Composite Messages

Robotics hardware includes many different parts that can be actuated in various ways. Examples include a differential base, holonomic base, or multi-joint arm controlled with joint positions or joint speeds. In Isaac SDK, various nodes–like global waypoint planners, local trajectory planners, controllers, and drivers–need to exchange messages to communicate states and commands for robotics hardware. Furthermore, not only are single states required, but sometimes timeseries of states, batches of timeseries, or states carrying information about multiple instances.

To address this diversity of messaging requirements, Isaac SDK features the Composite message: a single message type that can address all of the above use cases.

A Composite message can include the following measurement types:


Description | Format

None The measure of the quantity is not included in | scalar, vector the list of measurement types and thus not | matrix, tensor specified. |
Time The time of an event, used in particular to store timestamps for timeseries scalar
Mass The weight of an entity kilogram [kg]
Position A Euclidean vector representing the position of an object in space relative to a reference frame: for example, the position of a mobile robot in a room. This measurement is used in a general sense to store the state of an n-dimensional system, for example the joint “positions” of a multi-joint robotics arm. n-dimensional vector meters [m] or unitless [1]
Speed The rate of change of the position of an object relative to a reference frame over time. This measurement is also used in a general sense to store the rate of change of the state of an n-dimensionsal system. n-dimensional vector meters/second [m/s] or unitless/second [1/s]
Acceleration The rate of change of speed. n-dimensional vector or scalar meters/s/s [m/s^2] or unitless/s/s [1/s^2]
Rotation The rotation of an entity in 2D or 3D space relative to an anchor point. Rotations are best expressed as unit complex numbers (cos(a), sin(a)) or unit quaternions. Avoid using angles (for 2D) or Euler angles (for 3D). 2D: normalized complex as 2 scalars 3D: normalized quaternion as 4 scalars
AngularSpeed Rate of change of rotation over time. 2D: scalar; [rad/s] or [1/s] 3D: 3-dim vector; [rad/s] or [1/s]
AngularAcceleration Rate of change of angular velocity over time 2D: scalar; [rad/s^2] or [1/s^2] 3D: 3-dim vector; [rad/s^2] or [1/s^2]

Arm Joint Speeds

The following Composite message describes the joint speeds of a robotics arm:


proto: { "schema": [ {"entity": "base_2", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Speed}, {"entity": "foo", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Position}, {"entity": "elbow", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Speed}, {"entity": "base_1", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Speed}, {"entity": "wrist", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Speed} ], "schema_hash": "...", "values": { "element_type": Float64, "sizes": [4], "dataBufferIndex": 0 } } buffers: [[0.3, 0.7, -0.4, 0.2, 0.1]]

This component reads the message:


class MyArm4Controller { public: void start() { speed_parser_.requestSchema({{"base_1", "base_2", "elbow", "wrist"}, CompositeParser::Speed}); } void tick() { Vector4f speeds; if (!speed_parser_.parse(rx_command().getProto(), rx_command().buffers(), speeds)) { reportFailure("Could not parse message: %s", speed_parser_.error_str()); return; } } ISAAC_RX(CompositeProto, command); private: CompositeParser speed_parser_; };

The output vector is [0.2, 0.3, -0.4, 0.1]

Base Trajectory Command

The following Composite message contains a trajectory command for a base:


proto: { "schema": [, {"entity": "time", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Time}, {"entity": "base", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Position}, {"entity": "base", "element_type": Float64, "measure": LinearSpeed}, {"entity": "base", "element_type": Float64, "measure": AngularSpeed} ], "schema_hash": "...", "values": { "element_type": Float64, "sizes": [5, 4], "dataBufferIndex": 0 } } buffers: [[0.30, 17.4, 0.70, -0.40], [0.35, 17.8, 0.64, -0.38], [0.40, 18.2, 0.61, -0.36], [0.44, 18.5, 0.56, -0.34], [0.47, 18.7, 0.59, -0.31]]

This component processes the command:


class MyTrajectoryReceiver { public: void start() { speed_parser_.requestSchema({{"base", LinearSpeed}, {"base", AngularSpeed}}); } void tick() { Timeseries<Vector2f, float> series; if (!speed_parser_.parse(rx_command().getProto(), rx_command().buffers(), "time", series)) { reportFailure("Could not parse message: %s", speed_parser_.error_str()); return; } } ISAAC_RX(CompositeProto, command); private: CompositeParser speed_parser_; };

The output time series is: (0.30, [0.70, -0.40]), (0.35, [0.64, -0.38]), (0.40, [0.61, -0.36]) , (0.44, [0.56, -0.34]), (0.47, [0.59, -0.31])

Arm Joints and End Effector Command

The following Composite message contains command for both arm joints and an end effector. In this case the end effector state is binary, so the measure is None:


proto: { "schema": [ {"entity": "elbow", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Speed}, {"entity": "base", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Speed}, {"entity": "wrist", "element_type": Float64, "measure": Speed}, {"entity": "gripper", "element_type": Float64, "measure": None} ], "schema_hash": "...", "values": { "element_type": Float64, "sizes": [5], "dataBufferIndex": 0 } } buffers: [[0.3, 0.4, -0.2, 1]]

