Jetson Linux API Reference

36.3 Release
v4l2_enc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl_ Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Holds the params to configure encoder for external rps control to be used with V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEOENC_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_RPS_CONTROL IOCTL.

Definition at line 2303 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

Data Fields

__u8 bEnableExternalRPS
 Boolean value indicating if enabled External RPS control. More...
__u8 bGapsInFrameNumAllowed
 Boolean value indicating if allowed gap in frame number. More...
__u32 nH264FrameNumBits
__u32 nH265PocLsbBits
__u32 reserved [4]
 Reserved fields are added for extensibility. More...

Field Documentation

◆ bEnableExternalRPS

__u8 v4l2_enc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl_::bEnableExternalRPS

Boolean value indicating if enabled External RPS control.

Definition at line 2306 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ bGapsInFrameNumAllowed

__u8 v4l2_enc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl_::bGapsInFrameNumAllowed

Boolean value indicating if allowed gap in frame number.

Definition at line 2308 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ nH264FrameNumBits

__u32 v4l2_enc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl_::nH264FrameNumBits

Definition at line 2310 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ nH265PocLsbBits

__u32 v4l2_enc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl_::nH265PocLsbBits

Definition at line 2312 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

◆ reserved

__u32 v4l2_enc_enable_ext_rps_ctrl_::reserved[4]

Reserved fields are added for extensibility.

Definition at line 2314 of file v4l2_nv_extensions.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: