
The Transfer Learning Toolkit for Intelligent Video Analytics Getting Started Guide provides instruction on using transfer learning for video and image analysis.

1. Overview

NVIDIA Transfer Learning Toolkit is a Python package that enables NVIDIA customers to fine-tune pre-trained models with their own data. Customers can then export these models for TensorRT based inference through an edge device.

This software is used to train computer vision and deep learning models for streaming analytics use cases. In this release the following applications are supported:
  • Classification
  • Object Detection
Under object detection the following meta-architectures are supported:
  • DetectNet_v2
  • SSD
  • FasterRCNN
Use the Transfer Learning Toolkit to perform these tasks:

2. Transfer Learning Toolkit Requirements

Using the Transfer Learning Toolkit requires the following:

Hardware Requirements


  • 4 GB system RAM
  • 4 GB of GPU RAM
  • Single core CPU
  • 1 GPU
  • 50 GB of HDD space


  • 32 GB system RAM
  • 32 GB of GPU RAM
  • 8 core CPU
  • 4 GPUs
  • 100 GB of SSD space

Software Requirements

Note: DeepStream 4.0 - NVIDIA SDK for IVA inference https://developer.nvidia.com/deepstream-sdk is recommended.

Model Requirements


  • Input size: 3 * H * W (W, H >= 16)
  • Input format: JPG, JPEG, PNG
Note: Classification input images do not need to be manually resized. The input dataloader resizes images as needed.


  • Input size: C * W * H (where C = 1 or 3, W > =480, H >=272 and W, H are multiples of 16)
  • Image format: JPG, JPEG, PNG
  • Label format: KITTI detection
Note: The tlt-train tool does not support training on images of multiple resolutions, or resizing images during training. All of the images must be resized offline to the final training size and the corresponding bounding boxes must be scaled accordingly.


  • input size: C * W * H (where C = 1 or 3, W >= 128, H >= 128)
  • image format: JPG, JPEG, PNG
  • label format: KITTI detection
Note: The tlt-train tool does not support training on images of multiple resolutions, or resizing images during training. All of the images must be resized offline to the final training size and the corresponding bounding boxes must be scaled accordingly.


  • input size: C * W * H (where C = 1 or 3; W > =480; H >=272 and W, H are multiples of 32)
  • image format: JPG(.jpg), JPEG(.jpeg), PNG(.png). The images can be either RGB or gray-scale. Image extensions should be in lower case.
  • label format: KITTI detection
Note: The FasterRCNN app will resize the input images on-the-fly during training/evaluation/inference, when the images' sizes are different from that specified in the experiment spec. Therefore you don't need to manually resize the images before using the FasterRCNN app. Offline resizing will, however, save time during training/evaluation/inference.

Installation Prerequisites

Get an NGC API key

  • NVIDIA GPU Cloud account and API key - https://ngc.nvidia.com/
    1. Go to NGC and click the Transfer Learning Toolkit container in the Catalog tab. This message is displayed, Sign in to access the PULL feature of this repository.
    2. Enter your email address and click Next or click Create an Account.
    3. Choose your organization when prompted for Organization/Team.
    4. Click Sign In.
    5. Select the Containers tab on the left navigation pane and click the Transfer Learning Toolkit tile.

Download the docker container

  • Execute docker login nvcr.io from the command line and enter your username and password.
    • Username: $oauthtoken
    • Password: API_KEY
  • Execute docker pull nvcr.io/nvidia/tlt-streamanalytics:<version>

3. Installation

The Transfer Learning Toolkit (TLT) is available to download from the NGC. You must have an NGC account and an API key associated with your account. See the Installation Prerequisites section in Chapter 2 for details on creating an NGC account and obtaining an API key.

Running the Transfer Learning Toolkit

Use this procedure to run the Transfer Learning Toolkit.

  • Run the toolkit: Run the toolkit using this command. The docker starts in the /workplace folder by default.
    docker run --runtime=nvidia -it nvcr.io/nvidia/tlt-streamanalytics:<version> /bin/bash
  • Access local directories: To access local directories from inside the docker you need to mount them in the docker. Use this option, -v <source_dir>:<mount_dir>, to mount local directories in the docker. For example the command to run the toolkit mounting the /home/<username>/tlt-experiments directory in your disk to the /workspace/tlt-experiments in docker would be:
    docker run --runtime=nvidia -it -v /home/<username>/tlt-experiments:/workspace/tlt-experiments nvcr.io/nvidia/tlt-streamanalytics:<version> /bin/bash
    It is useful to mount separate volumes for the dataset and the experiment results so that they persist outside of the docker. In this way the data is preserved after the docker is closed. Any data that is generated to, or referred from a directory inside the docker, will be lost if it is not either copied out of the docker, or written to or read from volumes outside of the docker.
  • Use the examples: Examples using ResNet18 backbone for detecting objects with either DetectNet_v2, SSD, or FasterRCNN architectures are available as Jupyter Notebooks. To run the examples that are available, enable the jupyter notebook included in the docker to run in your browser:
    docker run --runtime=nvidia -it -v /home/<username>/tlt-experiments:/workspace/tlt-experiments -p 8888:8888 tlt-streamanalytics:<version>

    Go to the examples folder: cd examples/

    Execute this command from inside the docker to start the jupyter notebook:

    jupyter notebook --ip --allow-root

    Copy and paste the link produced from this command into your browser to access the notebook. The /workspace/examples folder will contain a demo notebook.

Note: For DetectNet_v2 and SSD notebooks, the tlt-train tool does not support training on images of multiple resolutions, or resizing images during training. All of the images must be resized offline to the final training size and the corresponding bounding boxes must be scaled accordingly.

Downloading the models

The Transfer Learning Toolkit docker gives you access to a repository of pretrained models that can serve as a starting point when training deep neural networks. These models are hosted on the Nvidia GPU Cloud (NGC). The TLT docker interfaces with NGC via the NGC Catalog CLI. More information about the NGC Catalog CLI is available here. https://docs.nvidia.com/ngc/ngc-catalog-cli-user-guide/index.html". Please follow the instructions given here to configure the NGC CLI and download the models.

Configure the NGC API key

Using the NGC API Key obtained in Transfer Learning Toolkit Requirements, configure the enclosed ngc cli by executing this command and following the prompts:

ngc config set

Getting a list of models

Use this command to get a list of models that are hosted in the NGC model registry:

ngc registry model list <model_glob_string>

Here is an example of using this command:

ngc registry model list nvidia/iva/tlt_*_classification

Note: All our classification models have names based on this template nvidia/iva/tlt_*_classification.

Downloading a model

Use this command to download the model you have chosen from the NGC model registry:

ngc registry model download-version <ORG/model_name:version> -d <path_to_download_dir>

For example, use this command to download the resnet 18 classification model to the $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR directory.

ngc registry model download-version nvidia/iva/tlt_resnet18_classification:1 -d $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/pretrained_resnet18

Downloaded 82.41 MB in 9s, Download speed: 9.14 MB/s                
Transfer id: tlt_iva_classification_resnet18_v1 Download status: Completed.
Downloaded local path: /workspace/tlt-experiments/pretrained_resnet18/
Total files downloaded: 2 
Total downloaded size: 82.41 MB
Started at: 2019-07-16 01:29:53.028400
Completed at: 2019-07-16 01:30:02.053016
Duration taken: 9s seconds

4. Preparing input data structure

The chapter provides instructions on preparing your data for use by the Transfer Learning Toolkit (TLT).

Data input for classification

Classification expects a directory of images with the following structure, where each class has its own directory with the class name. The naming convention for train/val/test can be different, because the path of each set is individually specified in the spec file. See Specification file for classification for more information.


Data input for object detection

The object detection apps in TLT expect data in KITTI file format. For DetectNet_v2 and SSD, this data is converted to TFRecords for training. TFRecords help iterate faster through the data. The steps to convert the data for TFRecords are covered in Conversion to TFRecords. For FasterRCNN, the KITTI format data may be ingested directly, and more on this is covered in Specification file for FasterRCNN.

KITTI file format

Using the KITTI format requires data to be organized in this structure:
|--dataset root
  |-- images
      |-- 000000.jpg
      |-- 000001.jpg
      |-- xxxxxx.jpg
  |-- labels
      |-- 000000.txt
      |-- 000001.txt
      |-- xxxxxx.txt
  |-- kitti_seq_to_map.json
Here's a description of the structure:
  • The images directory contains the images to train on.
  • The labels directory contains the labels to the corresponding images. Details of this file are included in the Label files section.
    Note: The images and labels have the same file id's before the extension. The image to label correspondence is maintained using this file name.
  • kitti_seq_to_map.json: This file contains a sequence to frame id mapping for the frames in the images directory. This is an optional file, and is useful if the data needs to be split into N folds sequence wise. In case the data is to be split into a random 80:20 train:val split, then this file may be ignored.
Note: All the images and labels in the training dataset should be of the same resolution. For DetectNet_v2 and SSD notebooks, the tlt-train tool does not support training on images of multiple resolutions, or resizing images during training. All of the images must be resized offline to the final training size and the corresponding bounding boxes must be scaled accordingly.

Label files

A KITTI format label file is a simple text file containing one line per object. Each line has multiple fields. Here is a description of these fields:

Num elements Parameter name Description Type Range Example
1 Class names The class to which the object belongs. String N/A Person, car, Road_Sign
1 Truncation How much of the object has left image boundaries. Float 0.0, 0.1 0.0
1 Occlusion Occlusion state [ 0 = fully visible, 1 = partly visible, 2 = largely occluded, 3 = unknown]. Integer [0,3] 2
1 Alpha Observation Angle of object Float [-pi, pi] 0.146
4 Bounding box coordinates: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] Location of the object in the image Float(0 based index) [0 to image width],[0 to image_height], [top_left, image_width], [bottom_right, image_height]

100 120

180 160

3 3-D dimension Height, width, length of the object (in meters) Float N/A 1.65, 1.67, 3.64
3 Location 3-D object location x, y, z in camera coordinates (in meters) Float N/A -0.65,1.71, 46.7
1 Rotation_y Rotation ry around the Y-axis in camera coordinates Float [-pi, pi] -1.59
The sum of the total number of elements per object is 15. Here is a sample text file:
car 0.00 0 -1.58 587.01 173.33 614.12 200.12 1.65 1.67 3.64 -0.65 1.71 46.70 -1.59
cyclist 0.00 0 -2.46 665.45 160.00 717.93 217.99 1.72 0.47 1.65 2.45 1.35 22.10 -2.35
pedestrian 0.00 2 0.21 423.17 173.67 433.17 224.03 1.60 0.38 0.30 -5.87 1.63 23.11 -0.03

This indicates that in the image there are 3 objects with parameters mentioned as above. Currently, for detection the toolkit only requires the class name and bbox coordinates fields to be populated. This is because the TLT training pipe supports training only for class and bbox coordinates. The remaining fields maybe set to 0. Here is a sample file for a custom annotated dataset:

car 0.00 0 0.00 587.01 173.33 614.12 200.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
cyclist 0.00 0 0.00 665.45 160.00 717.93 217.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
pedestrian 0.00 0 0.00 423.17 173.67 433.17 224.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
car 0.00 0 0.00 587.01 173.33 614.12 200.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
cyclist 0.00 0 0.00 665.45 160.00 717.93 217.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
pedestrian 0.00 0 0.00 423.17 173.67 433.17 224.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sequence mapping file

This is an optional json file that captures the mapping between the frames in images directory and the names of video sequences from which these frames were extracted. This information is needed while doing an N-fold split of the dataset. This way frames from one sequence doesn't repeat in other folds and one of the folds for could be used for validation. Here's an example of the json dictionary file.

  "video_sequence_name": [list of strings(frame idx)]

Here's an example of a kitti_seq_to_frames.json file with a sample dataset with six sequences.

  "2011_09_28_drive_0165_sync": ["003193", "003185", "002857", "001864", "003838",
  "007320", "003476", "007308", "000337", "004165", "006573"],
  "2011_09_28_drive_0191_sync": ["005724", "002529", "004136", "005746"],
  "2011_09_28_drive_0179_sync": ["005107", "002485", "006089", "000695"],
  "2011_09_26_drive_0079_sync": ["005421", "000673", "002064", "000783", "003068"],
  "2011_09_28_drive_0035_sync": ["005540", "002424", "004949", "004996", "003969"],
  "2011_09_28_drive_0117_sync": ["007150", "003797", "002554", "001509"]  

Conversion to TFRecords

The SSD and DetectNet_v2 apps, as mentioned in Data input for object detection, require KITTI format data to be converted to TFRecords. To do so, the Transfer Learning Toolkit includes the tlt-dataset-convert tool. This tool requires a configuration file as input. Configuration file details and sample usage examples are included in the following sections.

Configuration file for dataset converter

The dataio conversion tool takes a spec file as input to define the parameters required to convert a KITTI format data to the TFRecords that the DetectNet_v2 tool ingests. This is a prototxt format file with two global parameters:

  • kitti_config field: This is a nested prototxt configuration with multiple input parameters.
  • image_directory_path: Path to the dataset root. This image_dir_name is appended to this path to get the input images, and must be the same path as mentioned in the experiment spec file

Here are descriptions of the configurable parameters for the kitti_config field:

Parameter Datatype Default Description Support Values


string - Path to the dataset root directory -
image_dir_name string - Relative path to the directory containing images from the path in root_


label_dir_name string - Relative path to the directory containing labels from the path in root_


partition_mode string - The method employed when partitioning the data to multiple folds. Two methods are supported:
  • Random partitioning: Where the data is divided in to 2 folds namely, train and val. This mode requires that the val_split parameter be set.
  • Sequence-wise partitioning: Where the data is divided into n partitions (defined by num


    parameter) based on the number of sequences available.
  • random
  • sequence
num_partitions int 2 (if partition_mode is random) Number of partitions to split the data (N folds). This field is ignored when the partition model is set to random, as by default only 2 partitions are generated. Val and train. In sequence mode the data is split into n-folds. The number of partitions is ideally lesser than the total number of sequences in the kitti_sequence


  • n=2 for random partition
  • n< number of sequences in the





image_extension str ".png" The extension of the images in the image_dir_name parameter.
  • .png
  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
val_split float 20 Percentage of data to be separated for validation. 1-100



str   Name of the kitti sequence to frame mapping file. This file must be present within the dataset root as mentioned in the root_directory


num_shards int 10 Number of shards per fold. 1-20

A sample configuration file to convert the pascal voc dataset with 80% training data and 20 % validation data is mentioned below. This assumes that the data has been converted to KITTI format and is available for ingestion in the root directory path.

kitti_config {
  root_directory_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/VOCdevkit/VOC2012"
  image_dir_name: "JPEGImages_kitti/test"
  label_dir_name: "Annotations_kitti/test"
  image_extension: ".jpg"
  partition_mode: "random"
  num_partitions: 2
  val_split: 20
  num_shards: 10
image_directory_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/VOCdevkit/VOC2012"

Sample usage of the dataset converter tool

KITTI is the accepted dataset format for image detection. The KITTI dataset must be converted to the TFRecord file format before passing to detection training. Use this command to do the conversion:

tlt-dataset-convert [-h] -d DATASET_EXPORT_SPEC -o OUTPUT_FILENAME
                         [-f VALIDATION_FOLD] 

You can use these optional arguments:

  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit
  • -d, --dataset-export-spec: Path to the detection dataset spec containing config for exporting .tfrecords.
  • -o output_filename: Output file name.
  • -f, –validation-fold: Indicate the validation fold in 0-based indexing. This is required when modifying the training set but otherwise optional.

Here's an example of using the command with the dataset:

tlt-dataset-convert -d <path_to_tfrecords_conversion_spec> -o <path_to_output_tfrecords>

Output log from executing tlt-dataset-convert:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2019-07-16 01:30:59,073 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.build_converter - INFO - Instantiating a kitti converter
2019-07-16 01:30:59,243 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.kitti_converter_lib - INFO - Num images in
Train: 10786    Val: 2696
2019-07-16 01:30:59,243 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.kitti_converter_lib - INFO - Validation data in partition 0. Hence, while choosing the validationset during training choose validation_fold 0.
2019-07-16 01:30:59,251 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO - Writing partition 0, shard 0
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/detectnet_v2/dataio/kitti_converter_lib.py:265: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Reading unicode strings without specifying the encoding argument is deprecated. Set the encoding, use None for the system default.
2019-07-16 01:31:01,226 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO - Writing partition 0, shard 1
. . 
sheep: 242
bottle: 205
boat: 171
car: 418
2019-07-16 01:31:20,772 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO - Writing partition 1, shard 0
2019-07-16 01:32:40,338 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO - Writing partition 1, shard 9
2019-07-16 01:32:49,063 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO -
Wrote the following numbers of objects:
sheep: 695
car: 1770

2019-07-16 01:32:49,064 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO - Cumulative object statistics
2019-07-16 01:32:49,064 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO -
Wrote the following numbers of objects:
sheep: 937
car: 2188
2019-07-16 01:32:49,064 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO - Class map. 
Label in GT: Label in tfrecords file
sheep: sheep

boat: boat
For the dataset_config in the experiment_spec, please use labels in the tfrecords file, while writing the classmap.