The component processes the command:


class MyArmAndGripperController { public: void start() { arm_parser_.requestSchema({"base", "elbow", "wrist"}, CompositeParser::Speed); gripper_parser_.requestSchema({"gripper"}, CompositeParser::Position); } void tick() { Vector3d arm_joint_speeds; if (!arm_parser_.parse(rx_command().getProto(), rx_command().buffers(), arm_joint_speeds)) { reportFailure("Could not parse message: %s", parser_.error_str()); return; } Vector1f gripper_position; if (!gripper_parser_.parse(rx_command().getProto(), rx_command().buffers(), gripper_position)) { reportFailure("Could not parse message: %s", parser_.error_str()); return; } } ISAAC_RX(CompositeProto, command); private: CompositeParser arm_parser_; CompositeParser gripper_parser_; };

The outputs are: arm_joint_speeds [0.4, 0.3, -0.2], gripper_position [1]

CompositeProto can also be used to represent waypoints in configuration space, using cask as storage for atlas (a set of named composite waypoints) and uuid as waypoint name identification. A distance metric must be defined to compare the “closeness” of a CompositeProto to the waypoint.


The isaac.composite.CompositeMetric component defines how to compute the distance between two composite protos. It contains a schema representing quantities to use in distance computation, the p-norm used for each quantity, and its weight in the total distance. Use cases include moving through a set of joint angle waypoints or turning suction end effectors on or off.

The isaac.composite.CompositeAtlas component provides access to waypoints stored in cask. This is a thread-safe way to support access from multiple components.

The isaac.composite.CompositePublisher component reads a list of waypoints from atlas and publishes the whole path as a CompositeProto. The waypoints all have the same schema and are represented as batches in the CompositeProto.

The isaac.composite.FollowPath component receives a path from CompositePublisher and publishes one waypoint at a time. It receives the current state and computes the distance to the current waypoint. Once the distance is within tolerance, the next waypoint is published. The CompositeMetric component must be attached to the same node to specify how distance is calculated.

Computing Distance with CompositeMetric

The snippet below computes the distance between two input proto messages on command and state channels. Note that, if a codelet uses the CompositeMetric component, you should place it in the same node as the component.


// get metric component metric_ = node()->getComponent<CompositeMetric>(); // try to set schema for metric from command message metric_->setOrLoadSchema(ReadSchema(tx_command().getProto())); // get the schema used the CompositeMetric const auto schema = metric_->getSchema(); // parse the two states to compare. error handle is omitted if (schema) { parser.requestSchema(*schema) VectorXd x1(schema->getElementCount()), x2(schema->getElementCount()); if (parser.parse(tx_command().getProto(), tx_command().buffers(), x1) && parser.parse(tx_state().getProto(), tx_state().buffers(), x2)) { double distance = *metric_->distance(x1, x2); } }

Creating Cask in a Python Script

The Python snippet below shows how to create a cask with composite waypoints:


from engine.pyalice import Cask from engine.pyalice.Composite import create_composite_message cask = Cask(cask_root, writable=True) msg = create_composite_message(quantities, values) msg.uuid = name cask.write_message(msg)

Using FollowPath with CompositeAtlas

The JSON snippet below shows how to create a follow-path application:


"graph": { "nodes": [ { "name": "atlas", "components": [ { "name": "CompositeAtlas", "type": "isaac:::composite::CompositeAtlas" } ] }, { "name": "follow_path", "components": [ { "name": "ledger", "type": "isaac::alice::MessageLedger" }, { "name": "CompositeMetric", "type": "isaac:::composite::CompositeMetric" }, { "name": "CompositePublisher", "type": "isaac::composite::CompositePublisher" }, { "name": "FollowPath", "type": "isaac::composite::FollowPath" } ] } ], "edges": [ { "source": "follow_path/CompositePublisher/path", "target": "follow_path/FollowPath/path" } ] }, "config": { "follow_path": { "CompositePublisher": { "tick_period": "10Hz", "atlas": "atlas/CompositeAtlas", "path": ["cart_observe", "cart_align", "cart_dropoff"] }, "CompositePublisher": { "tick_period": "10Hz", "wait_time": 1.0, "tolerance": 0.05 } } }

JSON serialization of Measure, Quantity, and Schema is required to configure the composite schema for a codelet through ISAAC_PARAM.

Measure: Use capnp JSON string serialization of the CompositeProto::Measure enum. NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM cannot be used due to a namespace limitation.


// in codelet ISAAC_PARAM(std::string, measure) // in app.json configs "measure": "angularSpeed"

Quantity: Consists of a JSON array of entity (string), measure (string), and an optional dimension (array of int).


// in codelet ISAAC_PARAM(composite::Quantity, quantity) // in app.json configs "quantity": ["tool", "position", [3]] // or "quantity": ["elbow", "position"] // dimension default to [1]


Option 1: A list of quantities


// in codelet ISAAC_PARAM(composite::Schema, schema) // in app.json configs "schema": [["tool", "position", [3]], ["tool", "rotation", [4]], ["elbow", "speed"]]

Option 2: An array of entities (string) and a measure; dimension defaults to [1]


// in codelet ISAAC_PARAM(composite::Schema, schema) // in app.json configs "schema": { "entity": ["shoulder", "elbow", "wrist"], "measure": "speed" }

© Copyright 2018-2020, NVIDIA Corporation. Last updated on Oct 31, 2023.