NVIDIA GPUDirect Storage
NVIDIA GPUDirect Storage (GDS) (Latest Release) Download PDF

NVIDIA GPUDirect Storage Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

NVIDIA GPUDirect Storage Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

This guide describes how to install, debug, and isolate the performance and functional problems that are related to GDS and is intended for systems administrators and developers.

This guide describes how to debug and isolate the NVIDIA® Magnum IO GPUDirect® Storage (GDS) related performance and functional problems and is intended for systems administrators and developers.

GDS enables a direct data path for direct memory access (DMA) transfers between GPU memory and storage, which avoids a bounce buffer through the CPU. This direct path increases system bandwidth and decreases the latency and utilization load on the CPU.

Creating this direct path involves distributed filesystems such as NFSoRDMA, DDN EXAScaler® parallel filesystem solutions (based on the Lustre filesystem) and WekaFS, so the GDS environment is composed of multiple software and hardware components. This guide addresses questions related to the GDS installation and helps you triage functionality and performance issues. For non-GDS issues, contact the respective OEM or filesystems vendor to understand and debug the issue.

This section includes GDS installation, uninstallation, configuration information, and using experimental repos.


For NVAIE and vGPU environments, please follow steps from their respective documents.

2.1. Before You Install GDS

To install GDS on a non-DGX platform, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the following command to check the current status of IOMMU.

    $ dmesg | grep -i iommu

    On x86_64 based platforms, if IOMMU is enabled, complete step 2 to disable it, otherwise continue to step 3.

  2. Disable IOMMU.

    In our experience, iommu=off works the best in terms of functionality and performance. On certain platforms such as DGX A100 and DGX-2, iommu=pt is supported. iommu=on is not guaranteed to work functionally or in a performant way.

    1. Run the following command:

      $ sudo vi /etc/default/grub

    2. Add one of the following options to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT option.
      • If you have an AMD CPU, add amd_iommu=off.
      • If you have an Intel CPU, add intel_iommu=off.

      If there are already other options, enter a space to separate the options, for example, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty0 amd_iommu=off

    3. Run the following commands:

      $ sudo update-grub $ sudo reboot

    4. After the system reboots, to verify that the change took effect, run the following command:

      $ cat /proc/cmdline

      It should show the options which have been added to the grub file.

  3. Before you run the instructions, please make sure to read the Notes section. Use the instructions in MLNX_OFED Requirements and Installation to install MLNX_OFED. Notes:
    • This step is required ONLY IF you need to enable support for NVMe, NVMf, NFSoRDMA
    • This step is not required for DGX OS 6.x or later.

2.2. Installing GDS

GDS installation is supported in two ways:

  • using package managers such as Debian and RPMs

For installation on DGX platforms, refer to:

For installation on non-DGX platforms, refer to here.


For CUDA 11.5.1 and later, if you plan to use Weka FS or IBM SpectrumScale then you must run:


modprobe nvidia_peermem

This will load the module that supports PeerDirect capabilities. It is necessary to run this command after reboot of the system.

In order to load the module automatically after every reboot, run the following command:


echo "nvidia-peermem" | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/nvidia-peermem.conf

Throughout this document, in cuda-<x>.<y>, x refers to the CUDA major version and y refers to the minor version.

2.2.1. Configuring File System Settings for GDS

Before proceeding, please refer to the File System specific section in this document for necessary configurations needed to support GDS:


This step can be skipped for local file systems such as Ext4/XFS.

2.2.2. Verifying a Successful GDS Installation

To verify that GDS installation was successful, run gdscheck:


$ /usr/local/cuda-<x>.<y>/gds/tools/gdscheck.py -p


The gdscheck command expects python3 to be present on the system. If it fails because of python3 not being available, then you can invoke the command with the explicit path to where python (i.e. python2) is installed. For example:

$ /usr/bin/python /usr/local/cuda-<x>.<y>/gds/tools/gdscheck.py -p

The output of this command shows whether a supported filesystem or device installed on the system supports GDS. The output also shows whether PCIe ACS is enabled on any of the PCI switches.


For best GDS performance, disable PCIe ACS.

Sample output:


GDS release version: nvidia_fs version: 2.7 libcufile version: 2.4 ============ ENVIRONMENT: ============ ===================== DRIVER CONFIGURATION: ===================== NVMe : Unsupported NVMeOF : Unsupported SCSI : Unsupported ScaleFlux CSD : Unsupported NVMesh : Unsupported DDN EXAScaler : Unsupported IBM Spectrum Scale : Unsupported NFS : Supported WekaFS : Unsupported Userspace RDMA : Unsupported --Mellanox PeerDirect : Enabled --rdma library : Not Loaded (libcufile_rdma.so) --rdma devices : Not configured --rdma_device_status : Up: 0 Down: 0 ===================== CUFILE CONFIGURATION: ===================== properties.use_compat_mode : false properties.gds_rdma_write_support : true properties.use_poll_mode : false properties.poll_mode_max_size_kb : 4 properties.max_batch_io_timeout_msecs : 5 properties.max_direct_io_size_kb : 16384 properties.max_device_cache_size_kb : 131072 properties.max_device_pinned_mem_size_kb : 33554432 properties.posix_pool_slab_size_kb : 4 1024 16384 properties.posix_pool_slab_count : 128 64 32 properties.rdma_peer_affinity_policy : RoundRobin properties.rdma_dynamic_routing : 0 fs.generic.posix_unaligned_writes : false fs.lustre.posix_gds_min_kb: 0 fs.weka.rdma_write_support: false profile.nvtx : false profile.cufile_stats : 0 miscellaneous.api_check_aggressive : false ========= GPU INFO: ========= GPU index 0 A100-PCIE-40GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):65536 supports GDS ============== PLATFORM INFO: ============== IOMMU: disabled Platform verification succeeded


There are READMEs provided in/usr/local/cuda-<x>.<y>/gds/tools and /usr/local/cuda-<x>.<y>/gds/samples to show usage.

2.3. Installed GDS Libraries and Tools

GPUDirect Storage userspace libraries are located in the /usr/local/cuda-./targets/x86_64-linux/lib/ directory.


GPUDirect Storage packages are installed at /usr/local/cuda-X.Y/gds, where X is the major version of the CUDA toolkit, and Y is the minor version.


$ ls -1 /usr/local/cuda-X.Y/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/*cufile* cufile.h libcufile.so libcufile.so.0 libcufile.so.1.0.0 libcufile_rdma.so libcufile_rdma.so.0 libcufile_rdma.so.1.0.0

GPUDirect Storage tools and samples are located in the /usr/local/cuda-X.Y/gds directory.


$ ls -lh /usr/local/cuda-X.Y/gds/ total 20K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.4K Mar 15 13:01 README drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Mar 19 12:29 samples drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K mar 19 10:28 tools

For this release, GPUDirect Storage is providing an additional libcufile-dev package (cuFile library developers package) . This is primarily intended for the developer's environment. Essentially the lincufile-dev package contains a static version of cuFile library (libcufile_static.a, libcufile_rdma_static.a) and cufile.h header file which may be required by the applications that use cuFile library APIs.

2.4. Uninstalling GPUDirect Storage

To uninstall GDS from Ubuntu and DGX OS:


$ sudo apt-get remove --purge "*libcufile*" "*gds-tools*" "*nvidia-fs*"

To uninstall from RHEL:


$ sudo dnf remove "nvidia-gds*"

2.5. Environment Variables Used by GPUDirect Storage

GDS uses the following environment variables.

Table 1. GDS Environment Variables
CUFILE_ENV Variable Description
CUFILE_CQ_DEPTH Completion queue depth for the DC target.
CUFILE_ENV_EXPERIMENTAL_FS=1 Controls whether cufile checks for supporting filesystems. When set to 1, allows testing with new filesystems that are not yet officially enabled with cuFile.
CUFILE_ENV_PATH_JSON=/home/user/cufile.json Controls the path where the cuFile library reads the configuration variables from. This can be used for container environments and applications that require different configuration settings from system default configuration at /etc/cufile.json.
CUFILE_ETH_SL Sets QOS level on RoCEv2 device QP for userspace RDMA targets (WekaFS and GPFS).
CUFILE_IB_SL=[0-15] Sets QOS level on IB device QP for userspace RDMA targets (WekaFS and GPFS).

Controls the path for cuFile log information. Specifies the default log path, which is the current working directory of the application.

Useful for containers or logging.

CUFILE_LOGGING_LEVEL=TRACE Controls the tracing level and can override the trace level for a specific application without requiring a new configuration file.
CUFILE_MIN_RNR_TIMER Minimum RNR value for QP after which the QP will error out with RNR timeout if no Work Request is posted on the remote end. Default value is 16 (2.56ms).
CUFILE_NVTX=true Enables NVTX tracing for use with Nsight systems.
CUFILE_RDMA_DC_KEY="0XABABCDEF" Controls the DC_KEY for userspace RDMA DC targets for WekaFS and GPFS.
CUFILE_RDMA_HOP_LIMIT Maximum number of hops before the packet is discarded on the network. Prevents indefinite looping of the packet. Default is 64.
CUFILE_RDMA_PKEY_INDEX Partition key index.
CUFILE_RDMA_SR_MAX_WR Maximum number of Work requests supported by the Shared Request Queue.
CUFILE_RDMA_SR_MAX_SGE Maximum number of Scatter Gather Entries supported per Work Request.
CUFILE_SKIP_TOPOLOGY_DETECTION Setting this environment variable to true will skip topology detection in compat mode. This will reduce the high startup latency seen in compat mode on systems with multiple PCI devices.
CUFILE_FORCE_COMPAT_MODE Overrides cufile.json settings and forces I/O to go through compatible mode instead of GDS mode.
CUFILE_ALLOW_COMPAT_MODE This does exactly what the allow_compat_mode tag in cufile.json file does.

2.6. JSON Config Parameters Used by GPUDirect Storage

Refer to GPUDirect Storage Parameters for details about the JSON Config parameters used by GDS

Consider compat_mode for systems or mounts that are not yet set up with GDS support. To learn more about Compatibility Mode, refer to cuFile Compatibility Mode.

2.7. GDS Configuration File Changes to Support Dynamic Routing

For dynamic routing to support multiple file systems and mount points, configure the global per file system rdma_dev_addr_list property for a single mount or the rdma_dev_addr_list property for a per file system mount table.


"fs": { "lustre": { // if using a single lustre mount, provide the ip addresses // here (use : sudo lnetctl net show) //"rdma_dev_addr_list" : [] // if using multiple lustre mounts, provide ip addresses // used by respective mount here //"mount_table" : { // "/lustre/ai200_01/client" : { // "rdma_dev_addr_list" : ["", ""] // }, // "/lustre/ai200_02/client" : { // "rdma_dev_addr_list" : ["", ""] //} }, "nfs": { //"rdma_dev_addr_list" : [] //"mount_table" : { // "/mnt/nfsrdma_01/" : { // "rdma_dev_addr_list" : [] //}, // "/mnt/nfsrdma_02/" : { // "rdma_dev_addr_list" : [] //} //} }, },

2.8. Determining Which Version of GDS is Installed

To determine which version of GDS you have, run the following command:


$ gdscheck.py -v

Example output:


GDS release version: nvidia_fs version: 2.7 libcufile version: 2.4

2.9. Experimental Repos for Network Install of GDS Packages for DGX Systems

GDS 1.0.0 and MLNX_OFED packages can be installed by enabling the preview repository on supported DGX platforms using the following steps.

For Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 distributions:

GDS 1.0.0, NVSM and MLNX_OFED packages can be installed via network using the preview network repository.

For Ubuntu 20.04 distributions:


$ sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys https://repo.download.nvidia.com/baseos/GPG-KEY-dgx-cosmos-support $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://repo.download.nvidia.com/baseos/ubuntu/focal/x86_64/ focal-updates preview" $ sudo apt update

This section provides information about the common API errors you might get when using GDS.


If the cuFileDriverOpen API is not called, errors encountered in the implicit call to driver initialization are reported as cuFile errors encountered when calling cuFileBufRegister or cuFileHandleRegister.


GDS is supported only on NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPU) Tesla® or Quadro® models that support compute mode, and a compute major capability greater than or equal to 6.


This includes V100 and T4 cards.


If the file descriptor is from a local filesystem, or a mount that is not GDS ready, the API returns the CU_FILE_IO_NOT_SUPPORTED error.

See Before You Install GDS for a list of the supported filesystems. Common reasons for this error include:

  • The file descriptor belongs to an unsupported filesystem.
  • The specified fd is not a regular UNIX file.
  • Any combination of encryption, and compression, compliance settings on the fd are set.



    These settings are allowed when compat_mode is set to true.

  • Any combination of unsupported file modes are specified in the open call for the fd. For example,



Physical memory for cudaMallocManaged memory is allocated dynamically at the first use. Currently, it does not provide a mechanism to expose physical memory or Base Address Register (BAR) memory to pin for use in GDS. However, GDS indirectly supports cudaMallocManaged memory when the memory is used as an unregistered buffer with cuFileWrite and cuFileRead.

4.1. Log Files for the GDS Library

A cufile.log file is created in the same location where the application binaries are located. Currently the maximum log file size is 32MB. If the log file size increases to greater than 32MB, the log file is truncated and logging is resumed on the same file.

4.2. Enabling a Different cufile.log File for Each Application

You can enable a different cufile.log file for each application.

There are several relevant cases:

  • If the logging:dir property in the default /etc/cufile.json file is not set, by default, the cufile.log file is generated in the current working directory of the application.
  • If the logging:dir property is set in the default /etc/cufile.json file, the log file is created in the specified directory path.

This is usually not recommended for scenarios where multiple applications use the libcufile.so library.

For example:


"logging": { // log directory, if not enabled // will create log file under current working // directory "dir": "/opt/gdslogs/", }

The cufile.log will be created as a /opt/gdslogs/cufile.log file.

If the application needs to enable a different cufile.log for different applications, the application can override the default JSON path by doing the following steps:

  1. Export CUFILE_ENV_PATH_JSON="/opt/myapp/cufile.json".
  2. Edit the /opt/myapp/cufile.json file.

    "logging": { // log directory, if not enabled // will create log file under current working // directory "dir": "/opt/myapp", }

  3. Run the application.
  4. To check for logs, run:

    $ ls -l /opt/myapp/cufile.log

4.3. Enabling Tracing GDS Library API Calls

There are different logging levels, which can be enabled in the /etc/cufile.json file.

By default, logging level is set to ERROR. Logging will have performance impact as we increase the verbosity levels like INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE, and should be enabled only to debug field issues.
Configure tracing and run the following:


"logging": { // log directory, if not enabled // will create log file under local directory //"dir": "/home/<xxxx>", // ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE (in decreasing order of priority) "level": "ERROR" },

4.4. cuFileHandleRegister Error

If you see the cuFileHandleRegister error on the cufile.log file when an IO is issued:


“cuFileHandleRegister error: GPUDirect Storage not supported on current file.�?

Here are some reasons why this error might occur:

  • The filesystem is not supported by GDS.

    See CU_FILE_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED for more information.

  • DIRECT_IO functionality is not supported for the mount on which the file resides.

For more information, enable tracing in the /etc/cufile.json file.

4.5. Troubleshooting Applications that Return cuFile Errors

To troubleshoot cuFile errors:

  1. See the cufile.h file for more information about errors that are returned by the API.
  2. If the IO was submitted to the GDS driver, check whether there are any errors in GDS stats.

    If the IO fails, the error stats should provide information about the type of error.

    See Finding the GDS Driver Statistics for more information.

  3. Enable GDS library tracing and monitor the cufile.log file.
  4. Enable GDS Driver debugging:

    $ echo 1 >/sys/module/nvidia_fs/parameters/dbg_enabled

After the driver debug logs are enabled, you might get more information about the error.

4.6. cuFile-* Errors with No Activity in GPUDirect Storage Statistics

If there are cuFile errors in the GDS statistics, this means that the API failed in the GDS library. You can enable tracing by setting the appropriate logging level in the /etc/cufile.json file to get more information about the failure in cufile.log.

4.7. CUDA Runtime and Driver Mismatch with Error Code 35

Error code 35 from the CUDA documentation points to cudaErrorInsufficientDriver, which indicates that the installed NVIDIA CUDA driver is older than the CUDA runtime library. This is not a supported configuration. For the application to run, you must update the NVIDIA display driver.


cuFile tools depend on CUDA runtime 10.1 and later. You must ensure that the installed CUDA runtime is compatible with the installed CUDA driver and is at the recommended version.

4.8. CUDA API Errors when Running the cuFile-* APIs

The GDS library uses the CUDA driver APIs.

If you observe CUDA API errors, you will observe an error code. Refer to the error codes in the CUDA Libraries documentation for more information.

4.9. Finding GDS Driver Statistics

To find the GDS Driver Statistics, run the following command:


$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats

GDS Driver kernel statistics for READ/WRITE are available for all file systems except for Weka. For Weka file system statistics, refer to Troubleshooting and FAQ for the WekaIO Filesystem for more information about READ/WRITE.

4.10. Tracking IO Activity that Goes Through the GDS Driver

In GDS Driver statistics, the ops row shows the active IO operation. The Read and Write fields show the current active operation in flight. This information should provide an idea of how many total IOs are in flight across all applications in the kernel. If there is a bottleneck in the userspace, the number of active IOs will be less than the number of threads that are submitting the IO. Additionally, to get more details about the Read and Write bandwidth numbers, look out for counters in the Read/Write rows.

4.11. Read/Write Bandwidth and Latency Numbers in GDS Stats

Measured latencies begin when the IO is submitted and end when the IO completion is received by the GDS kernel driver. Userspace latencies are not reported. This should provide an idea whether the user space is bottlenecked or whether the IO is bottlenecked on the backend disks/fabric.


The WekaIO filesystem reads do not go through the nvidia-fs driver, so Read/Write bandwidth stats are not available for WekaIO filesystem by using this interface.

Refer to the Troubleshooting and FAQ for the WekaIO Filesystem for more information.

4.12. Tracking Registration and Deregistration of GPU Buffers

In GDS Driver stats, look for the active field in BAR1-map stats row.

The pinning and unpinning of GPU memory through cuFileBufRegister and cuFileBufDeregister is an expensive operation. If you notice a large number of registrations(n) and deregistration(free) in the nvidia-fs stats, it can hurt performance. Refer to the GPUDirect Storage Best Practices Guide for more information about using the cuFileBufRegister API.

4.13. Enabling RDMA-specific Logging for Userspace File Systems

In order to troubleshoot RDMA related issues for userspace file systems,ensure that the CUFILE_LOGGING_LEVEL environment variable is set to INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE prior to running the application. However, for this to work, cufile.json logging level also should be set to TRACE/DEBUG/INFO level.

For example:


$ export CUFILE_LOGGING_LEVEL=INFO This is an example to set log level to INFO via the environment variable. $ cat /etc/cufile.json .... "logging": { // log directory, if not enabled will create log file // under current working directory //"dir": "/home/<xxxx>", // ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE (in decreasing order of priority) "level": "DEBUG" }, .... This is an example on how to set log level to DEBUG via cufile.json.

4.14. CUDA_ERROR_SYSTEM_NOT_READY After Installation

On systems with NVSwitch, if you notice the CUDA_ERROR_SYSTEM_NOT_READY error being reported, then make sure that you install the same version of Fabric Manager as the CUDA driver.

For example, if you use:


$ sudo apt install nvidia-driver-460-server -y

then use:


$ apt-get install nvidia-fabricmanager-460

Make sure to restart the Fabric Manager service using:


$ sudo service nvidia-fabricmanager start

4.15. Adding udev Rules for RAID Volumes

To add udev rules for RAID volumes:

As a sudo user, change the following line in /lib/udev/rules.d/63-md-raid-arrays.rules:


IMPORT{​program}="/usr/sbin/mdadm --detail --export $devnode"

Reboot the node or restart the mdadm.

4.16. When You Observe "Incomplete write" on NVME Drives

During GDS mode writes, you may receive error messages similar to the following:


Tid: 0 incomplete Write, done = 0 issued = 1048576

GPUDirect storage in P2P mode does not support NVMe end to end data protection features. To support GDS in P2P mode, the NVMe must be formatted with Protection Information - Metadata Sizeis set to zero bytes.

Confirm that the drive has data-integrity mode enabled:


$ sudo nvme id-ns /dev/nvme0n1 -H … LBA Format 0 : Metadata Size: 0 bytes - Data Size: 512 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x1 Better LBA Format 1 : Metadata Size: 8 bytes - Data Size: 512 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x3 Degraded (in use) LBA Format 2 : Metadata Size: 0 bytes - Data Size: 4096 bytes - Relative Performance: 0 Best LBA Format 3 : Metadata Size: 8 bytes - Data Size: 4096 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x2 Good LBA Format 4 : Metadata Size: 64 bytes - Data Size: 4096 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x3 Degraded

Note in the preceding example, the metadata size of the drive (nvme0n1) is set to non-zero.

You can set the LBA format to 0 or 2 to disable the protection feature on the drive:


$ sudo nvme format /dev/nvme0n1 -l 2 $ sudo nvme id-ns /dev/nvme0n1 -H … LBA Format 0 : Metadata Size: 0 bytes - Data Size: 512 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x1 Better LBA Format 1 : Metadata Size: 8 bytes - Data Size: 512 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x3 Degraded LBA Format 2 : Metadata Size: 0 bytes - Data Size: 4096 bytes - Relative Performance: 0 Best (in use) LBA Format 3 : Metadata Size: 8 bytes - Data Size: 4096 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x2 Good LBA Format 4 : Metadata Size: 64 bytes - Data Size: 4096 bytes - Relative Performance: 0x3 Degraded

4.17. CUFILE async I/O is failing

There could be many reasons for which stream based async I/O can fail. This will be logged in cufile.log. One of the common reasons could be that the internal thread pool is not enabled. Refer to cufile.json “execution�? section on how to enable it.

This section provides information about troubleshooting some advanced issues.

5.1. Resolving Hung cuFile* APIs with No Response

To resolve hung cuFile APIs:

  1. Check whether there are any kernel panics/warnings in dmesg:

    $ dmesg > warnings.txt. less warnings.txt

  2. Check whether the application process is in the ‘D’ (uninterruptible) state).
  3. If the process is in the ‘D’ state:
    1. Get the PID of the process by running the following command:

      $ ps axf | grep ‘ D’

    2. As a root user, get the backtrace of the ‘D’ state process:

      $ su root $ cat /proc/<pid>/stack

  4. Verify whether the threads are stuck in the kernel or in user space. For more information, review the backtrace of the ‘D’ state threads.
  5. Check whether any threads are showing heavy CPU usage.
    1. The htop and mpstat tools should show CPU usage per core.
    2. Get the call graph of where the CPUs are being used. The following code snippet should narrow down whether the threads are hung in user space or in the kernel:

      $ perf top -g

5.2. Sending Relevant Data to Customer Support

This section describes how to resolve a kernel panic with stack traces using NVSM or the GDS Log Collection tool.


For DGX BaseOS with the preview network repo enabled and NVSM installed:


$ sudo apt-get install nvsm $ sudo nvsm dump health

For more details on running NVSM commands, refer to NVIDIA System Management User Guide.

Non DGX:

The GDS Log Collection tool, gds_log_collection.py, may be run by GDS users to collect relevant debugging information from the system when issues with GDS IO are seen.