2019-07-16 01:32:49,064 - iva.detectnet_v2.dataio.dataset_converter_lib - INFO - Tfrecords generation complete.

5. Creating an experiment spec file

This chapter describes how to create a specification file for model training, inference and evaluation.

Specification file for classification

Here is an example of a specification file for model classification.

model_config {

  # Model architecture can be chosen from:
  # ['resnet', 'vgg', 'googlenet', 'alexnet', 'mobilenet_v1', 'mobilenet_v2', 'squeezenet']

  arch: "resnet"

  # for resnet --> n_layers can be [10, 18, 50]
  # for vgg --> n_layers can be [16, 19]

  n_layers: 18
  use_bias: True
  use_batch_norm: True
  all_projections: True
  use_pooling: False
  freeze_bn: False
  freeze_blocks: 0
  freeze_blocks: 1

  # image size should be "3, X, Y", where X,Y >= 16
  input_image_size: "3,224,224"

eval_config {
  eval_dataset_path: "/path/to/your/eval/data"
  model_path: "/path/to/your/model"
  top_k: 3
  conf_threshold: 0.5
  batch_size: 256
  n_workers: 8


train_config {
  train_dataset_path: "/path/to/your/train/data"
  val_dataset_path: "/path/to/your/val/data"
  pretrained_model_path: "/path/to/your/pretrained/model"
  # optimizer can be chosen from ['adam', 'sgd']

  optimizer: "sgd"
  batch_size_per_gpu: 256
  n_epochs: 80
  n_workers: 16

  # regularizer
  reg_config {
    type: "L2"
    scope: "Conv2D,Dense"
    weight_decay: 0.00005


  # learning_rate

  lr_config {

    # "step" and "soft_anneal" are supported.

    scheduler: "soft_anneal"

    # "soft_anneal" stands for soft annealing learning rate scheduler.
    # the following 4 parameters should be specified if "soft_anneal" is used.
    learning_rate: 0.005
    soft_start: 0.056
    annealing_points: "0.3, 0.6, 0.8"
    annealing_divider: 10
    # "step" stands for step learning rate scheduler.
    # the following 3 parameters should be specified if "step" is used.
    # learning_rate: 0.006
    # step_size: 10
    # gamma: 0.1

Specification file for DetectNet_v2

To do training, evaluation and inference for DetectNet_v2, several components need to be configured, each with their own parameters. The tlt-train and tlt-evaluate commands for a DetectNet_v2 experiment share the same configuration file. The tlt-infer command uses a separate configuration file.

The training and inference tools use a specification file for object detection. The specification file for detection training configures these components of the training pipe:
  • Model
  • BBox ground truth truth generation
  • Post processing module
  • Cost function configuration
  • Trainer
  • Augmentation model
  • Evaluator
  • Dataloader

Model config

Core object detection can be configured using the model_config option in the spec file. Heare are the parameters:

Parameter Datatype Default Description Supported Values
all_projections bool False For templates with shortcut connections, this parameter defines whether or not all shortcuts should be instantiated with 1x1 projection layers irrespective of whether there is a change in stride across the input and output. True/False (only to be used in resnet templates)
arch string resnet This defines the architecture of the back bone feature extractor to be used to train.
  • resnet
  • vgg
  • mobilenet


  • mobilenet


  • googlenet
num_layers int 18 Depth of the feature extractor for scalable templates.
  • resnets: 10, 18, 50
  • vgg: 16, 19
pretrained model file string - This parameter defines the path to a pretained tlt model file. If the load_graph flag is set to False, we assume that only the weights of the pretrained model file is to be used. In this case, TLT train constructs the feature extractor graph in the experiment and loads the weights from the pretrained model file whose layer names match. Thus, transfer learning across different resolutions and domains are supported.

For layers that may be absent in the pretrained model, the tool initializes them with random weights and skips import for that layer.

Unix path
use_pooling Boolean False Choose between using strided convolutions or MaxPooling while down sampling. When true, we use MaxPooling to down sample, however for the object detection network, we recommend setting this to False and use strided convolutions. False/True
use_batch_norm Boolean False Boolean variable to use batch normalization layers or not. True/False
objective_set Proto Dictionary - This defines what objectives is this network being trained for. For object detection networks, we set to learn cov and bbox. These parameters should not be altered for the current training pipeline.

cov {} bbox { scale: 35.0 offset: 0.5


dropout_rate Float 0.0 Probability for drop out 0.0-0.1
training precision Proto Dictionary - Contains a nested parameter that sets the precision of the back-end training framework backend_floatx: FLOAT32
load_graph Boolean False Flag to define whether or not to load the graph from the pretrained model file, or just the weights. For a pruned, please remember to set this parameter as True. Pruning modifies the original graph, hence the pruned model graph and the weights need to be imported. True/False



- This parameter defines which blocks of may be frozen from the instantiated feature extractor template, and is different for different feature extractor templates.
  • ResNet series. For the ResNet series, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [0, 1, 2, 3](inclusive)

  • VGG series. For the VGG series, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5](inclusive)
  • MobileNet V1. For the MobileNet V1, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11](inclusive)
  • MobileNet V2. For the MobileNet V2, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13](inclusive)
  • GoogLeNet. For the GoogLeNet, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7](inclusive)
freeze_bn Boolean False We can choose to freeze the Batch


layers in the model during training.

Here's a sample model config to instantiate a resnet18 model with pretrained weights and freeze blocks 0 and 1, with all shortcuts being set to projection layers.

# Sample model config for to instantiate a resnet18 model with pretrained weights and freeze blocks 0, 1
# with all shortcuts having projection layers.
model_config {
  arch: "resnet"
  pretrained_model_file: <path_to_model_file>
  freeze_blocks: 0
  freeze_blocks: 1
  all_projections: True
  num_layers: 18
  use_pooling: False
  use_batch_norm: True
  dropout_rate: 0.0
  training_precision: {
    backend_floatx: FLOAT32
  objective_set: {
    cov {}
    bbox {
      scale: 35.0
      offset: 0.5

BBox ground truth generator

DetectNet_v2 generates 2 tensors, cov and bbox. The image is divided into a 16x16 grid cells. The cov tensor(short for coverage tensor) defines the number of gridcells that are covered by an object. The bbox tensor defines the normalized image coordinates of the object (x1, y1) top_left and (x2, y2) bottom right with respect to the grid cell. For best results, we assume the coverage area to be an ellipse within the bbox label, with the maximum confidence being assigned to the cells in the centre and reducing coverage outwards. Each class has its own coverage and bbox tensor, thus the shape of the tensors are:

  • cov: Batch_size, Num_classes, image_height/16, image_width/16
  • bbox: Batch_size, Num_classes * 4, image_height/16, image_width/16 (where 4 is the number of coordinates per cell)

The bbox_rasterizer has the following parameters that are configurable.

Parameter Datatype Default Description Supported Values
deadzone radius float 0.67 The area to be considered as dormant (or area of no bboxes) around the ellipse of an object. This is particularly useful in cases of overlapping objects, so that foreground object and back ground objects are not confused. 0-1.0


proto dictionary   This is a nested configuration field, that defines the coverage region for an object of a given class. For each class, this field is repeated. The configurable parameters of the target_class

_config include:

  • cov_center_x (float): x-coordinate of the center of object.
  • cov_center_y (float): y-coordinate of the center of object.
  • cov_radius_x (float): x-radius of the coverage ellipse
  • cov_radius_y (float): y-radius of the coverage ellipse
  • bbox_min

    _radius (float):

    minimum radius of the coverage region to be drawn for boxes.
  • cov_center

    _x: 0.0 - 1.0

  • cov_center

    _y: 0.0 - 1.0

  • cov_radius

    _x: 0.0 - 1.0

  • cov_radius

    _y: 0.0 - 1.0

  • bbox_min


    0.0 - 1.0

Here is a sample rasterizer config for a 3 class detector:

# Sample rasterizer configs to instantiate a 3 class bbox rasterizer
bbox_rasterizer_config {
  target_class_config {
    key: "car"
    value: {
      cov_center_x: 0.5
      cov_center_y: 0.5
      cov_radius_x: 0.4
      cov_radius_y: 0.4
      bbox_min_radius: 1.0
  target_class_config {
    key: "cyclist"
    value: {
      cov_center_x: 0.5
      cov_center_y: 0.5
      cov_radius_x: 0.4
      cov_radius_y: 0.4
      bbox_min_radius: 1.0
  target_class_config {
    key: "pedestrian"
    value: {
      cov_center_x: 0.5
      cov_center_y: 0.5
      cov_radius_x: 0.4
      cov_radius_y: 0.4
      bbox_min_radius: 1.0
  deadzone_radius: 0.67

Post processor

The post processor module generates renderable bboxes from the raw detection output. The process includes:

  • Filtering out valid detections by thresholding objects using the confidence value in the coverage tensor
  • value: containing a clustering_config parameters defining parameters for the DBSCAN clustering algorithm. The DBSCAN algorithm helps cluster the valid predictions to a box per object.

This section defines parameters that configure the post processor. For each class we train for, the postprocessing_config has a target_class_config element, which defines the clustering parameters for this class. The parameters for each target class include:

Parameter Datatype Default Description Supported Values
key string - The names of the class for which the post processor module is being configured.  
value clustering _config proto - The nested clustering config proto parameter that configures the postprocessor module. The parameters for this module are defined in the next table.  

The clustering_config element configures the clustering block for this class. Here are the parameters for this element.

Parameter Datatype Default Description Supported Values



float - The minimum threshold of the coverage tensor output to be considered as a valid candidate box for clustering. The 4 coordinates from the bbox tensor at the corresponding indices are passed for clustering.  
dbscan_epc float - The maximum distance between two samples for one to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other. This is not a maximum bound on the distances of points within a cluster. The greater the eps, more boxes are grouped together.  



float - The total weight in a neighborhood for a point to be considered as a core point. This includes the point itself.  




int - Minimum height in pixels to consider as a valid detection post clustering.  

Here is an example of the definition of the postprocessor for a 3 class network learning for car, cyclist, and pedestrian:

postprocessing_config {
  target_class_config {
    key: "car"
    value: {
      clustering_config {
        coverage_threshold: 0.005
        dbscan_eps: 0.15
        dbscan_min_samples: 0.05
        minimum_bounding_box_height: 20
  target_class_config {
    key: "cyclist"
    value: {
      clustering_config {
        coverage_threshold: 0.005
        dbscan_eps: 0.15
        dbscan_min_samples: 0.05
        minimum_bounding_box_height: 20
  target_class_config {
    key: "pedestrian"
    value: {
      clustering_config {
        coverage_threshold: 0.005
        dbscan_eps: 0.15
        dbscan_min_samples: 0.05
        minimum_bounding_box_height: 20

Cost function

This section helps you configure the cost function to include the classes that you are training for. For each class you want to train, add a new entry of the target classes to the spec file. NVIDIA recommends not changing the parameters within the spec file for best performance with these classes. The other parameters remain unchanged here.

cost_function_config {
  target_classes {
    name: "car"
    class_weight: 1.0
    coverage_foreground_weight: 0.05
    objectives {
      name: "cov"
      initial_weight: 1.0
      weight_target: 1.0
    objectives {
      name: "bbox"
      initial_weight: 10.0
      weight_target: 10.0
  target_classes {
    name: "cyclist"
    class_weight: 1.0
    coverage_foreground_weight: 0.05
    objectives {
      name: "cov"
      initial_weight: 1.0
      weight_target: 1.0
    objectives {
      name: "bbox"
      initial_weight: 10.0
      weight_target: 1.0
  target_classes {
    name: "pedestrian"
    class_weight: 1.0
    coverage_foreground_weight: 0.05
    objectives {
      name: "cov"
      initial_weight: 1.0
      weight_target: 1.0
    objectives {
      name: "bbox"
      initial_weight: 10.0
      weight_target: 10.0
  enable_autoweighting: True
  max_objective_weight: 0.9999
  min_objective_weight: 0.0001


Here are the parameters used to configure the trainer:

Parameter Datatype Default/Suggested value Description Supported values



int 32 This parameter defines the number of images per batch per gpu. >1
num_epochs int 120 This parameter defines the total number of epochs to run the experiment.  
learning rate learning rate scheduler proto




This parameter configures the learning rate schedule for the trainer. Currently detectnet_v2 only supports softstart annealing learning rate schedule, and maybe configured using the following parameters:
  • soft_start (float): Defines the time to ramp up the learning rate from minumum learning rate to maximum learning rate
  • annealing (float): Defines the time to cool down the learning rate from maximum learning rate to minimum learning rate
  • minimum



    (float): Minimum learning rate in the learning rate schedule.
  • maximum



    (float): Maximum learning rate in the learning rate schedule.
annealing: 0.0-1.0 and greater than soft_start
regularizer regularizer proto config   This parameter configures the type and the weight of the regularizer to be used during training. The two parameters include:
  • type: The type of the regularizer being used.
  • weight: The floating point weight of the regularizer.
The supported values for type are:
  • NO_REG
  • L1
  • L2
optimizer optimizer proto config   This parameter defines which optimizer to use for training, and the parameters to configure it, namely:
  • epsilon (float): Is a very small number to prevent any division by zero in the


  • beta1 (float)
  • beta2 (float)



  This parameter enables cost scaling during training. Please leave this parameter untouched currently for the detectnet_v2 training pipe. cost_scaling { enabled: False initial_exponent: 20.0 increment: 0.005 decrement: 1.0 }
checkpoint interval float 0/10 The interval (in epochs) at which tlt-train saves intermediate models. 0 to num_epochs
Note: NVIDIA suggests using L1 regularizer when training a network before pruning as L1 regularization helps making the network weights more easily pruned. After pruning, when retraining the networks, NVIDIA recommends turning regularization off by setting the regularization type to NO_REG.

Here's a sample training_config block to configure a detectnet_v2 trainer:

training_config {
  batch_size_per_gpu: 16
  num_epochs: 80
  learning_rate {
    soft_start_annealing_schedule {
      min_learning_rate: 5e-6
      max_learning_rate: 5e-4
      soft_start: 0.1
      annealing: 0.7
  regularizer {
    type: L1
    weight: 3e-9
  optimizer {
    adam {
      epsilon: 1e-08
      beta1: 0.9
      beta2: 0.999
  cost_scaling {
    enabled: False
    initial_exponent: 20.0
    increment: 0.005
    decrement: 1.0

Augmentation module

The augmentation module provides some basic pre-processing and augmentation when training. The augmentation_config contains three elements :

  • preprocessing: This nested field configures the input image and ground truth label pre-processing module. It sets the shape of the input tensor to the network. The ground truth labels are pre-processed to meet the dimensions of the input image tensors. If the output image height and output image width of the pre-processing block don't match with the dimensions of the input images in the tfrecords, you either pad with zeros, or take random crops to fit the input dimensions. If the images are cropped, then the labels are altered accordingly to consider only objects in the crop. Currently, the entire input image and labels are not resized to fit the input resolution. The parameters that configure the preprocessing block include:
    Parameter Datatype Default/Suggested value Description Supported Values




    int -- The width of the



    output. This is the same as the width of the network input and must be a multiple of 16.




    int -- The height of the



    output. This is the same as the height of the network input and must be a multiple of 16.




    int 1, 3 The channel depth of the



    output. This is the same as the channel depth of the network input.


    float   The minimum height of the object labels to be considered for training.  



    float   The minimum width of the object labels to be considered for training  
  • spatial_augmentation: This module supports basic spatial augmentation such as flip, zoom and translate which may be configured.
    Parameter Datatype Default/Suggested value Description Supported Values



    float 0.5 The probability to flip an input image horizontally. 0.0-1.0



    float 0.0 The probability to flip an input image vertically. 0.0-1.0
    zoom_min float 1.0 The minimum zoom scale of the input image.  
    zoom_max float 1.0 The maximum zoom scale of the input image.  


    float 8.0 The maximum translation to be added across the x axis  


    float 8.0 The maximum translation to be added across the y axis  
  • color_augmentation: This module configures the color space transformations, such as color shift, hue_rotation, saturation shift, and contrast adjustment.
    Parameter Datatype Default/Suggested value Description Supported Values



    float 0.0 The standard devidation value for the color shift. 0.0-1.0




    float 25.0 The maximum rotation angle for the hue rotation matrix. 0.0-1.0



    float 0.2 The maximum shift that changes the saturation.  



    float 0.1 The slope of the contrast as rotated around the provided center.  



    float 0.5 The center around which the contrast is rotated. Ideally this is set to half of the maximum pixel value. (Since our input images are scaled between 0 and 1.0, we set this value to 0.5).  

Here is a sample augmentation config element:

# Sample augementation config for 
augmentation_config {
  preprocessing {
    output_image_width: 960
    output_image_height: 544
    output_image_channel: 3
    min_bbox_width: 1.0
    min_bbox_height: 1.0
  spatial_augmentation {

    hflip_probability: 0.5
    vflip_probability: 0.0
    zoom_min: 1.0
    zoom_max: 1.0
    translate_max_x: 8.0
    translate_max_y: 8.0
  color_augmentation {
    color_shift_stddev: 0.0
    hue_rotation_max: 25.0
    saturation_shift_max: 0.2
    contrast_scale_max: 0.1
    contrast_center: 0.5
Note: If the output image height and the output image width of the preprocessing block, doesn't match with the dimensions of the input image, the dataloader either pads with zeros, or crops to fit to the output resolution. It does not resize the input images and labels to fit.

Configuring the evaluator

The evaluator in the detection training pipe can be configured using the evaluation_config params.
Parameter Datatype Default/Suggested value Description Supported Values




  Sample The mode in which the average precision for each class is calculated.
  • SAMPLE: This is the ap calculation mode using 11 evenly spaced recall points as used in the Pascal VOC challenge 2007.
  • INTEGRATE: This is the ap calculation mode as used in the 2011 challenge





int 10 The interval at which evaluation is run during training. The evaluation is run at this interval starting from the value of the first validation epoch parameter as specified below. 1 - total number of epochs




int 30 The first epoch to start running validation. Ideally it is preferred to wait for atleast 20-30% of the total number of epochs before starting evaluation, since the predictions in the initial epochs would be fairly inaccurate. Too many candidate boxes may be sent to clustering and this can cause the evaluation to slow down. 1 - total number of epochs





proto dictionary  

Minimum IOU between ground truth and predicted box after clustering to call a valid detection. This parameter is a repeatable dictionary, and a separate one must be defined for every class. The members include:

  • key (string): class name
  • value (float): intersection over union value



proto dictionary   This nested configuration field configures the min and max box dimensions to be considered as a valid ground truth and prediction for AP calculation.  

The evaluation_box_config field has these configurable inputs.

Parameter Datatype Default/Suggested value Description Supported Value



float 10 Minimum height in pixels for a valid ground truth and prediction bbox.  



float 10 Minimum width in pixels for a valid ground truth and prediction bbox.  



float 9999 Maximum height in pixels for a valid ground truth and prediction bbox.  



float 9999 Maximum width in pixels for a valid ground truth and prediction bbox.  
# Sample evaluation config to run evaluation in integrate mode for the given 3 class model, 
# at every 10th epoch starting from the epoch 1.
evaluation_config {
  average_precision_mode: INTEGRATE
  validation_period_during_training: 10
  first_validation_epoch: 1
  minimum_detection_ground_truth_overlap {
    key: "car"
    value: 0.7
  minimum_detection_ground_truth_overlap {
    key: "person"
    value: 0.5
  minimum_detection_ground_truth_overlap {
    key: "bicycle"
    value: 0.5
  evaluation_box_config {
    key: "car"
    value {
      minimum_height: 4
      maximum_height: 9999
      minimum_width: 4
      maximum_width: 9999
  evaluation_box_config {
    key: "person"
    value {
      minimum_height: 4
      maximum_height: 9999
      minimum_width: 4
      maximum_width: 9999
  evaluation_box_config {
    key: "bicycle"
    value {
      minimum_height: 4
      maximum_height: 9999
      minimum_width: 4
      maximum_width: 9999


This section defines the parameters to configure the dataloader. Here, you define the path to the data you want to train on and the class mapping for classes in the dataset that the network is to be trained for. The parameters in the dataset config are:

  • data_sources: Captures the path to the tfrecords to train on. This field contains 2 parameters:
    • tfrecords_path: Path to the individual tfrecords files. This path follows UNIX style pathname pattern extension, so we can provide a common pathname pattern that captures all the tfrecords files in that directory.
    • image_directory_path: Path to the training data root from which the tfrecords was generated.
  • image_extension: Extension of the images to be used.
  • target_class_mapping: This parameter maps the class names in the tfrecords to the target class to be trained in the network. We instantiate n such elements for each source to target class mapping.
  • validation_fold: In case of an n fold tfrecords, you define the index of the fold to use for validation. For sequence wise validation choose the validation fold in the range [0, N-1]. However, for a random split tfrecords, force the validation fold index to 0 as the tfrecord is just 2-fold.
Note: The class names key in the target_class_mapping must be identical to the one shown in the dataset converter log, so that the correct classes are picked up for training.
dataset_config {
  data_sources: {
    tfrecords_path: "<path to the training tfrecords root/tfrecords train pattern>"
    image_directory_path: "<path to the training data source>"
  image_extension: "jpg"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "car"
      value: "car"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "automobile"
      value: "car"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "heavy_truck"
      value: "car"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "person"
      value: "pedestrian"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "rider"
      value: "cyclist"
  validation_fold: 0

In this example the tfrecords is assumed to be multi-fold, and the fold number to validate on is defined. If you want to validate on a different tfrecords than those defined in the training set then, use the validation_data_source field to define this. In this case, remove the validation_fold field from the spec.

validation_data_source: {
    tfrecords_path: " <path to tfrecords to validate on>/tfrecords validation pattern>"
    image_directory_path: " <path to validation data source>"

Specification file for inference

This spec file for inference is used to set up the post processing block. Here are the parameters:

  • dbscan_criterion: The criterion to cluster the bboxes. For this release, we only support "IOU" (Intersection over Union).
  • dbscan_eps: The minimum distance between to bboxes to be considered in the same cluster.
  • dbscan_min_samples: The minimum number of samples in a cluster.
  • min_cov_to_cluster: This is the equivalent to the converage threshold described in the Post processor section. It acts as a first level filter to send valid bboxes to the clustering algorithm.
  • min_obj_height: The minimum height in pixels to filter out noisy bboxes.
  • target_classes: The list of classes the networks has been trained for. The order of the list must be the same as that during training.
  • confidence_th: The confidence threshold to cluster out bboxes after clustering.
    • Typically 0.1 in mean_cov mode and 0.9 in aggregate_cov mode.
  • confidence_model_kind: This parameter defines the way in which the bbox confidence is computed. We support two modes.
    • aggregate_cov: This is the total sum of the coverage confidences of the candidate boxes that were assigned to the cluster after dbscan.
    • mean_cov: This is the mean of the coverage confidences of the candidate boxes that were assigned to the cluster after dbscan.

      Note: We suggest aggregate_cov mode to visualize better boxes.

  • output_map: The class mapping from the target classes in the network to the labels that maybe output to the kitti labels file.
  • color: The color of the bboxes for each class. This is important when visualizing the boxes.
  • postproc_classes: This parameter is used incase you would like to filter out and visualize only a subset of classes.
  • image_height: The height of the image at inference.
  • image_width: The width of the image at inference.
  • stride: This defines the ratio of the input_height to output_height of the feature map or input_width to the output width of the feature map. Only a stride of 16 for DetectNet_v2 models are currently supported. Therefore, the stride is 16 for all inferences.
Note: If the input image sizes are different from the specified size, the inference tool resizes the image to the size mentioned in the spec file, runs inference and resizes the inference coordinates back to the original input image resolution.

Here's a usage example:

    "dbscan_criterion": "IOU",
    "dbscan_eps": {
        "bicycle": 0.4,
        "car": 0.25,
        "default": 0.15,
        "person": 0.4
    "dbscan_min_samples": {
        "bicycle": 0.05,
        "car": 0.05,
        "default": 0.0,
        "person": 0.05
    "min_cov_to_cluster": {
        "bicycle": 0.075,
        "car": 0.075,
        "default": 0.005,
        "person": 0.005
    "min_obj_height": {
        "bicycle": 4,
        "car": 4,
        "person": 4,
        "default": 2
    "target_classes": ["car", "bicycle", "person"],
    "confidence_th": {
        "car": 0.3,
        "bicycle": 0.3,
        "person": 0.2
    "confidence_model": {
        "car": { "kind": "aggregate_cov"},
        "bicycle": { "kind": "aggregate_cov"},
        "person": { "kind": "aggregate_cov"},
        "default": { "kind": "aggregate_cov"}
    "output_map": {
        "person" : "person",
        "car" : "car",
        "bicycle" : "bicycle"
    "color": {
        "car": "green",
        "person": "magenta",
        "bicycle": "cyan"
    "postproc_classes": ["car", "bicycle", "person"],
    "image_height": 384,
    "image_width": 1248,
    "stride": 16

Specification file for FasterRCNN

Here's a sample of the FasterRCNN spec file:

random_seed: 42
enc_key: "<your_enc_key>"
verbose: True
network_config {
input_image_config {
image_type: RGB
image_channel_order: 'bgr'
    size_min {
    image_channel_mean {
        key: 'b'
        value: 103.939
    image_channel_mean {
        key: 'g'
        value: 116.779
    image_channel_mean {
        key: 'r'
        value: 123.68
    image_scaling_factor: 1.0
feature_extractor: "vgg"
anchor_box_config {
scale: 128.0
scale: 256.0
scale: 512.0
ratio: 1.0
ratio: 0.5
ratio: 2.0
freeze_bn: True
freeze_blocks: 1
freeze_blocks: 2
roi_mini_batch: 256
rpn_stride: 16
conv_bn_share_bias: True
roi_pooling_config {
pool_size: 7
pool_size_2x: True
training_config {
kitti_data_config {
images_dir: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/voc0712trainval/images'
labels_dir: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/voc0712trainval/labels_kitti'
training_data_parser: 'raw_kitti'
data_augmentation {
use_augmentation: True
spatial_augmentation {
hflip_probability: 0.5
vflip_probability: 0.0
zoom_min: 1.0
zoom_max: 1.0
translate_max_x: 0
translate_max_y: 0
color_augmentation {
color_shift_stddev: 0.0
hue_rotation_max: 0.0
saturation_shift_max: 0.0
contrast_scale_max: 0.0
contrast_center: 0.5
num_epochs: 12
class_mapping {
key: 'horse'
value: 0
class_mapping {
key: "pottedplant"
value: 1
class_mapping {
key: "train"
value: 2
class_mapping {
key: "person"
value: 3
class_mapping {
key: "bird"
value: 4
class_mapping {
key: "car"
value: 5
class_mapping {
key: "chair"
value: 6
class_mapping {
key: "tvmonitor"
value: 7
class_mapping {
key: "bus"
value: 8
class_mapping {
key: "sofa"
value: 9
class_mapping {
key: "dog"
value: 10
class_mapping {
key: "motorbike"
value: 11
class_mapping {
key: "bicycle"
value: 12
class_mapping {
key: "sheep"
value: 13
class_mapping {
key: "boat"
value: 14
class_mapping {
key: "cat"
value: 15
class_mapping {
key: "bottle"
value: 16
class_mapping {
key: "diningtable"
value: 17
class_mapping {
key: "cow"
value: 18
class_mapping {
key: "aeroplane"
value: 19
class_mapping {
key: "background"
value: 20

pretrained_model: ""
pretrained_weights: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/vgg16_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5"
output_weights: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/faster_rcnn_exp/faster_rcnn_pascal_voc.tltw"
output_model: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/faster_rcnn_exp/faster_rcnn_pascal_voc.tlt"
rpn_min_overlap: 0.3
rpn_max_overlap: 0.7
classifier_min_overlap: 0.0
classifier_max_overlap: 0.5
gt_as_roi: False
std_scaling: 1.0
classifier_regr_std {
key: 'x'
value: 10.0
classifier_regr_std {
key: 'y'
value: 10.0
classifier_regr_std {
key: 'w'
value: 5.0
classifier_regr_std {
key: 'h'
value: 5.0

rpn_mini_batch: 256
rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 12000
rpn_nms_max_boxes: 2000
rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
reg_config {
reg_type: 'L2'
weight_decay: 1e-4

optimizer {
adam {
lr: 0.00001
beta_1: 0.9
beta_2: 0.999
decay: 0.0

lr_scheduler {
step {
base_lr: 0.00001
gamma: 1.0
step_size: 30

lambda_rpn_regr: 1.0
lambda_rpn_class: 1.0
lambda_cls_regr: 1.0
lambda_cls_class: 1.0

inference_config {
images_dir: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/voc07test/images'
model: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/faster_rcnn_exp/faster_rcnn_pascal_voc.epoch12.tlt'
detection_image_output_dir: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/faster_rcnn_exp/infer_results_imgs'
labels_dump_dir: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/faster_rcnn_exp/infer_dump_labels'
rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 6000
rpn_nms_max_boxes: 300
rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
bbox_visualize_threshold: 0.6
classifier_nms_max_boxes: 300
classifier_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.3
evaluation_config {
dataset {
images_dir : '/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/voc07test/images'
labels_dir: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/voc07test/labels_kitti'
data_parser: 'raw_kitti'
model: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/faster_rcnn_exp/faster_rcnn_pascal_voc.epoch12.tlt'
labels_dump_dir: '/workspace/tlt-experiments/faster_rcnn_exp/eval_dump_labels'
rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 6000
rpn_nms_max_boxes: 300
rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
classifier_nms_max_boxes: 300
classifier_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.3
object_confidence_thres: 0.0001

network config

The network config(network_config) defines the model structure and its input format. This model is used for training, evaluation, and inference.

network_config {
input_image_config {
image_type: RGB
image_channel_order: 'bgr'
    size_min {
    image_channel_mean {
        key: 'b'
        value: 103.939
    image_channel_mean {
        key: 'g'
        value: 116.779
    image_channel_mean {
        key: 'r'
        value: 123.68
    image_scaling_factor: 1.0
feature_extractor: "vgg"
anchor_box_config {
scale: 128.0
scale: 256.0
scale: 512.0
ratio: 1.0
ratio: 0.5
ratio: 2.0
freeze_bn: True
freeze_blocks: 1
freeze_blocks: 2
roi_mini_batch: 256
rpn_stride: 16
conv_bn_share_bias: True
roi_pooling_config {
pool_size: 7
pool_size_2x: True

input image config

The input image config(input_image_config) defines the input image format, including the image channel number, channel order, width and height, and the preprocessings(subtract per-channel mean and divided by a scaling factor) for it before feeding input the model. See the table shown here for details:
Field Description Range of value Default value
image_type The image type, can be either RGB or gray-scale image RGB or GRAYSCALE RGB



The image channel order 'rgb' or 'bgr' if image_type is RGB, 'l' if image_type is GRAYSCALE N/A
size_height_width The height and width as the input dimension of the model both sub-field height/width should be a positive integer and a multiple of 32 N/A



Per-channel mean value to subtract by for the image preprocessing should be a non-negative real number for each sub-field 0.0
image_scaling_factor Scaling factor to divide by for the image preprocessing should be a positive real number N/A

feature extractor

FasterRCNN supports 11 backbones.

Field Description Range of value Default value
feature_extractor The feature extractor(backbone) for the FasterRCNN model

ResNet series: resnet:10, resnet18, resnet:34, resnet:50, resnet:101, resnet:152.

VGG series: vgg:16, vgg:19

GoogLeNet: googlenet

MobileNet series: mobilenet_v1, mobilenet_v2

Here a notational convention is used. For a model that can have different number of layers, use a colon followed by the layer number as the suffix of the model name. For example, resnet:



anchor box config

Field Description Range of value Default value
anchor_box_config The anchor boxes for FasterRCNN

scale field should be a positive number, can repeat any number of times.

ratio field should be a positive number, usually around 1.0, can repeat any number of times.

the scale field and ratio field should be of the same length to be valid.


freeze BN

You can choose to freeze the BatchNormalization layers in the model during training. This is a common trick when training a FasterRCNN model

Field Description Range of value Default value
freeze_bn Whether or not to freeze all the BatchNormalization layers in the model True or False False

freeze blocks

You can choose to freeze some of the CNN blocks in the model to make the training more stable and/or easier to converge.

