NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack


Welcome to the trial of NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack on NVIDIA LaunchPad.

NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack (formerly known as Cloud Native Core) is a collection of software to run cloud native workloads on NVIDIA GPUs. NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack is based on Ubuntu, Kubernetes, Helm and the NVIDIA GPU and Network Operator.

Cloud Native Stack v6.3 includes:

  • Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

  • Containerd 1.6.8

  • Kubernetes version 1.23.12

  • Helm 3.10.0

  • NVIDIA GPU Operator 22.9.0

    • NVIDIA GPU Driver: 520.61.07

    • NVIDIA Container Toolkit: 1.11.0

    • NVIDIA K8S Device Plugin: 0.12.3

    • NVIDIA DCGM-Exporter: 3.0.4-3.0.0

    • NVIDIA GPU Feature Discovery: 0.6.2

    • NVIDIA K8s MIG Manager: 0.5.0

    • NVIDIA Driver Manager: 0.4.2

    • Node Feature Discovery: 0.10.1

  • NVIDIA Network Operator 1.3.0

    • Mellanox MOFED Driver 5.7-

    • Mellanox NV Peer Memory Driver 1.1-0

    • RDMA Shared Device Plugin 1.3.2

    • SRIOV Device Plugin 3.5.1

    • Container Networking Plugins 0.8.7

    • Multus 3.8

    • Whereabouts 0.5.2


The versions of these components and combinations thereof are specific to each NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack release, and may differ from what is listed above. Please refer to the Install Guides for release-specific component versions.

For more information, the GitHub repository contains Install Guides for manual installations and Ansible Playbooks for automated installations.

This trial provides access to the following components for 14 business days:

  • An NVIDIA-Certified System™ provided by Equinix.

  • Preprovisioned Linux operating system with NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack deployed.

As a part of this trial, this guide will walk you through connecting to a system and the basics of NVIDIA Cloud Native Stack. The various components and interfaces you will be accessing are linked on the left-hand navigation pane. Each link will open up a new tab within your browser window. Let’s get started!

© Copyright 2022-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jan 23, 2023.