Some of the important information that this tool captures is highlighted below:

  • dmesg Output and relevant kernel log files.
  • System map files and vmlinux image
  • modinfo output for relevant modules
  • /proc/cmdline output
  • IB devices info like ibdev2net and ibstatus
  • OS distribution information
  • Cpuinfo, meminfo
  • nvidia-fs stats
  • Per process information like cufile.log, cufile.json, gds_stats, stack pointers
  • Any user specified files

To use the log collection tool:


$ sudo /usr/local/cuda/gds//tools/gdstools/gds_log_collection.py -h

This tool is used to collect logs from the system that are relevant for debugging.

It collects logs such as OS and kernel info, nvidia-fs stats, dmesg logs, syslogs, system map files and per process logs such as cufile.json, cufile.log, gdsstats, process stack, and so on.


./gds_log_collection.py [options]


-h help

-f file1,file2,.. (Note: there should be no spaces between ',')

These files could be any relevant files apart from the one's being collected (such as crash files).

Usage examples:

sudo ./gds_log_colection.py - Collects all the relevant logs.

sudo ./gds_log_colection.py -f file1,file2 - Collects all the relevant files as well as the user specified files.

5.3. Resolving an IO Failure with EIO and Stack Trace Warning

You might see an IO failure with EIO and a warning with a stack trace with an nvfs_mgroup_check_and_set function in the trace.

This could mean that the EXAScaler filesystem did not honor O_DIRECT and fell back to page cache mode. GDS tracks this information in the driver and returns EIO.


The WARNING stack trace is observed only once during the lifetime of the kernel module. You will get an Error: Input/Output (EIO), but the trace message will be printed only once. If you consistently experience this issue, contact support.

5.4. Controlling GPU BAR Memory Usage

  1. To show how much BAR Memory is available per GPU, run the following command:

    $ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/gds/tools/gdscheck

  2. Review the output, for example:

    GPU INFO: GPU Index: 0 bar:1 bar size (MB):32768 GPU Index: 1 bar:1 bar size (MB):32768

    GDS uses BAR memory in the following cases:

    • When the process invokes cuFileBufRegister.
    • When GDS uses the cache internally to allocate bounce buffers per GPU.


    There is no per-GPU configuration for cache and BAR memory usage.

    Each process can control the usage of BAR memory via the configurable property in the /etc/cufile.json file:


    "properties": { // device memory size for reserving bounce buffers for the entire GPU (in KB) "max_device_cache_size" : 131072, // limit on maximum memory that can be pinned for a given process (in KB) "max_device_pinned_mem_size" : 33554432 }


    This configuration is per process, and the configuration is set across all GPUs.

5.5. Determining the Amount of Cache to Set Aside

By default, 128 MB of cache is set in the configurable max_device_cache_size property. However, this does not mean that GDS pre-allocates 128 MB of memory per GPU up front. Memory allocation is done on the fly and is based on need. After the allocation is complete, there is no purging of the cache.

By default, since 128 MB is set, the cache can grow up to 128 MB. Setting the cache is application specific and depends on workload. Refer to the GPUDirect Storage Best Practices Guide to understand the need of cache and how to set the limit based on guidance in the guide.

5.6. Monitoring BAR Memory Usage

There is no way to monitor the BAR memory usage per process. However, GDS Stats tracks the global BAR usage across all processes. For more information, see the following stat output from /proc/driver/nvidia_fs/stats for the GPU with B:D:F 0000:34:00.0:


GPU 0000:34:00.0 uuid:12a86a5e-3002-108f-ee49-4b51266cdc07 : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=10

Registered_MB tracks how much BAR memory is used when applications are explicitly using thecuFileBufRegister API.

Cache_MB tracks GDS usage of BAR memory for internal cache.

5.7. Resolving an ENOMEM Error Code

-12 ENOMEM error code.

Each GPU has some BAR memory reserved. The cuFileBufRegister function makes the pages that underlie a range of GPU virtual memory accessible to a third-party device. This process is completed by pinning the GPU device memory in BAR space by using the nvidia_p2p_get_pages API. If the application tries to pin memory beyond the available BAR space, the nvidia_p2p_get_pages API returns a -12 (ENOMEM) error code.

To avoid running out of BAR memory, developers should use this output to manage how much memory is pinned by application. Administrators can use this output to investigate how to limit the pinned memory for different applications.

5.8. GDS and Compatibility Mode

To determine the GDS compatibility mode, complete the following:

  1. In the /etc/cufile.json file, verify that allow_compat_mode is set to true.
  2. gdscheck -p displays whether the allow_compat_mode property is set to true.
  3. Check the cufile.log file for the cufile IO mode: POSIX message.

    This message is in the hot IO path, where logging each instance significantly impacts performance, so the message is only logged when logging:level is explicitly set to the TRACE mode in the /etc/cufile.json file.

5.9. Enabling Compatibility Mode

Compatibility mode can be used by application developers to test the applications with cuFile-enabled libraries under the following conditions:

  • When there is no support for GDS for a specific filesystem.
  • The nvidia-fs.ko driver is not enabled in the system by the administrator.

To enable compatibility mode:

  1. Remove the nvidia-fs kernel driver:

    $ rmmod nvidia-fs

  2. In the /etc/cufile.json file, set compat-mode to true .
  3. Set the CUFILE_FORCE_COMPAT_MODE environment variable to true.

The IO through cuFileRead/cuFileWrite will now fall back to the CPU path.

5.10. Tracking the IO After Enabling Compatibility Mode

When GDS is used in compatibility mode, and cufile_stats is enabled in the /etc/cufile.json file, you can use gds_stats or another standard Linux tools, such as strace, iostat, iotop, SAR, ftrace, and perf. You can also use the BPF compiler collection tools to track and monitor the IO.

When compatibility mode is enabled, internally, cuFileRead and cuFileWrite use POSIX pread and pwrite system calls, respectively.

5.11. Bypassing GPUDirect Storage

There are some scenarios in which you can bypass GDS.

There are some tunables where GDS IO and POSIX IO can go through simultaneously. The following are cases where GDS can be bypassed without having to remove the GDS driver:

  • On supported filesystems and block devices.

    In the /etc/cufile.json file, if the posix_unaligned_writes config property is set to true, the unaligned writes will fall back to the compatibility mode and will not go through GDS. Refer to Before You Install GDS for a list of supported file systems.

  • On an EXAScaler filesystem

    In the /etc/cufile.json file, if the posix_gds_min_kb config property is set to a certain value (in KB), the IO for which the size is less than or equal to the set value, will fall back to POSIX mode. For example, if posix_gds_min_kb is set to 8KB, IOs with a size that is less than or equal to 8KB, will fall back to the POSIX mode.

  • On a WekaIO filesystem:

    Currently, cuFileWrite will always fallback to the POSIX mode.

    In the /etc/cufile.json file, if the allow-compat-mode config property is set to true:
    • If RDMA connections and/or memory registrations cannot be established, cuFileRead will fall back to the POSIX mode.
    • cuFileRead fails to allocate an internal bounce buffer for non-4K aligned GPU VA addresses.

Refer to the GPUDirect Storage Best Practices Guide for more information.

5.12. GDS Does Not Work for a Mount

GDS will not be used for a mount in the following cases:

  • When the necessary GDS drivers are not loaded on the system.
  • The filesystem associated with that mount is not supported by GDS.
  • The mount point is denylisted in the /etc/cufile.json file.

5.13. Simultaneously Running the GPUDirect Storage IO and POSIX IO on the Same File

Since a file is opened in O_DIRECT mode for GDS, applications should avoid mixing O_DIRECT and normal I/O to the same file and to overlapping byte regions in the same file.

Even when the filesystem correctly handles the coherency issues in this situation, overall I/O throughput might be slower than using either mode alone. Similarly, applications should avoid mixing mmap(2) of files with direct I/O to the same files. Refer to the filesystem-specific documentation for information about additional O_DIRECT limitations.

5.14. Running Data Verification Tests Using GPUDirect Storage

GDS has an internal data verification utility, gdsio_verify, which is used to test data integrity of reads and writes. Run gdsio_verify -h for detailed usage information.

For example:


$ /usr/local/cuda-11.2/gds/tools/gds_verify -f /mnt/ai200/fio-seq-writes-1 -d 0 -o 0 -s 1G -n 1 -m 1

Sample output:


gpu index :0,file :/mnt/ai200/fio-seq-writes-1, RING buffer size :0, gpu buffer alignment :0, gpu buffer offset :0, file offset :0, io_requested :1073741824, bufregister :true, sync :1, nr ios :1, fsync :0, address = 0x560d32c17000 Data Verification Success


This test completes data verification of reads and writes through GDS.

This section covers issues related to performance.

6.1. Running Performance Benchmarks with GDS

You can run performance benchmarks with GDS and compare the results with CPU numbers.

GDS has a homegrown benchmarking utility, /usr/local/cuda-x.y/gds/tools/gdsio, which helps you compare GDS IO throughput numbers with CPU IO throughput. Run gdsio -hfor detailed usage information.

Here are some examples: GDS: Storage --> GPU Memory


$ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/gdsio -f /mnt/ai200/fio-seq-writes-1 -d 0 -w 4 -s 10G -i 1M -I 0 -x 0

Storage --> CPU Memory


$ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/gdsio -f /mnt/ai200/fio-seq-writes-1 -d 0 -w 4 -s 10G -i 1M -I 0 -x 1

Storage --> CPU Memory --> GPU Memory


$ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tool/gdsio -f /mnt/ai200/fio-seq-writes-1 -d 0 -w 4 -s 10G -i 1M -I 0 -x 2

Storage --> GPU Memory using batch mode


$ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tool/gdsio -f /mnt/ai200/fio-seq-read-1 -d 0 -w 4 -s 10G -i 1M -I 0 -x 6

Storage --> GPU Memory using async stream mode


$ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tool/gdsio -f /mnt/ai200/fio-seq-read-1 -d 0 -w 4 -s 10G -i 1M -I 0 -x 5

6.2. Tracking Whether GPUDirect Storage is Using an Internal Cache

You can determine whether GDS is using an internal cache.

Prerequisite: Before you start, read the GPUDirect Storage Best Practices Guide.

GDS Stats has per-GPU stats, and each piece of the GPU bus device function (BDF) information is displayed. If the cache_MB field is active on a GPU, GDS is using the cache internally to complete the IO. GDS might use the internal cache when one of the following conditions are true:

  • The file_offset that was issued in cuFileRead/cuFileWrite is not 4K aligned.
  • The size in cuFileRead/cuFileWrite calls are not 4K aligned.
  • The devPtr_base that was issued in cuFileRead/cuFileWrite is not 4K aligned.
  • The devPtr_base+devPtr_offset that was issued in cuFileRead/cuFileWrite is not 4K aligned.

6.3. Tracking when IO Crosses the PCIe Root Complex and Impacts Performance

You can track when the IO crosses the PCIe root complex and affects performance.

Refer to Review Peer Affinity Stats for a Kernel Filesystem and Storage Devices for more information.

6.4. Using GPUDirect Statistics to Monitor CPU Activity

Although you cannot use GDS statistics to monitor CPU activity, you can use the following Linux tools to complete this task:

  • htop
  • perf
  • mpstat

6.5. Monitoring Performance and Tracing with cuFile-* APIs

You can monitor performance and tracing with the cuFile-* APIs.

You can use the FTrace, the Perf, or the BCC-BPF tools to monitor performance and tracing. Ensure that you have the symbols that you can use to track and monitor the performance with a standard Linux IO tool.

6.6. Example: Using Linux Tracing Tools

The cuFileBufRegister function makes the pages that underlie a range of GPU virtual memory accessible to a third-party device. This process is completed by pinning the GPU device memory in the BAR space, which is an expensive operation and can take up to a few milliseconds.

You can using the BCC/BPF tool to trace the cuFileBufRegister API, understand what is happening in the Linux kernel, and understand why this process is expensive.


  1. You are running a workload with 8 threads where each thread is issuing cuFileBufRegister to pin to the GPU memory.

    $ ./gdsio -f /mnt/ai200/seq-writes-1 -d 0 -w 8 -s 10G -i 1M -I 0 -x 0

  2. When IO is in progress, use a tracing tool to understand what is going on with cuFileBufRegister:

    $ /usr/share/bcc/tools# ./funccount -Ti 1 nvfs_mgroup_pin_shadow_pages

  3. Review the sample output:

    15:04:56 FUNC COUNT nvfs_mgroup_pin_shadow_pages 8

    As you can see, the nvfs_mgroup_pin_shadow_pages function has been invoked 8 times in one per thread.

  4. To see the latency for that function, run:

    $ /usr/share/bcc/tools# ./funclatency -i 1 nvfs_mgroup_pin_shadow_pages

  5. Review the output:

    Tracing 1 functions for "nvfs_mgroup_pin_shadow_pages"... Hit Ctrl-C to end. nsecs : count distribution 0 -> 1 : 0 | | 2 -> 3 : 0 | | 4 -> 7 : 0 | | 8 -> 15 : 0 | | 16 -> 31 : 0 | | 32 -> 63 : 0 | | 64 -> 127 : 0 | | 128 -> 255 : 0 | | 256 -> 511 : 0 | | 512 -> 1023 : 0 | | 1024 -> 2047 : 0 | | 2048 -> 4095 : 0 | | 4096 -> 8191 : 0 | | 8192 -> 16383 : 1 |***** | 16384 -> 32767 : 7 |****************************************|

    Seven calls of the nvfs_mgroup_pin_shadow_pages function took about 16-32 microseconds. This is probably coming from the Linux kernel get_user_pages_fast that is used to pin shadow pages.

    cuFileBufRegister invokes nvidia_p2p_get_pages NVIDIA driver function to pin GPU device memory in the BAR space. This information is obtained by running $ perf top -g and getting the call graph ofcuFileBufRegister.

The following example the overhead of the nvidia_p2p_get_pages:


$ /usr/share/bcc/tools# ./funclatency -Ti 1 nvidia_p2p_get_pages 15:45:19 nsecs : count distribution 0 -> 1 : 0 | | 2 -> 3 : 0 | | 4 -> 7 : 0 | | 8 -> 15 : 0 | | 16 -> 31 : 0 | | 32 -> 63 : 0 | | 64 -> 127 : 0 | | 128 -> 255 : 0 | | 256 -> 511 : 0 | | 512 -> 1023 : 0 | | 1024 -> 2047 : 0 | | 2048 -> 4095 : 0 | | 4096 -> 8191 : 0 | | 8192 -> 16383 : 0 | | 16384 -> 32767 : 0 | | 32768 -> 65535 : 0 | | 65536 -> 131071 : 0 | | 131072 -> 262143 : 0 | | 262144 -> 524287 : 2 |************* | 524288 -> 1048575 : 6 |****************************************|

6.7. Tracing the cuFile-* APIs

You can use nvprof/NVIDIA Nsight to trace the cuFile-* APIs.

NVTX static tracepoints are available for public interface in the libcufile.so library. After these static tracepoints are enabled, you can view these traces in NVIDIA Nsight just like any other CUDA® symbols. You can enable the NVTX tracing using the JSON configuration at /etc/cufile.json:


"profile": { // nvtx profiling on(true)/off(false) "nvtx": true, },

6.8. Improving Performance using Dynamic Routing

On platforms where the IO transfers between GPU(s) and the storage NICs involve PCIe traffic across PCIe-host bridge, GPUDirect Storage IO may not see a great throughput especially for writes. Also, certain chipsets may support only P2P read traffic for host bridge traffic. In such cases, the dynamic routing feature can be enabled to debug and identify what routing policy is deemed best for such platforms. This can be illustrated with a single GPU write test with the gdsiotool, where there is one Storage NIC and 10 GPUs with NVLINKs access enabled between the GPUS. With dynamic routing enabled, even though the GPU and NIC might be on different sockets, GDS can still achieve the maximum possible write throughput.


$ cat /etc/cufile.json | grep rdma_dev "rdma_dev_addr_list": [ "" ],

Dynamic Routing OFF:


$ cat /etc/cufile.json | grep routing "rdma_dynamic_routing": false $ for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do ./gdsio -f /mnt/nfs/file1 -d $i -n 0 -w 4 -s 1G -i 1M -x 0 -I 1 -p -T 15 ; done


IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 45792256/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 2.873560 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1359.280174 usecs ops: 44719 total_time 15.197491 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 45603840/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 2.867613 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1363.891220 usecs ops: 44535 total_time 15.166344 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 42013696/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 2.848411 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1373.154082 usecs ops: 41029 total_time 14.066573 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 43517952/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 2.880763 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1358.207427 usecs ops: 42498 total_time 14.406582 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 34889728/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 2.341907 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1669.108902 usecs ops: 34072 total_time 14.207836 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 36955136/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 2.325239 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1680.001220 usecs ops: 36089 total_time 15.156790 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 37075968/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 2.351491 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1661.198487 usecs ops: 36207 total_time 15.036584 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 35066880/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 2.235654 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1748.638950 usecs ops: 34245 total_time 14.958656 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 134095872/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.940253 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 436.982682 usecs ops: 130953 total_time 14.304269 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 135974912/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.932070 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.334849 usecs ops: 132788 total_time 14.517998 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 174486528/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 11.238476 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 347.603610 usecs ops: 170397 total_time 14.806573 secs

Dynamic Routing ON (nvlinks enabled):


$ cat /etc/cufile.json | grep routing "rdma_dynamic_routing": true "rdma_dynamic_routing_order": [ "GPU_MEM_NVLINKS"] $ for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do ./gdsio -f /mnt/nfs/file1 -d $i -n 0 -w 4 -s 1G -i 1M -x 0 -I 1 -p -T 15 ; done


IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 134479872/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.885214 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.942083 usecs ops: 131328 total_time 14.434092 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 138331136/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.891407 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.668104 usecs ops: 135089 total_time 14.837118 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 133800960/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.897250 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.305565 usecs ops: 130665 total_time 14.341795 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 133990400/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.888714 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.751327 usecs ops: 130850 total_time 14.375893 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 141934592/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.905190 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.032919 usecs ops: 138608 total_time 15.200055 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 133379072/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.892493 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.488259 usecs ops: 130253 total_time 14.304222 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 142271488/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.892426 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.660016 usecs ops: 138937 total_time 15.258004 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 134951936/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.890496 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.661177 usecs ops: 131789 total_time 14.476154 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 132667392/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.930203 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.420830 usecs ops: 129558 total_time 14.167817 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 137982976/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 8.936189 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 437.123356 usecs ops: 134749 total_time 14.725608 secs url index :0, urlname : urlport :18515 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 170469376/4194304(KiB) IOSize: 1024(KiB) Throughput: 11.231479 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 347.818052 usecs ops: 166474 total_time 14.474698 secs

This section covers issues that are related to IO activity and the interactions with the rest of Linux.

7.1. Managing Coherency of Data in the Page Cache and on Disk

When using GDS, files are often opened with the O_DIRECT mode. When IO is complete, in the context of DIRECT IO, it bypasses the page cache.

Starting with CUDA toolkit 12.2 (GDS version 1.7.x) files can also be opened with non-O_DIRECT mode. Even in such a case, whenever the library software deems fit, it will follow the GDS enabled O_DIRECT path. This conserves coherency by default.

  • On EXAScaler filesystem:
    • For reads, IO bypasses the page cache and fetches the data directly from backend storage.
    • When writes are issued, the nvidia-fs drivers will try to flush the data in the page cache for the range of offset-length before issuing writes to the VFS subsystem.
    • The stats that track this information are:
      • pg_cache
      • pg_cache_fail
      • pg_cache_eio
  • On WekaIO filesystem:
    • For reads, IO bypasses the page cache and fetches the data directly from backend storage.

This section describes how to troubleshoot issues with the EXAScaler Filesystem.

8.1. Determining the EXAScaler Filesystem Client Module Version

To check the EXAScaler filesystem Client version, check dmesg after you install the EXAScaler filesystem.


The EXAScaler server version should be EXA-5.2.

This table provides a list of the client kernel module versions that have been tested with DDN AI200 and DDN AI400 systems:

Table 2. Tested Kernel Module Versions
DDN Client Version Kernel Version MLNX_OFED version
2.12.3_ddn28 4.15.0 MLNX_OFED 4.7
2.12.3_ddn29 4.15.0 MLNX_OFED 4.7
2.12.3_ddn39 4.15.0 MLNX_OFED 5.1
2.12.5_ddn4 5.4.0 MLNX_OFED 5.1
2.12.6_ddn19 5.4.0 MLNX_OFED 5.3

To verify the client version, run the following command:


$ sudo lctl get_param version

Sample output:


Lustre version: 2.12.3_ddn39

8.2. Checking the LNet Network Setup on a Client

To check the LNet network setup on the client:

  1. Run the following command.

    $ sudo lnetctl net show:

  2. Review the output, for example:

    net: - net type: lo

8.3. Checking the Health of the Peers

An Lnet health value of 1000 is the best possible value that can be reported for a network interface. Anything less than 1000 indicates that the interface is running in a degraded mode and has encountered some errors.

  1. Run the following command ;

    $ sudo lnetctl net show -v 3 | grep health

  2. Review the output, for example:

    health stats: health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000

8.4. Checking for Multi-Rail Support

To verify whether multi-rail is supported:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ sudo lnetctl peer show | grep -i Multi-Rail:

  2. Review the output, for example:

    Multi-Rail: True

8.5. Checking GDS Peer Affinity

For peer affinity, you need to check whether the expected interfaces are being used for the associated GPUs.

The code snippet below is a description of a test that runs load on a specific GPU. The test validates whether the interface that is performing the send and receive is the interface that is the closest, and is correctly mapped, to the GPU. See Resetting the nvidia-fs Statistics and Reviewing Peer Affinity Stats for a Kernel File System and Storage Drivers for more information about the metrics that are used to check peer affinity.

You can run a gdsio test for the tools section and monitor the LNET stats. See the readme file for more information. In the gdsio test, a write test has been completed on GPU 0. The expected NIC interface for GPU 0 is ib0 on the NVIDIA DGX-2™ platform. The lnetctl net show statistics were previously captured, and after the gdsio test, you can see that the RPC send and receive have happened over the IB0.

  1. Run the gdsio test.
  2. Review the output, for example:

    $ sudo lustre_rmmod $ sudo mount -t lustre, /mnt/ai200/ $ sudo lnetctl net show -v 3 | grep health health stats: health value: 0 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 health stats: health value: 1000 $ sudo lnetctl net show -v 3 | grep -B 2 -i 'send_count\|recv_count' status: up statistics: send_count: 0 recv_count: 0 -- 0: ib0 statistics: send_count: 3 recv_count: 3 -- 0: ib2 statistics: send_count: 3 recv_count: 3 -- 0: ib3 statistics: send_count: 2 recv_count: 2 -- 0: ib4 statistics: send_count: 13 recv_count: 13 -- 0: ib5 statistics: send_count: 12 recv_count: 12 -- 0: ib6 statistics: send_count: 12 recv_count: 12 -- 0: ib7 statistics: send_count: 11 recv_count: 11 $ echo 1 > /sys/module/nvidia_fs/parameters/peer_stats_enabled $ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/gdsio -f /mnt/ai200/test -d 0 -n 0 -w 1 -s 1G -i 4K -x 0 -I 1 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 1 DataSetSize: 1073741824/1073741824 IOSize: 4(KB),Throughput: 0.004727 GB/sec, Avg_Latency: 807.026154 usecs ops: 262144 total_time 211562847.000000 usecs $ sudo lnetctl net show -v 3 | grep -B 2 -i 'send_count\|recv_count' status: up statistics: send_count: 0 recv_count: 0 -- 0: ib0 statistics: send_count: 262149 recv_count: 524293 -- 0: ib2 statistics: send_count: 6 recv_count: 6 -- 0: ib3 statistics: send_count: 6 recv_count: 6 -- 0: ib4 statistics: send_count: 33 recv_count: 33 -- 0: ib5 statistics: send_count: 32 recv_count: 32 -- 0: ib6 statistics: send_count: 32 recv_count: 32 -- 0: ib7 statistics: send_count: 32 recv_count: 32 $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/peer_affinity GPU P2P DMA distribution based on pci-distance (last column indicates p2p via root complex) GPU :0000:be:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:3b:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e5:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e0:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:57:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:39:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:36:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e2:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:59:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b9:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:bc:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:34:00.0 :0 0 23872512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5e:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5c:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8.6. Checking for LNet-Level Errors

The errors impact the health of individual NICs and affect how the EXAScaler filesystem selects the best peer, which impacts GDS performance.


To run these commands, you must have sudo priveleges.

  1. Run the following command:

    $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/peer_affinity

  2. Review the ouput, for example:

    GPU P2P DMA distribution based on pci-distance (last column indicates p2p via root complex) GPU :0000:be:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:3b:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e5:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e0:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:57:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1276417 (Note : if peer traffic goes over Root-Port, one of the reasons might be that health of nearest NIC might be affected) GPU :0000:39:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:36:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e2:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:59:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b9:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:bc:00.0 :0 0 7056141 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:34:00.0 :0 0 8356175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5e:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5c:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ sudo lnetctl stats show statistics: msgs_alloc: 1 msgs_max: 126 rst_alloc: 25 errors: 0 send_count: 243901 resend_count: 1 response_timeout_count: 1935 local_interrupt_count: 0 local_dropped_count: 208 local_aborted_count: 0 local_no_route_count: 0 local_timeout_count: 1730 local_error_count: 0 remote_dropped_count: 0 remote_error_count: 0 remote_timeout_count: 0 network_timeout_count: 0 recv_count: 564436 route_count: 0 drop_count: 0 send_length: 336176013248 recv_length: 95073248 route_length: 0 drop_length: 0 lnetctl net show -v 4 net: - net type: o2ib local NI(s): - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib0 statistics: send_count: 171621 recv_count: 459717 drop_count: 0 sent_stats: put: 119492 get: 52129 reply: 0 ack: 0 hello: 0 received_stats: put: 119492 get: 0 reply: 340225 ack: 0 hello: 0 dropped_stats: put: 0 get: 0 reply: 0 ack: 0 hello: 0 health stats: health value: 1000 interrupts: 0 dropped: 0 aborted: 0 no route: 0 timeouts: 0 error: 0 tunables: peer_timeout: 180 peer_credits: 32 peer_buffer_credits: 0 credits: 256 peercredits_hiw: 16 map_on_demand: 1 concurrent_sends: 64 fmr_pool_size: 512 fmr_flush_trigger: 384 fmr_cache: 1 ntx: 512 conns_per_peer: 1 lnd tunables: dev cpt: 0 tcp bonding: 0 CPT: "[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]" - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib1 statistics: send_count: 79 recv_count: 79 drop_count: 0 sent_stats: put: 78 get: 1 reply: 0 ack: 0 hello: 0 received_stats: put: 78 get: 0 reply: 1 ack: 0 hello: 0 dropped_stats: put: 0 get: 0 reply: 0 ack: 0 hello: 0 health stats: health value: 979 interrupts: 0 dropped: 0 aborted: 0 no route: 0 timeouts: 1 error: 0 tunables: peer_timeout: 180 peer_credits: 32 peer_buffer_credits: 0 credits: 256 peercredits_hiw: 16 map_on_demand: 1 concurrent_sends: 64 fmr_pool_size: 512 fmr_flush_trigger: 384 fmr_cache: 1 ntx: 512 conns_per_peer: 1 lnd tunables: dev cpt: 0 tcp bonding: 0 CPT: "[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]" - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib3 statistics: send_count: 52154 recv_count: 52154 drop_count: 0 sent_stats: put: 25 get: 52129 reply: 0 ack: 0 hello: 0 received_stats: put: 25 get: 52129 reply: 0 ack: 0 hello: 0 dropped_stats: put: 0 get: 0 reply: 0 ack: 0 hello: 0 health stats: health value: 66 interrupts: 0 dropped: 208 aborted: 0 no route: 0 timeouts: 1735 error: 0 tunables: peer_timeout: 180 peer_credits: 32 peer_buffer_credits: 0 credits: 256 peercredits_hiw: 16 map_on_demand: 1 concurrent_sends: 64 fmr_pool_size: 512 fmr_flush_trigger: 384 fmr_cache: 1 ntx: 512 conns_per_peer: 1 lnd tunables: dev cpt: 0 tcp bonding: 0 CPT: "[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]"

If you see incrementing error stats, capture the net logging and provide this information for debugging:


$ lctl set_param debug=+net # reproduce the problem $ lctl dk > logfile.dk

8.7. Resolving LNet NIDs Health Degradation from Timeouts

With large machines, such as DGX™ that have multiple interfaces, if Linux routing is not correctly set up, there might be connection failures and other unexpected behavior.

A typical network setting that is used to resolve local connection timeouts is:


sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_local=1

There are also generic pointers for resolving LNet Network issues. Refer to MR Cluster Setup for more information.

8.8. Configuring LNet Networks with Multiple OSTs for Optimal Peer Selection

When there are multiple OSTs (Object Storage Targets), and each OST is dual interface, to need to have one interface on each of the LNets for which the client is configured.

For example, you have the following two LNet Subnets on the client side:

  • o2ib
  • o2ib1

The server has only one Lnet subnet, o2ib. In this situation, the routing is not optimal, because you are restricting the ib selection logic to a set of devices, which may not be closest to the GPU. There is no way to reach OST2 except over the LNet to which it is connected.

The traffic that goes to this OST will never be optimal, and this configuration might affect overall throughput and latency. If, however, you configure the server to use two networks, o2ib0 and o2ib1, then OST1 and OST2 can be reached over both networks. When the selection algorithm runs, it will determine that the best path is, for example, OST2 over o2ib1.

  1. To configure the client-side LNET, run the following command:

    $ sudo lnetctl net show

  2. Review the output, for example:

    net: - net type: lo local NI(s): - nid: 0@lo status: up - net type: o2ib local NI(s): - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib0 - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib2 - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib4 - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib6 - net type: o2ib1 local NI(s): - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib1 - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib3 - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib5 - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib7

For an optimal configuration, the LNet peer should show two LNet subnets. In this case, the primary nid is only one o2ib:


$ sudo lnetctl peer show

Sample output:


peer: - primary nid: Multi-Rail: True peer ni: - nid: state: NA - nid: state: NA - primary nid: Multi-Rail: True peer ni: - nid: state: NA - nid: state: NA

From the server side, here is an example of sub-optimal LNet configuration:


[root@ai200-090a-vm01 ~]# lnetctl net show net: - net type: lo local NI(s): - nid: 0@lo status: up - net type: o2ib (o2ib1 is not present) local NI(s): - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib0 - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib1

Here is an example of an IB configuration for a non-optimal case, where a file is stripped over two OSTs, and there are sequential reads:


$ ibdev2netdev -v 0000:b8:00.1 mlx5_13 (MT4123 - MCX653106A-ECAT) ConnectX-6 VPI adapter card, 100Gb/s (HDR100, EDR IB and 100GbE), dual-port QSFP56 fw 20.26.4012 port 1 (ACTIVE) ==> ib4 (Up) (o2ib) ib4: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 2044 inet netmask broadcast 0000:bd:00.1 mlx5_15 (MT4123 - MCX653106A-ECAT) ConnectX-6 VPI adapter card, 100Gb/s (HDR100, EDR IB and 100GbE), dual-port QSFP56 fw 20.26.4012 port 1 (ACTIVE) ==> ib5 (Up) (o2ib1) ib5: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 2044 inet netmask broadcast $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/peer_distance | grep 0000:be:00.0 | grep network 0000:be:00.0 0000:58:00.1 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:58:00.0 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:86:00.1 134 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:35:00.0 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:5d:00.0 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:bd:00.0 3 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:b8:00.1 7 30210269 network (ib4) (chosen peer) 0000:be:00.0 0000:06:00.0 134 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:0c:00.1 134 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:e6:00.0 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:3a:00.1 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:e1:00.0 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:bd:00.1 3 4082933 network (ib5) (best peer) 0000:be:00.0 0000:e6:00.1 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:86:00.0 134 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:35:00.1 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:e1:00.1 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:0c:00.0 134 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:b8:00.0 7 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:5d:00.1 138 0 network 0000:be:00.0 0000:3a:00.0 138 0 network

Here is an example of an optimal LNet configuration:


[root@ai200-090a-vm00 ~]# lnetctl net show net: - net type: lo local NI(s): - nid: 0@lo status: up - net type: o2ib local NI(s): - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib0 - net type: o2ib1 local NI(s): - nid: status: up interfaces: 0: ib1

Depending on the type of host channel adapter (HCA), commonly known as a NIC, there are mod parameters that can be tuned for LNet. The NICs that you select should be up and healthy.

To verify the health by mounting and running some basic tests, use lnetctlhealth statistics, and run the following command:


$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/lustre.conf

Example output:


options libcfs cpu_npartitions=24 cpu_pattern="" options lnet networks="o2ib0(ib1,ib2,ib3,ib4,ib6,ib7,ib8,ib9)" options ko2iblnd peer_credits=32 concurrent_sends=64 peer_credits_hiw=16 map_on_demand=0

9.1. osc Tuning Performance Parameters

The following is information about tuning filesystem parameters.


To maximize the throughput, you can tune the following EXAScaler® filesystem client parameters, based on the network.

  1. Run the following command:

    $ lctl get_param osc.*.max* osc.*.checksums

  2. Review the output, for example:

    $ lctl get_param osc.*.max* osc.*.checksums osc.ai400-OST0024-osc-ffff916f6533a000.max_pages_per_rpc=4096 osc.ai400-OST0024-osc-ffff916f6533a000.max_dirty_mb=512 osc.ai400-OST0024-osc-ffff916f6533a000.max_rpcs_in_flight=32 osc.ai400-OST0024-osc-ffff916f6533a000.checksums=0

To check llite parameters, run $ lctl get_param llite.*.*.

9.2. Miscellaneous Commands for osc, mdc, and stripesize

If the tuning parameters are set correctly, you can use these parameters to observe.

  1. To get an overall EXAScaler filesystem client side statistics, run the following command:

    $ lctl get_param osc.*.import


    The command includes rpc information.

  2. Review the output, for example:

    $ watch -d 'lctl get_param osc.*.import | grep -B 1 inflight' rpcs: inflight: 5 rpcs: inflight: 33

  3. To get the maximum number of pages that can be transferred per rpc in a EXAScaler filesystem client, run the following command:

    $ lctl get_param osc.*.max_pages_per_rpc

  4. To get the overall rpc statistics from a EXAScaler filesystem client, run the following command:

    $ lctl set_param osc.*.rpc_stats=clear (to reset osc stats) $ lctl get_param osc.*.rpc_stats

  5. Review the output, for example:

    osc.ai200-OST0000-osc-ffff8e0b47c73800.rpc_stats= snapshot_time: 1589919461.185215594 (secs.nsecs) read RPCs in flight: 0 write RPCs in flight: 0 pending write pages: 0 pending read pages: 0 read write pages per rpc rpcs % cum % | rpcs % cum % 1: 14222350 77 77 | 0 0 0 2: 0 0 77 | 0 0 0 4: 0 0 77 | 0 0 0 8: 0 0 77 | 0 0 0 16: 0 0 77 | 0 0 0 32: 0 0 77 | 0 0 0 64: 0 0 77 | 0 0 0 128: 0 0 77 | 0 0 0 256: 4130365 22 100 | 0 0 0 read write rpcs in flight rpcs % cum % | rpcs % cum % 0: 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 1: 3236263 17 17 | 0 0 0 2: 117001 0 18 | 0 0 0 3: 168119 0 19 | 0 0 0 4: 153295 0 20 | 0 0 0 5: 91598 0 20 | 0 0 0 6: 42476 0 20 | 0 0 0 7: 17578 0 20 | 0 0 0 8: 9454 0 20 | 0 0 0 9: 7611 0 20 | 0 0 0 10: 7772 0 20 | 0 0 0 11: 8914 0 21 | 0 0 0 12: 9350 0 21 | 0 0 0 13: 8559 0 21 | 0 0 0 14: 8734 0 21 | 0 0 0 15: 10784 0 21 | 0 0 0 16: 11386 0 21 | 0 0 0 17: 13148 0 21 | 0 0 0 18: 15473 0 21 | 0 0 0 19: 17619 0 21 | 0 0 0 20: 18851 0 21 | 0 0 0 21: 21853 0 21 | 0 0 0 22: 21236 0 21 | 0 0 0 23: 21588 0 22 | 0 0 0 24: 23859 0 22 | 0 0 0 25: 24049 0 22 | 0 0 0 26: 26232 0 22 | 0 0 0 27: 29853 0 22 | 0 0 0 28: 31992 0 22 | 0 0 0 29: 43626 0 22 | 0 0 0 30: 116116 0 23 | 0 0 0 31: 14018326 76 100 | 0 0 0

To get statistics that are related to client metadata operations, run the following command:


MetaDataClient (MDC) is the client side counterpart of MetaData Server (MDS).


$ lctl get_param mdc.*.md_stats

To get the stripe layout of the file on the EXAScaler filesystem, run the following command:


$ lfs getstripe /mnt/ai200

9.3. Getting the Number of Configured Object-Based Disks

To get the number of configured object-bsaed disks:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ lctl get_param lov.*.target_obd

  2. Review the output, for example:

    0: ai200-OST0000_UUID ACTIVE 1: ai200-OST0001_UUID ACTIVE

9.4. Getting Additional Statistics related to the EXAScaler Filesystem

You can get additional statistics that are related to the EXAScaler Filesystem.

Refer to the Lustre Monitoring and Statistics Guide for more information.

9.5. Getting Metadata Statistics

To get metadata statistics:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ lctl get_param lmv.*.md_stats

  2. Review the output, for example:

    snapshot_time 1571271931.653827773 secs.nsecs close 8 samples [reqs] create 1 samples [reqs] getattr 1 samples [reqs] intent_lock 81 samples[reqs] read_page 3 samples [reqs] revalidate_lock 1 samples [reqs]

9.6. Checking for an Existing Mount

To check for an existing mount in the EXAScaler Filesystem:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ mount | grep lustre

  2. Review the output, for example:
            , on /mnt/ai200 type lustre (rw,flock,lazystatfs)

9.7. Unmounting an EXAScaler Filesystem Cluster

To unmount an EXAScaler filesystem cluster:

Run the following command.


$ sudo umount /mnt/ai200

9.8. Getting a Summary of EXAScaler Filesystem Statistics

You can get a summary of statistics for the EXAScaler filesystem.

Refer to the Lustre Monitoring and Statistics Guide for more information.

9.9. Using GPUDirect Storage in Poll Mode

This section describes how to use GDS in Poll Mode with EXAScaler filesystem files that have a Stripe Count greater than 1.

Currently, if poll mode is enabled, cuFileReads or cuFileWrites might return bytes that are less than the bytes that were requested. This behavior is POSIX compliant and is observed with files that have a stripe count that is greater than the count in their layout. If behavior occurs, we recommend that the application checks for returned bytes and continues until all of the data is consumed. You can also set the corresponding properties.poll_mode_max_size_kb,(say 1024(KB)) value to the lowest possible stripe size in the directory. This ensures that IO sizes that exceed this limit are not polled.

  1. To check EXAScaler filesystem file layout, run the following command.

    $ lfs getstripe <file-path>

  2. Review the output, for example:

    lfs getstripe /mnt/ai200/single_stripe/md1.0.0 /mnt/ai200/single_stripe/md1.0.0 lmm_stripe_count: 1 lmm_stripe_size: 1048576 lmm_pattern: raid0 lmm_layout_gen: 0 lmm_stripe_offset: 0 obdidx objid objid group 0 6146 0x1802 0

This section provides troubleshooting and FAQ information about the WekaIO file system.

10.1. Downloading the WekaIO Client Package

To download the WekaIO client package:

Run the following command:


$ curl http://<IP of one of the WekaIO hosts' IB interface>:14000/dist/v1/install | sh

For example, $ curl | sh.

10.2. Determining Whether the WekaIO Version is Ready for GDS

To determine whether the WekaIO version is ready for GDS:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ weka version

  2. Review the output, for example:



    Currently, the only WekaIO FS version that supports GDS is *

10.3. Mounting a WekaIO File System Cluster

The WekaIO filesystem can take a parameter to reserve a fixed number of cores for the user space process.

  1. To mount a server_ip with two dedicated cores, run the following command:

    $ mkdir -p /mnt/weka $ sudo mount -t wekafs -o num_cores=2 -o net=ib0,net=ib1,net=ib2,net=ib3,net=ib4,net=ib5,net=ib6,net=ib7 /mnt/weka

  2. Review the output, for example:

    Mounting on /mnt/weka Creating weka container Starting container Waiting for container to join cluster Container "client" is ready (pid = 47740) Calling the mount command Mount completed successfully

10.4. Resolving a Failing Mount

  1. Before you use the IB interfaces in the mount options, verify that the interfaces are set up for net=<interface>:

    $ sudo mount -t wekafs -o num_cores=2 -o net=ib0,net=ib1,net=ib2,net=ib3,net=ib4,net=ib5,net=ib6,net=ib7 /mnt/weka

  2. Review the output, for example:

    Mounting on /mnt/weka Creating weka container Starting container Waiting for container to join cluster error: Container "client" has run into an error: Resources assignment failed: IB/MLNX network devices should have pre-configured IPs and ib4 has none

  3. Remove interfaces that do not have network connectivity from the mount options.

    $ ibdev2netdev mlx5_0 port 1 ==> ib0 (Up) mlx5_1 port 1 ==> ib1 (Up) mlx5_2 port 1 ==> ib2 (Up) mlx5_3 port 1 ==> ib3 (Up) mlx5_4 port 1 ==> ib4 (Down) mlx5_5 port 1 ==> ib5 (Down) mlx5_6 port 1 ==> ib6 (Up) mlx5_7 port 1 ==> ib7 (Up) mlx5_8 port 1 ==> ib8 (Up) mlx5_9 port 1 ==> ib9 (Up)

10.5. Resolving 100% Usage for WekaIO for Two Cores

If you have two cores, and you are experiencing 100% CPU usage:

  1. Run the following command.

    $ top

  2. Review the output, for example:

    PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 54816 root 20 0 11.639g 1.452g 392440 R 94.4 0.1 781:06.06 wekanode 54825 root 20 0 11.639g 1.452g 392440 R 94.4 0.1 782:00.32 wekanode

    When the num_cores=2 parameter is specified, two cores are used for the user mode poll driver for WekaIO FE networking. This process improves the latency and performance. Refer to the WekaIO documentation for more information.

10.6. Checking for an Existing Mount in the Weka File System

To check for an existing mount in the WekaIO file system:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ mount | grep wekafs

  2. Review the output, for example:
             on /mnt/weka type wekafs ( rw,relatime,writecache,inode_bits=auto,dentry_max_age_positive=1000, dentry_max_age_negative=0)

10.7. Checking for a Summary of the WekaIO Filesystem Status

To check for a summary of the WekaIO file system status.

  1. Run the following command:

    $ weka status

  2. Review the output, for example:

    WekaIO v3.6.2.5-rdma-beta (CLI build cluster: Nvidia (e4a4e227-41d0-47e5-aa70-b50688b31f40) status: OK (12 backends UP, 72 drives UP) protection: 8+2 hot spare: 2 failure domains (62.84 TiB) drive storage: 62.84 TiB total, 819.19 MiB unprovisioned cloud: connected license: Unlicensed io status: STARTED 1 day ago (1584 buckets UP, 228 io-nodes UP) link layer: InfiniBand clients: 1 connected reads: 61.54 GiB/s (63019 IO/s) writes: 0 B/s (0 IO/s) operations: 63019 ops/s alerts: 3 active alerts, use `Wekaalerts` to list them

10.8. Displaying the Summary of the WekaIO Filesystem Statistics

To display a summary of the status of the WekaIO filesystem:

  1. Run the following command.

    $ cat /proc/wekafs/stat

  2. Review the output, for example:

    IO type: UM Average UM Longest KM Average KM Longest IO count -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- total: 812 us 563448 us 9398 ns 10125660 ns 718319292 (63260 IOPS, 0 MB/sec) lookup: 117 us 3105 us 6485 ns 436709 ns 4079 (12041) readdir: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 mknod: 231 us 453 us 3970 ns 6337 ns 96 open: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 (3232) release: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 (2720) read: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 write: 18957 us 563448 us 495291 ns 920127 ns 983137 (983041) getattr: 10 us 10 us 6771 ns 6771 ns 1 (9271) setattr: 245 us 424 us 4991 ns 48222 ns 96 rmdir: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 unlink: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 rename: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 symlink: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 readlink: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 hardlink: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 statfs: 4664 us 5072 us 38947 ns 59618 ns 7 SG_release: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 SG_allocate: 1042 us 7118 us 2161 ns 110282 ns 983072 falloc: 349 us 472 us 4184 ns 10239 ns 96 atomic_open: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 flock: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 backcomm: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 getroot: 19701 us 19701 us 57853 ns 57853 ns 1 trace: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 jumbo alloc: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 jumbo release: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 jumbo write: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 jumbo read: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 keepalive: 46 us 1639968 us 1462 ns 38996 ns 184255 ioctl: 787 us 50631 us 8732 ns 10125660 ns 717328710 setxattr: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 getxattr: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 listxattr: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 removexattr: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0 setfileaccess: 130 us 3437 us 6440 ns 71036 ns 3072 unmount: 0 us 0 us 0 ns 0 ns 0

10.9. Why WekaIO Writes Go Through POSIX

For the WekaIO filesystem, GDS supports RDMA based reads and writes. You can use thefs:weka:rdma_write_support JSON property to enable writes on supported Weka filesystems. This option is disabled by default. If this option is set to false, writes will be internally staged through system memory, and the cuFile library will use pwrite POSIX calls internally for writes.

10.10. Checking for nvidia-fs.ko Support for Memory Peer Direct

To check for nvidia-fs.ko support for memory peer direct:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ lsmod | grep nvidia_fs | grep ib_core && echo “Ready for Memory Peer Direct�?

  2. Review the output, for example:

    ib_core 319488 16 rdma_cm,ib_ipoib,mlx4_ib,ib_srp,iw_cm,nvidia_fs,ib_iser,ib_umad, rdma_ucm,ib_uverbs,mlx5_ib,ib_cm,ib_ucm “Ready for Memory Peer Direct�?

10.11. Checking Memory Peer Direct Stats

To to check memory peer statistics:

  1. Run the following script, which shows the counter for memroy peer direct statistics:

    list=`ls /sys/kernel/mm/memory_peers/nvidia-fs/`. for stat in $list . do echo "$stat value: " $(cat /sys/kernel/mm/memory_peers/nvidia-fs/$stat). done

  2. Review the output.

    num_alloc_mrs value: 1288 num_dealloc_mrs value: 1288 num_dereg_bytes value: 1350565888 num_dereg_pages value: 329728 num_free_callbacks value: 0 num_reg_bytes value: 1350565888 num_reg_pages value: 329728 version value: 1.0

10.12. Checking for Relevant nvidia-fs Statistics for the WekaIO Filesystem

To check for relevant nvida-fs statistics for the WekaIO file system:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats | egrep -v 'Reads|Writes|Ops|Error'

  2. Review the output, for example:

    GDS Version: NVFS statistics(ver: 4.0) NVFS Driver(version: 2.7.49) Active Shadow-Buffer (MB): 256 Active Process: 1 Mmap : n=2088 ok=2088 err=0 munmap=1832 Bar1-map : n=2088 ok=2088 err=0 free=1826 callbacks=6 active=256 GPU 0000:34:00.0 uuid:12a86a5e-3002-108f-ee49-4b51266cdc07 : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=1977 GPU 0000:e5:00.0 uuid:4c2c6b1c-27ac-8bed-8e88-9e59a5e348b5 : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=32 GPU 0000:b7:00.0 uuid:b224ba5e-96d2-f793-3dfd-9caf6d4c31d8 : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=32 GPU 0000:39:00.0 uuid:e8fac7f5-d85d-7353-8d76-330628508052 : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=32 GPU 0000:5c:00.0 uuid:2b13ed25-f0ab-aedb-1f5c-326745b85176 : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=32 GPU 0000:e0:00.0 uuid:df46743a-9b22-30ce-6ea0-62562efaf0a2 : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=32 GPU 0000:bc:00.0 uuid:c4136168-2a1d-1f3f-534c-7dd725fedbff : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=32 GPU 0000:57:00.0 uuid:54e472f2-e4ee-18dc-f2a1-3595fa8f3d33 : Registered_MB=32 Cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=32


    Reads, Writes, Ops, and Error counters are not available through this interface for the WekaIO filesystem, so the value will be zero. See Displaying the Summary of the WekaIO Filesystem Statistics about using the Weka status for reads and writes.

10.13. Conducting a Basic WekaIO Filesystem Test

To conduct a basic WekaIO file system test:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/gdsio_verify -f /mnt/weka/gdstest/tests/reg1G -n 1 -m 0 -s 1024 -o 0 -d 0 -t 0 -S -g 4K

  2. Review the output, for example:

    gpu index :0,file :/mnt/weka/gdstest/tests/reg1G, RING buffer size :0, gpu buffer alignment :4096, gpu buffer offset :0, file offset :0, io_requested :1024, bufregister :false, sync :0, nr ios :1,fsync :0, address = 0x564ffc5e76c0 Data Verification Success

10.14. Unmounting a WekaIO File System Cluster

To unmount a WekaIO file system cluster:

  1. Run the following command.

    $ sudo umount /mnt/weka

  2. Review the output, for example:

    Unmounting /mnt/weka Calling the umount command umount successful, stopping and deleting client container Umount completed successfully

10.15. Verify the Installed Libraries for the WekaIO Filesystem

The following table summarizes the tasks and command oputput for verifying the installled libraries for the WekaIO filesystems.

Table 3. Verifying the Installed Libraries for WekaIO Filesystems
Task Output
Check the WekaIO version.

$ weka status WekaIO v3.6.2.5-rdma-beta (CLI build

Check whether GDS support for WekaFS is present.

$ gdscheck -p [...] WekaFS: Supported Userspace RDMA: Supported [...]

Check for MLNX_OFED information.

Check with ofed_info -s

Currently supported with:



$ ofed_info -s MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.1-

Check for the nvidia-fs.ko driver.

$ lsmod | grep nvidia_fs | grep ib_core && echo “Ready for Memory Peer Direct�?

Check for libibverbs.so

$ dpkg -s libibverbs-dev Package: libibverbs-dev Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: libdevel Installed-Size: 1151 Maintainer: Linux RDMA Mailing List <linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org> Architecture: amd64 Multi-Arch: same Source: rdma-core Version: 47mlnx1-1.47329

10.16. GDS Configuration File Changes to Support the WekaIO Filesystem

By default, the configuration for Weka RDMA-based writes is disabled.


"fs": { "weka": { // enable/disable WekaFs rdma write "rdma_write_support" : false } }

To support the WekaIO Filesystem, change the configuration to add a new property, rdma_dev_addr_list:


"properties": { // allow compat mode, // this will enable use of cufile posix read/writes //"allow_compat_mode": true, "rdma_dev_addr_list": [ "" , "", "" , "", "" , "", "", "" ] }

10.17. Check for Relevant User-Space Statistics for the WekaIO Filesystem

To check for relevant user-space statistics for the WekaIO filesystem, issue the following command:


$ ./gds_stats -p <pid> -l 3 | grep GPU

Refer to GDS User-Space RDMA Counters for more information about statistics.

10.18. Check for WekaFS Support

If WekaFS support does not exist, the following issues are possible:

Table 4. Weka Filesystem Support Issues
Issue Action
MLNX_OFED peer direct is not enabled.

Check whether MLNX_OFED is installed (ofed_info -s).

This issue can occur if the nvidia-fs Debian package was installed before MLNX_OFED was installed. When this issue occurs, uninstall and reinstall the nvidia-fs package.

RDMA devices are not populated in the /etc/cufile.json file. Add IP addresses to properties.rdma_dev_addr_list. Currently only IPv4 addresses are supported.
None of the configured RDMA devices are UP. Check IB connectivity for the interfaces.

GDS is supported starting with IBM Spectrum Scale 5.1.2.

After reviewing the NVIDIA GDS documentation, refer to IBM Spectrum Scale 5.1.2. Please see especially the GDS sections in the Planning and Installation guides.

•Planning: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-scale/5.1.2?topic=considerations-planning-gpudirect-storage

•Installing: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-scale/5.1.2?topic=installing-gpudirect-storage-spectrum-scale

For troubleshooting see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-scale/5.1.2?topic=troubleshooting-gpudirect-storage-issues.

11.1. IBM Spectrum Scale Limitations with GDS

Refer to the following documentation for IBM Spectrum Scale Limitations with GDS:


11.2. Checking nvidia-fs.ko Support for Mellanox PeerDirect

Use the following command to check support for memory peer direct.


$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats | grep -i "Mellanox PeerDirect Supported"


Mellanox PeerDirect Supported: True

In the above example, False means that MLNX_OFED was not installed with GPUDirect Storage support prior to installing nvidia-fs.

The other option to check for Mellanox PeerDirect Support is via “gdscheck -p�? output. If it’s enabled, you should be able to see something as below.


--Mellanox PeerDirect : Enabled

11.3. Verifying Installed Libraries for IBM Spectrum Scale

The following tasks, shown with sample output, can be peformed to show installed libraries for IBM Spectrum Scale:

  • Check whether GDS support for IBM Spectrum Scale is present:

    [~]# /usr/local/cuda/gds/tools/gdscheck -p | egrep -e "Spectrum Scale|PeerDirect|rdma_device_status" IBM Spectrum Scale : Supported --Mellanox PeerDirect : Enabled --rdma_device_status : Up: 2 Down: 0

  • Check for MLNX_OFED information:

    $ ofed_info -s MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.4-

  • Check for nvidia-fs.ko driver:

    [~]# cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats GDS Version: NVFS statistics(ver: 4.0) NVFS Driver(version: 2.7.49) Mellanox PeerDirect Supported: True IO stats: Disabled, peer IO stats: Disabled Logging level: info Active Shadow-Buffer (MiB): 0 Active Process: 0 Reads : err=0 io_state_err=0 Sparse Reads : n=230 io=0 holes=0 pages=0 Writes : err=0 io_state_err=237 pg-cache=0 pg-cache-fail=0 pg-cache-eio=0 Mmap : n=27 ok=27 err=0 munmap=27 Bar1-map : n=27 ok=27 err=0 free=27 callbacks=0 active=0 Error : cpu-gpu-pages=0 sg-ext=0 dma-map=0 dma-ref=0 Ops : Read=0 Write=0 GPU 0000:2f:00.0 uuid:621f7d17-5e7d-8f79-be27-d2f4256ddd88 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=2

  • To check for libibverbs.so on Ubuntu:

    $ dpkg -s libibverbs-dev root@fscc-sr650-59:~# dpkg -s libibverbs-dev Package: libibverbs-dev Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: libdevel Installed-Size: 1428 Maintainer: Linux RDMA Mailing List <linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org> Architecture: amd64 Multi-Arch: same Source: rdma-core Version: 54mlnx1-1.54103

    To check for libibverbs.so on RHEL:


    []# rpm -qi libibverbs Name : libibverbs Version : 54mlnx1 Release : 1.54103 Architecture: x86_64 Install Date: Tue 13 Jul 2021 10:21:18 AM CEST Group : System Environment/Libraries Size : 535489 License : GPLv2 or BSD Signature : DSA/SHA1, Fri 02 Jul 2021 08:14:44 PM CEST, Key ID c5ed83e26224c050 Source RPM : rdma-core-54mlnx1-1.54103.src.rpm Build Date : Fri 02 Jul 2021 06:59:01 PM CEST Build Host : c-141-24-1-005.mtl.labs.mlnx Relocations : (not relocatable) URL : https://github.com/linux-rdma/rdma-core Summary : A library and drivers for direct userspace use of RDMA (InfiniBand/iWARP/RoCE) hardware Description : libibverbs is a library that allows userspace processes to use RDMA "verbs" as described in the InfiniBand Architecture Specification and the RDMA Protocol Verbs Specification. This includes direct hardware access from userspace to InfiniBand/iWARP adapters (kernel bypass) for fast path operations. Device-specific plug-in ibverbs userspace drivers are included: - libmlx5: Mellanox ConnectX-4+ InfiniBand HCA

11.4. Checking PeerDirect Stats

To check memory peer statistics, run the following script:


list=`ls /sys/kernel/mm/memory_peers/nvidia-fs/`; for stat in $list;do echo "$stat value: " $(cat /sys/kernel/mm/memory_peers/nvidia-fs/$stat); done

Sample output:


num_alloc_mrs value: 1288 num_dealloc_mrs value: 1288 num_dereg_bytes value: 1350565888 num_dereg_pages value: 329728 num_free_callbacks value: 0 num_reg_bytes value: 1350565888 num_reg_pages value: 32972 version value: 1.0

11.5. Checking for Relevant nvidia-fs Stats with IBM Spectrum Scale

Use the following steps to check for relevant nvidia-fs statistics for the IBM Spectrum Scale file system.

  1. Enable nvidia-fs statistics:

    # echo 1 > /sys/module/nvidia_fs/parameters/rw_stats_enabled

  2. $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats
  3. Review the output:

    [~]# cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats GDS Version: NVFS statistics(ver: 4.0) NVFS Driver(version: 2.7.49) Mellanox PeerDirect Supported: True IO stats: Disabled, peer IO stats: Disabled Logging level: info Active Shadow-Buffer (MiB): 0 Active Process: 0 Reads : err=0 io_state_err=0 Sparse Reads : n=230 io=0 holes=0 pages=0 Writes : err=0 io_state_err=237 pg-cache=0 pg-cache-fail=0 pg-cache-eio=0 Mmap : n=27 ok=27 err=0 munmap=27 Bar1-map : n=27 ok=27 err=0 free=27 callbacks=0 active=0 Error : cpu-gpu-pages=0 sg-ext=0 dma-map=0 dma-ref=0 Ops : Read=0 Write=0 GPU 0000:2f:00.0 uuid:621f7d17-5e7d-8f79-be27-d2f4256ddd88 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=2

11.6. GDS User Space Stats for IBM Spectrum Scale for Each Process

To check GDS user space level stats, make sure the “cufile_stats�? property in cufile.json is set to 3. Run the following command to check the user space stats for a specific process:


$ /usr/local/cuda-<x>.<y>/gds/tools/gds_stats -p <pid> -l 3 cuFile STATS VERSION : 4 GLOBAL STATS: Total Files: 1 Total Read Errors : 0 Total Read Size (MiB): 7302 Read BandWidth (GiB/s): 0.691406 Avg Read Latency (us): 6486 Total Write Errors : 0 Total Write Size (MiB): 0 Write BandWidth (GiB/s): 0 Avg Write Latency (us): 0 READ-WRITE SIZE HISTOGRAM : 0-4(KiB): 0 0 4-8(KiB): 0 0 8-16(KiB): 0 0 16-32(KiB): 0 0 32-64(KiB): 0 0 64-128(KiB): 0 0 128-256(KiB): 0 0 256-512(KiB): 0 0 512-1024(KiB): 0 0 1024-2048(KiB): 0 0 2048-4096(KiB): 3651 0 4096-8192(KiB): 0 0 8192-16384(KiB): 0 0 16384-32768(KiB): 0 0 32768-65536(KiB): 0 0 65536-...(KiB): 0 0 PER_GPU STATS: GPU 0 Read: bw=0.690716 util(%)=199 n=3651 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=0 r_sparse=0 r_inline=0 err=0 MiB=7302 Write: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=0 err=0 MiB=0 BufRegister: n=2 err=0 free=0 MiB=4 PER_GPU POOL BUFFER STATS: PER_GPU POSIX POOL BUFFER STATS: PER_GPU RDMA STATS: GPU 0000:43:00.0 : mlx5_0(130:64):Reads: 3594 Writes: 0 mlx5_1(130:64):Reads: 3708 Writes: 0 RDMA MRSTATS: peer name nr_mrs mr_size(MiB) mlx5_0 1 2 mlx5_1 1 2

In the example above, 3954 MiB of IBM Spectrum Scale Read-IO went through mlx5_0 and 3708 MiB MiB of IBM Spectrum Scale Read went through mlx5_1. The RDMA MRSTATS value shows the number of RDMA memory registrations and size of those registrations.

11.7. GDS Configuration to Support IBM Spectrum Scale

  1. Configure the DC key. The DC key for the IBM Spectrum Scale client can be configured in the following ways:
    • Set the environment variable CUFILE_RDMA_DC_KEY. This should be set to a 32-bit hex value. This can be set as shown in the following example.


      export CUFILE_RDMA_DC_KEY = 0x11223344

    • Set the property rdma_dc_keyin cufile.json. This property is a 32-bit value and can be set as shown in the following example.


      "rdma_dc_key": "0xffeeddcc",

    In case both the environment variable and the cufile.json have the property set, the environment variable CUFILE_RDMA_DC_KEY will take precedence over the rdma_dc_keyproperty set in cufile.json.

    In case none of the above is set, the default DC Key configured is 0xffeeddcc.

  2. Configure the IP addresses in cufile.json.

    The >rdma_dev_addr_list property should be set in cufile.json with the IP address of the RDMA devices to be used for IO.


    "properties": { ------- "rdma_dev_addr_list": [ "" , "", "" , "", "" , "", "", "" ] } --------- }

  3. Configure the max_direct_io_size_kb property in cufile.json.

    You can change the IO size with the following property:


    "properties": { ------- "max_direct_io_size_kb" : 1024 --------- }

  4. Configure the rdma_access_maskproperty in cufile.json.

    This property is a performance tunable. Refer to IBM Spectrum Scale documentation in https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spectrum-scale/5.1.2?topic=configuring-gpudirect-storage-spectrum-scale for optimal configuration of this property.


    "properties": { ------- "rdma_access_mask": "0x1f", --------- }

11.8. Scenarios for Falling Back to Compatibility Mode

There are couple of scenarios that will cause the IBM Spectrum Scale IOs to go through compatibility mode, irrespective of the allow_compat_mode property’s value in cufile.json. For a full list of these cases please refer to http://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6444075.

11.9. GDS Limitations with IBM Spectrum Scale

The current maximum of RDMA memory registrations for a GPU buffer is 16. Hence, the maximum size of memory that can be registered with RDMA per GPU buffer is 16 * max_direct_to_size_kb (set in cufile.json). Any GDS IO with IBM Spectrum Scale beyond this offset will go through bounce buffers and might have a performance impact.

NetApp supports BeeGFS High Availability.

Refer to the BeeGFS with Netapp E-Series Technical Report on how to deploy the BeeGFS parallel file system: Netapp BeeGFS Deployment. For deployments requiring high availability, refer to BeeGFS High Availability with NetApp E-Series.

12.1. Netapp BeeGFS/GPUDirect Storage and Package Requirements

BeeGFS client and storage with GDS:

CUDA and GDS are only required on the beegfs-client hosts. There are no CUDA or GPUDirect Storage requirements for the BeeGFS server hosts.

12.2. BeeGFS Client Configuration for GDS

After installing beegfs-client, the client build needs to be configured for RDMA and GDS.

  1. Edit /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client-autobuild.conf. Change line 57 of the file to:


    buildArgs=-j8 NVFS_H_PATH=/usr/src/mlnx-ofed-kernel-5.4/drivers/nvme/host OFED_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/src/ofa_kernel/default/include

    This should all be on the same line,

  2. Rebuild beegfs-client:


    sudo /etc/init.d/beegfs-client rebuild

12.3. GPU/HCA Topology on the Client - DGX-A100 and OSS servers Client Server

Client Server:

ibdev netdev IP GPU Numa OSS Target Mount Point
mlx5_4 ibp97s0f0 0,1,2,3 0 meta 1 5,6,7,8 /mnt/beegfs/
mlx5_5 ibp97s0f1 0,1,2,3 0 meta 1 5,6,7,8 /mnt/beegfs/
mlx5_10 ibp225s0f0 4,5,6,7 4 meta 2 1,2,3,4 /mnt/beegfs/
mlx5_11 ibp225s0f1 4,5,6,7 4 meta 2 1,2,3,4 /mnt/beegfs/

OSS Servers:

meta01-numa0-1 1001 0
meta01-numa1-2 1002 1
meta02-numa0-1 2001 0
meta02-numa1-2 2002 1

12.4. Verify the Setup

To verify the setup, run the following commands on any client:

12.4.1. List the Management Node


root@dgxa100-b:/sys/class# beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=management --details meta-02.cpoc.local [ID: 1] Ports: UDP: 8008; TCP: 8008 Interfaces: em3(TCP)

12.4.2. List the Metadata Nodes


root@dgxa100-b:/sys/class# beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=meta –details meta01-numa0-1-meta [ID: 1101] Ports: UDP: 8005; TCP: 8005 Interfaces: ib0:net1(RDMA) ib0:net1(TCP) meta01-numa1-2-meta [ID: 1102] Ports: UDP: 8006; TCP: 8006 Interfaces: ib2:net3(RDMA) ib2:net3(TCP) meta02-numa0-1-meta [ID: 2101] Ports: UDP: 8005; TCP: 8005 Interfaces: ib0:net0(RDMA) ib0:net0(TCP) meta02-numa1-2-meta [ID: 2102] Ports: UDP: 8006; TCP: 8006 Interfaces: ib2:net2(RDMA) ib2:net2(TCP) Number of nodes: 4 Root: 2101

12.4.3. List the Storage Nodes


root@dgxa100-b:/sys/class# beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=storage –details meta01-numa0-1 [ID: 1001] Ports: UDP: 8003; TCP: 8003 Interfaces: ib0:net1(RDMA) ib0:net1(TCP) meta01-numa1-2 [ID: 1002] Ports: UDP: 8004; TCP: 8004 Interfaces: ib2:net3(RDMA) ib2:net3(TCP) meta02-numa0-1 [ID: 2001] Ports: UDP: 8003; TCP: 8003 Interfaces: ib0:net0(RDMA) ib0:net0(TCP) meta02-numa1-2 [ID: 2002] Ports: UDP: 8004; TCP: 8004 Interfaces: ib2:net2(RDMA) ib2:net2(TCP) Number of nodes: 4

12.4.4. List the Client Nodes


root@dgxa100-b:/sys/class# beegfs-ctl --listnodes --nodetype=client --details B4330-6161F689-dgxa100-b [ID: 11] Ports: UDP: 8004; TCP: 0 Interfaces: ibp97s0f0(RDMA) ibp97s0f0(TCP) ibp97s0f1(TCP) ibp97s0f1(RDMA) ibp225s0f0(TCP) ibp225s0f0(RDMA) ibp225s0f1(TCP) ibp225s0f1(RDMA)

12.4.5. Display Client Connections


root@dgxa100-b:/sys/class# beegfs-net mgmt_nodes ============= meta-02.cpoc.local [ID: 1] Connections: TCP: 1 (; meta_nodes ============= meta01-numa0-1-meta [ID: 1101] Connections: RDMA: 1 (; meta01-numa1-2-meta [ID: 1102] Connections: RDMA: 1 (; meta02-numa0-1-meta [ID: 2101] Connections: RDMA: 1 (; meta02-numa1-2-meta [ID: 2102] Connections: RDMA: 1 (; storage_nodes ============= meta01-numa0-1 [ID: 1001] Connections: RDMA: 8 (; meta01-numa1-2 [ID: 1002] Connections: RDMA: 8 (; meta02-numa0-1 [ID: 2001] Connections: RDMA: 16 (; meta02-numa1-2 [ID: 2002] Connections: RDMA: 8 (;

12.4.6. Verify Connectivity to the Different Services


root@dgxa100-b:/sys/class# beegfs-check-servers Management ========== meta-02.cpoc.local [ID: 1]: reachable at (protocol: TCP) Metadata ========== meta01-numa0-1-meta [ID: 1101]: reachable at (protocol: TCP) meta01-numa1-2-meta [ID: 1102]: reachable at (protocol: TCP) meta02-numa0-1-meta [ID: 2101]: reachable at (protocol: TCP) meta02-numa1-2-meta [ID: 2102]: reachable at (protocol: TCP) Storage ========== meta01-numa0-1 [ID: 1001]: reachable at (protocol: TCP) meta01-numa1-2 [ID: 1002]: reachable at (protocol: TCP) meta02-numa0-1 [ID: 2001]: reachable at (protocol: TCP) meta02-numa1-2 [ID: 2002]: reachable at (protocol: TCP)

12.4.7. List Storage Pools

In this example we used the default mounting point:


root@dgxa100-b:/sys/class# sudo beegfs-ctl –liststoragepools Pool ID Pool Description Targets Buddy Groups ======= ================== ============================ ============================ 1 Default 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

12.4.8. Display the Free Space and inodes on the Storage and Metadata Targets


root@dgxa100-b:/sys/class# beegfs-df METADATA SERVERS: TargetID Cap. Pool Total Free % ITotal IFree % ======== ========= ===== ==== = ====== ===== = 1101 normal 573.3GiB 572.9GiB 100% 401.1M 401.0M 100% 1102 normal 573.3GiB 572.9GiB 100% 401.1M 401.0M 100% 2101 normal 573.3GiB 572.9GiB 100% 401.1M 401.0M 100% 2102 normal 573.3GiB 572.9GiB 100% 401.1M 401.0M 100% STORAGE TARGETS: TargetID Cap. Pool Total Free % ITotal IFree % ======== ========= ===== ==== = ====== ===== = 1 normal 2574.7GiB 1470.8GiB 57% 270.1M 270.1M 100% 2 normal 2574.7GiB 1404.0GiB 55% 270.1M 270.1M 100% 3 normal 2574.7GiB 1265.5GiB 49% 270.1M 270.1M 100% 4 normal 2574.7GiB 1278.5GiB 50% 270.1M 270.1M 100% 5 normal 2574.7GiB 1274.0GiB 49% 270.1M 270.1M 100% 6 normal 2574.7GiB 1342.6GiB 52% 270.1M 270.1M 100% 7 normal 2574.7GiB 1485.3GiB 58% 270.1M 270.1M 100% 8 normal 2574.7GiB 1481.7GiB 58% 270.1M 270.1M 100%

12.5. Testing

12.5.1. Verifying Integration is Working

Once beegfs-client has been started with GDS support, a basic test can be performed to verify that the integration is working:


root@dgxa100-b:/usr/local/cuda-11.4/gds/tools# ./gdscheck.py -p GDS release version: nvidia_fs version: 2.7 libcufile version: 2.9 ============ ENVIRONMENT: ============ ===================== DRIVER CONFIGURATION: ===================== NVMe : Supported NVMeOF : Unsupported SCSI : Unsupported ScaleFlux CSD : Unsupported NVMesh : Unsupported DDN EXAScaler : Unsupported IBM Spectrum Scale : Unsupported NFS : Unsupported BEEGFS : Supported WekaFS : Unsupported Userspace RDMA : Unsupported --Mellanox PeerDirect : Disabled --rdma library : Not Loaded (libcufile_rdma.so) --rdma devices : Not configured --rdma_device_status : Up: 0 Down: 0 ===================== CUFILE CONFIGURATION: ===================== properties.use_compat_mode : true properties.gds_rdma_write_support : false properties.use_poll_mode : false properties.poll_mode_max_size_kb : 4 properties.max_batch_io_timeout_msecs : 5 properties.max_direct_io_size_kb : 16384 properties.max_device_cache_size_kb : 131072 properties.max_device_pinned_mem_size_kb : 33554432 properties.posix_pool_slab_size_kb : 4 1024 16384 properties.posix_pool_slab_count : 128 64 32 properties.rdma_peer_affinity_policy : RoundRobin properties.rdma_dynamic_routing : 0 fs.generic.posix_unaligned_writes : false fs.lustre.posix_gds_min_kb: 0 fs.beegfs.posix_gds_min_kb: 0 fs.weka.rdma_write_support: false profile.nvtx : false profile.cufile_stats : 0 miscellaneous.api_check_aggressive : false ========= IOMMU: disabled Platform verification succeeded

12.5.2. Conducting a Basic NetApp BeeGFS Filesystem Test


/usr/local/cuda/gds/tools/gdsio_verify -f /mnt/beegfs/file 1g -d 0 -o 0 -s 1G -n 1 -m 1 gpu index :0, file :/mnt/beegfs/file 1g, gpu buffer alignment :0, gpu buffer offset :0, gpu devptr offset :0, file offset :0, io_requested :1073741824, io_chunk_size :1073741824, bufregister :true, sync :1, nr ios :1, fsync :0, Data Verification Success

This section provides information about how to set up and troubleshoot VAST data (NFSoRDMA+MultiPath).

13.1. Installing MLNX_OFED and VAST NFSoRDMA+Multipath Packages

13.1.1. Client Software Requirements

The following table lists the minimum client software requirements for using MLNX_OFED and VAST NFSoRDMA+Multipath packages.

Table 5. Minimum Client Requirements
NFS Connection Type Linux Kernel MLNX_OFED
NFSoRDMA + Multipath The following kernel versions are supported:
  • 4.15
  • 4.18
  • 5.4
The following MLNX_OFED versions are supported:
  • 4.6
  • 4.7
  • 5.0
  • 5.1
  • 5.3

For the most up to date supportability matrix and client configuration steps and package downloads, refer to: https://support.vastdata.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016813140-NFSoRDMA-with-Multipath.

MLNX_OFED must be installed for the VAST NFSoRDMA+Multipath package to function optimally. It is also important to download the correct VAST software packages to match your kernel+MLNX_OFED version combination. Refer to Troubleshooting and FAQ for NVMe and NVMeOF support for information about how to install MLNX_OFED with GDS support.

  • To verify the current version of MLNX_OFED, issue the following command:

    $ ofed_info -s MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.3-

  • To verify the currently installed Linux kernel version, issue the following command:

    $ uname -r -v

After you verify that your system has the correct combination of kernel and MLNX_OFED, you can install the VAST Multipath package.

13.1.2. Install the VAST Multipath Package

Although the VAST Multipath with NFSoRDMA package has been submitted upstream for inclusion in a future kernel release, it is currently only available as a download from: https://support.vastdata.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016813140-NFSoRDMA-with-Multipath.

Be sure to download the correct .deb file that is based on your kernel and MLNX_OFED. version.

  1. Install the VAST NFSoRDMA+Multipath package.

    $ sudo apt-get install mlnx-nfsrdma-*.deb

  2. Generate a new initramfs image.

    $ sudo update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r`

  3. Verify that the package is installed, and the version is the number that you expected.

    $ dpkg -l | grep mlnx-nfsrdma ii mlnx-nfsrdma-dkms 5.3-OFED. all DKMS support for NFS RDMA kernel module

  4. Reboot the host and run the following commands to verify that the correct version is loaded.

    The versions shown by each command should match.


    $ cat /sys/module/sunrpc/srcversion 4CC8389C7889F82F5A59269 $ modinfo sunrpc | grep srcversion srcversion: 4CC8389C7889F82F5A59269

13.2. Set Up the Networking

This section provides information about how to set up client networking for VAST for GDS.

To ensure optimal GPU-to-storage performance while leveraging GDS, you need to configure VAST and client networking in a balanced manner.

13.2.1. VAST Network Configuration

VAST is a multi-node architecture. Each node has multiple high-speed (IB-HDR100 or 100GbE) interfaces, which can host-client-facing Virtual IPs. Refer to VAST-Managing Virtual IP (VIP) Pools for more information. Here is the typical workflow:

  1. Multiply the number of VAST-Nodes * 2 (one per Interface).
  2. Create a VIP Pool with the resulting IP count.
  3. Place the VAST-VIP Pool on the same IP-subnet as the client.

13.2.2. Client Network Configuration

The following is information about client network configuration.

Typically, GPU optimized clients (such as the NVIDIA DGX-2 and DGX-A100) are configured with multiple high speed network interface cards (NICs). In the following example, the system contains 8 separate NICs that were selected for optimal balance for NIC -->GPU and NIC -->CPU bandwidth.


$ sudo ibdev2netdev mlx5_0 port 1 ==> ibp12s0 (Up) mlx5_1 port 1 ==> ibp18s0 (Up) mlx5_10 port 1 ==> ibp225s0f0 (Down) mlx5_11 port 1 ==> ibp225s0f1 (Down) mlx5_2 port 1 ==> ibp75s0 (Up) mlx5_3 port 1 ==> ibp84s0 (Up) mlx5_4 port 1 ==> ibp97s0f0 (Down) mlx5_5 port 1 ==> ibp97s0f1 (Down) mlx5_6 port 1 ==> ibp141s0 (Up) mlx5_7 port 1 ==> ibp148s0 (Up) mlx5_8 port 1 ==> ibp186s0 (Up) mlx5_9 port 1 ==> ibp202s0 (Up)

Not all interfaces are connected, and this is to ensure optimal bandwidth.

When using the aforementioned VAST NFSoRDAM+Multipath package, it is recommended to assign static IP’s to each interface on the same subnet, which should also match the subnet configured on the VAST VIP Pool. If using GDS with NVIDIA DGX-A100’s, a simplistic netplan is all that is required, for example:


ibp12s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no ibp141s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no ibp148s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no

However, if you are using other systems, or non-GDS code, you need to apply the following code to ensure that the proper interfaces are used to traverse from Client-->VAST.


See the routes section for each interface in the following sample.


$ cat /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: enp226s0: dhcp4: yes ibp12s0: addresses: [] dhcp6: no routes: - to: via: table: 101 routing-policy: - from: table: 101 ibp18s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no routes: - to: via: table: 102 routing-policy: - from: table: 102 ibp75s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no routes: - to: via: table: 103 routing-policy: - from: table: 103 ibp84s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no routes: - to: via: table: 104 routing-policy: - from: table: 104 ibp141s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no routes: - to: via: table: 105 routing-policy: - from: table: 105 ibp148s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no routes: - to: via: table: 106 routing-policy: - from: table: 106 ibp186s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no routes: - to: via: table: 107 routing-policy: - from: table: 107 ibp202s0: addresses: [] dhcp4: no routes: - to: via: table: 108 routing-policy: - from: table: 108

After making changes to the netplan, before issuing the following command, ensure that you have a IPMI/console connection to the client:


$ sudo netplan apply

13.2.3. Verify Network Connectivity

Once the proper netplan is applied, verify connectivity between all client interfaces and all VAST-VIPs with a ping loop:


# Replace with appropriate interface names $ export IFACES="ibp12s0 ibp18s0 ibp75s0 ibp84s0 ibp141s0 ibp148s0 ibp186s0 ibp202s0" # replace with appropriate VAST-VIPs $ export VIPS=$(echo 172.16.0.{101..116}) $ echo "starting pingtest" > pingtest.log $ for i in $IFACES;do for v in $VIPS; do echo $i >> pingtest.log; ping -c 1 $v -W 0.2 -I $i|grep loss >> pingtest.log;done;done; # Verify no failures: $ grep '100%' pingtest.log

You should also verify that one of the following conditions are met:

  • All client interfaces are directly cabled to the same IB switches as VAST.
  • There are sufficient InterSwitch Links (ISLs) between client-switches, and switches to which VAST is connected.

To verify the current IB switch topology, issue the following command:


$ sudo ibnetdiscover <output trimmed> [37] "H-b8599f0300c3f4cb"[1](b8599f0300c3f4cb) # "vastraplab-cn1 HCA-2" lid 55 2xHDR # <-- example of Vast-Node [43] "S-b8599f0300e361f2"[43] # "MF0;RL-QM87-C20-U33:MQM8700/U1" lid 1 4xHDR # <-- example of ISL [67] "H-1c34da030073c27e"[1](1c34da030073c27e) # "rl-dgxa-c21-u19 mlx5_9" lid 23 4xHDR # <-- example of client

13.3. Mount VAST NFS

To fully utilize available VAST VIPs, you must mount the filesystem by issuing the following command:


$ sudo mount -o proto=rdma,port=20049,vers=3 \ -o noidlexprt,nconnect=40 \ -o localports= \ -o remoteports= \ /mnt/vast

The options are:

RDMA must be specified.
Must be specified, this is RDMA control port.
Do not disconnect idle connections. This is to detect and recover failing connections when there are no pending I/O’s.
Number of concurrent connections. Should be divisible evenly by the number of remoteports specified below for best balance.
A list of IPv4 addresses for the local ports to bind.
A list of NFS server IPv4 ports to bind.

For both localports and remoteports you can specify an inclusive range with the -delimiter, for example, FIRST-LAST. Multiple ranges or individual IP addresses can be separated by ~ (a tilde)

13.4. Debugging and Monitoring VAST Data

Typically, mountstats under /proc shows xprt statistics. However, instead of modifying it in a non-compatible way with the nfsstat utility, the VAST Multipath package extends mountstats with extra state reporting, to be exclusively accessed from /sys/kernel/debug.

The stats node was added for each RPC client, and the RPC client 0 shows the mount that is completed:


$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/sunrpc/rpc_clnt/0/stats

The added information is multipath IP address information per xprt and xprt state in string format. For example:


xprt: rdma 0 0 1 0 24 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 ->, state: CONNECTED BOUND xprt: rdma 0 0 1 0 24 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 ->, state: CONNECTED BOUND xprt: rdma 0 0 1 0 23 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 ->, state: CONNECTED BOUND xprt: rdma 0 0 1 0 22 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 ->, state: CONNECTED BOUND xprt: rdma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ->, state: BOUND xprt: rdma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ->, state: BOUND xprt: rdma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ->, state: BOUND xprt: rdma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ->, state: BOUND

This section provides troubleshooting information for NVME and NVMeOF support.

14.1. MLNX_OFED Requirements and Installation

  • To enable GDS support for NVMe and NVMeOF, you need to install at least MLNX_OFED 5.3 or later.
  • You must install MLNX_OFED with support for GDS.

After installation is complete, for the changes to take effect, use update -initramfs and reboot. The Linux kernel version that was tested with MLNX_OFED 5.3- is 4.15.0-x and 5.4.0-x. Issue the following command:


$ sudo ./mlnxofedinstall --with-nvmf --with-nfsrdma --enable-gds --add-kernel-support --dkms


With MLNX_OFED 5.3 onwards, the --enable-gds flag is no longer necessary.


$ sudo update-initramfs -u -k `uname -r` $ reboot

14.2. Determining Whether the NVMe device is Supported for GDS

NVMe devices must be compatible with GDS; the device cannot have the block device integrity capability.

For device integrity, the Linux block layer completes the metadata processing based on the payload in the host memory. This is a deviation from the standard GDS IO path and, as a result, cannot accommodate these devices. The cuFile file registration will fail when this type of underlying device is detected with appropriate error log in the cufile.log file.


$ cat /sys/block/<nvme>/integrity/device_is_integrity_capable

14.3. RAID Support in GDS

Currently, GDS only supports RAID 0.

14.4. Mounting a Local Filesystem for GDS

Currently, EXT4 and XFS are the only block device based filesystem that GDS supports. Because of Direct IO semantics, the ext4 file system must be mounted with the journaling mode set to data=ordered. This has to be explicitly part of the mount options so that the library can recognize it:


$ sudo mount -o data=ordered /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt

If the EXT4 journaling mode is not in the expected mode, the cuFileHandleRegister will fail, and an appropriate error message will be logged in the log file. For instance, in the following case, /mnt1 is mounted with writeback, and GDS returns an error:


$ mount | grep /mnt1 /dev/nvme0n1p2 on /mnt1 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=writeback) $ ./cufile_sample_001 /mnt1/foo 0 opening file /mnt1/foo file register error:GPUDirect Storage not supported on current file

14.5. Check for an Existing EXT4 Mount

To check for an existing EXT4 mount:


$ mount | grep ext4 /dev/sda2 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered) /dev/nvme1n1 on /mnt type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered) /dev/nvme0n1p2 on /mnt1 type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=writeback)


A similar check can be used to check for an existing XFS mount, for example:


mount | grep xfs

14.6. Check for IO Statistics with Block Device Mount

The following command and partial log show you how to obtain the IO statistics:


$ sudo iotop Actual DISK READ: 0.00 B/s | Actual DISK WRITE: 193.98 K/s TID PRIO USER DISK READ DISK WRITE SWAPIN IO> COMMAND 881 be/3 root 0.00 B/s 15.52 K/s 0.00 % 0.01 % [jbd2/sda2-8] 1 be/4 root 0.00 B/s 0.00 B/s 0.00 % 0.00 % init splash

14.7. RAID Group Configuration for GPU Affinity

Creating one RAID group from the available NVMe devices might not be optimal for GDS performance. You might need to create RAID groups that consist of devices that have a pci-affinity with the specified GPU. This is required to prevent and cross-node P2P traffic between the GPU and the NVMe devices.

If affinity is not enforced, GDS will use an internal mechanism of device bounce buffers to copy data from the NVMe devices to an intermediate device that is closest to the drives and copy the data back to the actual GPU. If NVLink is enabled, this will speed up these transfers.

14.8. Conduct a Basic EXT4 Filesystem Test

To conduct a basic EXT4 filesystem test, issue the following command:


$ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/gds/tools/gdsio_verify -f /mnt/nvme/gdstest/tests/reg1G -n 1 -m 0 -s 1024 -o 0 -d 0 -t 0 -S -g 4K

Sample output:


gpu index :0,file :/mnt/weka/gdstest/tests/reg1G, RING buffer size :0, gpu buffer alignment :4096, gpu buffer offset :0, file offset :0, io_requested :1024, bufregister :false, sync :0, nr ios :1,fsync :0, address = 0x564ffc5e76c0 Data Verification Success

14.9. Unmount a EXT4 Filesystem

To unmount an EXT4 filesystem, issue the following command:


$ sudo umount /mnt/

14.10. Udev Device Naming for a Block Device

The library has a limitation when identifying the NVMe-based block devices in that it expects device names to have the nvme prefix as part of the naming convention.

14.11. BATCH I/O Performance

It has been observed that m separate batches with n/m entries each, showed better performance than 1 batch with n entries especially in case of NVMe based storage.

GDS exposes the IO statistics information on the procfs filesystem.

  1. To display driver statistics, run the following command.

    $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stat

  2. Review the output, for example:

    GDS Version: NVFS statistics(ver: 4.0) NVFS Driver(version: 2:7:47) Mellanox PeerDirect Supported: True IO stats: Enabled, peer IO stats: Enabled Logging level: info Active Shadow-Buffer (MiB): 0 Active Process: 0 Reads : n=0 ok=0 err=0 readMiB=0 io_state_err=0 Reads : Bandwidth(MiB/s)=0 Avg-Latency(usec)=0 Sparse Reads : n=6 io=0 holes=0 pages=0 Writes : n=0 ok=0 err=0 writeMiB=0 io_state_err=0 pg-cache=0 pg-cache-fail=0 pg-cache-eio=0 Writes : Bandwidth(MiB/s)=0 Avg-Latency(usec)=0 Mmap : n=183 ok=183 err=0 munmap=183 Bar1-map : n=183 ok=183 err=0 free=165 callbacks=18 active=0 Error : cpu-gpu-pages=0 sg-ext=0 dma-map=0 dma-ref=0 Ops : Read=0 Write=0 GPU 0000:be:00.0 uuid:87e5c586-88ed-583b-df45-fcee0f1e7917 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:e7:00.0 uuid:029faa3b-cb0d-2718-259c-6dc650c636eb : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:5e:00.0 uuid:39eeb04b-1c52-81cc-d76e-53d03eb6ed32 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:57:00.0 uuid:a99a7a93-7801-5711-258b-c6aca4fe6d85 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:39:00.0 uuid:d22b0bc4-cdb1-65ac-7495-3570e5860fda : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:34:00.0 uuid:e11b33d9-60f7-a721-220a-d14e5b15a52c : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=128 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:b7:00.0 uuid:e8630cd2-5cb7-cab7-ef2e-66c25507c119 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:e5:00.0 uuid:b3d46477-d54f-c23f-dc12-4eb5ea172af6 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:e0:00.0 uuid:7a10c7bd-07e0-971b-a19c-61e7c185a82c : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:bc:00.0 uuid:bb96783c-5a46-233a-cbce-071aeb308083 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:e2:00.0 uuid:b6565ee8-2100-7009-bcc6-a3809905620d : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=2 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:5c:00.0 uuid:5527d7fb-a560-ab42-d027-20aeb5512197 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:59:00.0 uuid:bb734f6b-24ad-2f83-86c3-6ab179bce131 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:3b:00.0 uuid:0ef0b9ee-bb8f-cdae-4535-c0d790b2c663 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:b9:00.0 uuid:ad59f685-5836-c2ea-2c79-3c95bea23f0d : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:36:00.0 uuid:fda65234-707b-960a-d577-18c519301848 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0

15.1. nvidia-fs Statistics

The following table describes nvidia-fs statistics.

Table 6. NVIDIA-FS Statistics
Type Statistics Description
Reads n Total number of read requests.
  ok Total number of successful read requests.
  err Total number of read errors.
  Readmb (mb) Total data read into the GPUs.

Read errors that were seen.

Some pages might have been in the page cache.

Reads Bandwidth (MB/s)

Active Read Bandwidth when IO is in flight. This is the period from when IO was submitted to the GDS kernel driver until the IO completion was received by the GDS kernel driver.

There was no userspace involved.

  Avg-Latency (usec)

Active Read latency when IO is in flight. This is from the period from when IO was submitted to the GDS kernel driver until the IO completion is received by the GDS kernel driver.

There was no userspace involved.

Sparse Reads n Total number of sparse read requests.
  holes Total number of holes that were observed during reads.
  pages Total number of pages that span the holes.
Writes n Total number of write requests.
  ok Total number of successful write requests.
  err Total number of write errors.
  Writemb (mb) Total data that was written from the GPUs to the disk.

Write errors that were seen.

Some pages might have been in the page cache.

  pg-cache Total number of write requests that were found in the page cache.
  pg-cache-fail Total number of write requests that were found in the page cache but could not be flushed.
  pg-cache-eio Total number of write requests that were found in the page-cache, but could not be flushed after multiple retries, and IO failed with EIO.
Writes Bandwidth (MB/s)

Active Write Bandwidth when IO is in flight. This is the period from when IO is submitted to the GDS kernel driver until the IO completion is received by the GDS kernel driver.

There was no userspace involved.

  Avg-Latency (usec)

Active Write latency when IO is in flight. This is the period from when IO is submitted to the GDS kernel driver until the IO completion is received by the GDS kernel driver.

There was no userspace involved.



Total number of mmap system calls that were issued.
  ok Total number of successful mmap system calls.
  err Errors that were observed through the mmap system call.
  munmap Total number of munmap that were issued.
Bar-map n Total number of times the GPU BAR memory was pinned.
  ok Total number of times the successful GPU BAR memory was pinned.
  err Total errors that were observed during the BAR1 pinning.
  free Total number of times the BAR1 memory was unpinned.
  callbacks Total number of times the NVIDIA kernel driver invoked callback to the GDS driver. This is invoked on the following instances:
  • When the process crashes or was abruptly killed.
  • When cudaFree is invoked on memory, which is pinned through cuFileBufRegister, but cuFileBufDeregister is not invoked.

Active number of BAR1 memory that was pinned.

(This value is the total number and not the total memory.)

Error cpu-gpu-pages Number of IO requests that had a mix of CPU-GPU pages when nvfs_dma_map_sg_attrs is invoked.
  sg-ext Scatterlist that could not be expanded because the number of GPU pages is greater than blk_nq_nr_phys_segments.
  dma-map A DMA map error.
ops Read Total number of Active Read IO in flight.
  Write Total number of Active Write iO in flight.

15.2. Analyze Statistics for each GPU

You can analyze the statistics for each GPU to better understand what is happening in that GPU.

Consider the following example output:


GPU 0000:5e:00:0 uuid:dc87fe99-4d68-247b-b5d2-63f96d2adab1 : pinned_MB=0 cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=79 GPU 0000:b7:00:0 uuid:b3a6a195-d08c-09d1-bf8f-a5423c277c04 : pinned_MB=0 cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=76 GPU 0000:e7:00:0 uuid:7c432aed-a612-5b18-76e7-402bb48f21db : pinned_MB=0 cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=80 GPU 0000:57:00:0 uuid:aa871613-ee53-9a0c-a546-851d1afe4140 : pinned_MB=0 cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=80

In this sample output, 0000:5e:00:0, is the PCI BDF of the GPU with the Dc87fe99-4d68-247b-b5d2-63f96d2adab1 UUID. This is the same UUID that can be used to observe nvidia-smi statistics for this GPU. Here is some additional information about the statistics:

  • pinned-MB shows the active GPU memory that is pinned by using nvidia_p2p_get_pages from the GDS driver in MB across all active processes.
  • cache_MB shows the active GPU memory that is pinned by using nvidia_p2p_get_pages, but this memory is used as the internal cache by GDS across all active processes.
  • max_pinned_MB shows the max GPU memory that is pinned by GDS at any point in time on this GPU across multiple processes.

    This value indicates that the max BAR size and administrator can be used for system sizing purposes.