Field Description Range of value Default value
freeze_blocks The list of block ID's to be frozen in the model during training. list []

You can divide the whole model into several blocks and optionally freeze a subset of it. For FasterRCNN you can only freeze the blocks that are before the ROI pooling layer. Any layer after the ROI pooling will not be frozen in any way. For different backbones, the number of blocks and the block ID for each block are different. It deserves some detailed info of how to specify the block ID's for each backbone.

  • ResNet series: For the ResNet series, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [0, 1, 2, 3](inclusive)
  • VGG series: For the VGG series, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5](inclusive)
  • GoogLeNet: For the GoogLeNet, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7](inclusive)
  • MobileNet V1: For the MobileNet V1, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11](inclusive)
  • MobileNet V1: For the MobileNet V2, the block ID's valid for freezing is any subset of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13](inclusive)

ROI mini batch

The ROI mini batch is the batch size for training the classifier after the ROI pooling layer.

Field Description Range of value Default value
roi_mini_batch The batch size used to train the classifier after ROI pooling. A positive integer, usually use 128, 256, etc. N/A

RPN stride

The cumulative stride from the model input to the RPN. This value is fixed(16) for current implementation.


conv_bn_share_bias is a Boolean value to indicate whether or not to share the bias of the convolution layer and the BatchNormalization(BN) layer immediately after it. This is usually shared, but for FasterRCNN there is a caveat. During the training, you may want to freeze the BN layer to make the training process more stable. But once the BN layer is frozen and the bias is shared, the convolution layer before it will have no bias during the training. This loss of a degree-of-freedom can lead to some degradation of the model accuracy. To overcome this, you can force the convolution layer to have its own bias. If conv_bn_share_bias is set to False, the convolution layer itself will have a bias, otherwise it won't.

For MobileNet V1 or MobileNet V2, if you want to load pretrained weights in NGC for training or retraining, set the conv_bn_share_bias field in the experiment_spec file to True. For all other backbones, if you want to load the pretrained weights in NGC for training or retrain, set them to False. For all the backbones, if you do not use the pretrained weights in NGC, both settings for conv_bn_share_bias are acceptable.

ROI pooling config

The ROI pooling config for the ROI pooling layer. The implementation of ROI pooling layer is different from the original implementation in Caffe. Use TensorFlow's tf.image.crop_and_resize operation (possibly followed by a pooling operation) to implement it. Here are the parameters for this implementation:

Field Description Range of value Default value
roi_pooling_config The config for the ROI pooling layer. The pool_size sub-field is the output spatial size of this operation. The pool_size_2x sub-field is a Boolean value to indicate whether to do the crop_and_resize at 2*pool_size followed by a 2 x 2 pooling operation or do crop_and_resize directly at pool_size without pooling operation. For example, if pool_size = 7, and pool_size_2x=True, it means you do crop_and_resize to get a output that has spatial size of 14 x 14 and then do a 2 x 2 pooling operation to get the final output tensor. N/A


The all_projections field is only useful for models that have shortcuts in them. These models include ResNet series and the MobileNet V2. If all_projections=True, all the pass-through shortcuts will be replaced by a projection layer that has the same number of output channels.


The use_pooling operation is only useful for VGG series and ResNet series. When use_pooling=True, use pooling in the model as the original implementation, otherwise use strided convolution to replace the pooling operations in the model. If you want to improve the inference FPS performance, you can try to set use_pooling=False.

training config

The training config defines the parameters needed for training, evaluation and inference.

training_config {
kitti_data_config {
images_dir : '<path_to_the_training_images_directory>'
labels_dir: '<path_to_the_training_KITTI_labels_directory>'
training_data_parser: 'raw_kitti'
data_augmentation {
use_augmentation: True
spatial_augmentation {
hflip_probability: 0.5
vflip_probability: 0.0
zoom_min: 1.0
zoom_max: 1.0
translate_max_x: 0
translate_max_y: 0
color_augmentation {
color_shift_stddev: 0.0
hue_rotation_max: 0.0
saturation_shift_max: 0.0
contrast_scale_max: 0.0
contrast_center: 0.5
num_epochs: 12
class_mapping {
key: 'Car'
value: 0
class_mapping {
key: 'Van'
value: 0
class_mapping {
key: "Pedestrian"
value: 1
class_mapping {
key: "Person_sitting"
value: 1
class_mapping {
key: 'Cyclist'
value: 2
class_mapping {
key: "background"
value: 3
class_mapping {
key: "DontCare"
value: -1
class_mapping {
key: "Truck"
value: -1
class_mapping {
key: "Misc"
value: -1
class_mapping {
key: "Tram"
value: -1
pretrained_model: "<path_to_the_pretrained_model>"
pretrained_weights: "<path_to_the_pretrained_weights>"
output_weights: "<path_to_the_output_weights_during_training>"
output_model: "<path_to_the_output_model_during_training>"
rpn_min_overlap: 0.3
rpn_max_overlap: 0.7
classifier_min_overlap: 0.0
classifier_max_overlap: 0.5
gt_as_roi: False
std_scaling: 1.0
classifier_regr_std {
key: 'x'
value: 10.0
classifier_regr_std {
key: 'y'
value: 10.0
classifier_regr_std {
key: 'w'
value: 5.0
classifier_regr_std {
key: 'h'
value: 5.0

rpn_mini_batch: 256
rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 12000
rpn_nms_max_boxes: 2000
rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7

reg_config {
reg_type: 'L2'
weight_decay: 1e-4


optimizer {
adam {
lr: 0.00001
beta_1: 0.9
beta_2: 0.999
decay: 0.0

lr_scheduler {
step {
base_lr: 0.00001
gamma: 1.0
step_size: 30

lambda_rpn_regr: 1.0
lambda_rpn_class: 1.0
lambda_cls_regr: 1.0
lambda_cls_class: 1.0

inference_config {
images_dir: '<path_to_the_inference_images_directory>'
model: '<path_to_the_model_to_do_inference_on>'
detection_image_output_dir: '<path_to_the_dumped_images_directory>'
labels_dump_dir: '<path_to_the_dumped_labels_directory>'
rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 6000
rpn_nms_max_boxes: 300
rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
bbox_visualize_threshold: 0.6
classifier_nms_max_boxes: 300
classifier_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.3

evaluation_config {
dataset {
images_dir : '<path_to_the_evaluation_images_directory>'
labels_dir: '<path_to_the_evaluation_KITTI_labels_directory>'
data_parser: 'raw_kitti'
model: '<path_to_the_model_to_do_evaluation_on>'
labels_dump_dir: '<path_to_the_dumped_labels_directory>'
rpn_pre_nms_top_N: 6000
rpn_nms_max_boxes: 300
rpn_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.7
classifier_nms_max_boxes: 300
classifier_nms_overlap_threshold: 0.3
object_confidence_thres: 0.0001



kitti_data_config defines the dataset for training. It includes the images directory and the KITTI labels directory.


The parser type for the training dataset. In this release, only raw_kitti is supported.


Data augmentation for the training. It includes spatial augmentation and color augmentation. The data augmentation configuration has two parts: spatial augmentation and color augmentation. Spatial augmentation does some spatial transform to the input image and its label, while the color augmentation only applies some hue, saturation, and contrast to the input image. The label is untouched. A Boolean value that controls whether or not to activate data augmentation during training. A normalization is applied before augmentation because augmentation only applies to the normalized image in the range [0, 1]. Also, data augmentation happens before image preprocessing(subtracting mean value and scaling). Details of these sub-fields are given in this table:

Field Description Range of value Default value
use_augmentation Whether or not to activate the data augmentation during training. True or False False



Do random spatial transformation to input image and its label. Each sub-field's description given below.    
  hflip_probability: probability of flipping the image horizontally. A float value in [0, 1] 0
  vflip_probability: probability of flipping the image vertically. A float value in [0, 1] 0
  zoom_min: minimum zoom ratio to zoom the image. Usually a float value surround 1.0 0
  zoom_max: maximum zoom ratio to zoom the image. Usually a float value surround 1.0 and should be no less than zoom_min. 0
  translate_max_x: maximum translation value in the horizontal direction. non-negative integer value 0
  translate_max_y: maximum translation value in the vertical direction. non-negative integer value 0
color_augmentation Apply hue/saturation/contrast transformation to the image, label is untouched. Description for each sub-field given below.    
  color_shift_stddev: An offset value to be added to the normalized input image. The image is normalized to the range [0, 1] before this. A non-negative float value, usually not too large, e.g, 0.1. The default value (0.0) is set by the Google protobuf compiler.If you don't provide a value, the default value of 0.0 results in no color shift
  hue_rotation_max: The maximum angle(in degree) to rotate the hue of input image. A float value in [0, 360]. 0
  saturation_shift_max: The maximum value to be added to the saturation of input image. A non-negative float value in [0, 1]. 0
  contrast_scale_max: The maximum scaling factor to change the contrast of input image. A non-negative float value in [0, 1], 0 means on contrast change, 1 means the maximum contrast change. 0
  contrast_center: The center of the contrast scaling. Input image is subtracted by the contrast_center and then do random contrast scaling. A non-negative float value in [0, 1], usually use 0.5. 0


This field defines the number of epochs for training.


In some cases, the number of classes in the dataset labels is not exactly the number of classes you want to use to train the model. For example, you may want to group two different classes 'Car' and 'Van' into a single class in the training. You may want to filter out some specific classes in the dataset. For example, you have 'Car', 'Person', 'Cyclist', 'Truck' in the training dataset, but you want to ignore the 'Truck' class when you train the model. This is the rationale for the class_mapping field. The class_mapping maps each class name in the original dataset to an integer. If some classes are mapped to the same integer, it means they are grouped into a single class. For FasterRCNN, the class that mapped to the largest number is always the 'background' due to the implementation. Also, if you want to ignore some classes in the dataset, simply map them to -1. In the previous example, their 5 classes: 'Car', 'Van', 'Person', 'Cyclist', 'Truck' in the dataset. You want to group 'Car' and 'Van', so map them to 0. You also want to exclude 'Truck', so map Truck into -1. Finally, add a dummy 'background' class that is mapped to the largest number(3).


The path to the pretrained model used to initialize the training model. The pretrained model can be either a Keras model or a TLT model. The suffix is used to identify the model types. If the model ends with '.hdf5' treat it as a Keras model; if it ends with '.tlt', treat it as a TLT model. If the model path neither ends with '.hdf5' nor ends with '.tlt' it will raise an error.


The path to the pretrained weights used to initialize the training model. This is similar to the pretrained model but more flexible in terms of the input dimension and the number of classes in the model head. When you use the pretrained model, you should limit the training model to have the same input dimension and number of classes as in the pretrained model. With pretrained weights, you can discard these limitations. Pretrained weights can be either a Keras weights(.h5) or a TLT weights(.tltw). If the pretrained weights do not end with either one of them, it will raise an error.


Path to the output weights(TLT weights) as the checkpoint during training.


Path to the output model(TLT model) as the checkpoint during training.


The lower IoU threshold is used to map the anchor boxes to ground truth boxes. If the IoU of an anchor box and any ground truth box is below this threshold, this anchor box is treated as a negative anchor box.


The upper IoU threshold used to map the anchor boxes to ground truth boxes. If the IoU of an anchor box and at least one ground truth boxes is above this threshold, this anchor box is treated as a positive anchor box.


The lower IoU threshold to generate the proposal target. If the IoU of a ROI and a ground truth box is above the threshold and below the classifier_max_overlap, then this ROI is regarded as a negative ROI(background) when training the classifier.


If the IoU of a ROI and a ground truth box is above this threshold, then this ROI is regarded as a positive ROI and this ground truth box is treated as the target(ground truth) of this ROI when training the classifier.


A Boolean value to specify whether or not to include the ground truth boxes into the positive ROI to train the classifier.


The scaling factor to multiply by for the RPN regressor loss when training the RPN.


The scaling factor to divide by for the classifier regressor loss when training the classifier.


The anchor batch size used to train the RPN.


The number of boxes to be retained before the NMS in RPN.


The number of boxes to be retained after the NMS in RPN.


The IoU threshold for the NMS in RPN.

regularizer config

Regularizer config for the model.

Field Description Range of value Default value
reg_config Regularizer config for the model.

The reg_type can be either 'l1', 'l2' or 'none'.

The weight_decay is the penalty value of the regularizer.



Field Description Range of value Default value
optimizer The Optimizer used for the training. sgd, rmsprop or adam N/A

Details for the optimizer.

Field Description Range of value Default value
adam Adam optimizer

sub-field lr: base learning rate

sub-field beta_1: beta_1 param for adam

sub-field beta_2: beta_2 param for adam

sub-field epsilon: epsilon param for adam

sgd SGD optimizer

sub-field lr: base learning rate

sub-field momentum: momentum

sub-field decay: decay for learning rate

sub-field nesterov: whether to use nesterov momentum or not

rmsprop RMSProp optimizer sub-field lr: learning rate N/A

learning rate scheduler

The learning rate scheduler for training. Two types of learning rate schedulers are supported: Step LR and SoftStartAnnealing. Step LR is the same as step scheduler in classification and SoftStartAnnealing is the same as soft_anneal in classification.

loss scaling

Four loss scaling factors: lambda_rpn_regr, lambda_rpn_class, lambda_cls_regr and lambda_cls_class are provided. These are weighting factors for the RPN regressor loss, RPN classification loss, classifier regressor loss and classifier classification loss, respectively. The default value for them is 1.0. The larger the scaling factor, the more emphasis on the corresponding loss.

inference config

The inference config parameters are similar to those in the training.

evaluation config

The evaluation config parameters are similar to those in the training. The use_voc07_11point_metric field specifies whether or not to use the PASCAL VOC 2007 11 point metric when computing the mAP. If set to false, the VOC 2012 metric will be used.

Specification file for SSD

For SSD, both training and evaluation require a specification file.

SSD config

ssd_config {
  aspect_ratios_global: "[1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 3.0, 0.33]"
  scales: "[0.1, 0.24166667, 0.38333333, 0.525, 0.66666667, 0.80833333, 0.95]"
  two_boxes_for_ar1: true
  clip_boxes: false
  loss_loc_weight: 1.0
  focal_loss_alpha: 0.25
  focal_loss_gamma: 2.0
  variances: "[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]"
  arch: "resnet18"
  freeze_bn: True
  freeze_blocks: 0
  freeze_blocks: 1

aspect_ratios_global or aspect_ratios

Note: Only one of aspect_ratios_global or aspect_ratios is required.

aspect_ratios_global should be a 1-d array inside quotation marks. Anchor boxes of aspect ratios defined in aspect_ratios_global will be generated for each feature layer used for prediction. Example: "[1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 3.0, 0.33]"

aspect_ratios should be a list of lists inside quotation marks. The length of the outer list must be equivalent to the number of feature layers used for anchor box generation. And the i-th layer will have anchor boxes with aspect ratios defined in aspect_ratios[i]. Here's an example: "[[1.0,2.0,0.5], [1.0,2.0,0.5], [1.0,2.0,0.5], [1.0,2.0,0.5], [1.0,2.0,0.5], [1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 3.0, 0.33]]"


This setting is only relevant for layers that have 1.0 as aspect ratio. If two_boxes_for_ar1 is true, two boxes with be generated for aspect ratio 1. One whose scale is the scale for this layer and the other one whose scale is the geometric mean of the scale for this layer and the scale for the next layer.

Scales or combination of min_scale and max_scale

Note: Only one of scales and the combination of min_scale and max_scale is required.

Scales should be a 1-d array inside quotation marks. It is a list of positive floats containing scaling factors per convolutional predictor layer. This list must be one element longer than the number of predictor layers, so if two_boxes_for_ar1 is true, the second aspect ratio 1.0 box for the last layer can have a proper scale. Except for the last element in this list, each positive float is the scaling factor for boxes in that layer. For example, if for one layer the scale is 0.1, then the generated anchor box with aspect ratio 1 for that layer (the first aspect ratio 1 box if two_boxes_for_ar1 is true) will have its height and width as 0.1*min(img_h, img_w).

min_scale and max_scale are two positive floats. If both of them appear in the config, the program can automatically generate the scales by evenly splitting the space between min_scale and max_scale.


If true, all corner anchor boxes will be truncated so they are fully inside the feature images.


This is a positive float controlling how much location regression loss should contribute to the final loss. The final loss is calculated as classification_loss + loss_loc_weight * loc_loss

focal_loss_alpha and focal_loss_gamma

Focal loss is calculated as:

focal_loss_alpha defines α and focal_loss_gamma defines γ in the formula. NVIDIA recommends α=0.25 and γ=2.0 if you don't know what values to use.


