BootROM Reset PMIC Configuration

For some T23x platforms, BootROM might be required to bring PMIC rails to OTP values in the L1 and L2 reset boot paths. This process is completed by issuing I2C commands, which are encoded in AO scratch registers by MB1, and are based on the BootROM reset configuration in MB1 BCT.

  • The reset cases where the BootROM issues these commands includes the following:

    • Watchdog 5 expiry

    • Watchdog 4 expiry

    • SC7 exit

    • SC8 exit

    • SW-Reset

    • AO-Tag/sensor reset

    • VF Sensor reset

    • HSM reset

  • Each reset case can have three sets of AO blocks of commands.

  • Each AO block has multiple blocks, and each block can have multiple commands.

In the configuration file, AO blocks are specified first, and the reset conditions are initialized with the AO block IDs.

Specifying AO Blocks

Each AO block-related line in the configuration file is of the following format:

        <ResetType>-<Ao-comamnd-index> = <&AoBlock-Label> reset {
                <AoBlock-Label>: aoblock@<aoblock-index> {
                       <parameter> = <value>;
                       block@<block-index> {
                               <parameter> = <value>;
        <AoBlock-Label>: aoblock@<aoblock-index> {




<reset-type>- <Ao-command-index>


  • <reset-type> specifies the reset type and must have one of the values: watchdog5, watchdog4, sc7, sc8, soft-reset, sensor-aotag, vfsensor, or hsm.

  • <Ao-command-index> is the index of the AO command and can have values 0, 1 or 2. Each reset path can point to a maximum of three Ao Blocks

  • <AoBlock-Label> is the label given to one of the Ao Blocks

aoblock@ <AoBlock-index>

command-retries- count

Specifies the number of command attempts allowed for Ao-block with <AoBlock-index>

delay-between- command-us

Specifies the delay (in microseconds), in between different commands. The delay is calculated as 1 << n microseconds where n is provided by this parameter.

wait-before- start-bus-clear- us

Specifies the wait timeout (in microseconds), before issuing the bus clear command for given AO block. The wait time is calculated as 1 << n microseconds where n is provided by this parameter.



<command-type> can only be one value - i2c-controller. That is the only one supported.


Specifies the number of commands in the block <block-index>

i2c-controller id

I2C controller instance


7-bit I2C slave address


Register size in bits. Valid values are 0 (1-byte), 8 (1-byte), and 16 (2-byte)


Register address size in bits. Valid values are 0 (1-byte), 8 (1-byte), and 16 (2-byte)


List of <Address Value> pairs where value to be written to the I2C slave register address <reg-addr> for the command indexed by <command-index>

Here is a DTS example of the BootROM reset configuration file:

/ {

reset {
    // Each reset path can point to upto three aoblocks
    // This is a map of reset paths to aoblocks
    // <reset-path>-<index-pointer> = <aoblock-id>
    // index-number should be 0, 1 or 2
    // aoblock-id is the id of the one of the blocks mentioned above sensor-aotag-1 = <&aoblock0>;
    sc7-1 = <&aoblock2>;

    aoblock0: aoblock@0 {
        command-retries-count = <1>;
        delay-between-commands-us = <1>;
        wait-before-start-bus-clear-us = <1>;

        block@0 {
             slave-add = <0x3c>; // 7BIt:0x3c
             reg-data-size = <8>;
             reg-add-size = <8>;
             commands {
                 command@0 {
                     reg-addr = <0x42>;
                     value = <0xda>;
                 command@1 {
                     reg-addr = <0x41>;
                     value = <0xf8>;
    // Shutdown: Set MAX77620
    // Register ONOFFCNFG2, bit SFT_RST_WK = <0>
    // Register ONOFFCNFG1, bit SFT_RST = <1> aoblock1: aoblock@1 {
         // Shutdown: Set MAX77620
                     // Register ONOFFCNFG2, bit SFT_RST_WK = <0>
                     // Register ONOFFCNFG1, bit SFT_RST = <1>
                     command-retries-count = <1>;
                     delay-between-commands-us = <1>;
                     wait-before-start-bus-clear-us = <1>;
                     block@0 {
                             slave-add = <0x3c>; // 7BIt:0x3c reg-data-size = <8>;
                             reg-add-size = <8>;
                             commands {
                                     command@0 {
                                             reg-addr = <0x42>;
                                             value = <0x5a>;
                             }       ;
                             command@1 {
                                     reg-addr = <0x41>;
                                     value = <0xf8>;
             // SC7 exit
             // Clear PMC_IMPL_DPD_ENABLE_0[ON]=0 during SC7 exit aoblock2: aoblock@2 {
                     command-retries-count = <1>;
                     delay-between-commands-us = <256>;
                     wait-before-start-bus-clear-us = <1>; block@0 {
                             commands {
                                     command@0 {
                                             reg-addr = <0x0c360010>;
                                             value = <0x0>;