15.3. Resetting the nvidia-fs Statistics

To reset the nvidia-fs statistics, run the following commands:


$ sudo bash $ echo 1 >/proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats

15.4. Checking Peer Affinity Stats for a Kernel Filesystem and Storage Drivers

The following proc files contain information about peer affinity DMA statistics via nvidia-fs callbacks:

  • nvidia-fs/stats
  • nvidia-fs/peer_affinity
  • nvidia-fs/peer_distance

To enable the statistics, run the following command:


$ sudo bash $ echo 1 > /sys/module/nvidia_fs/parameters/peer_stats_enabled

To view consolidated statistics as a regular user, run the following command:


$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats

Sample output:


GDS Version: NVFS statistics(ver: 4.0) NVFS Driver(version: 2:7:47) Mellanox PeerDirect Supported: True IO stats: Enabled, peer IO stats: Enabled Logging level: info Active Shadow-Buffer (MiB): 0 Active Process: 0 Reads : n=0 ok=0 err=0 readMiB=0 io_state_err=0 Reads : Bandwidth(MiB/s)=0 Avg-Latency(usec)=0 Sparse Reads : n=6 io=0 holes=0 pages=0 Writes : n=0 ok=0 err=0 writeMiB=0 io_state_err=0 pg-cache=0 pg-cache-fail=0 pg-cache-eio=0 Writes : Bandwidth(MiB/s)=0 Avg-Latency(usec)=0 Mmap : n=183 ok=183 err=0 munmap=183 Bar1-map : n=183 ok=183 err=0 free=165 callbacks=18 active=0 Error : cpu-gpu-pages=0 sg-ext=0 dma-map=0 dma-ref=0 Ops : Read=0 Write=0 GPU 0000:be:00.0 uuid:87e5c586-88ed-583b-df45-fcee0f1e7917 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:e7:00.0 uuid:029faa3b-cb0d-2718-259c-6dc650c636eb : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:5e:00.0 uuid:39eeb04b-1c52-81cc-d76e-53d03eb6ed32 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:57:00.0 uuid:a99a7a93-7801-5711-258b-c6aca4fe6d85 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:39:00.0 uuid:d22b0bc4-cdb1-65ac-7495-3570e5860fda : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:34:00.0 uuid:e11b33d9-60f7-a721-220a-d14e5b15a52c : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=128 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:b7:00.0 uuid:e8630cd2-5cb7-cab7-ef2e-66c25507c119 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:e5:00.0 uuid:b3d46477-d54f-c23f-dc12-4eb5ea172af6 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:e0:00.0 uuid:7a10c7bd-07e0-971b-a19c-61e7c185a82c : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:bc:00.0 uuid:bb96783c-5a46-233a-cbce-071aeb308083 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:e2:00.0 uuid:b6565ee8-2100-7009-bcc6-a3809905620d : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=2 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:5c:00.0 uuid:5527d7fb-a560-ab42-d027-20aeb5512197 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:59:00.0 uuid:bb734f6b-24ad-2f83-86c3-6ab179bce131 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:3b:00.0 uuid:0ef0b9ee-bb8f-cdae-4535-c0d790b2c663 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:b9:00.0 uuid:ad59f685-5836-c2ea-2c79-3c95bea23f0d : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0 GPU 0000:36:00.0 uuid:fda65234-707b-960a-d577-18c519301848 : Registered_MiB=0 Cache_MiB=0 max_pinned_MiB=1 cross_root_port(%)=0

The cross_root_port (%) port is the percentage of total DMA traffic through nvidia-fs callbacks, and this value spans across PCIe root ports between GPU and its peers such as HCA.

  • This can be a major reason for low throughput on certain platforms.
  • This does not consider the DMA traffic that is initiated via cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice or cuMemcpyPeer with the specified GPU.

15.5. Checking the Peer Affinity Usage for a Kernel File System and Storage Drivers

  1. To get the peer affinity usage for a kernel file system and storage drivers, run the following command:

    $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/peer_affinity

  2. Review the sample output, for example:

    GPU P2P DMA distribution based on pci-distance (last column indicates p2p via root complex) GPU :0000:bc:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e0:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e5:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:57:00.0 :0 0 524288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:59:00.0 :0 0 524288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:be:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:34:00.0 :0 0 1274489 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:36:00.0 :0 0 524288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:3b:00.0 :0 0 524288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:39:00.0 :0 0 524288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b9:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5c:00.0 :0 0 524288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e2:00.0 :0 0 39434 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5e:00.0 :0 0 513889 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Each row represents a GPU entry, and the columns indicate the peer ranks in ascending order. The lower the rank, the better the affinity. Each column entry is the total number of DMA transactions that occurred between the specified GPU and the peers that belong to the same rank.

For example, the row with GPU 0000:34:00.0 has 2621440 IO operations through the peer with rank 3. Non-zero values in the last column indicate that the IO is routed through the root complex.

Here are some examples:

Run the following command:


$ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/gds/samples /mnt/lustre/test 0 $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats

Here is the output:


GDS Version: NVFS statistics(ver: 4.0) NVFS Driver(version: 2:7:47) Mellanox PeerDirect Supported: True IO stats: Enabled, peer IO stats: Enabled Logging level: info Active Shadow-Buffer (MB): 0 Active Process: 0 Reads : n=0 ok=0 err=0 readmb=0 io_state_err=0 Reads : Bandwidth(MB/s)=0 Avg-Latency(usec)=0 Sparse Reads : n=0 io=0 holes=0 pages=0 Writes : n=1 ok=1 err=0 writemb=0 io_state_err=0 pg-cache=0 pg-cache-fail=0 pg-cache-eio=0 Writes : Bandwidth(MB/s)=0 Avg-Latency(usec)=0 Mmap : n=1 ok=1 err=0 munmap=1 Bar1-map : n=1 ok=1 err=0 free=1 callbacks=0 active=0 Error : cpu-gpu-pages=0 sg-ext=0 dma-map=0 Ops : Read=0 Write=0 GPU 0000:34:00:0 uuid:98bb4b5c-4576-b996-3d84-4a5d778fa970 : pinned_MB=0 cache_MB=0 max_pinned_MB=0 cross_root_port(%)=100

Run the following command:


$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/peer_affinity

Here is the output:


GPU P2P DMA distribution based on pci-distance (last column indicates p2p via root complex) GPU :0000:b7:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b9:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:bc:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:be:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e0:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e2:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e5:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e7:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:34:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 GPU :0000:36:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:39:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:3b:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:57:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:59:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5c:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5e:00:0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

In the above example, there are DMA transactions between the GPU (34:00.0) and one of its peers. The peer device has the highest possible rank which indicates it is farthest away from the respective GPU pci-distance wise.

To check the percentage of traffic, check the cross_root_ port % in /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats. In the third example above, this value is 100%, which means that the peer-to peer-traffic is happening over QPI links.

15.6. Display the GPU-to-Peer Distance Table

The peer_distance table displays the device-wise IO distribution for each peer with its rank for the specified GPU, and it complements the rank-based stats.

The peer_distance table displays the device-wise IO distribution for each peer with its rank for the specified GPU. It complements the rank-based stats. The ranking is done in the following order:

  1. Primary priority given to p2p distance (upper 2 bytes).
  2. Secondary priority is given to the device bandwidth (lower 2 bytes)

For peer paths that cross the root port, a fixed cost for p2p distance (127) is added. This is done to induce a preference for paths under one CPU root port relative to paths that cross the CPU root ports. Issue the following command:


$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/peer_distance

Sample output:


gpu peer peerrank p2pdist np2p link gen class 0000:af:00.0 0000:86:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:af:00.0 0000:18:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 nvme 0000:af:00.0 0000:86:00.1 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:af:00.0 0000:19:00.1 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:af:00.0 0000:87:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 nvme 0000:af:00.0 0000:19:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:3b:00.0 0000:86:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:3b:00.0 0000:18:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 nvme 0000:3b:00.0 0000:86:00.1 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:3b:00.0 0000:19:00.1 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:3b:00.0 0000:87:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 nvme 0000:3b:00.0 0000:19:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:5e:00.0 0000:86:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:5e:00.0 0000:18:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 nvme 0000:5e:00.0 0000:86:00.1 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:5e:00.0 0000:19:00.1 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:5e:00.0 0000:87:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 nvme 0000:5e:00.0 0000:19:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:d8:00.0 0000:86:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:d8:00.0 0000:18:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 nvme 0000:d8:00.0 0000:86:00.1 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:d8:00.0 0000:19:00.1 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network 0000:d8:00.0 0000:87:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 nvme 0000:d8:00.0 0000:19:00.0 0x820088 0x82 0 0x8 0x3 network

15.7. The GDSIO Tool

GDSIO is a synthetic IO benchmarking tool that uses cufile APIs for IO. The tool can be found in the /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools directory. For more information about how to use this tool, run $ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/gdsio -h or review the gdsio section in the/usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/README file. In the examples below, the files are created on an ext4 file system.

Issue the following command:


# ./gdsio -f /root/sg/test -d 0 -w 4 -s 1M -x 0 -i 4K:32K:1K -I 1

Sample output:


IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 671/1024(KiB) IOSize: 4-32-1(KiB) Throughput: 0.044269 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 996.094925 usecs ops: 60 total_time 0.014455 secs

This command does a write IO (-I 1) on a file named test of size 1MiB (-s 1M) with an IO size that varies between 4KiB to 32 KiB in steps of 1KiB (-i 4K:32K:1K). The transfer is performed using GDS (-x 0) using 4 threads (-w 4) on GPU 0 (-d 0). Some additional features of the tool are:

  • Support for read/write at random offsets in a file.

    The gdsio tool provides options to perform a read and write to a file at random offsets.

    • Using -I 2 and -I 3 options does a file read and write operation at random offset respectively but the random offsets are always 4KiB aligned.

      # ./gdsio -f /root/sg/test -d 0 -w 4 -s 1M -x 0 -i 4K:32K:1K -I 3 IoType: RANDWRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 706/1024(KiB) IOSize: 4-32-1(KiB) Throughput: 0.079718 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 590.853274 usecs ops: 44 total_time 0.008446 secs

    • To perform a random read and write at unaligned 4KiB offsets, the -U option can be used with -I 0 or -I 1 for read and write, respectively.

      # ./gdsio -f /root/sg/test -d 0 -w 4 -s 1M -x 0 -i 4K:32K:1K -I 1 -U IoType: RANDWRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 825/1024(KiB) IOSize: 4-32-1(KiB) Throughput: 0.055666 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 919.112500 usecs ops: 49 total_time 0.014134 secs

    • Random buffer fill for dedupe and compression.

      Using the ‘-R’ option fills the io size buffer (-i) with random data. This random data is then written to the file onto different file offsets.


      # ./gdsio -f /root/sg/test -d 0 -w 4 -s 1M -x 0 -i 4K:32K:1K -I 1 -R IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 841/1024(KiB) IOSize: 4-32-1(KiB) Throughput: 0.059126 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 788.884580 usecs ops: 69 total_time 0.013565 secs

    • Using the -F option will fill the entire file with random data.

      # ./gdsio -f /root/sg/test -d 0 -w 4 -s 1M -x 0 -i 4K:32K:1K -I 1 -F IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 4 DataSetSize: 922/1024(KiB) IOSize: 4-32-1(KiB) Throughput: 0.024376 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 1321.104532 usecs ops: 73 total_time 0.036072 secs

      This is useful for file systems that use dedupe and compression algorithms to minimize disk access. Using random data increases the probability that these file systems will hit the backend disk more often.

  • Variable block size.

    To perform a read or a write on a file, you can specify the block size (- i), which says that IO would be performed in chunks of block sized lengths. To check the stats for what block sizes are used use the gds_stats tool. Ensure the the /etc/cufile.json file has cufile_stats is set to 3:


    # ./gds_stats -p <pid of the gdsio process> -l 3

    Sample output:


    0-4(KiB): 0 0 4-8(KiB): 0 17205 8-16(KiB): 0 45859 16-32(KiB): 0 40125 32-64(KiB): 0 0 64-128(KiB): 0 0 128-256(KiB): 0 0 256-512(KiB): 0 0 512-1024(KiB): 0 0 1024-2048(KiB): 0 0 2048-4096(KiB): 0 0 4096-8192(KiB): 0 0 8192-16384(KiB): 0 0 16384-32768(KiB): 0 0 32768-65536(KiB): 0 0 65536-...(KiB): 0 0

    The highlighted counters show that, for the command above, the block sizes that are used for file IO are in the 4-32 KiB range.

  • Verification mode usage and limitations. To ensure data integrity, there is an option to perform IO in a Write and Read in verify mode using the -V option. Here is an example:

    # ./gdsio -V -f /root/sg/test -d 0 -w 1 -s 2G -o 0 -x 0 -k 0 -i 4K:32K:1K -I 1 IoType: WRITE XferType: GPUD Threads: 1 DataSetSize: 2097144/2097152(KiB) IOSize: 4-32-1(KiB) Throughput: 0.074048 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 231.812570 usecs ops: 116513 total_time 27.009349 secs Verifying data IoType: READ XferType: GPUD Threads: 1 DataSetSize: 2097144/2097152(KiB) IOSize: 4-32-1(KiB) Throughput: 0.103465 GiB/sec, Avg_Latency: 165.900663 usecs ops: 116513 total_time 19.330184 secs

    The command mentioned above will perform a write followed by a read verify test.

    While using the verify mode, remember the following points:

    • read test (-I 0) with verify option (-V) should be used with files written (-I 1) with the -V option
    • read test (-I 2) with verify option (-V) should be used with files written (-I 3) with the -V option and using same random seed (-k) using same number of threads, offset, and data size
    • write test (-I 1/3) with verify option (-V) will perform writes followed by read.
    • Verify mode cannot be used in timed mode (-T option).

      If Verify mode is used in a timed mode, it will be ignored.

  • The configuration file

    GDSIO has an option to configure the parameters that are needed to perform an IO in a configuration file and run the IO using those configurations. The configuration file gives the option of performing multiple jobs, where each job has some different configurations.

    The configuration file has global parameters and job specific parameter support. For example, with a configuration file, you can configure each job to perform on a GPU and with a different number of threads. The global parameters, such as IO Size and transfer mode, remain the same for each job. For more information, refer to /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/README and /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/rw-sample.gdsio files. After configuring the parameters, to perform the IO operation using the configuration file, run the following command:


    # ./gdsio <config file name>

See Tabulated Fields for a list of the tabulated fields.

15.8. Tabulated Fields

The following table describes the tabulated fields in the output of the #./gdsio <config file name> command.

Table 7. Tabulated Fields
Global Option Description
xfer_type GDSIO Transfer types:
  • 0 : Storage->GPU
  • 1 : Storage->CPU
  • 2 : Storage->CPU->GPU
  • 3 : Storage->CPU->GPU_ASYNC
  • 4 : Storage->PAGE_CACHE->CPU->GPU
  • 5 : Storage->GPU_ASYNC_STREAM
  • 6: Storage->GPU_BATCH
  • 7: Storage->GPU_BATCH_STREAM
rw IO type, rw=read, rw=write, rw=randread, rw=randwrite
bs block size, for example, bs=1M, for variable block size can specify range, for example, bs=1M:4M:1M, (1M : start block size, 4M : end block size, 1M :steps in which size is varied).
size File-size, for example, size=2G.
runtime Duration in seconds.
do_verify Use 1 for enabling verification
skip_bufregister Skip cufile buffer registration, ignored in cpu mode.

Set up NVlinks.

This field is recommended if p2p traffic is cross node.

random_seed Use random seed, for example, 1234.
refill_buffer Refill io buffer after every write.
fill_random Fill request buffer with random data.
unaligned_random Use random offsets which are not page-aligned.
start_offset File offset to start read/write from.
Per-Job Options Description
numa_node NUMA node.
gpu_dev_id GPU device index (check nvidia-smi).
num_threads Number of IO Threads per job.
directory Directory name where files are present. Each thread will work on a per file basis.
filename Filename for single file mode, where threads share the same file. (Note: directory mode and filemode should not be used in a mixed manner across jobs).
mem_type Memory types to be used. Supported values: 0 - (cudaMalloc), 1 - (cuMem), 2 - (cudaMallocHost) 3 - malloc 4 - mmap.
fd_type File Descriptor mode.

0 - O_DIRECT (default)

1 - non-O_DIRECT

15.9. The GDSCHECK Tool

The /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/gdscheck.py tool is used to perform a GDS platform check and has other options that can be found by using -h option.


$ ./gdscheck.py -h usage: gdscheck.py [-h] [-p] [-f FILE] [-v] [-V] GPUDirectStorage platform checker optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p gds platform check -f FILE gds file check -v gds version checks -V gds fs checks

To perform a GDS platform check, issue the following command and expect the output in the following format:


# ./gdscheck.py -p GDS release version: nvidia_fs version: 2.7 libcufile version: 2.4 ============ ENVIRONMENT: ============ ===================== DRIVER CONFIGURATION: ===================== NVMe : Supported NVMeOF : Unsupported SCSI : Unsupported ScaleFlux CSD : Unsupported NVMesh : Unsupported DDN EXAScaler : Supported IBM Spectrum Scale : Unsupported NFS : Unsupported WekaFS : Unsupported Userspace RDMA : Unsupported --Mellanox PeerDirect : Enabled --rdma library : Not Loaded (libcufile_rdma.so) --rdma devices : Not configured --rdma_device_status : Up: 0 Down: 0 ===================== CUFILE CONFIGURATION: ===================== properties.use_compat_mode : true properties.gds_rdma_write_support : true properties.use_poll_mode : false properties.poll_mode_max_size_kb : 4 properties.max_batch_io_timeout_msecs : 5 properties.max_direct_io_size_kb : 16384 properties.max_device_cache_size_kb : 131072 properties.max_device_pinned_mem_size_kb : 33554432 properties.posix_pool_slab_size_kb : 4 1024 16384 properties.posix_pool_slab_count : 128 64 32 properties.rdma_peer_affinity_policy : RoundRobin properties.rdma_dynamic_routing : 0 fs.generic.posix_unaligned_writes : false fs.lustre.posix_gds_min_kb: 0 fs.weka.rdma_write_support: false profile.nvtx : false profile.cufile_stats : 0 miscellaneous.api_check_aggressive : false ========= GPU INFO: ========= GPU index 0 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 1 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 2 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 3 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 4 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 5 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 6 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 7 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 8 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 9 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 10 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 11 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 12 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 13 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 14 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS GPU index 15 Tesla V100-SXM3-32GB bar:1 bar size (MiB):32768 supports GDS ============== PLATFORM INFO: ============== IOMMU: disabled Platform verification succeeded

15.10. NFS Support with GPUDirect Storage

This section provides information about NFS support with GDS.

15.10.1. Install Linux NFS server with RDMA Support on MLNX_OFED 5.3 or Later

To install a standard Linux kernel-based NFS server with RDMA support, complete the following steps:


The server must have a Mellanox connect-X4/5 NIC with MLNX_OFED 5.3 or later installed.

  1. Issue the following command:

    $ ofed_info -s MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.3-

  2. Review the output to ensure that the server was installed.

    $ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server $ mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1 $ mount -o data=ordered /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt/nvme $ cat /etc/exports /mnt/nvme *(rw,async,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) $ service nfs-kernel-server restart $ modprobe rpcrdma $ echo rdma 20049 > /proc/fs/nfsd/portlist

15.10.2. Install GPUDirect Storage Support for the NFS Client

To install a NFS client with GDS support complete the following steps:


The client must have a Mellanox connect-X4/5 NIC with MLNX_OFED 5.3 or later installed.

  1. Issue the following command:

    $ ofed_info -s MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.3-

  2. Review the output to ensure that the support exists.

    $ sudo apt-get install nfs-common $ modprobe rpcrdma $ mkdir -p /mnt/nfs_rdma_gds $ sudo mount -v -o proto=rdma,port=20049,vers=3 /mnt/nfs_rdma_gds To mount with nconnect using VAST nfs client package: Eg: client IB interfaces ,,,,,, $ sudo mount -v -o proto=rdma,port=20049,vers=3,nconnect=20,localports=,remoteports= /mnt/nfs_rdma_gds

15.11. NFS GPUDirect Storage Statistics and Debugging

NFS IO can be observed using regular Linux tools that are used for monitoring IO, such as iotop and nfsstat.

  • To enable NFS RPC stats debugging, run the following command.

    $ rpcdebug -v

  • To observer GDS-related IO stats, run the following command.

    $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/stats

  • To determine GDS statistics per process, run the following command.

    $ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/gds_stats -p <PID> -l 3

15.12. GPUDirect Storage IO Behavior

This section provides information about IO behavior in GDS.

15.12.1. Read/Write Atomicity Consistency with GPUDirect Storage Direct IO

In GDS, the max_direct_io_size_kb property controls the IO unit size in which the limitation is issued to the underlying file system. By default, this value is 16MB. This implies that from a Linux VFS perspective, the atomicity of size is limited to the max_direct_io_size_kb size and not the original request size. This limitation exists in the standard GDS path and in compatible mode.

15.12.2. Write with File a Opened in O_APPEND Mode (cuFileWrite)

For a file that is opened in O_APPEND mode with concurrent writers, if the IO size that is used is larger than the max_direct_io_size_kb property, because of the write atomicity limitations, the file might have interleaved data from multiple writers. This cannot be prevented even if the underlying file-system has locking guarantees.

15.12.3. GPU to NIC Peer Affinity

The library maintains a peer affinity table that is a pci-distance-based ranking for a GPU and the available NICs in the platform for RDMA. Currently, the limitation in the ranking does not consider NUMA attributes for the NICs. For a NIC that does not share a common root port with a GPU, the P2P traffic might get routed cross socket over QPI links even if there is a NIC that resides on the same CPU socket as the GPU.

15.12.4. Compatible Mode with Unregistered Buffers

Currently, in compatible mode, the IO path with non-registered buffers does not have optimal performance and does buffer allocation and deallocation in every cuFileRead or cuFileWrite.

15.12.5. Unaligned writes with Non-Registered Buffers

For unaligned writes, using unregistered buffers performance may not be optimal as compared to registered buffers.

15.12.6. Process Hang with NFS

A process hang is observed in NFS environments when the application crashes.

15.12.7. Tools Support Limitations for CUDA 9 and Earlier

The gdsio binary has been built against CUDA runtime 10.1 and has a dependency on the CUDA runtime environment to be equal to version 10.1 or later. Otherwise, a driver dependency error will be reported by the tool.

15.13. GDS Statistics for Dynamic Routing

Dynamic Routing decisions are performed at I/O operation granularity. The GDS User-space Statistics contain a per-GPU counter to indicate the number of I/Os that have been routed using Dynamic Routing.

Table 8. cuFile Dynamic Routing Counter
Entry Description
dr Number of cuFileRead/cuFileWrite for which I/O was routed using Dynamic Routing for a given GPU.