Variances should be a list of 4 positive floats. The four floats, in order, represent variances for box center x, box center y, log box height, log box width. The box offset for box center (cx, cy) and log box size (height/width) w.r.t. anchor will be divided by their respective variance value. Therefore, larger variances result in less significant differences between two different boxes on encoded offsets. The formula for offset calculation is:


An optional list inside quotation marks whose length is the number of feature layers for prediction. The elements should be floats or tuples/lists of two floats. Steps define how many pixels apart the anchor box center points should be. If element is a float, both vertical and horizontal margin is the same. Otherwise, the first value is step_vertical and the second value is step_horizontal. If steps are not provided, anchorboxes will be distributed uniformly inside the image.


An optional list of floats inside quotation marks whose length is the number of feature layers for prediction. The first anchor box will have offsets[i]*steps[i] pixels margin from the left and top borders. If offsets are not provided, 0.5 will be used as default value.


A string indicating which feature extraction architecture you want to use. Currently, "resnet10" and "resnet18" are supported.


Whether to freeze all batch normalization layers during training.


Optionally, you can have more than 1 freeze_blocks field. Weights of layers in those blocks will be freezed during training. See Model config for more information.

SSD training config

training_config {
  batch_size_per_gpu: 18
  num_epochs: 120
  learning_rate {
    soft_start_annealing_schedule {
      min_learning_rate: 5e-5
      max_learning_rate: 4e-2
      soft_start: 0.01
      annealing: 0.3
  regularizer {
    type: L1
    weight: 3.00000002618e-09


Batch size per GPU.


Number of epochs to use for training.

learning rate

Only soft_start_annealing_schedule with these nested parameters is supported.
  1. min_learning_rate: minimum learning late to be seen during the entire experiment
  2. max_learning_rate: maximum learning rate to be seen during the entire experiment
  3. soft start: Time to be lapsed before warm up ( expressed in percentage of progress between 0 and 1)
  4. annealing: Time to start annealing the learning rate


This parameter configures the regularizer to be used while training and contains the following nested parameters.

  1. type: The type or regularizer to use. NVIDIA supports NO_REG, L1 or L2
  2. weight: The floating point value for regularizer weight
    Note: NVIDIA suggests using L1 regularizer when training a network before pruning as L1 regularization helps making the network weights more prunable.

SSD evaluation config

eval_config {
  validation_period_during_training: 10
  averge_precision_mode: SAMPLE
  matching_iou_threshold: 0.5


The number of training epoches per which one validation should run.


Average Precision (AP) calculation mode can be either SAMPLE or INTEGRATE. SAMPLE is used as VOC metrics for VOC 2009 or before. INTEGRATE is used for VOC 2010 or after that.


The lowest iou of predicted box and ground truth box that can be considered a match.

NMS config

nms_config {
 confidence_threshold: 0.05
 clustering_iou_threshold: 0.5
 top_k: 200

NMS config applies to NMS layer in training, validation, evaluation, inference and export.


Boxes with a confidence score less than confidence_threshold are discarded before applying NMS.


IOU threshold below which boxes will go through NMS process


top_k boxes will be outputed after NMS keras layer. If the number of valid boxes is less than k, return array will be padded with boxes whose confidence score is 0.

augmentation config

augmentation_config {
  preprocessing {
    output_image_width: 1024
    output_image_height: 256
    crop_right: 1024
    crop_bottom: 256
    min_bbox_width: 1.0
    min_bbox_height: 1.0
  spatial_augmentation {
    hflip_probability: 0.5
    vflip_probability: 0.0
    zoom_min: 0.7
    zoom_max: 1.8
    translate_max_x: 8.0
    translate_max_y: 8.0
  color_augmentation {
    hue_rotation_max: 25.0
    saturation_shift_max: 0.20000000298
    contrast_scale_max: 0.10000000149
    contrast_center: 0.5

See Augmentation module for more information.

dataset config

dataset_config {
  data_sources: {
    tfrecords_path: "/path/to/tfrecords/root/*"
    image_directory_path: "/path/to/dataset/root"
  image_extension: "png"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "car"
      value: "car"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "pedestrian"
      value: "pedestrian"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "cyclist"
      value: "cyclist"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "van"
      value: "car"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "person_sitting"
      value: "pedestrian"
  validation_fold: 0

See Dataloader for more information.

6. Training the model

You can use the tlt-train command to train models with single and multiple GPUs. The NVIDIA Transfer Learning Toolkit provides a simple command line interface to train a deep learning model for classification and object detection. It includes the tlt-train command to do this. To speed up the training process, the tlt-train command supports multiGPU training. You can invoke a multi GPU training session by using the --gpus N option, where N is the number of GPUs you want to use. N must be less than the number of GPUs available in the given node for training.

Note: Currently, only single-node multiGPU is supported.

Training a classification model

Use the tlt-train command to tune a pre-trained model:

tlt-train [-h] classification --gpus <num GPUs>
           -k <encoding key>
           -r <result directory>
           -e <spec file>

Required arguments:

  • -r, --results_dir : Path to a folder where the experiment outputs should be written.
  • -k, --key : User specific encoding key to save or load a .tlt model.
  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: Path to the experiment spec file.

Optional arguments:

  • --gpus : Number of GPUs to use and processes to launch for training. The default value is 1.
Note: See the Specification file for classification section for more details.

Here's an example of using the tlt-train command:

tlt-train classification -e /workspace/tlt_drive/spec/spec.cfg -r /workspace/output -k $YOUR_KEY

Output Log

Here's the output log from the successful use of this command:

Using TensorFlow backend.
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, 3, 224, 224)  0                                           
predictions (Dense)             (None, 20)           10260       flatten_1[0][0]                  
Total params: 11,558,548
Trainable params: 11,546,900
Non-trainable params: 11,648

Epoch 1/80
124/311 [==========>...................] - ETA: 49s - loss: 4.1188 - acc: 0.06592018-10-11 22:09:13.292358: W tensorflow/core/framework/allocator.cc:101] Allocation of 38535168 exceeds 10% of system memory.

Training a DetectNet_v2 model

After following the steps, go here to create TFRecords ingestible by the TLT training, and setting up a spec file. You are now ready to start training an object detection network.

DetectNet_v2 training command

tlt-train [-h] detectnet_v2 
           -k <key>
           -r <result directory>
           -e <spec_file>
           [--gpus <num GPUs>]

Required arguments

  • -r, --results_dir : Path to a folder where experiment outputs should be written.
  • -k, –key : User specific encoding key to save or load a .tlt model.
  • -e, --experiment_spec_file : Path to spec file. Absolute path or relative to working directory. (default: spec from spec_loader.py is used).

Optional arguments

  • --gpus : Number of GPUs to use and processes to launch for training. The default value is 1.
  • -h, --help : To print help message

Sample usage

Here is an example of command for a 2 GPU training:

tlt-train detectnet_v2 -e <path_to_spec_file> 
                                 -r <path_to_experiment_output> 
                                 -k <key_to_load_the_model> 
                                 -n <name_string_for_the_model> 
                                 --gpus 2
Note: The tlt-train tool does not support training on images of multiple resolutions, or resizing images during training. All of the images must be resized offline to the final training size and the corresponding bounding boxes must be scaled accordingly.

Output log

Here's an example of the output log:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2018-11-06 01:03:16.402006: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1356] Found device 0 with properties:
name: TITAN X (Pascal) major: 6 minor: 1 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.531
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                    
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, 3, 544, 960)  0                                                          
Total params: 11,555,983
Trainable params: 11,544,335
Non-trainable params: 11,648
2018-11-06 01:04:06,173 [INFO] tensorflow: Running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:loss = 0.07203477, epoch = 0.0, step = 0
2018-11-06 01:05:14,270 [INFO] tensorflow: loss = 0.07203477, epoch = 0.0, step = 0
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for step-1.
2018-11-06 01:05:44,920 [INFO] tensorflow: loss = 0.05362146, epoch = 0.0663716814159292, step = 15 (5.978 sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 0.555544
Validation cost: 0.000268
Mean average_precision (in %): 73.9490

class name      average precision (in %)
------------  --------------------------
person                         83.5255
bag                            54.1475
face                           84.1741

Training a FasterRCNN model

Use this command to execute the FasterRCNN training command:

tlt-train [-h] faster_rcnn -e <experiment_spec>
Note: Multiple GPU training for FasterRCNN is not supported in this release.

Required arguments:

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file : Experiment specification file to set up the evaluation experiment. This should be the same as training specification file.

Optional arguments:

  • -h, --help : Show this help message and exit.

Sample usage

Here's an example of using the FasterRCNN training command:

tlt-train faster_rcnn -e <experiment_spec>

Here's a sample output log:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2019-07-04 08:43:12.677469: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
2019-07-04 08:43:12.970675: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1433] Found device 0 with properties: 
name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB major: 7 minor: 0 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.53
pciBusID: 0000:85:00.0
totalMemory: 15.75GiB freeMemory: 15.44GiB
2019-07-04 08:43:12.970727: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1512] Adding visible gpu devices: 0
2019-07-04 08:43:13.542863: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:984] Device interconnect StreamExecutor with strength 1 edge matrix:
2019-07-04 08:43:13.542924: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:990]      0 
2019-07-04 08:43:13.542933: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1003] 0:   N 
2019-07-04 08:43:13.543743: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1115] Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 14935 MB memory) -> physical GPU (device: 0, name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB, pci bus id: 0000:85:00.0, compute capability: 7.0)
2019-07-04 08:43:13,555 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/train.py: valid_class_mapping: {u'Cyclist': 2, u'Car': 0, u'background': 3, u'Pedestrian': 1}
WARNING:tensorflow:From /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/pip_deps2__tensorflow_gpu_1_13_1/extracted/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py:263: colocate_with (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Colocations handled automatically by placer.
2019-07-04 08:43:13,563 [WARNING] tensorflow: From /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/pip_deps2__tensorflow_gpu_1_13_1/extracted/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py:263: colocate_with (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Colocations handled automatically by placer.
2019-07-04 08:43:14,284 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/train.py: Base featuremap: activation_13/Relu:0
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, 3, 384, 1280) 0                                            

add_7 (Add)                     (256, 512, 7, 7)     0           block_4a_bn_2[0][0]              
activation_15 (Activation)      (256, 512, 7, 7)     0           add_7[0][0]                      
block_4b_conv_1 (Conv2D)        (256, 512, 7, 7)     2359808     activation_15[0][0]              
block_4b_bn_1 (BatchNormalizati (256, 512, 7, 7)     2048        block_4b_conv_1[0][0]            
activation_16 (Activation)      (256, 512, 7, 7)     0           block_4b_bn_1[0][0]              
block_4b_conv_2 (Conv2D)        (256, 512, 7, 7)     2359808     activation_16[0][0]              
block_4b_conv_shortcut (Conv2D) (256, 512, 7, 7)     262656      activation_15[0][0]              
block_4b_bn_2 (BatchNormalizati (256, 512, 7, 7)     2048        block_4b_conv_2[0][0]            
block_4b_bn_shortcut (BatchNorm (256, 512, 7, 7)     2048        block_4b_conv_shortcut[0][0]     
add_8 (Add)                     (256, 512, 7, 7)     0           block_4b_bn_2[0][0]              
2019-07-04 08:43:14,937 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/train.py: training example num: 6481
2019-07-04 08:43:15,579 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/train.py: Starting training
2019-07-04 08:43:15,579 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/train.py: Epoch 1/12

Training an SSD model

Train the SSD model using this command:
tlt-train [-h] ssd -e <experiment_spec> 
                   -r <output_dir> 
                   -k <key> 
                   -m <pretrained_model>
                   --gpus <num_gpus>

Required arguments:

  • -r, --results_dir: Path to the folder where the experiment output is written.
  • -k, --key: Provide the encryption key to decrypt the model.
  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: Experiment specification file to set up the evaluation experiment. This should be the same as training specification file.

Optional arguments:

  • --gpus num_gpus: Number of GPUs to use and processes to launch for training. The default = 1.
  • -m, --resume_model_weights: Path to a pre-trained model or model to continue training.
  • --initial_epoch: Epoch number to resume from.
  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit.
Here's an example of using the train command on an SSD model:
tlt-train ssd --gpus 2 -e /path/to/spec.txt -r /path/to/result -k $KEY

Here's a sample output log:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2019-07-08 17:36:56.866657: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
2019-07-08 17:36:56.866840: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
2019-07-08 17:36:57.259900: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:150] XLA service 0x65046d0 executing computations on platform CUDA. Devices:
2019-07-08 17:36:57.259958: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:158]   StreamExecutor device (0): TITAN Xp, Compute Capability 6.1
2019-07-08 17:36:57.259975: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:158]   StreamExecutor device (1): TITAN Xp, Compute Capability 6.1
2019-07-08 17:36:57.264088: I tensorflow/core/platform/profile_utils/cpu_utils.cc:94] CPU Frequency: 3298305000 Hz
2019-07-08 17:36:57.264882: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:150] XLA service 0x656e670 executing computations on platform Host. Devices:
2019-07-08 17:36:57.264916: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:158]   StreamExecutor device (0): <undefined>, <undefined>
2019-07-08 17:36:57.265106: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1433] Found device 0 with properties: 
name: TITAN Xp major: 6 minor: 1 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.582
pciBusID: 0000:01:00.0
totalMemory: 11.91GiB freeMemory: 10.81GiB
2019-07-08 17:36:57.265131: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1512] Adding visible gpu devices: 0
2019-07-08 17:36:57.269875: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:984] Device interconnect StreamExecutor with strength 1 edge matrix:
2019-07-08 17:36:57.269894: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:990]      0 
2019-07-08 17:36:57.269903: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1003] 0:   N 
2019-07-08 17:36:57.269991: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1115] Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 10515 MB memory) -> physical GPU (device: 0, name: TITAN Xp, pci bus id: 0000:01:00.0, compute capability: 6.1)]            
activation_2 (Activation)       (18, 64, 64, 256)    0           block_1a_bn_1[0][0]              
block_1a_conv_2 (Conv2D)        (18, 64, 64, 256)    36928       activation_2[0][0]               
block_1a_conv_shortcut (Conv2D) (18, 64, 64, 256)    4160        activation_1[0][0]               
block_1a_bn_2 (BatchNormalizati (18, 64, 64, 256)    256         block_1a_conv_2[0][0]            
block_1a_bn_shortcut (BatchNorm (18, 64, 64, 256)    256         block_1a_conv_shortcut[0][0]     
add_1 (Add)                     (18, 64, 64, 256)    0           block_1a_bn_2[0][0]              
conf_reshape_0 (Reshape)        (18, 24576, 1, 3)    0           permute_1[0][0]                  
conf_reshape_1 (Reshape)        (18, 6144, 1, 3)     0           permute_3[0][0]                  
conf_reshape_2 (Reshape)        (18, 1536, 1, 3)     0           permute_5[0][0]                  
conf_reshape_3 (Reshape)        (18, 384, 1, 3)      0           permute_7[0][0]                  
conf_reshape_4 (Reshape)        (18, 96, 1, 3)       0           permute_9[0][0]                  
conf_reshape_5 (Reshape)        (18, 24, 1, 3)       0           permute_11[0][0]                 

ssd_predictions (Reshape)       (18, 32760, 15)      0           concatenate_1[0][0]              
Total params: 18,866,812
Trainable params: 18,852,092
Non-trainable params: 14,720
2019-07-08 17:37:30,754 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/train.pyc: Number of images in the training dataset:    6142
2019-07-08 17:37:30,754 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/train.pyc: Number of images in the validation dataset:      1339

Epoch 1/120
171/171 [======================================================] - 94s 547ms/step - loss: 2.3210
Number of images in the evaluation dataset: 1339
Producing predictions batch-wise: 100% 75/75 [00:36<00:00,  2.57it/s]
Matching predictions to ground truth, class 1/3.: 100% 131693/131693 [00:10<00:00, 12953.23it/s]
Matching predictions to ground truth, class 2/3.: 100% 15162/15162 [00:00<00:00, 26290.28it/s]
Matching predictions to ground truth, class 3/3.: 100% 36838/36838 [00:01<00:00, 19611.29it/s]
Computing precisions and recalls, class 1/3
Computing precisions and recalls, class 2/3
Computing precisions and recalls, class 3/3
Computing average precision, class 1/3
Computing average precision, class 2/3
Computing average precision, class 3/3
2019-07-08 17:55:12,060 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/train.pyc: car           AP    0.815
2019-07-08 17:55:12,060 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/train.pyc: cyclist       AP    0.136
2019-07-08 17:55:12,061 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/train.pyc: pedestrian    AP    0.433
2019-07-08 17:55:12,061 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/train.pyc:               mAP   0.462

7. Evaluating the model

Once the model has been trained, using the experiment config file, and by following the steps to train a model, the next step would be to evaluate this model on a test set to measure the accuracy of the model. The TLT toolkit includes the tlt-evaluate command to do this. Each of the 4 apps, namely Classification, DetectNet_v2, SSD and FasterRCNN support evaluate. The sample usage for this command, along with some example command line invocations are mentioned below.

