSize ( uint32_t  coutoutIndex,
uint32_t  loopIndex 
) const [pure virtual]

Applies to the cutout indexed by cutoutIndex: Returns the number of vertices in the loop indexed by loopIndex.

virtual uint32_t FractureTools::CutoutSet::getCutoutLoopVertexFlags ( uint32_t  cutoutIndex,
uint32_t  loopIndex,
uint32_t  vertexNum 
) const [pure virtual]

Applies to the cutout indexed by cutoutIndex: Returns the flags of the vertex indexed by vertexNum, in the loop indexed by loopIndex.

virtual uint32_t FractureTools::CutoutSet::getCutoutLoopVertexIndex ( uint32_t  cutoutIndex,
uint32_t  loopIndex,
uint32_t  vertexNum 
) const [pure virtual]

Applies to the cutout indexed by cutoutIndex: Returns the vertex index of the vertex indexed by vertexNum, in the loop indexed by loopIndex.

virtual const physx::PxVec3& FractureTools::CutoutSet::getCutoutVertex ( uint32_t  cutoutIndex,
uint32_t  vertexIndex 
) const [pure virtual]

Applies to the cutout indexed by cutoutIndex: Returns the vertex indexed by vertexIndex. (Only the X and Y coordinates are used.)

virtual uint32_t FractureTools::CutoutSet::getCutoutVertexCount ( uint32_t  cutoutIndex) const [pure virtual]

Applies to the cutout indexed by cutoutIndex: Returns the number of vertices in the cutout.

virtual const physx::PxVec2& FractureTools::CutoutSet::getDimensions ( ) const [pure virtual]

The dimensions of the fracture map used to create the cutout set.

virtual bool FractureTools::CutoutSet::isPeriodic ( ) const [pure virtual]

Whether or not this cutout set is to be tiled.

virtual void FractureTools::CutoutSet::release ( ) [pure virtual]

Serialization Releases all memory and deletes itself.

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