There are existing counters in the PER_GPU POOL BUFFER STATS and PER_GPU POSIX POOL BUFFER STATS from which a user can infer the GPUs that are chosen by dynamic routing for use as the bounce buffers.

a) Platform has GPUs (0 and 1) not sharing the same PCIe host bridge as the NICs:


"rdma_dev_addr_list": [ "", "" ], "rdma_dynamic_routing": true, "rdma_dynamic_routing_order": [ "GPU_MEM_NVLINKS", "GPU_MEM", "SYS_MEM" ]


$ gds_stats -p <process id> -l 3


GPU 0 Read: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=0 r_sparse=0 r_inline=0 err=0 MiB=0 Write: bw=3.37598 util(%)=532 n=6629 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=6629 err=0 MiB=6629 BufRegister: n=4 err=0 free=0 MiB=4 GPU 1 Read: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=0 r_sparse=0 r_inline=0 err=0 MiB=0 Write: bw=3.29297 util(%)=523 n=6637 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=6637 err=0 MiB=6637 BufRegister: n=4 err=0 free=0 MiB=4 PER_GPU POOL BUFFER STATS: GPU : 6 pool_size_MiB : 7 usage : 1/7 used_MiB : 1 GPU : 7 pool_size_MiB : 7 usage : 0/7 used_MiB : 0 GPU : 8 pool_size_MiB : 7 usage : 2/7 used_MiB : 2 GPU : 9 pool_size_MiB : 7 usage : 2/7 used_MiB : 2 PER_GPU POSIX POOL BUFFER STATS: PER_GPU RDMA STATS: GPU 0000:34:00.0 : mlx5_3(138:48):0 mlx5_6(265:48):0 GPU 0000:36:00.0 : mlx5_3(138:48):0 mlx5_6(265:48):0 GPU 0000:39:00.0 : mlx5_3(138:48):0 mlx5_6(265:48):0 GPU 0000:3b:00.0 : mlx5_3(138:48):0 mlx5_6(265:48):0 GPU 0000:57:00.0 : mlx5_3(7:48):0 mlx5_6(265:48):0 GPU 0000:59:00.0 : mlx5_3(7:48):0 mlx5_6(265:48):0 GPU 0000:5c:00.0 : mlx5_3(3:48):3318 mlx5_6(265:48):0 GPU 0000:5e:00.0 : mlx5_3(3:48):3318 mlx5_6(265:48):0 GPU 0000:b7:00.0 : mlx5_6(3:48):3316 mlx5_3(265:48):0 GPU 0000:b9:00.0 : mlx5_6(3:48):3317 mlx5_3(265:48):0 GPU 0000:bc:00.0 : mlx5_6(7:48):0 mlx5_3(265:48):0 GPU 0000:be:00.0 : mlx5_6(7:48):0 mlx5_3(265:48):0 GPU 0000:e0:00.0 : mlx5_6(138:48):0 mlx5_3(265:48):0 GPU 0000:e2:00.0 : mlx5_6(138:48):0 mlx5_3(265:48):0 GPU 0000:e5:00.0 : mlx5_6(138:48):0 mlx5_3(265:48):0 GPU 0000:e7:00.0 : mlx5_6(138:48):0 mlx5_3(265:48):0

b) Platform configuration that has no GPUs sharing the same PCIe host bridge as the NICs and no NVLinks between the GPUs. For such configurations, an admin can set a policy to use system memory other than the default P2P policy.


"rdma_dev_addr_list": [ "", "" ], "rdma_dynamic_routing": true, "rdma_dynamic_routing_order": [ "SYS_MEM" ]


PER_GPU STATS: GPU 4 Read: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 r_sparse=0 r_inline=0 err=0 MiB=0 Write: bw=1.11GiB util(%)=0 n=1023 posix=1023 unalign=1023 dr=1023 err=0 MiB=1023 BufRegister: n=0 err=0 free=0 MiB=0 GPU 8 Read: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 r_sparse=0 r_inline=0 err=0 MiB=0 Write: bw=1.11GiB util(%)=0 n=1023 posix=1023 unalign=1023 dr=1023 err=0 MiB=1023 BufRegister: n=0 err=0 free=0 MiB=0 PER_GPU POSIX POOL BUFFER STATS: GPU 4 4(KiB) :0/0 1024(KiB) :0/1 16384(KiB) :0/0 GPU 8 4(KiB) :0/0 1024(KiB) :1/1 16384(KiB) :0/0

15.13.1. Peer Affinity Dynamic Routing

Dynamic Routing decisions are performed at I/O operation granularity. The GDS User-space Statistics contain a per-GPU counter to indicate the number of I/Os that have been routed using Dynamic Routing.

Table 9. cuFile Dynamic Routing Counter
Entry Description
dr Number of cuFileRead/cuFileWrite for which I/O was routed using Dynamic Routing for a given GPU.

There are existing counters in the PER_GPU POOL BUFFER STATS and PER_GPU POSIX POOL BUFFER STATS from which a user can infer the GPUs that are chosen by dynamic routing for use as the bounce buffers.


// "rdma_dev_addr_list": [ "", "", "", "" ], cufile.log: -------------- 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:133 Computing GPU->NIC affinity table: 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:34:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 mlx5_8 mlx5_7 mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:36:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 mlx5_8 mlx5_7 mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:39:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 mlx5_8 mlx5_7 mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:3b:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 mlx5_8 mlx5_7 mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:57:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 mlx5_8 mlx5_7 mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:59:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 mlx5_8 mlx5_7 mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:5c:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 mlx5_8 mlx5_7 mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:5e:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 mlx5_8 mlx5_7 mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:b7:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:b9:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_6 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:bc:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_7 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:be:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_7 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:e0:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_8 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:e2:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_8 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:e5:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_9 23-02-2021 10:17:49:641 [pid=22436 tid=22436] INFO curdma-ldbal:139 GPU: 0000:e7:00.0 RDMA dev: mlx5_9

A sample from gds_stats showing the GPU to NIC binding during a sample IO test:


PER_GPU RDMA STATS: GPU 0000:34:00.0 : mlx5_6(265:48):0 mlx5_8(265:48):0 mlx5_7(265:48):0 mlx5_9(265:48):0 GPU 0000:36:00.0 : mlx5_6(265:48):0 mlx5_8(265:48):0 mlx5_7(265:48):0 mlx5_9(265:48):0 GPU 0000:39:00.0 : mlx5_6(265:48):0 mlx5_8(265:48):0 mlx5_7(265:48):0 mlx5_9(265:48):0 GPU 0000:3b:00.0 : mlx5_6(265:48):0 mlx5_8(265:48):0 mlx5_7(265:48):0 mlx5_9(265:48):0 GPU 0000:57:00.0 : mlx5_6(265:48):0 mlx5_8(265:48):0 mlx5_7(265:48):0 mlx5_9(265:48):0 GPU 0000:59:00.0 : mlx5_6(265:48):0 mlx5_8(265:48):0 mlx5_7(265:48):0 mlx5_9(265:48):0 GPU 0000:5c:00.0 : mlx5_6(265:48):0 mlx5_8(265:48):0 mlx5_7(265:48):0 mlx5_9(265:48):0 GPU 0000:5e:00.0 : mlx5_6(265:48):0 mlx5_8(265:48):0 mlx5_7(265:48):0 mlx5_9(265:48):0 GPU 0000:b7:00.0 : mlx5_6(3:48):22918 mlx5_7(7:48):0 mlx5_8(138:48):0 mlx5_9(138:48):0 GPU 0000:b9:00.0 : mlx5_6(3:48):22949 mlx5_7(7:48):0 mlx5_8(138:48):0 mlx5_9(138:48):0 GPU 0000:bc:00.0 : mlx5_7(3:48):22945 mlx5_6(7:48):0 mlx5_8(138:48):0 mlx5_9(138:48):0 GPU 0000:be:00.0 : mlx5_7(3:48):22942 mlx5_6(7:48):0 mlx5_8(138:48):0 mlx5_9(138:48):0 GPU 0000:e0:00.0 : mlx5_8(3:48):22937 mlx5_9(7:48):0 mlx5_6(138:48):0 mlx5_7(138:48):0 GPU 0000:e2:00.0 : mlx5_8(3:48):22930 mlx5_9(7:48):0 mlx5_6(138:48):0 mlx5_7(138:48):0 GPU 0000:e5:00.0 : mlx5_9(3:48):22922 mlx5_8(7:48):0 mlx5_6(138:48):0 mlx5_7(138:48):0 GPU 0000:e7:00.0 : mlx5_9(3:48):22920 mlx5_8(7:48):0 mlx5_6(138:48):0 mlx5_7(138:48):0

  • For kernel-based DFS, DDN-Lustre and VAST-NFS, nvidia-fs driver provides a callback to determine the best NIC given a target GPU. The nvidia-fs peer_affinity can be used to track end-to-end IO affinity behavior.

    For example, with a routing policy of “GPU_MEM_NVLINK�?, one should not see cross-port traffic as shown in the statistics snippet below:


$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/peer_affinity GPU P2P DMA distribution based on pci-distance (last column indicates p2p via root complex) GPU :0000:bc:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e0:00.0 :0 0 205305577 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e5:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:57:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:59:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:be:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:34:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b7:00.0 :0 0 205279892 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:36:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:3b:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:39:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b9:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5c:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e2:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5e:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

With routing policy of P2P, one can expect to see cross-port traffic as shown in the following statistics snippet:


dgxuser@e155j-dgx2-c6-u04:~/ssen$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia-fs/peer_affinity GPU P2P DMA distribution based on pci-distance (last column indicates p2p via root complex) GPU :0000:bc:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e0:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e5:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:57:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:59:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:be:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:34:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9186359 GPU :0000:e7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:b7:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:36:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9191164 GPU :0000:3b:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9194318 GPU :0000:39:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9188836 GPU :0000:b9:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5c:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:e2:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GPU :0000:5e:00.0 :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15.13.2. cuFile Log Related to Dynamic Routing

The following log shows the routing table with possible GPUS to be used for IP addresses:


/"rdma_dev_addr_list": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:141 Computing NIC->GPU affinity table for rdma devices available in config: 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:156 netdev:ib3 bdf:0000:5d:00.0 ip: best gpus: 6 7 4 5 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:156 netdev:ib9 bdf:0000:e6:00.0 ip: best gpus: 14 15 12 13 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:156 netdev:ib2 bdf:0000:58:00.0 ip: best gpus: 4 5 6 7 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:156 netdev:ib6 bdf:0000:b8:00.0 ip: best gpus: 8 9 10 11 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:156 netdev:ib1 bdf:0000:3a:00.0 ip: best gpus: 3 2 0 1 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:156 netdev:ib8 bdf:0000:e1:00.0 ip: best gpus: 12 13 14 15 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:156 netdev:ib0 bdf:0000:35:00.0 ip: best gpus: 0 1 3 2 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] INFO cufio-route:156 netdev:ib7 bdf:0000:bd:00.0 ip: best gpus: 10 11 8 9 22-02-2021 21:16:27:776 [pid=90794 tid=90794] DEBUG cufio:1218 target gpu: 4 best gpu: 4 selected based on dynamic routing

The GDS Library has USDT (static tracepoints), which can be used with Linux tools such as lttng, bcc/bpf, perf. This section assumes familiarity with these tools.

The examples in this section show tracing by using the bcc/bpf tracing facility. GDS does not ship these tracing tools. Refer to Installing BCC for more information about installing bcc/bpf tools. Users must have root privileges to install.


The user must also have sudo access to use these tools.

16.1. Example: Display Tracepoints

  1. To display tracepoints, run the following command:

    # ./tplist -l /usr/local/gds/lib/libcufile.so

  2. Review the output, for example:

    /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio:cufio_px_read /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio:cufio_rdma_read /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio:cufio_gds_read /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio:cufio_gds_read_async /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio:cufio_px_write /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio:cufio_gds_write /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio:cufio_gds_write_async /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio-internal:cufio-internal-write-bb /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio-internal:cufio-internal-read-bb /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio-internal:cufio-internal-bb-done /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio-internal:cufio-internal-io-done /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so cufio-internal:cufio-internal-map

16.1.1. Example: Tracepoint Arguments

Here are examples of tracepoint arguments.


This tracepoint tracks POSIX IO reads and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg 2: File offset
  • Arg 3: Read size
  • Arg 4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg 5: Return value
  • Arg 6: GPU ID for which IO is done


This tracepoint tracks IO reads for through WEKA filesystem and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg2: File offset
  • Arg3: Read size
  • Arg4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg5: Return value
  • Arg6: GPU ID for which IO is done
  • Arg7: Is the IO done to GPU Bounce buffer


This tracepoint tracks IO reads for through WEKA filesystem and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg2: File offset
  • Arg3: Write size
  • Arg4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg5: Return value
  • Arg6: GPU ID for which IO is done
  • Arg7: Is the IO done to GPU Bounce buffer


This tracepoint tracks IO reads going through the GDS kernel drive and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg2: File offset
  • Arg3: Read size
  • Arg4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg5: Return value
  • Arg6: GPU ID for which IO is done
  • Arg7: Is the IO done to GPU Bounce buffer


This tracepoint tracks iO reads going through the GDS kernel driver and poll mode is set and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg2: File offset
  • Arg3: Read size
  • Arg4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg5: Return value
  • Arg6: GPU ID for which IO is done
  • Arg7: Is the IO done to GPU Bounce buffer


This tracepoint tracks POSIX IO writes and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg 2: File offset
  • Arg 3: Write size
  • Arg 4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg 5: Return value
  • Arg 6: GPU ID for which IO is done


This tracepoint tracks IO writes going through the GDS kernel driver and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg2: File offset
  • Arg3: Write size
  • Arg4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg5: Return value
  • Arg6: GPU ID for which IO is done
  • Arg7: Is the IO done to GPU Bounce buffer


This tracepoint tracks IO writes going through the GDS kernel driver if the IO was unaligned and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg2: File offset
  • Arg3: Write size
  • Arg4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg5: Return value
  • Arg6: GPU ID for which IO is done
  • Arg7: Is the IO done to GPU Bounce buffer


This tracepoint tracks IO writes going through the GDS kernel driver, and poll mode is set and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: File descriptor
  • Arg2: File offset
  • Arg3: Write size
  • Arg4: GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg5: Return value
  • Arg6: GPU ID for which IO is done
  • Arg7: Is the IO done to GPU Bounce buffer


This tracepoint tracks IO writes going through internal GPU Bounce buffers and is specific to the EXAScaler® filesystem and block device-based filesystems. This tracepoint is in hot IO-path tracking in every IO and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: Application GPU (GPU ID)
  • Arg2: GPU Bounce buffer (GPU ID)
  • Arg3: File descriptor
  • Arg4: File offset
  • Arg5: Write size
  • Arg6: Application GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg7: Size is bytes transferred from application GPU buffer to target GPU bounce buffer.
  • Arg8: Total Size in bytes transferred so far through bounce buffer.
  • Arg9: Pending IO count in this transaction


This tracepoint tracks IO reads going through internal GPU Bounce buffers and is specific to the EXAScaler® filesystem and block device-based filesystems. This tracepoint is in hot IO-path tracking every IO and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: Application GPU (GPU ID)
  • Arg2: GPU bounce buffer (GPU ID)
  • Arg3: File descriptor
  • Arg4: File offset
  • Arg5: Read size
  • Arg6: Application GPU Buffer offset
  • Arg7: Size is bytes transferred from the GPU bounce buffer to application GPU buffer.
  • Arg8: Total Size in bytes transferred so far through bounce buffer.
  • Arg9: Pending IO count in this transaction.


This tracepoint tracks all IO going through bounce buffers and is invoked when IO is completed through bounce buffers. The tracepoint can be used to track all IO going through bounce buffers and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: IO-type READ - 0, WRITE - 1
  • Arg2: Application GPU (GPU ID)
  • Arg3: GPU Bounce buffer (GPU ID)
  • Arg4: File descriptor
  • Arg5: File offset
  • Arg6: Read/Write size
  • Arg7: GPU buffer offset
  • Arg8: IO is unaligned (1 - True, 0 - False)
  • Arg9: Buffer is registered (1 - True, 0 - False)


This tracepoint tracks all IO going through the GDS kernel driver. This tracepoint is invoked when the IO is completed and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: IO-type READ - 0, WRITE - 1
  • Arg2: GPU ID for which IO is done
  • Arg3: File descriptor
  • Arg4: File offset
  • Arg5: Total bytes transferred


This tracepoint tracks GPU buffer registration using cuFileBufRegister and takes the following arguments:

  • Arg1: GPU ID
  • Arg2: GPU Buffer size for which registration is done
  • Arg3: max_direct_io_size that was used for this buffer.

    The shadow memory size is set in the /etc/cufile.json file.

  • Arg4: boolean value indicating whether buffer is pinned.
  • Arg5: boolean value indicating whether this buffer is a GPU bounce buffer.
  • Arg6: GPU offset.

The data type of each argument in these tracepoints can be found by running the following command:


# ./tplist -l /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so -vvv | grep cufio_px_read -A 7 cufio:cufio_px_read [sema 0x0]

Here is the output:


# ./tplist -l /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so -vvv | grep cufio_px_read -A 7 cufio:cufio_px_read [sema 0x0] location #1 /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so 0x16437c argument #1 4 signed bytes @ dx argument #2 8 signed bytes @ cx argument #3 8 unsigned bytes @ si argument #4 8 signed bytes @ di argument #5 8 signed bytes @ r8 argument #6 4 signed bytes @ ax

16.2. Example: Track the IO Activity of a Process that Issues cuFileRead/ cuFileWrite

This example provides information about how you can track the IO activity of a process that issues the cuFileRead or the cuFileWrite API.

  1. Run the folloiwng command.

    # ./funccount u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_* -i 1 -T -p 59467 Tracing 7 functions for "u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_*"... Hit Ctrl-C to end.

  2. Review the output, for example:

    cufio_gds_write 1891 16:21:13 FUNC COUNT cufio_gds_write 1852 16:21:14 FUNC COUNT cufio_gds_write 1865 ^C 16:21:14 FUNC COUNT cufio_gds_write 1138 Detaching…

16.3. Example: Display the IO Pattern of all the IOs that Go Through GDS

This example provides information about how you can display and understand the IO pattern of all IOs that go through GDS.

  1. Run the following command:

    # ./argdist -C 'u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():size_t:arg3# Size Distribution'

  2. Review the output, for example:

    [16:38:22] IO Size Distribution COUNT EVENT 4654 arg3 = 1048576 7480 arg3 = 131072 9029 arg3 = 65536 13561 arg3 = 8192 14200 arg3 = 4096 [16:38:23] IO Size Distribution COUNT EVENT 4682 arg3 = 1048576 7459 arg3 = 131072 9049 arg3 = 65536 13556 arg3 = 8192 14085 arg3 = 4096 [16:38:24] IO Size Distribution COUNT EVENT 4678 arg3 = 1048576 7416 arg3 = 131072 9018 arg3 = 65536 13536 arg3 = 8192 14082 arg3 = 4096

The 1M, 128K, 64K, 8K, and 4K IOs are all completing reads through GDS.

16.4. Understand the IO Pattern of a Process

You can review the output to understand the IO pattern of a process.

  1. Run the following command.

    # ./argdist -C 'u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():size_t:arg3#IO Size Distribution' -p 59702

  2. Review the output.

    [16:40:46] IO Size Distribution COUNT EVENT 20774 arg3 = 4096 [16:40:47] IO Size Distribution COUNT EVENT 20727 arg3 = 4096 [16:40:48] IO Size Distribution COUNT EVENT 20713 arg3 = 4096

Process 59702 issues 4K IOs.

16.5. IO Pattern of a Process with the File Descriptor on Different GPUs

  1. Run the following command.

    # ./argdist -C 'u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():int,int,size:arg1, arg6,arg3#IO Size Distribution arg1=fd, arg6=GPU# arg3=IOSize' -p `pgrep -n gdsio`

  2. Review the output, for example:

    [17:00:03] u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():int,int,size_t:arg1,arg6,arg3#IO Size Distribution arg1=fd, arg6=GPU# arg3=IOSize COUNT EVENT 5482 arg1 = 87, arg6 = 2, arg3 = 131072 7361 arg1 = 88, arg6 = 1, arg3 = 65536 9797 arg1 = 89, arg6 = 0, arg3 = 8192 11145 arg1 = 74, arg6 = 3, arg3 = 4096 [17:00:04] u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():int,int,size_t:arg1,arg6,arg3#IO Size Distribution arg1=fd, arg6=GPU# arg3=IOSize COUNT EVENT 5471 arg1 = 87, arg6 = 2, arg3 = 131072 7409 arg1 = 88, arg6 = 1, arg3 = 65536 9862 arg1 = 89, arg6 = 0, arg3 = 8192 11079 arg1 = 74, arg6 = 3, arg3 = 4096 [17:00:05] u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():int,int,size_t:arg1,arg6,arg3#IO Size Distribution arg1=fd, arg6=GPU# arg3=IOSize COUNT EVENT 5490 arg1 = 87, arg6 = 2, arg3 = 131072 7402 arg1 = 88, arg6 = 1, arg3 = 65536 9827 arg1 = 89, arg6 = 0, arg3 = 8192 11131 arg1 = 74, arg6 = 3, arg3 = 4096

gdsio issues READS to 4 files with fd=87, 88,89, 74 to GPU 2, 1, 0, and 3 and with IO-SIZE of 128K, 64K, 8K, and 4K.

16.6. Determine the IOPS and Bandwidth for a Process in a GPU

You can determine the IOPS and bandwidth for each process in a GPU.

  1. Run the following command.

    #./argdist -C 'u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():int,int,size_t:arg1, arg6,arg3:arg6==0||arg6==3#IO Size Distribution arg1=fd, arg6=GPU# arg3=IOSize' -p `pgrep -n gdsio`

  2. Review the output.

    [17:49:33] u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():int,int,size_t:arg1,arg6,arg3:arg6==0||arg6==3#IO Size Distribution arg1=fd, arg6=GPU# arg3=IOSize COUNT EVENT 9826 arg1 = 89, arg6 = 0, arg3 = 8192 11168 arg1 = 86, arg6 = 3, arg3 = 4096 [17:49:34] u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():int,int,size_t:arg1,arg6,arg3:arg6==0||arg6==3#IO Size Distribution arg1=fd, arg6=GPU# arg3=IOSize COUNT EVENT 9815 arg1 = 89, arg6 = 0, arg3 = 8192 11141 arg1 = 86, arg6 = 3, arg3 = 4096 [17:49:35] u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio_gds_read():int,int,size_t:arg1,arg6,arg3:arg6==0||arg6==3#IO Size Distribution arg1=fd, arg6=GPU# arg3=IOSize COUNT EVENT 9914 arg1 = 89, arg6 = 0, arg3 = 8192 11194 arg1 = 86, arg6 = 3, arg3 = 4096

  • gdsio is doing IO on all 4 GPUs, and the output is filtered for GPU 0 and GPU 3.
  • Bandwidth per GPU is GPU 0 - 9826 IOPS of 8K block size, and the bandwidth = ~80MB/s .

16.7. Display the Frequency of Reads by Processes that Issue cuFileRead

You can display information about the frequency of reads by process that issue the cuFileRead API.

  1. Run the following command.

    #./argdist -C 'r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID'

  2. Review the output, for example:

    [17:58:01] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID COUNT EVENT 31191 $PID = 60492 31281 $PID = 60593 [17:58:02] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID COUNT EVENT 11741 $PID = 60669 30447 $PID = 60593 30670 $PID = 60492 [17:58:03] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID COUNT EVENT 29887 $PID = 60593 29974 $PID = 60669 30017 $PID = 60492 [17:58:04] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID COUNT EVENT 29972 $PID = 60593 30062 $PID = 60492 30068 $PID = 60669

16.8. Display the Frequency of Reads when cuFileRead Takes More than 0.1 ms

You can display the frequency of reads when the cuFileRead API takes more than 0.1 ms.