The classification app computes evaluation loss, Top-k accuracy, precision and recall as metrics. Meanwhile, tlt-evaluation for DetectNet_v2, FasterRCNN and SSD computes the Average Precision per class and the mean Average Precision metrics as defined in the Pascal VOC challenge. We support both sample and integrate mode to calculate average precision. The former was used in VOC challenges before 2010 while the latter was used from 2010 onwards.

When training is complete, the model is stored in the output directory of your choice in $OUTPUT_DIR. Evaluate a model using the tlt-evaluate command:

tlt-evaluate {classification,detectnet_v2,faster_rcnn,ssd} [-h] [<arguments for classification/detectnet_v2/faster_rcnn/ssd>]

Required arguments:

  • {classification, detectnet_v2, faster_rcnn, ssd}

Choose whether you are evaluating a classification, detectnet_v2, ssd, or faster_rcnn model.

Optional arguments: These arguments vary depending upon Classification, DetectNet_v2, SSD and Faster_RCNN models.

Evaluating a classification model

Execute tlt-evaluate on a classification model.

tlt-evaluate classification [-h] -e <experiment_spec_file> -k <key>

Required arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: Path to the experiment spec file..
  • -k, –key : Provide the encryption key to decrypt the model .

Optional arguments

  • -h, --help : show this help message and exit.

If you followed the example in Training a classification model, you can run the evaluation:

tlt-evaluate classification -e classification_spec.cfg -k $YOUR_KEY

The resulting log file will be similar to this:

Using TensorFlow backend.
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, 3, 224, 224)  0                                           
conv1 (Conv2D)                  (None, 64, 112, 112) 9472        input_1[0][0]                    
predictions (Dense)             (None, 20)           10260       flatten[0][0]                    
Total params: 11,558,548
Trainable params: 11,546,900
Non-trainable params: 11,648

Found 3345 images belonging to 20 classes.
Evaluation Loss: 1.67691540718
Evaluation Top K accuracy: 0.828101634979
Evaluation precision: 0.616197168827
Evaluation recall: 0.366816133261
TLT evaluate for classification produces the following metrics:
  • Loss
  • Top-K accuracy
  • Precision (P): TP / (TP + FP)
  • Recall (R): TP / (TP + FN)

Evaluating a DetectNet_v2 model

Execute tlt-evaluate on a DetectNet_v2 model.

tlt-evaluate detectnet_v2 [-h] -e <experiment_spec> 
                               -m <model_file> 
                               -k <key> 

Required arguments:

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: Experiment spec file to set up the evaluation experiment. This should be the same as training spec file.
  • -m, --model: Path to the model file to use for evaluation.
  • -k, -–key : Provide the encryption key to decrypt the model.

Optional arguments

  • -h, --help : show this help message and exit.
  • --use_training_set: Set this flag to run evaluation on training + validation dataset.

If you have followed the example in Training a detection model, you may now evaluate the model using the following command.

tlt-evaluate detectnet_v2 -e <path to training spec file>
                          -m <path to the model> 
                          -k <key to load the model>
Note: This command runs evaluation on the same validation set that was used during training.

Use these steps to evaluate on a test set with ground truth labeled:

  1. Create tfrecords for this training set by following the steps listed in the data input section.
  2. Update the dataloader configuration part of the training spec file to include the newly generated tfrecords. For more information on the dataset config, please refer to Create an experiment spec file.
dataset_config {
  data_sources: {
    tfrecords_path: "<path to training tfrecords root>/<tfrecords_name*>"
    image_directory_path: "<path to training data root>"
  image_extension: "jpg"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "car"
      value: "car"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "automobile"
      value: "car"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "person"
      value: "pedestrian"
  target_class_mapping {
      key: "rider"
      value: "cyclist"
  validation_data_source: {
    tfrecords_path: "<path to testing tfrecords root>/<tfrecords_name*>"
    image_directory_path: "<path to testing data root>"

The rest of the experiment spec file remains the same as the training spec file.

Sample output log

Here's an example of the output:

Using TensorFlow backend.
packages/iva/detectnet_v2/evaluation/build_evaluator.pyc: Found 1802 samples in validation set
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, 3, 544, 960)  0                                           
conv1 (Conv2D)                  (None, 64, 272, 480) 9472        input_1[0][0]                    
bn_conv1 (BatchNormalization)   (None, 64, 272, 480) 256         conv1[0][0]                      
activation_1 (Activation)       (None, 64, 272, 480) 0           bn_conv1[0][0]                   
activation_17 (Activation)      (None, 512, 34, 60)  0               add_8[0][0]                      
dropout_1 (Dropout)             (None, 512, 34, 60)  0       activation_17[0][0]              
output_bbox (Conv2D)            (None, 12, 34, 60)   6156        dropout_1[0][0]                  
output_cov (Conv2D)             (None, 3, 34, 60)    1539        dropout_1[0][0]                  
Total params: 11,555,983
Trainable params: 11,544,335
Non-trainable params: 11,648

INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.
2018-10-22 19:55:24,136 [INFO] tensorflow: Graph was finalized.
Validation cost: 0.000268
Mean average_precision (in %): 73.9490

class name      average precision (in %)
------------  --------------------------
person                         83.5255
bag                            54.1475
face                           84.1741
Time taken to run /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/detectnet_v2/scripts/train.pyc:main: 0:45:45.071311.

Evaluating a FasterRCNN model

To run evaluation for a faster_rcnn model use this command:

tlt-evaluate faster_rcnn [-h] -e <experiment_spec>
Required arguments:
  • -e, --experiment_spec_file : Experiment spec file to set up the evaluation experiment. This should be the same as training spec file.
Optional arguments:
  • -h, --help : show this help message and exit.

Here's a sample output log:

Using TensorFlow backend.

2019-05-29 07:59:14.442525: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
2019-05-29 07:59:14.687355: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1433] Found device 0 with properties: 

name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB major: 7 minor: 0 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.53
pciBusID: 0000:06:00.0
totalMemory: 15.75GiB freeMemory: 15.44GiB

2019-05-29 07:59:14.687423: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1512] Adding visible gpu devices: 0
2019-05-29 07:59:15.241007: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:984] Device interconnect StreamExecutor with strength 1 edge matrix:
2019-05-29 07:59:15.241067: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:990]      0 
2019-05-29 07:59:15.241075: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1003] 0:   N 
2019-05-29 07:59:15.242055: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1115] Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 14935 MB memory) -> physical GPU (device: 0, name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB, pci bus id: 0000:06:00.0, compute capability: 7.0)
2019-05-29 07:59:15,261 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: {0: u'Car', 1: u'Pedestrian', 2: u'Cyclist', 3: u'background'}

2019-05-29 07:59:15,262 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Loading kpi test model...

WARNING:tensorflow:From /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/pip_deps2__tensorflow_gpu_1_13_1/extracted/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py:263: colocate_with (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:

Colocations handled automatically by placer.

2019-05-29 07:59:15,330 [WARNING] tensorflow: From /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/pip_deps2__tensorflow_gpu_1_13_1/extracted/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py:263: colocate_with (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:

Colocations handled automatically by placer.

2019-05-29 07:59:17,649 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Done!
2019-05-29 07:59:17,748 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: 0/1000
2019-05-29 07:59:24.976197: I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:152] successfully opened CUDA library libcublas.so.10.0 locally
2019-05-29 07:59:27,428 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Elapsed time = 9.67983293533
2019-05-29 07:59:28,407 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: 1/1000
2019-05-29 07:59:28,534 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Elapsed time = 0.126852035522
2019-05-29 07:59:28,615 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: 2/1000
2019-05-29 07:59:28,731 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Elapsed time = 0.116088151932
2019-05-29 07:59:28,794 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: 3/1000
2019-07-03 02:38:19,946 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: 999/1000
2019-07-03 02:38:20,049 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Elapsed time = 0.103152036667
2019-07-03 02:38:20,053 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Cyclist AP: 0.68731839316, precision: 0.7, recall: 0.72850678733, TP: 161.0, FP: 69.0, FN: 60.0
2019-07-03 02:38:20,072 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Car AP: 0.837039752906, precision: 0.853330184223, recall: 0.847724073205, TP: 3613.0, FP: 621.0, FN: 649.0
2019-07-03 02:38:20,074 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: Pedestrian AP: 0.564051624343, precision: 0.674321503132, recall: 0.606003752345, TP: 323.0, FP: 156.0, FN: 210.0
2019-07-03 02:38:20,075 [INFO] /app/iva/common/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/test.py: mAP = 0.696136590137

Evaluating an SSD model

To run evaluation for an SSD model use this command:

tlt-evaluate ssd [-h] -e <experiment_spec_file> -m <model_file> -k <key>
Required arguments:
  • -e, --experiment_spec_file : Experiment spec file to set up the evaluation experiment. This should be the same as training spec file.
  • -m, --model : Path to the model file to use for evaluation.
  • -k, --key : Provide the key to load the model.
Optional arguments:
  • -h, --help : show this help message and exit.

Here's a sample output log:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2019-07-23 18:05:23.625666: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
Instructions for updating:
Use eager execution and: 
target/truncation is not updated to match the crop areaif the dataset contains target/truncation.
target/truncation is not updated to match the crop areaif the dataset contains target/truncation.
target/truncation is not updated to match the crop areaif the dataset contains target/truncation.
2019-07-23 18:06:03,638 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/evaluate.pyc: Number of images in the validation dataset:   2696
Number of images in the evaluation dataset: 2696
Producing predictions batch-wise:   0%|                  | 0/22 [00:00<?, ?it/s]2019-07-23 18:06:12.764148: I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:152] successfully opened CUDA library libcublas.so.10.0 locally
Producing predictions batch-wise: 100%|#########| 22/22 [00:22<00:00,  1.88it/s]
Matching predictions to ground truth, class 1/3.: 100%|#| 245/245 [00:00<00:00, 26717.40it/s]
Matching predictions to ground truth, class 2/3.: 100%|#| 25954/25954 [00:00<00:00, 41923.85it/s]
Matching predictions to ground truth, class 3/3.: 100%|#| 120686/120686 [00:06<00:00, 19488.45it/s]
Computing precisions and recalls, class 1/3
Computing precisions and recalls, class 2/3
Computing precisions and recalls, class 3/3
Computing average precision, class 1/3
Computing average precision, class 2/3
Computing average precision, class 3/3
2019-07-23 18:06:36,688 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/evaluate.pyc: bicycle       AP    0.001
2019-07-23 18:06:36,688 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/evaluate.pyc: car           AP    0.0
2019-07-23 18:06:36,689 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/evaluate.pyc: person        AP    0.07
2019-07-23 18:06:36,689 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/ssd/scripts/evaluate.pyc:               mAP   0.02

8. Using inference on a model

The tlt-infer command runs the inference on a specified set of input images. In the classification mode, tlt-infer provides class label output over command line for a single image or a csv file containing the image path and the corresponding labels for multiple images. In DetectNet_v2, SSD or FasterRCNN mode, tlt-infer produces output images with bounding boxes rendered on them after inference. Optionally, you can also serialize the output meta-data in kitti_format.

Running inference on a classification model

Execute tlt-infer on a classification model trained on the Transfer Learning Toolkit.

tlt-infer classification [-h] 
                          -m <model> 
                          -i <image> 
                          -d <image  dir>
                         [-b <batch size>] 
                          -k <key> 
                          -cm <classmap>

Here are the parameters of the tlt-infer tool:

Required arguments

  • -m, --model : Path to the pretrained model (TLT model).
  • -i, --image : A single image file for inference.
  • -d, --image_dir : The directory of input images for inference.
  • -k, --key : Key to load model.
  • -cm, --class_map : The json file that specifies the class index and label mapping.

Optional arguments

  • --batch_size : Inference batch size, default: 1
  • -h, --help : show this help message and exit

Note: The inference tool requires a cluster_params.json file to configure the post processing block.

Sample output using single image mode

Single Image Mode
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer)            (None, 3, 224, 224)  0                                           
conv1 (Conv2D)                  (None, 16, 112, 112) 2368        input_1[0][0]                    
2018-11-05 18:46:16,248 [INFO] root: Current predictions: [[2.0956191e-04 4.7424308e-08 6.0529976e-07 1.5379728e-05 4.9668059e-05
  2.3047665e-05 8.3990363e-07 2.1063986e-06 3.9042366e-06 9.8465785e-07
  7.9830796e-05 8.4068454e-08 1.3434786e-06 1.6271177e-05 1.1729119e-06
  9.9955863e-01 2.9604094e-05 2.6558594e-06 3.4933796e-06 7.3329272e-07]]
2018-11-05 18:46:16,248 [INFO] root: Class label = 15
2018-11-05 18:46:16,248 [INFO] root: Class name = mercedes

Execution using -d or directory mode

A result.csv file is created and stored in the directory you specify using -d. The result.csv has the following format, where the second column shows the file path and third shows the predicted class name.

Note: In both single image and directory modes, a classmap (-cm) is required, which should be a byproduct (classmap.json) of your training process.

Running inference on a DetectNet_v2 model

The tlt-infer tool for object detection networks which may be used to visualize bboxes, or generate frame by frame kitti format labels on a single image or a directory of images. An example of the command for this tool is shown here:

tlt-infer detectnet_v2 [-h] -m <path to model file> -i <path to inference input> -o <path to output directory>
					   -bs <batch size> -cp <path to cluster params file> -k <encryption key>
					   [--kitti_dump] [-lw LINE_WIDTH] 
					   [-g <gpu to run inference>] [--disable_overlay]
					   [--output_nodes <output_cov_blob,output_bbox_blob>] 

Required parameters

  • -m, --model: TLT model file path
  • -i, --inference_input: The directory of input images or a single image for inference.
  • -o, --inference_output: The directory to the output images and labels. The annotated images are in inference_output/images_annotated and labels are in inference_output/labels
  • -bs, --batch_size: Inference batch size
  • -cp, --cluster_params_file: Bbox post processing json file.
  • -lw, --line_width: Overlay linewidth
  • -k, --enc_key: Key to load model

Optional parameters

  • -g, --gpu_set: GPU index to choose. The default is 0.
    Note: Inference is not a multiple GPU process. This process only allows the user to choose which GPU to run inference on, in case there are multiple GPU's in the machine.
  • --output_nodes: Comma separated list of output nodes, default=output_cov,output_bbox
  • --kitti_dump: Flag to enable KITTI dump
  • --disable_overlay : Flag to disable image overlay
Note: The inference tool requires a cluster_params.json file to configure the post processing block.

This clusterfile is suitable for use with our uploaded pretrained models in NGC.

The tool automatically generates bbox rendered images in output_path/images_annotated. In order to get the bbox labels in KITTI format, please set the --kitti-dump flag. This will generate the output in output_path/labels.

Here's a sample output log:

Using TensorFlow backend.

2018-11-05 16:56:08.557935: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1356] Found device 0 with properties: 

name: TITAN Xp major: 6 minor: 1 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.582

pciBusID: 0000:02:00.0



Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   


input_1 (InputLayer)         (None, 3, 384, 1240)      0        



0it [00:00, ?it/s]

  0%|                                                    | 0/32 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

  3%|█▍                                          | 1/32 [00:00<00:04,  7.50it/s]


100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| 23/23 [00:03<00:00,  7.18it/s]

1it [00:10, 10.85s/it]

  0%|                                                    | 0/32 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

  3%|█▍                                          | 1/32 [00:00<00:03,  7.92it/s]


100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| 32/32 [00:04<00:00,  6.87it/s]

2it [00:19,  9.67s/it]



5it [00:40,  8.07s/it]

2018-11-05 16:56:52,571 [INFO] iva.detectnet_v2.scripts.inference: Inference complete

Running inference on a FasterRCNN model

The tlt-infer tool for FasterRCNN networks can be used to visualize bboxes, or generate frame by frame KITTI format labels on a directory of images. You can execute this tool from the command line as shown here:

tlt-infer faster_rcnn [-h] -e <experiment_spec>

Required arguments:

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: Path to the experiment specification file for FasterRCNN training.

