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NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference6.0.1 Release |
C_GstNvDsBufferPool | |
C_GstNvDsBufferPoolClass | |
C_NvBbox_Coords | Holds unclipped bounding box coordinates of the object |
C_NvBufSurfaceTransformParams | Holds transform parameters for a transform call |
C_NvBufSurfTransform_ColorParams | |
C_NvBufSurfTransformCompositeBlendParams | Holds composite blend parameters for a composite blender call |
C_NvBufSurfTransformCompositeParams | Holds composite parameters for a composite call |
C_NvBufSurfTransformConfigParams | Holds configuration parameters for a transform/composite session |
C_NvDewarperSurfaceMeta | Holds a set of dewarper metadata |
C_NvDsAudioFrameMeta | Holds metadata for a audio frame in a batch |
C_NvDsBaseMeta | Holds information about base metadata of a given metadata type |
C_NvDsBatchMeta | Holds information about a formed batch containing frames from different sources |
C_NvDsClassifierMeta | Holds classifier metadata for an object |
C_NvDsComp_BboxInfo | Holds unclipped positional bounding box coordinates of the object processed by the component |
C_NvDsCustomMsgInfo | Holds data for any user defined custom message to be attached to the payload message : custom message to be attached size : size of the custom message |
C_NvDsEvent | Holds event information |
C_NvDsFrameMeta | Holds metadata for a frame in a batch |
C_NvDsInferContextInitParams | Holds the initialization parameters required for the NvDsInferContext interface |
C_NvDsLabelInfo | Holds label metadata for the classifier |
C_NvDsMeta | Holds DeepSteam metadata |
C_NvDsMetaCompLatency | Holds information about latency of the given component |
C_NvDsMetaPool | Holds information about a given metadata pool |
C_NvDsMetaSubCompLatency | Holds information about latency of the given subcomponent |
C_NvDsObjectMeta | Holds metadata for an object in the frame |
C_NvDsObjEncOutParams | Holds output parameters |
C_NvDsObjEncUsrArgs | Holds user parameters for a nvds_obj_enc_process call |
C_NvDsPastFrameObj | |
C_NvDsPastFrameObjBatch | Batch of lists of buffered objects |
C_NvDsPastFrameObjList | One object in several past frames |
C_NvDsPastFrameObjStream | List of objects in each stream |
C_NvDsUserMeta | Holds user metadata |
C_NvMOTConfig | Holds a tracker configuration |
C_NvMOTConfigResponse | Holds a tracker's configuration status |
C_NvMOTFrame | Holds a frame containing the image and objects to be tracked |
C_NvMOTMiscConfig | Holds miscellaneous configurations |
C_NvMOTObjToTrack | Holds information about an object to be tracked |
C_NvMOTObjToTrackList | Holds a list of objects |
C_NvMOTPerTransformBatchConfig | Holds a configuration for batches for an input transform (a scaling/color conversion) |
C_NvMOTProcessParams | Holds parameters for processing a batch |
C_NvMOTQuery | |
C_NvMOTRect | Holds the definition of a rectangle |
C_NvMOTTrackedObj | Holds information about each tracked object |
C_NvMOTTrackedObjBatch | Holds a batch of lists of tracked objects |
C_NvMOTTrackedObjList | Holds a list of tracked objects |
C_NvOFFlowVector | Holds motion vector information about an element |
C_NvOSD_ArrowParams | Holds arrow parameters to be overlaid |
C_NvOSD_CircleParams | Holds circle parameters to be overlayed |
C_NvOSD_Color_info | |
C_NvOSD_ColorParams | Holds the color parameters of the box or text to be overlayed |
C_NvOSD_FontParams | Holds the font parameters of the text to be overlayed |
C_NvOSD_FrameArrowParams | Holds information about the arrows in a frame |
C_NvOSD_FrameCircleParams | Holds information about the circles in a frame |
C_NvOSD_FrameLineParams | Holds information about the lines in a frame |
C_NvOSD_FrameRectParams | Holds information about the rectangles in a frame |
C_NvOSD_FrameSegmentMaskParams | Holds information about the rectangles in a frame |
C_NvOSD_FrameTextParams | Holds information about the text in a frame |
C_NvOSD_LineParams | Holds the box parameters of a line to be overlayed |
C_NvOSD_MaskParams | Holds the mask parameters of the segment to be overlayed |
C_NvOSD_RectParams | Holds the box parameters of the box to be overlayed |
C_NvOSD_TextParams | Holds parameters of text to be overlayed |
CCustomInitParams | Custom Initialization parameter for custom library |
CCustomSeqProcTensorParams | Tensor params for Custom sequence processing for 3d conv network |
CCustomTensorParams | Tensor params passed to custom library for tensor preparation |