  1. Run the following command.

    #./argdist -C 'r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000'

  2. Review the output, for example:

    [18:07:35] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000 COUNT EVENT 17755 $PID = 60772 [18:07:36] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000 COUNT EVENT 17884 $PID = 60772 [18:07:37] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000 COUNT EVENT 17748 $PID = 60772 [18:07:38] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000 COUNT EVENT 17898 $PID = 60772 [18:07:39] r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead():u32:$PID:$latency > 100000 COUNT EVENT 17811 $PID = 60772

16.9. Displaying the Latency of cuFileRead for Each Process

You can display the latency of the the cuFileRead API for each process.

  1. Run the following command.

    #./funclatency /usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead -i 1 -T -u

  2. Review the output, for example:

    Tracing 1 functions for "/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead"... Hit Ctrl-C to end.

    Here are two process with PID 60999 and PID 60894 that are issuing cuFileRead:


    18:12:11 Function = cuFileRead [60999] usecs : count distribution 0 -> 1 : 0 | | 2 -> 3 : 0 | | 4 -> 7 : 0 | | 8 -> 15 : 0 | | 16 -> 31 : 0 | | 32 -> 63 : 0 | | 64 -> 127 : 17973 |****************************************| 128 -> 255 : 13383 |***************************** | 256 -> 511 : 27 | | Function = cuFileRead [60894] usecs : count distribution 0 -> 1 : 0 | | 2 -> 3 : 0 | | 4 -> 7 : 0 | | 8 -> 15 : 0 | | 16 -> 31 : 0 | | 32 -> 63 : 0 | | 64 -> 127 : 17990 |****************************************| 128 -> 255 : 13329 |***************************** | 256 -> 511 : 19 | | 18:12:12 Function = cuFileRead [60999] usecs : count distribution 0 -> 1 : 0 | | 2 -> 3 : 0 | | 4 -> 7 : 0 | | 8 -> 15 : 0 | | 16 -> 31 : 0 | | 32 -> 63 : 0 | | 64 -> 127 : 18209 |****************************************| 128 -> 255 : 13047 |**************************** | 256 -> 511 : 58 | | Function = cuFileRead [60894] usecs : count distribution 0 -> 1 : 0 | | 2 -> 3 : 0 | | 4 -> 7 : 0 | | 8 -> 15 : 0 | | 16 -> 31 : 0 | | 32 -> 63 : 0 | | 64 -> 127 : 18199 |****************************************| 128 -> 255 : 13015 |**************************** | 256 -> 511 : 46 | | 512 -> 1023 : 1 |

16.10. Example: Tracking the Processes that Issue cuFileBufRegister

This example shows you can track processes that issue the cuFileBufRegister API.

  1. Run the following command:

    # ./trace 'u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio-internal-map "GPU %d Size %d Bounce-Buffer %d",arg1,arg2,arg5'

  2. Review the output, for example:

    PID TID COMM FUNC - 62624 62624 gdsio_verify cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 Bounce-Buffer 1 62659 62726 fio cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 8192 Bounce-Buffer 0 62659 62728 fio cufio-internal-map GPU 2 Size 131072 Bounce-Buffer 0 62659 62727 fio cufio-internal-map GPU 1 Size 65536 Bounce-Buffer 0 62659 62725 fio cufio-internal-map GPU 3 Size 4096 Bounce-Buffer 0

gdsio_verify issued an IO, but it did not register GPU memory using cuFileBufRegister. As a result, the GDS library pinned 1M of a bounce buffer on GPU 0. FIO, on the other hand, issued a cuFileBufRegister of 128K on GPU 2.

16.11. Example: Tracking Whether the Process is Constant when Invoking cuFileBufRegister

You can track whether the process is constant when invoking the cuFileBufRegister API.

  1. Run the following command:

    # ./trace 'u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio-internal-map (arg5 == 0) "GPU %d Size %d",arg1,arg2'

  2. Review the output, for example:

    PID TID COMM FUNC - 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576 444 472 cufile_sample_0 cufio-internal-map GPU 0 Size 1048576

As seen in this example, there is one thread in a process that continuously issues 1M of cuFileBufRegister on GPU 0. This might mean that the API is called in a loop and might impact performance.


cuFileBufRegister involves pinning GPU memory, which is an expensive operation.

16.12. Example: Monitoring IOs that are Going Through the Bounce Buffer

This example shows how you can monitor whether IOs are going through the bounce buffer.

  1. Run the following command:

    # ./trace 'u:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cufio-internal-bb-done "Application GPU %d Bounce-Buffer GPU %d Transfer Size %d Unaligned %d Registered %d", arg2,arg3,arg8,arg9,arg10'

  2. Review the output, for example:

    PID TID COMM FUNC - 1013 1041 gdsio App-GPU 0 Bounce-Buffer GPU 0 Transfer Size 1048576 Unaligned 1 Registered 0 1013 1042 gdsio App-GPU 3 Bounce-Buffer GPU 3 Transfer Size 1048576 Unaligned 1 Registered 0 1013 1041 gdsio App-GPU 0 Bounce-Buffer GPU 0 Transfer Size 1048576 Unaligned 1 Registered 0 1013 1042 gdsio App-GPU 3 Bounce-Buffer GPU 3 Transfer Size 1048576 Unaligned 1 Registered 0

    The gdsio app has 2 threads and both are doing unaligned IO on GPU 0 and GPU 3. Since the IO is unaligned, bounce buffers are also from the same application GPU.

16.13. Example: Tracing cuFileRead and cuFileWrite Failures, Print, Error Codes, and Time of Failure

This example shows you how to trace the cuFileRead and cuFileWrite failures, print, error codes, and time of failure.

  1. Run the following command:

    # ./trace 'r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileRead ((int)retval < 0) "cuFileRead failed: %d", retval' 'r:/usr/local/cuda-x.y/lib/libcufile.so:cuFileWrite ((int)retval < 0) "cuFileWrite failed: %d", retval' -T

  2. Review the output, for example:

    TIME PID TID COMM FUNC - 23:22:16 4201 4229 gdsio cuFileRead cuFileRead failed: -5 23:22:42 4237 4265 gdsio cuFileWrite cuFileWrite failed: -5

In this example, two failures were observed with EIO (-5) as the return code with the timestamp.

16.14. Example: User-Space Statistics for Each GDS Process

The cuFile library exports user-level statistics in the form of API level counters for each process. In addition to the regular GDS IO path, there are paths for user-space file-systems and IO compatibility modes that use POSIX read/writes, which do not go through the nvidia-fs driver. The user-level statistics are more useful in these scenarios.

There is a verbosity level for the counters which users can specify using JSON configuration file to enable and set the level. The following describes various verbosity levels.
Table 10. User-Space Statistics for Each GDS Process
Level Description
Level 0 cuFile stats will be disabled.
Level 1 cuFile stats will report only Global Counters like overall throughput, average latency and error counts.
Level 2 With the Global Counters, an IO Size histogram will be reported for information on access patterns.
Level 3

At this level, per GPU counters are reported and also live usage

of cuFile internal pool buffers.

The following is the JSON configuration key to enable GDS statistics by using the /etc/cufile.json file:

"profile": { // cufile stats level(0-3) "cufile_stats": 3 },

16.15. Example: Viewing GDS User-Level Statistics for a Process

This example shows how you can use the gds_stats tool to display user-level statistics for a process.

Prerequisite: Before you run the tool, ensure that the IO application is active, and the gds_stats has the same user permissions as the application.

The gds_stats tool can be used to read statistics that are exported by libcufile.so.

The output of the statistics is displayed in the standard output. If the user permissions are not the same, there might not be sufficient privilege to view the stats. A future version of gds_stats will integrate nvidia-fs kernel level statistics into this tool. To use the tool, run the following command:


$ /usr/local/cuda-x.y/tools/gds_stats -p <pidof application> -l <stats_level(1-3)>

When specifying the statistics level, ensure that the corresponding level (profile.cufile_stats) is also enabled in the /etc/cufile.json file.

The GDS user level statistics are logged once to cufile.log file when the library is shut down, or the cuFileDriverClose API is run. To view statistics in the log file, set the log level to INFO.

16.16. Example: Displaying Sample User-Level Statistics for each GDS Process

This example shows how to display sample user-level statistics for each GDS process.

  1. Run the following command:

    $ ./gds_stats -p 23198 -l 3

  2. Review the output, for example:

    cuFile STATS VERSION : 4 GLOBAL STATS: Total Files: 1 Total Read Errors : 0 Total Read Size (MiB): 7302 Read BandWidth (GiB/s): 0.691406 Avg Read Latency (us): 6486 Total Write Errors : 0 Total Write Size (MiB): 0 Write BandWidth (GiB/s): 0 Avg Write Latency (us): 0 READ-WRITE SIZE HISTOGRAM : 0-4(KiB): 0 0 4-8(KiB): 0 0 8-16(KiB): 0 0 16-32(KiB): 0 0 32-64(KiB): 0 0 64-128(KiB): 0 0 128-256(KiB): 0 0 256-512(KiB): 0 0 512-1024(KiB): 0 0 1024-2048(KiB): 0 0 2048-4096(KiB): 3651 0 4096-8192(KiB): 0 0 8192-16384(KiB): 0 0 16384-32768(KiB): 0 0 32768-65536(KiB): 0 0 65536-...(KiB): 0 0 PER_GPU STATS: GPU 0 Read: bw=0.690716 util(%)=199 n=3651 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=0 r_sparse=0 r_inline=0 err=0 MiB=7302 Write: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=0 err=0 MiB=0 BufRegister: n=2 err=0 free=0 MiB=4 PER_GPU POOL BUFFER STATS: PER_GPU POSIX POOL BUFFER STATS: PER_GPU RDMA STATS: GPU 0000:43:00.0 : mlx5_0(130:64):Reads: 3594 Writes: 0 mlx5_1(130:64):Reads: 3708 Writes: 0 RDMA MRSTATS: peer name nr_mrs mr_size(MiB) mlx5_0 1 2 mlx5_1 1 2

The following tables provide information about user-space counters in GDS.

Table 11. Global cuFile Counters
Counter Name Description
Total Files

Total number of files registered successfully withcuFileHandleRegister. This is a cumulative counter.

cuFileHandleDeregister does not change this counter.

Total Read Errors Total number of cuFileRead errors.
Total Read Size Total number of bytes read in MB using cuFileRead.
Read Bandwidth Average overall read throughput in GiB/s over one second time period.
Avg Read Latency Overall average read latency in microseconds over one second time period.
Total Write Errors Total number of cuFileWrite errors.
Total Write Size Total number of bytes written in MB using cuFileWrite.
Write Bandwidth Overall average write throughput in GiB/s over one second time period.
Avg Write Latency Overall average read latency in microseconds over one second time period.

Table 12. IO-Size Histogram
Counter Name Description
Read Distribution of number of cuFileRead requests based on IO size. Bin Size uses a 4K log scale.
Write Distribution of number of cuFileWrite requests based on IO size. Bin Size uses a 4K log scale.
Table 13. Per-GPU Counters
Counter Name Description
Read.bw/Write.bw Average GPU read/write bandwidth in GiB/s per GPU.
Read.util/Write.util Average per GPU read/write utilization in %. If A is the total length of time the resource was busy in a time interval T, then utilization is defined as A/T. Here the utilization is reported over one second period.
Read.n/Write.n Number of cuFileRead/cuFileWrite requests per GPU.
Read.posix/Write.posix Number of cuFileRead/cuFileWrite using POSIX read/write APIs per GPU.

Number of cuFileRead/cuFileWrites for a GPU have been issued using dynamic routing.

If the routing policy uses SYS_MEM, GPU posix counters for read/writes will be incrementing in addition to the dr counter. Note: This counter does not tell which GPU was actually being used for routing the IO. For the latter information, one needs to observe the PER_GPU POOL BUFFER STATS/PER_GPU POSIX POOL BUFFER STATS.

Read.unalign/Write.unalign Number of cuFileRead/cuFileWrite per GPU which have at least one IO parameter not 4K aligned. This can be either size, file offset or device pointer.
Read.error/Write.error Number of cuFileRead/cuFileWrite errors per GPU.
Read.mb/Write.mb Total number of bytes in MB read/written using cuFileRead/cuFileWrite per GPU.
BufRegister.n Total number of cuFileBufRegister calls per GPU.
BufRegister.err Total number of errors per GPU seen with cuFileBufRegister.
BufRegister.free Total number of cuFileBufRegister calls per GPU.
BufRegister.mb Total number of bytes in MB currently registered per GPU.

Table 14. Bounce Buffer Counters Per GPU
Counter Name Description
pool_size_mb Total size of buffers allocated for per GPU bounce buffers in MB.
used_mb Total size of buffers currently used per GPU for bounce buffer based IO.
usage Fraction of bounce buffers used currently.

17.1. Distribution of IO Usage in Each GPU

The cuFile library has a metric for IO utilization per GPU by application. This metric indicates the amount of time, in percentage, that the cuFile resource was busy in IO.

To run a single-threaded gdsio test, run the following command:


$./gdsio -f /mnt/md1/test -d 0 -n 0 -w 1 -s 10G -i 4K -x 0 -I 1

Here is the sample output:


PER_GPU STATS GPU 0 Read: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 err=0 mb=0 Write: bw=0.154598 util(%)=89 n=510588 posix=0 unalign=0 err=0 mb=1994 BufRegister: n=1 err=0 free=0 mb=0

The util metric says that the application was completing IO on GPU 0 89% of the time. To run a gdsio test using two-threads, run the following command:


$./gdsio -f /mnt/md1/test -d 0 -n 0 -w 2 -s 10G -i 4K -x 0 -I 1

Here is the sample output:


PER_GPU STATS GPU 0 Read: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 err=0 mb=0 Write: bw=0.164967 util(%)=186 n=140854 posix=0 unalign=0 err=0 mb=550 BufRegister: n=2 err=0 free=0 mb=0

Now the utilization is ~186%, which indicates the amount of parallelism in the way each GPU is used for IO.

17.2. User-space Statistics for Dynamic Routing

The PER_GPU section of gds_stats has a dr counter which indicates how many cuFileRead/cuFileWrites for a GPU have been issued using dynamic routing.


$ ./gds_stats -p <pidof application> -l 3 GPU 0 Read: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=0 r_sparse=0 r_inline=0 err=0 MiB=0 Write: bw=3.37598 util(%)=532 n=6629 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=6629 err=0 MiB=6629 BufRegister: n=4 err=0 free=0 MiB=4 GPU 1 Read: bw=0 util(%)=0 n=0 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=0 r_sparse=0 r_inline=0 err=0 MiB=0 Write: bw=3.29297 util(%)=523 n=6637 posix=0 unalign=0 dr=6637 err=0 MiB=6637 BufRegister: n=4 err=0 free=0 MiB=4

The library provides counters to monitor the RDMA traffic at a per-GPU level and requires that cuFile starts verbosity with a value of 3.

Table 14-1 provides the following information:

  • Each column stores the total number of bytes that are sent/received between a GPU and a NIC.
  • Each row shows the distribution of RDMA load with regards to a GPU across all NICS.
  • Each row reflects the order of affinity that a GPU has with a NIC.

    Ideally, all traffic should be routed through the NIC with the best affinity or is closest to the GPU as shown in Example 1 in cuFile RDMA IO Counters (PER_GPU RDMA STATS).

In the annotation of each NIC entry in the table, the major number is the pci-distance in terms of the number of hops between the GPU and the NIC, and the minor number indicates the current bandwidth of the NIC (link_width multiplied by pci-generation). The NICs that the GPUs use for RDMA are loaded from the rdma_dev_addr_list cufile.json property:


"rdma_dev_addr_list": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ],

Each IP address corresponds to an IB device that appear as column entries in the RDMA counter table.

18.1. cuFile RDMA IO Counters (PER_GPU RDMA STATS)

The following tables list cuFile RDMA IO counters.

Table 15. cuFile RDMA IO Counters (PER_GPU RDMA STATS)
Entry Description
GPU Bus device function

+)Bus device function +)Device Attributes ++)pci-distance between GPU and NIC ++)device bandwidth indicator +)Send/Receive bytes

Table 16. Example 1

GPU 0000:34:00.0 :


mlx5_3 (3:48):6293


mlx5_5 (7:48):0


mlx5_15 (138:48:0


mlx5_15 (138:48:0


mlx5_17 (138:48):0


mlx5_9 (138:48):0


mlx5_13 (138:48):0


mlx5_7 (138:12):0


GPU 0000:36:00.0 :


mlx5_3 (3:48):6077


mlx5_5 (7:48):1858


mlx5_15 (138:48):0


mlx5_19 (138:48):0


mlx5_17 (138:48):0


mlx5_9 (138:48):0


mlx5_13 (138:48):0


mlx5_7 (138:12):0


GPU 0000:3b:00.0


mlx5_5 (3:48):5467


mlx5_3 (7:48):0


mlx5_15 (138:48):0


mlx5_19 (138:48):0


mlx5_17 (138:48):0


mlx5_9 (138:48):0


mlx5_13 (138:48):0




GPU 0000:57:00.0


mlx5_7 (3:12):4741


mlx5_9 (7:48):0


mlx5_15 (138:48):0


mlx5_19 (138:48):0


mlx5_5 (138:48):0


mlx5_17 (138:48):0


mlx5_13 (138:48):0


mlx5_3 (138:48):0


GPU 0000:59:00.0


mlx5_7 (3:12):4744


mlx5_9 (7:48):1473


mlx5_15 (138:48):0


mlx5_19 (138:48):0


mlx5_5 (138:48):0


mlx5_17 (138:48):0


mlx5_13 (138:48):0


mlx5_3 (138:48):0


GPU 0000:5c:00.0


mlx5_9 (3:48):4707


mlx5_7 (7:12):0


mlx5_15 (138:48):0


mlx5_19 (138:48):0


mlx5_5 (138:48):0


mlx5_17 (138:48):0


mlx5_13 (138:48):0


mlx5_3 (138:48):0


GPU 0000:5e:00.0


mlx5_9 (3:48):4700


mlx5_7 (7:12):0


mlx5_15 (138:48):0


mlx5_19 (138:48):0


mlx5_5 (138:48):0


mlx5_17 (138:48):0


mlx5_13 (138:48):0


mlx5_3 (138:48):0

18.2. cuFile RDMA Memory Registration Counters (RDMA MRSTATS)

The following tables list cuFile RDMA memory registeration counters.

Table 17. cuFile RDMA IO Counters (PER_GPU RDMA STATS)
Entry Description
peer name System name of the NIC.
nr_mrs Count of active memory registration per NIC.
mr_size(mb) Total size

Table 18. Example 2
peer name nr_ms mr_size (mb)
mlx5_3 128 128
mlx5_5 128 128
mlx5_11 0 0
mlx5_1 0 0
mlx5_15 128 128
mlx5_19 128 128
mlx5_17 128 128
mlx5_9 128 128
mlx5_13 128 128
mlx5_7 128 128

The following tables can help users diagnose GDS problems.

Make sure to go through following variables and observe if performance is where it needs to be.
Variable impacting performance Description Steps to take enable/disable the functionality (“How to�?)
Compat mode Disable compat mode in cufile.json

Set allow_compat_mode: false in cufile.json.


Set CUFILE_FORCE_COMPAT_MODE environment variable to false.

Log level Set log level to ERROR in cufile.json

Following setting in cufile.json will set the logging level to ERROR.


"logging": { // log

directory, if not enabled will create log file under current working directory


//"dir": "/home/<xxxx>", // NOTICE|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE (in decreasing order of severity) "level": "ERROR" },

Nvidia-fs stats Make sure nvidia-fs read/write stats are disabled. These can have a performance impact for small IO sizes. By default these are disabled.

To check the current state of the stats, use the following command.

#cat /sys/module/nvidia_fs/parameters/rw_stats_enabled

0 - Disabled

1 - Enabled

To disable them,

echo 0 > /sys/module/nvidia_fs/parameters/rw_stats_enabled

GDR stats/RDMA stats (CQE errors)    
Relax Ordering

For distributed file systems, make sure NICs have relax ordering is enabled

set "MAX_ACC_OUT_READ=44" on CX-6.

Set "MAX_ACC_OUT_READ=128" for CX-7.

sudo mlxconfig -y -d <NIC> set ADVANCED_PCI_SETTINGS=1

sudo mlxconfig -y -d <NIC> set MAX_ACC_OUT_READ=44|128

sudo reboot

Persistent mode Enable persistent mode  
Clock speed Set clock speed to maximum  
BAR size Make sure BAR size is enabled to maximum possible value  
Numa affinity Set numa affinity of the process where NIC-GPU are in the same switch  
MRRS Sets the PCIe Max Read Request Size for the NIC/NVMe

Specifying Max Read request size enables the Requestor (NIC/NVME) to read data from the GPU memory upto the specified size to improve Writes from GPU to storage performance.

Check the setting using

# lspci -vvv -s <B:D.F> | grep -i MaxReadReq

Read the current value

#setpci -v -s <B:D.F> cap_exp+8.w

To set to 4K

#setpci -v -s <B:D.F> cap_exp+8.w=5000:7000

To set to 512 bytes

#setpci -v -s <B:D.F> cap_exp+8.w=2000:7000

The acceptable values are: 0 - 128B, 1 - 256B, 2 - 512B, 3 - 1024B, 4 - 2048B and 5 - 4096B.


Specifying selector indexes outside this range might cause the system to crash.

For ROCE setups, consider additional following items:

CPU Governor Performance #cpupower frequency-set -g performance
RX/TX ring Set them to maximum #ethtool -G $adapter rx $(ethtool -g $adapter | awk '/RX:/ {print $NF; exit}')#ethtool -G $adapter tx $(ethtool -g $adapter | awk '/TX:/ {print $NF; exit}')
RX/TX channels Set to max allowed #ethtool -L $adapter combined 15
LRO Turn on large receive offload #ethtool -K $adapter lro on
IRQ affinity Set IRQ affinity to the affine NUMA node  
IRQ balance Turn off IRQ balancer #systemctl stop irqbalance
TX queue length Increase TX queue length #ifconfig $adapter $addr/$netmask mtu 9000 txqueuelen 20000 up

If the above steps do not help, collect the following information and share it with us.
Measure GDR performance For RDMA connectivity and performance issues run ib_read and ib_write tests with cuda and GPU enabled

Please follow instructions at https://github.com/linux-rdma/perftest

In tests use the option

--use_cuda=<gpu index>

Use Nsight systems For RDMA connectivity and performance issues run ib_read and ib_write tests with cuda and GPU enabled

cat /etc/cufile.json | grep nvtx

// nvtx profiling on/off

"nvtx": true,

/usr/local/cuda/bin/nsys profile <command>

Describe env Virtual (Docker or actual VM) or BM

# printenv

# lsb_release -a

# dmidecode

# docker info

# docker container inspect <container id>

Collect gds logs

Collect cufile.log


# /usr/local/cuda/gds/tools/gds_log_collection.py

Dmesg errors? Check for kernel errors

# dmesg

# /var/log/kern.log

MiG mode enabled? Check if MIG is enabled # nvidia-smi mig -lgi
FM enabled or not For NVSwitch based systems. Check if fabric manager is running and active without any errors

# systemctl status nvidia fabricmanager


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