Here's a sample output log:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2019-05-29 08:19:42.667096: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
2019-05-29 08:19:42.927812: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1433] Found device 0 with properties: 
name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB major: 7 minor: 0 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.53
pciBusID: 0000:85:00.0
totalMemory: 15.75GiB freeMemory: 15.44GiB
2019-05-29 08:19:42.927857: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1512] Adding visible gpu devices: 0
2019-05-29 08:19:43.446058: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:984] Device interconnect StreamExecutor with strength 1 edge matrix:
2019-05-29 08:19:43.446106: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:990]      0 
2019-05-29 08:19:43.446114: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1003] 0:   N 
2019-05-29 08:19:43.446984: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1115] Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 14935 MB memory) -> physical GPU (device: 0, name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB, pci bus id: 0000:85:00.0, compute capability: 7.0)
2019-05-29 08:19:43,459 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: {0: u'Car', 1: u'Pedestrian', 2: u'Cyclist', 3: u'background'}
2019-05-29 08:19:43,460 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: Loading test model...
WARNING:tensorflow:From /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/pip_deps2__tensorflow_gpu_1_13_1/extracted/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py:263: colocate_with (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Colocations handled automatically by placer.
2019-05-29 08:19:43,495 [WARNING] tensorflow: From /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/pip_deps2__tensorflow_gpu_1_13_1/extracted/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py:263: colocate_with (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Colocations handled automatically by placer.
2019-05-29 08:19:45,819 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: Done!
2019-05-29 08:20:02,271 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: 000008.png
2019-05-29 08:20:09.102160: I tensorflow/stream_executor/dso_loader.cc:152] successfully opened CUDA library libcublas.so.10.0 locally
2019-05-29 08:20:09,768 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: Elapsed time = 7.49691820145
2019-05-29 08:20:09,798 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: Image 000008.png processed.
2019-05-29 08:20:09,798 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: 000010.png
2019-05-29 08:20:09,918 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: Elapsed time = 0.120166063309
2019-05-29 08:20:09,946 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: Image 000010.png processed.
2019-05-29 08:20:09,946 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: 000012.png
2019-05-29 08:20:10,082 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: Elapsed time = 0.13534784317
2019-05-29 08:20:10,111 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: Image 000012.png processed.
2019-05-29 08:20:10,111 [INFO] /app/iva/faster_rcnn/launcher/py_image.binary.runfiles/ai_infra/iva/faster_rcnn/scripts/inference.py: 000035.png

Running inference on an SSD model

The tlt-infer tool for SSD networks can be used to visualize bboxes, or generate frame by frame KITTI format labels on a directory of images. Here's an example of using this tool:

tlt-infer ssd  -i <input directory> 
               -o <output annotated image directory> 
               -e <experiment spec file> 
               -m <model file> 
               [-l <output label directory>]
               [-t <visualization threshold>] 
               -k <key>

Required arguments

  • -m, --model : Path to the pretrained model (TLT model).
  • -i, --in_image_dir : The directory of input images for inference.
  • -o, --out_image_dir : The directory path to output annotated images.
  • -k, --key : Key to load model.
  • -e, --config_path : Path to an experiment spec file for training.

Optional arguments

  • -t, --draw_conf_thres : Threshold for drawing a bbox. default: 0.3
  • -h, --help : Show this help message and exit
  • -l, --out_label_dir : The directory to output KITTI labels.

Here's a sample output log:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2019-05-29 08:19:42.667096: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
2019-05-29 08:19:42.927812: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1433] Found device 0 with properties: 
name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB major: 7 minor: 0 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.53
pciBusID: 0000:85:00.0
totalMemory: 15.75GiB freeMemory: 15.44GiB
2019-05-29 08:19:42.927857: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1512] Adding visible gpu devices: 0
2019-05-29 08:19:43.446058: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:984] Device interconnect StreamExecutor with strength 1 edge matrix:
2019-05-29 08:19:43.446106: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:990]      0 
2019-05-29 08:19:43.446114: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1003] 0:   N 
2019-05-29 08:19:43.446984: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1115] Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 14935 MB memory) -> physical GPU (device: 0, name: Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB, pci bus id: 0000:85:00.0, compute capability: 7.0)
anchor_reshape_5 (Reshape)      (None, 24, 1, 8)     0           ssd_anchor_5[0][0]               
mbox_conf_sigmoid (Activation)  (None, 32760, 1, 20) 0           mbox_conf[0][0]                  
mbox_loc (Concatenate)          (None, 32760, 1, 4)  0           loc_reshape_0[0][0]              
mbox_priorbox (Concatenate)     (None, 32760, 1, 8)  0           anchor_reshape_0[0][0]           
concatenate_3 (Concatenate)     (None, 32760, 1, 32) 0           mbox_conf_sigmoid[0][0]          
ssd_predictions (Reshape)       (None, 32760, 32)    0           concatenate_3[0][0]              
Total params: 7,961,848
Trainable params: 7,958,376
Non-trainable params: 3,472
WARNING:tensorflow:From ./ssd/box_coder/output_decoder_layer.py:83: to_float (from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.cast instead.
2019-08-04 00:01:14,444 [WARNING] tensorflow: From ./ssd/box_coder/output_decoder_layer.py:83: to_float (from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.cast instead.
100%|##########| 4952/4952 [03:35<00:00, 22.99it/s]

9. Pruning the model

Pruning removes parameters from the model to reduce the model size without compromising the integrity of the model itself using the tlt-prune command.

The tlt-prune command includes these parameters:
tlt-prune [-h] -pm <pretrained_model>
               -o <output_dir> -k <key>
               [-n <normalizer>]
               [-eq <equalization_criterion>]
               [-pg <pruning_granularity>]
               [-pth <pruning threshold>]
               [-nf <min_num_filters>]
               [-el [<excluded_list>]
Required arguments:
  • -pm, --pretrained_model : Path to pretrained model.
  • -o, --output_dir : Path to output checkpoints.
  • -k, --key : Key to load a .tlt model

Optional arguments

  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit.
  • -n, –normalizer : `max` to normalize by dividing each norm by the maximum norm within a layer; `L2` to normalize by dividing by the L2 norm of the vector comprising all kernel norms. (default: `max`)
  • -eq, --equalization_criterion : Criteria to equalize the stats of inputs to an element wise op layer, or depth-wise convolutional layer. This parameter is useful for resnets and mobilenets. Options are [arithmetic_mean, geometric_mean, union, intersection]. (default: `union`)
  • -pg, -pruning_granularity: Number of filters to remove at a time. (default:8).
  • -pth : Threshold to compare normalized norm against. (default:0.1)
    Note: NVIDIA recommends changing the threshold to keep the number of parameters in the model to within 10-20% of the original unpruned model.
  • -nf, --min_num_filters : Minimum number of filters to keep per layer. (default:16)
  • -el, --excluded_layers: List of excluded_layers. Examples: -i item1 item2 (default: [])

After pruning, the model needs to be retrained. See Re-training the pruned model.

Using the Prune command

Here's an example of using the tlt-prune command:

tlt-prune -pm /workspace/output/weights/resnet_003.tlt \
              -o /workspace/output/weights/resnet_003_pruned \
              -eq union \
              -pth 0.7 -k $KEY

Using this command produces a log similar to this:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2018-10-12 00:12:38.772343: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1356] Found device 0 with properties: 
name: TITAN Xp major: 6 minor: 1 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.582
pciBusID: 0000:01:00.0
totalMemory: 11.91GiB freeMemory: 10.58GiB
2018-10-12 00:12:45,132 [INFO] modulus.pruning.pruning: Pruning model and appending pruned nodes to new graph
2018-10-12 00:13:10,642 [INFO] /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iva/common/tlt_prune.pyc: Pruning ratio: 0.0194629982936

Re-training the pruned model

Once the model has been pruned, there might be a slight decrease in accuracy. This happens because some previously useful weights may have been removed. In order to regain the accuracy, NVIDIA recommends that you retrain this pruned model over the same dataset. To do this, use the tlt-train command as documented in Training the model, with an updated spec file that points to the newly pruned model as the pretrained model file. For detectnet_v2, it is important that the user set the load_graph option under model_config to true to import the pruned graph. All the other parameters may be retained in the spec file from the previous training.

10. Exporting the model

The Transfer Learning Toolkit includes the tlt-export command to export and prepare TLT models for Deploying to DeepStream. The tlt-export command optionally generates the calibration cache for TensorRT INT8 engine calibration.

Exporting the model decouples the training process from inference and allows conversion to TensorRT engines outside the TLT environment. TensorRT engines are specific to each hardware configuration and should be generated for each unique inference environment, but the same exported TLT model may be used universally.

INT8 mode overview

TensorRT engines can be generated in INT8 mode to improve performance, but require a calibration cache at engine creation-time. The calibration cache is generated using a calibration tensor file, if tlt-export is run with the --data_type flag set to int8. Pre-generating the calibration information and caching it removes the need for calibrating the model on the inference machine. Moving the calibration cache is usually much more convenient than moving the calibration tensorfile, since it is a much smaller file and can be moved with the exported model. Using the calibration cache also speeds up engine creation as building the cache can take several minutes to generate depending on the size of the Tensorfile and the model itself.

The export tool can ingest training data using either of these two options:
  • Providing a calibration tensorfile generated using the tlt-int8-tensorfile command
  • Pointing the tool to a directory of images that you want to use to calibrate the model

    NVIDIA recommends using the first option, because the tlt-int8-tensorfile command uses the data generators to produce the training data. This ensures that all the preprocessing steps have been done, and you get the best representation of the inputs to the network. If you decide to use the second option, you must run the preprocessing offline before feeding these images to the calibration tool for optimum performance.

Generating an INT8 tensorfile using the tlt-int8-tensorfile command

The INT8 tensorfile is a binary file that contains the preprocessed training samples, which maybe used to calibrate the model. In this release, TLT only supports calibration tensorfile generation for DetectNet_v2 and classification models.

Here's an example of using the tlt-int8-tensorfile command to generate a calibration tensorfile for a DetectNet_v2 model.

tlt-int8-tensorfile {classification, detectnet_v2} [-h] 
                       -e <path to training experiment spec file>
                       -o <path to output tensorfile>
                       -m <maximum number of batches to serialize>


Positional arguments:

classification or detectnet_v2

Required arguments:

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: Path to the experiment spec file. (Only required for SSD and FasterRCNN.)
  • -o, --output_path: Path to the output tensorfile that will be created.
  • -m, --max_batches: Number of batches of input data to be serialized.

Optional argument

  • --use_validation_set: Flag to use validation dataset instead of training set.

Here's a sample command to invoke the tlt-int8-tensorfile command for a classification model.

tlt-int8-tensorfile classification -e $SPECS_DIR/classification_retrain_spec.cfg                                
                                   -m 10 
                                   -o $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/export/calibration.tensor

Exporting the model using tlt-export

Here's an example of the command line arguments of the tlt-export command:

tlt-export [-h] -k <key>
                --export_module <module to export>
                --outputs <comma separated output tensor names>
                [--data_type <trt engine datatype>]
                [-o <path to output file>]
                [--input_dims <input dims>]
                [--cal_data_file <path to tensor file>
                [--cal_cache_file <path to output calibration file>]
                [--batches <Number of batches to calibrate over>]
                [--cal_batch_size <batch size to calibrate>]
                [--max_batch_size <maximum trt batch size>]
                [--max_workspace_size <maximum workspace size]
                [–experiment_spec <path to experiment spec file>] 

Required arguments:

  • -i: Path to the model exported using tlt-export.
  • -k: API key used to download the model with tlt-pull.
  • --export_module: Which app to export, can be classification, detectnet_v2, faster_rcnn or ssd.
  • -O: Comma-separated list of output blob names.
    • For classification use: predictions/Softmax
    • For DetectNet_v2: output_bbox/BiasAdd,output_cov/Sigmoid
    • For FasterRCNN: dense_class/Softmax,dense_regress/BiasAdd,proposal
    • For SSD: NMS

Optional arguments:

  • -o, --output_file : Path to save the exported model to. The default is ./<input_file>.etlt.
  • --data_type: Desired engine data type, generates calibration cache if in INT8 mode. The options are: {fp32, fp16, int8} The default value is fp32.

INT8 export mode required arguments:

  • --cal_data_file: Tensorfile generated from tlt-int8-tensorfile for calibrating the engine.
  • --cal_image_dir: Directory of images to use for calibration.
  • --input_dims: Comma separated list of input dimensions in CHW order. If data_file is provided, the the input dims will be inferred from it.
  • --generate_tensorfile: Boolean flag to generate a calibration tensorfile from a directory of images. This is a beta feature and is currently useful, only to export FasterRCNN and DetectNet_v2 models in INT8 mode. When invoked, the tool looks at the directory mentioned in the --cal_image_dir parameter for images and applies the necessary preprocessing to generate a tensorfile at the path mentioned in the --cal_data_file parameter, which is in turn used for calibration. This flag is currently not expected to work for classification. The number of batches in the tensorfile generated is obtained from the value set to the --batches parameter, and the batch_size is obtained from the value set to the --cal_batch_size parameter. Be sure that the directory mentioned in --cal_image_dir has at least cal_batch_size * batches number of images in it. The valid image extensions are jpg, jpeg and png. In this case, the --input_dims parameter should also be set, to the calibration tensorfile data dimensions.

INT8 export optional arguments:

  • --cal_cache_file: Path to save the calibration cache file. The default value is ./cal.bin.
  • --batches: Number of batches to use for calibration and inference testing.The default value is 10.
  • --cal_batch_size: Batch size to use for calibration. The default value is 8.
  • --max_batch_size: Maximum batch size of TensorRT engine. The default value is 16.
  • --max_workspace_size : Maximum workspace size of TensorRT engine. The default value is: 1073741824 = 1<<30)
  • --experiment_spec: The experiment_spec for training/inference/evaluation. This is used to generate the graphsurgeon config script for FasterRCNN from the experiment_spec, only useful for FasterRCNN.

Exporting a model

Here's a sample command to export a DetectNet_v2 model in INT8 mode:

tlt-export $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/experiment_dir_retrain/weights/resnet18_detector_pruned.tlt \
           -o $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/experiment_dir_final/resnet18_detector.etlt \
           --outputs output_cov/Sigmoid,output_bbox/BiasAdd \
           -k $KEY \
           --input_dims 3,512,512 \
           --max_workspace_size 1100000 \
           --export_module detectnet_v2 \
           --cal_data_file $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/experiment_dir_final/calibration.tensor \
           --data_type int8 \
           --batches 10 \
           --cal_cache_file $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/experiment_dir_final/calibration.bin

Here's an example of a successful export:

Using TensorFlow backend.
2018-11-02 18:59:43,347 [INFO] iva.common.tlt-export: Loading model from resnet10_kitti_multiclass_v1.tlt
2018-11-02 18:59:47,572 [INFO] tensorflow: Restoring parameters from /tmp/tmp8crUBp.ckpt
INFO:tensorflow:Froze 82 variables.
2018-11-02 18:59:47,701 [INFO] tensorflow: Froze 82 variables.
Converted 82 variables to const ops.
2018-11-02 18:59:48,123 [INFO] iva.common.tlt-export: Converted model was saved into resnet10_kitti_multiclass_v1.etlt
2018-11-02 18:59:48,123 [INFO] iva.common.tlt-export: Input node: input_1
2018-11-02 18:59:48,124 [INFO] iva.common.tlt-export: Output node(s): ['output_bbox/BiasAdd', 'output_cov/Sigmoid']

Here's a sample command using the generate_tensorfile option for a FasterRCNN model:

tlt-export $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/data/faster_rcnn/frcnn_kitti_retrain.epoch12.tlt \
          -o $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/data/faster_rcnn/frcnn_kitti_retrain.int8.etlt \
          --outputs dense_class/Softmax,dense_regress/BiasAdd,proposal \
          -e $SPECS_DIR/frcnn_kitti_retrain_spec.txt \
          --enc_key $KEY \
          --input_dims 3,384,1280 \
          --export_module faster_rcnn \
          --cal_image_dir  $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/data/KITTI/val/image_2 \
          --data_type int \
          --cal_batch_size 8 \
          --batches 10 \
          --generate_tensorfile \
          --cal_cache_file $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/data/faster_rcnn/cal.bin

11. Deploying to DeepStream

The deep learning and computer vision models that you train are meant for deployment on edge devices, such as a Jetson Xavier, Jetson Nano or a Tesla T4. Some of these devices may not be as rich in compute resources or power, as the larger servers where the Transfer Learning Toolkit (TLT) docker maybe hosted. To facilitate this diversity of computational platforms, TLT has been designed to integrate with DeepStream video analytics. To deploy a model trained by TLT to DeepStream you can:

  1. Generate a device specific optimized TensorRT engine, using tlt-converter which may then be ingested by DeepStream
  2. Integrate the model directly in the DeepStream environment using the exported model file generated by tlt-export.