CCustomTransformParams | Custom transformation parameter for calling nvbufsurftransform api for scaling and converting the ROIs to the network resolutions to be used by custom lib |
CGstNvDsPreProcessBatchMeta | Preprocess meta as a user meta which is attached at batch level |
CNvBufAudio | |
CNvBufAudioParams | |
CNvBufSurface | Holds information about batched buffers |
CNvBufSurfaceCreateParams | Holds parameters required to allocate an NvBufSurface |
CNvBufSurfaceMappedAddr | Holds pointers for a mapped buffer |
CNvBufSurfaceParams | Holds information about a single buffer in a batch |
CNvBufSurfacePlaneParams | Holds the planewise parameters of a buffer |
CNvBufSurfTransformRect | Holds the coordinates of a rectangle |
CNvDsAnalyticsFrameMeta | Holds a set of nvdsanalytics framelevel metadata |
CNvDsAnalyticsObjInfo | Holds a set of nvdsanalytics object level metadata |
CNvDsCoordinate | Hold a coordinate's position |
CNvDsDisplayMeta | Holds display metadata that the user can specify in the frame |
CNvDsEventMsgMeta | Holds event message meta data |
CNvDsFaceObject | Holds a face object's parameters |
CNvDsFaceObjectWithExt | Holds a face object's parameters |
CNvDsFrameLatencyInfo | Holds information about the latency of a given frame |
CNvDsGeoLocation | Holds geolocation parameters |
CNvDsInferAttribute | Holds information about one classified attribute |
CNvDsInferClassificationOutput | Holds information on all attributes classifed by a classifier network for one frame |
CNvDsInferContextBatchInput | Holds information about one batch to be inferred |
CNvDsInferContextBatchOutput | Holds the output for all of the frames in a batch (an array of frame), and related buffer information |
CNvDsInferContextBatchPreprocessedInput | |
CNvDsInferDBScanClusteringParams | Holds object clustering parameters required by DBSCAN |
CNvDsInferDetectionOutput | Holds information on all objects detected by a detector network in one frame |
CNvDsInferDetectionParams | Holds detection and bounding box grouping parameters |
CNvDsInferDims | Holds the dimensions of a layer |
CNvDsInferDimsCHW | Holds the dimensions of a three-dimensional layer |
CNvDsInferFrameOutput | Holds the information inferred by the network on one frame |
CNvDsInferInstanceMaskInfo | Holds information about one parsed object and instance mask from a detector's output |
CNvDsInferLayerInfo | Holds information about one layer in the model |
CNvDsInferNetworkInfo | Holds information about the model network |
CNvDsInferObject | Holds information about one detected object |
CNvDsInferObjectDetectionInfo | Holds information about one parsed object from a detector's output |
CNvDsInferParseDetectionParams | Holds the detection parameters required for parsing objects |
CNvDsInferPluginFactoryCaffe | Holds a pointer to a heap-allocated Plugin Factory object required during Caffe model parsing |
CNvDsInferSegmentationMeta | Holds the segmentation model output information for one frame / one object |
CNvDsInferSegmentationOutput | Holds information parsed from segmentation network output for one frame |
CNvDsInferTensorMeta | Holds the raw tensor output information for one frame / one object |
CNvDsObjectSignature | Holds an object's signature |
CNvDsOpticalFlowMeta | Holds optical flow metadata about a frame |
CNvDsPayload | Holds payload metadata |
CNvDsPersonObject | Holds a person object's parameters |
CNvDsPersonObjectExt | Holds a person object's parameters |
CNvDsPreProcessAcquirer | Class for acquiring and releasing a buffer from tensor pool by custom lib |
CNvDsPreProcessBatch | Holds information about the batch of frames to be inferred |
CNvDsPreProcessCustomBuf | Custom Buffer passed to the custom lib for preparing tensor |
CNvDsPreProcessNetworkSize | Holds information about the model network |
CNvDsPreProcessTensorMeta | Tensor meta containing prepared tensor and related info inside preprocess user meta which is attached at batch level |
CNvDsPreProcessTensorParams | Holds model parameters for tensor preparation |
CNvDsPreProcessUnit | A preprocess unit for processing which can be Frame/ROI |
CNvDsRect | Holds a rectangle's position and size |
CNvDsRoiMeta | Holds Information about ROI Metadata |
CNvDsSRContext | Holds information about smart record instance |
CNvDsSRInitParams | Holds initializtion paramerters required to create NvDsSRContext |
CNvDsSRRecordingInfo | Hold information about video recorded |
CNvDsVehicleObject | Holds a vehicle object's parameters |
CNvDsVehicleObjectExt | Holds a vehicle object's parameters |
CNvMsgBrokerClientMsg |