Machine specific optimizations are done as part of the engine creation process, so a distinct engine should be generated for each environment and hardware configuration. If the inference environment's TensorRT or CUDA libraries are updated – including minor version updates – new engines should be generated. Running an engine that was generated with a different version of TensorRT and CUDA is not supported and will cause unknown behavior that affects inference speed, accuracy, and stability, or it may fail to run altogether.

Generating an engine using tlt-converter

Setup and Execution

The tlt-converter is a tool that is provided with the Transfer Learning Toolkit to facilitate the deployment of TLT trained models on TensorRT and/or Deepstream. For deployment platforms with an x86 based CPU and discrete GPU's, the tlt-converter is distributed within the TLT docker. Therefore, it is suggested to use the docker to generate the engine. However, this requires that the user adhere to the same minor version of TensorRT as distributed with the docker. The TLT docker includes TensorRT version 5.1 for JetPack 4.2.2 and TensorRT version 6.0.1 for JetPack 4.2.3 / 4.3. In order to use the engine with a different minor version of TensorRT, it would be best to copy over the converter from /opt/nvidia/tools/tlt-converter to the target machine and follow the instructions mentioned below to run it and generate a TensorRT engine.

For the Jetson platform, the tlt-converter for JetPack 4.2.2 and JetPack 4.2.3 / 4.3 is available to download in the dev zone. Once the tlt-converter is downloaded, please follow the instructions below to generate a TensorRT engine.

  1. Install the open ssl package using the command: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
  2. Install TensorRT for the respective target machine from here.
    1. Deploying SSD and Faster RCNN requires custom plugins that are currently not available with TensorRT GA. Therefore, inorder to deploy these models, please follow the instructions on how to build the TRT Open Source Software repo and replace the system lib /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libnvinfer_plugin.so.5.x.x with the newly built lib libnvinfer_plugin.so.5.x.x.
    2. For Jetson devices, TensorRT should come pre-installed with the JetPack.
  3. Locate the tlt-converter inside the inference environment and add its parent directory to the system path.
  4. Run the tlt-converter using the sample command below and generate the engine.
Note: Make sure to follow the output node names as mentioned in CLI below or from Exporting the model.

Using the tlt-converter

tlt-converter [-h] -k <encryption_key> 
              -d <input_dimensions>
              -o <comma separated output nodes>
              [-c <path to calibration cache file>]
              [-e <path to output engine>]
              [-b <calibration batch size>] 
              [-m <maximum batch size of the TRT engine>]
              [-t <engine datatype>]
              [-w <maximum workspace size of the TRT Engine>] 
              [-i <input dimension ordering>]

Required arguments:

  • input_file: Path to the model exported using tlt-export.
  • -k: The API key used to configure the ngc cli to download the models.
  • -d: Comma-separated list of input dimensions that should match the dimensions used for tlt-export. Unlike tlt-export this cannot be inferred from calibration data.
  • -o: Comma-separated list of output blob names that should match the output configuration used for tlt-export. For classification use: predictions/Softmax.
    • For detection: output_bbox/BiasAdd,output_cov/Sigmoid
    • For FasterRCNN: dense_class/Softmax,dense_regress/BiasAdd, proposal
    • For SSD: NMS

Optional arguments:

  • -e: Path to save the engine to. (default: ./saved.engine)
  • -t: Desired engine data type, generates calibration cache if in INT8 mode. The default value is fp32.The options are {fp32, fp16, int8}
  • -w: Maximum workspace size for the TensorRT engine. The default value is 1<<30.
  • -i: Input dimension ordering, all other tlt command use NCHW. The default value is nchw. The options are {nchw, nhwc, nc}.

INT8 Mode Arguments:

  • -c: Path to calibration cache file, only used in INT8 mode. The default value is ./cal.bin.
  • -b: Batch size used during the tlt-export step for INT8 calibration cache generation. (default: 8).
  • -m: Maximum batch size of TensorRT engine. The default value is 16.

Sample output log

Sample log for exporting a resnet10 detectnet_v2 model.

Here's a sample:

export API_KEY=<NGC API key used to download the original model>
export OUTPUT_NODES=output_bbox/BiasAdd,output_cov/Sigmoid
export INPUT_DIMS=3,384,124
export D_TYPE=fp32
export ENGINE_PATH=resnet10_kitti_multiclass_v1.engine
export MODEL_PATH=resnet10_kitti_multiclass_v1.etlt

tlt-converter -k $API_KEY \
              -o $OUTPUT_NODES \
              -d $INPUT_DIMS \
              -e $ENGINE_PATH \
[INFO] UFFParser: parsing input_1
[INFO] UFFParser: parsing conv1/kernel
[INFO] UFFParser: parsing conv1/convolution
[INFO] UFFParser: parsing conv1/bias
[INFO] UFFParser: parsing conv1/BiasAdd
[INFO] UFFParser: parsing bn_conv1/moving_variance
[INFO] Tactic 4 scratch requested: 1908801536, available: 16
[INFO] Tactic 5 scratch requested: 55567168, available: 16
[INFO] --------------- Chose 1 (0)
[INFO] Formats and tactics selection completed in 5.0141 seconds.
[INFO] After reformat layers: 16 layers
[INFO] Block size 490733568
[INFO] Block size 122683392
[INFO] Block size 122683392
[INFO] Block size 30670848
[INFO] Block size 16
[INFO] Total Activation Memory: 766771216
[INFO] Data initialization and engine generation completed in 0.0412826 seconds

Integrating the exported model directly to DeepStream

The DeepStream video analytics from V4.0 supports direct integration of Classification and DetectNet_v2 exported models in to the deepstream sample app. The documentation for the DeepStream 4.0 SDK is provided here [https://docs.nvidia.com/metropolis/index.html]. For FasterRCNN and SSD, the integration to DeepStream is a beta feature.

In order to integrate the models with DeepStream, you need the following:

  1. An exported .etlt model file
  2. A calibration cache file (if the engine is run in int 8 mode for quicker and more optimized inferences)
  3. A labels.txt file containing the labels for classes in the order in which the networks produces outputs
  4. A sample config_infer_*.txt file to conifgure the nvinfer element in DeepStream. The nvinfer element handles, everything related to TensorRT optimization and engine creation in DeepStream.

Integrating a Classification model

See Exporting the model for more details on how to export a TLT model. Once the model has been generated two extra files are required:
  1. Label file
  2. DeepStream configuration file

Label file

The label file is a text file, containing the names of the classes that the TLT model is trained to classify against. The order in which the classes are listed must match the order in which the model predicts the output. This order maybe deduced from the classmap.json file, that is generated by TLT. This file is a simple dictionary containing the class_name to index map. For example, in the sample classification sample notebook file included with the tlt-docker, the classmap.json file generated for pascal voc would look like this:

{"sheep": 16,"horse": 12,"bicycle": 1, "aeroplane": 0, "cow": 9,
 "sofa": 17, "bus": 5, "dog": 11, "cat": 7, "person": 14, "train": 18,
 "diningtable": 10, "bottle": 4, "car": 6, "pottedplant": 15,
 "tvmonitor": 19, "chair": 8, "bird": 2, "boat": 3, "motorbike": 13}

The 0th index corresponds to aeroplane, the 1st index corresponds to bicycle, etc. up to 19 which corresponds to tvmonitor. Here is a sample label.txt file, classification_labels.txt.


DeepStream configuration file

To run this model in the sample DeepStream app, you must modify the existing config_infer_secondary_*.txt to point to this model. Here's a sample config file, config_infer_secondary.txt:

# preprocessing parameters: These are the same for all classification models generated by TLT.
# Model specific paths. These need to be updated for every classfication model.
tlt-encoded-model=/path/ to/ exported/ file.etlt
input-dims=c;h;w;0 # where c = number of channels, h = height of the model input, w = width of model input, 0: implies CHW format.
output-blob-names=predictions/Softmax #output node name for classification

## 0=FP32, 1=INT8, 2=FP16 mode
# process-mode: 2 - inferences on crops from primary detector, 1 - inferences on whole frame
network-type=1 # defines that the model is a classifier.

Integrating a DetectNet_v2 model

See Exporting the model for more details on how to export a TLT model. Once the model has been generated two extra files are required:
  1. Label file
  2. DS configuration file

Label file

The label file is a text file, containing the names of the classes that the DetectNet_v2 model is trained to detect. The order in which the classes are listed here must match the order in which the model predicts the output. This order is derived from the order the objects are instantiated in the cost_function_config field of the DetectNet_v2 experiment config file. Here's an example, of the DetectNet_v2 sample notebook file included with the tlt-docker, the cost_function_config parameter looks like this:

cost_function_config {
  target_classes {
    name: "sheep"
    class_weight: 1.0
    coverage_foreground_weight: 0.05
    objectives {
      name: "cov"
      initial_weight: 1.0
      weight_target: 1.0
    objectives {
      name: "bbox"
      initial_weight: 10.0
      weight_target: 1.0
  target_classes {
    name: "bottle"
    class_weight: 1.0
    coverage_foreground_weight: 0.05
    objectives {
      name: "cov"
      initial_weight: 1.0
      weight_target: 1.0
    objectives {
      name: "bbox"
      initial_weight: 10.0
      weight_target: 1.0
  target_classes {
    name: "horse"
    class_weight: 1.0
    coverage_foreground_weight: 0.05
    objectives {
      name: "cov"
      initial_weight: 1.0
      weight_target: 1.0
    objectives {
      name: "bbox"
      initial_weight: 10.0
      weight_target: 1.0
  target_classes {
    name: "boat"
    class_weight: 1.0
    coverage_foreground_weight: 0.05
    objectives {
      name: "cov"
      initial_weight: 1.0
      weight_target: 1.0
    objectives {
      name: "bbox"
      initial_weight: 10.0
      weight_target: 1.0
  target_classes {
    name: "car"
    class_weight: 1.0
    coverage_foreground_weight: 0.05
    objectives {
      name: "cov"
      initial_weight: 1.0
      weight_target: 1.0
    objectives {
      name: "bbox"
      initial_weight: 10.0
      weight_target: 1.0
  enable_autoweighting: False
  max_objective_weight: 0.9999
  min_objective_weight: 0.0001

Here's an example of the corresponding, classification_labels.txt:


DeepStream configuration file

To run this model in the sample deepstream app, you must modify the existing config_infer_primary.txt file to point to this model. Here's a sample config file, config_infer_primary.txt

# preprocessing parameters.

# model paths.
int8-calib-file=/path/ to/ int8/ cache.bin
labelfile-path=/path/ to/ labels.txt
tlt-encoded-model=/path/ to/ detectnet_v2/ exported/ file.etlt
tlt-model-key=<ngc api key to decode the model>
input-dims=c;h;w;0 # where c = number of channels, h = height of the model input, w = width of model input, 0: implies CHW format.
## 0=FP32, 1=INT8, 2=FP16 mode

## Set eps=0.7 and minBoxes for enable-dbscan=1

Integrating an SSD model

To run an SSD model in DeepStream, you need a label file and a DeepStream configuration file. In addition, you need to compile the SSD DeepStream plugin and sample app, because SSD is still in Beta.

A DeepStream sample with documentation on how to run inference using the trained SSD models from TLT is provided on github at: https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_4.x_apps.

Download and compile the required app

  1. SSD requires batchTilePlugin. This plugin is available in the TensorRT open source repo, but not in TensorRT 5.1.5. Please clone the TensorRT OSS repository from https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT, checkout the branch release/5.1 and follow the instructions to build the libnvinfer_plugin. After building the libnvinfer_plugin.*, please replace the libnvinfer_plugin.* in <TensorRT_install_path>/lib with libraries built from the github repo.
  2. Additional DeepStream plugins are required to integrate the SSD model into DeepStream. It is available here: https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_4.x_apps.
  3. Replace /Your_deepstream_SDK_v4.0_xxxxx_path with your actual DeepStream SDK 4.0 path in deepstream_4.x_apps/nvdsinfer_customparser_ssd_uff/Makefile and in deepstream_4.x_apps/Makefile.
  4. Compile the plugin and sample app.

Label file

The label file is a text file, containing the names of the classes that the SSD model is trained to detect. The order in which the classes are listed here must match the order in which the model predicts the output. This order is derived from the order the objects are instantiated in the dataset_config field of the SSD experiment config file. For example, if the dataset_config is:

dataset_config {
  data_sources: {
    tfrecords_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/tfrecords/pascal_voc/pascal_voc*"
    image_directory_path: "/workspace/tlt-experiments/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012"
  image_extension: "jpg"
  target_class_mapping {
    key: "car"
    value: "car"
  target_class_mapping {
    key: "person"
    value: "person"
  target_class_mapping {
    key: "bicycle"
    value: "bicycle"
  validation_fold: 0

Here's an example of the corresponding classification_lables.txt file is:


DeepStream configuration file

Here's a sample config file, config_infer_secondary.txt:

tlt-model-key=<key to decode the model>
input-dims=c;h;w;0 # where c = number of channels, h = height of the model input, w = width of model input, 0: implies CHW format.

## 0=FP32, 1=INT8, 2=FP16 mode
num-detected-classes=<num of classes to detect>



Integrating a FasterRCNN model

To run a FasterRCNN model in DeepStream, you need a label file and a DeepStream configure file. In addition, you need to compile FasterRCNN DeepStream plugin and sample app, because FasterRCNN is still in Beta.

A DeepStream sample with documentation on how to run inference using the trained FasterRCNN models from TLT is provided on github at: https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_4.x_apps.

Download and compile the required app

  1. FasterRCNN requires two TensorRT plugins to run. They are the cropAndResizePlugin and the proposalPlugin. Currently, these plugins are not included in the TensorRT 5.1GA ( installation package, but they can be obtained from the TensorRT Open Source Software (OSS) in GitHub and checkout the branch release/5.1. Please follow the installation guide here, compile the open sourced plugins, and replace the libnvinfer_plugin.* in the installation directory with the one built from TensorRT OSS.
  2. To integrate FasterRCNN model into DeepStream, additional DeepStream plugin is required. It is available here: https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_4.x_apps.
  3. Replace /Your_deepstream_SDK_v4.0_xxxxx_path with your actual DeepStream SDK 4.0 path in deepstream_4.x_apps/nvdsinfer_customparser_frcnn_uff/Makefile and deepstream_4.x_apps/Makefile.
  4. Compile the plugin and sample app.

Label file

The label file is a text file, containing the names of the classes that the FasterRCNN model is trained to detect. The order in which the classes are listed here must match the order in which the model predicts the output. This order is derived from the order the objects are instantiated in the class_mapping field of the FasterRCNN experiment specification file. For example, if the class_mapping label file is:

class_mapping {
key: 'Car'
value: 0
class_mapping {
key: 'Van'
value: 0
class_mapping {
key: "Pedestrian"
value: 1
class_mapping {
key: "Person_sitting"
value: 1
class_mapping {
key: 'Cyclist'
value: 2
class_mapping {
key: "background"
value: 3
class_mapping {
key: "DontCare"
value: -1
class_mapping {
key: "Truck"
value: -1
class_mapping {
key: "Misc"
value: -1
class_mapping {
key: "Tram"
value: -1

The example of the corresponding label_file_frcnn.txt file is:


DeepStream configuration file

Here's a sample config file:

offsets=<image mean values as in the training spec file> # e.g.: 103.939;116.779;123.68
tlt-model-key=<key to decode the model>
uff-input-dims=<c;h;w;0> # 3;272;480;0. Where c = number of channels, h = height of the model input, w = width of model input, 0: implies CHW format
uff-input-blob-name=<input_blob_name> # e.g.: input_1
batch-size=<batch size> e.g.: 1
## 0=FP32, 1=INT8, 2=FP16 mode
num-detected-classes=<number of classes to detect(including background)> # e.g.: 5
output-blob-names=<output_blob_names> e.g.: dense_regress/BiasAdd;dense_class/Softmax;proposal






NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that the product described in this guide will be suitable for any specified use without further testing or modification. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer and to do the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this guide. NVIDIA does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this guide, or (ii) customer product designs.

Other than the right for customer to use the information in this guide with the product, no other license, either expressed or implied, is hereby granted by NVIDIA under this guide. Reproduction of information in this guide is permissible only if reproduction is approved by NVIDIA in writing, is reproduced without alteration, and is accompanied by all associated conditions, limitations, and notices.


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