NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

6.0.1 Release

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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_NvBbox_CoordsHolds unclipped bounding box coordinates of the object
 C_NvBufSurfaceTransformParamsHolds transform parameters for a transform call
 C_NvBufSurfTransformCompositeBlendParamsHolds composite blend parameters for a composite blender call
 C_NvBufSurfTransformCompositeParamsHolds composite parameters for a composite call
 C_NvBufSurfTransformConfigParamsHolds configuration parameters for a transform/composite session
 C_NvDewarperSurfaceMetaHolds a set of dewarper metadata
 C_NvDsAudioFrameMetaHolds metadata for a audio frame in a batch
 C_NvDsBaseMetaHolds information about base metadata of a given metadata type
 C_NvDsBatchMetaHolds information about a formed batch containing frames from different sources
 C_NvDsClassifierMetaHolds classifier metadata for an object
 C_NvDsComp_BboxInfoHolds unclipped positional bounding box coordinates of the object processed by the component
 C_NvDsCustomMsgInfoHolds data for any user defined custom message to be attached to the payload message : custom message to be attached size : size of the custom message
 C_NvDsEventHolds event information
 C_NvDsFrameMetaHolds metadata for a frame in a batch
 C_NvDsInferContextInitParamsHolds the initialization parameters required for the NvDsInferContext interface
 C_NvDsLabelInfoHolds label metadata for the classifier
 C_NvDsMetaHolds DeepSteam metadata
 C_NvDsMetaCompLatencyHolds information about latency of the given component
 C_NvDsMetaPoolHolds information about a given metadata pool
 C_NvDsMetaSubCompLatencyHolds information about latency of the given subcomponent
 C_NvDsObjectMetaHolds metadata for an object in the frame
 C_NvDsObjEncOutParamsHolds output parameters
 C_NvDsObjEncUsrArgsHolds user parameters for a nvds_obj_enc_process call
 C_NvDsPastFrameObjBatchBatch of lists of buffered objects
 C_NvDsPastFrameObjListOne object in several past frames
 C_NvDsPastFrameObjStreamList of objects in each stream
 C_NvDsUserMetaHolds user metadata
 C_NvMOTConfigHolds a tracker configuration
 C_NvMOTConfigResponseHolds a tracker's configuration status
 C_NvMOTFrameHolds a frame containing the image and objects to be tracked
 C_NvMOTMiscConfigHolds miscellaneous configurations
 C_NvMOTObjToTrackHolds information about an object to be tracked
 C_NvMOTObjToTrackListHolds a list of objects
 C_NvMOTPerTransformBatchConfigHolds a configuration for batches for an input transform (a scaling/color conversion)
 C_NvMOTProcessParamsHolds parameters for processing a batch
 C_NvMOTRectHolds the definition of a rectangle
 C_NvMOTTrackedObjHolds information about each tracked object
 C_NvMOTTrackedObjBatchHolds a batch of lists of tracked objects
 C_NvMOTTrackedObjListHolds a list of tracked objects
 C_NvOFFlowVectorHolds motion vector information about an element
 C_NvOSD_ArrowParamsHolds arrow parameters to be overlaid
 C_NvOSD_CircleParamsHolds circle parameters to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_ColorParamsHolds the color parameters of the box or text to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_FontParamsHolds the font parameters of the text to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_FrameArrowParamsHolds information about the arrows in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameCircleParamsHolds information about the circles in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameLineParamsHolds information about the lines in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameRectParamsHolds information about the rectangles in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameSegmentMaskParamsHolds information about the rectangles in a frame
 C_NvOSD_FrameTextParamsHolds information about the text in a frame
 C_NvOSD_LineParamsHolds the box parameters of a line to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_MaskParamsHolds the mask parameters of the segment to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_RectParamsHolds the box parameters of the box to be overlayed
 C_NvOSD_TextParamsHolds parameters of text to be overlayed
 CCustomInitParamsCustom Initialization parameter for custom library
 CCustomSeqProcTensorParamsTensor params for Custom sequence processing for 3d conv network
 CCustomTensorParamsTensor params passed to custom library for tensor preparation
 CCustomTransformParamsCustom transformation parameter for calling nvbufsurftransform api for scaling and converting the ROIs to the network resolutions to be used by custom lib
 CGstNvDsPreProcessBatchMetaPreprocess meta as a user meta which is attached at batch level
 CNvBufSurfaceHolds information about batched buffers
 CNvBufSurfaceCreateParamsHolds parameters required to allocate an NvBufSurface
 CNvBufSurfaceMappedAddrHolds pointers for a mapped buffer
 CNvBufSurfaceParamsHolds information about a single buffer in a batch
 CNvBufSurfacePlaneParamsHolds the planewise parameters of a buffer
 CNvBufSurfTransformRectHolds the coordinates of a rectangle
 CNvDsAnalyticsFrameMetaHolds a set of nvdsanalytics framelevel metadata
 CNvDsAnalyticsObjInfoHolds a set of nvdsanalytics object level metadata
 CNvDsCoordinateHold a coordinate's position
 CNvDsDisplayMetaHolds display metadata that the user can specify in the frame
 CNvDsEventMsgMetaHolds event message meta data
 CNvDsFaceObjectHolds a face object's parameters
 CNvDsFaceObjectWithExtHolds a face object's parameters
 CNvDsFrameLatencyInfoHolds information about the latency of a given frame
 CNvDsGeoLocationHolds geolocation parameters
 CNvDsInferAttributeHolds information about one classified attribute
 CNvDsInferClassificationOutputHolds information on all attributes classifed by a classifier network for one frame
 CNvDsInferContextBatchInputHolds information about one batch to be inferred
 CNvDsInferContextBatchOutputHolds the output for all of the frames in a batch (an array of frame), and related buffer information
 CNvDsInferDBScanClusteringParamsHolds object clustering parameters required by DBSCAN
 CNvDsInferDetectionOutputHolds information on all objects detected by a detector network in one frame
 CNvDsInferDetectionParamsHolds detection and bounding box grouping parameters
 CNvDsInferDimsHolds the dimensions of a layer
 CNvDsInferDimsCHWHolds the dimensions of a three-dimensional layer
 CNvDsInferFrameOutputHolds the information inferred by the network on one frame
 CNvDsInferInstanceMaskInfoHolds information about one parsed object and instance mask from a detector's output
 CNvDsInferLayerInfoHolds information about one layer in the model
 CNvDsInferNetworkInfoHolds information about the model network
 CNvDsInferObjectHolds information about one detected object
 CNvDsInferObjectDetectionInfoHolds information about one parsed object from a detector's output
 CNvDsInferParseDetectionParamsHolds the detection parameters required for parsing objects
 CNvDsInferPluginFactoryCaffeHolds a pointer to a heap-allocated Plugin Factory object required during Caffe model parsing
 CNvDsInferSegmentationMetaHolds the segmentation model output information for one frame / one object
 CNvDsInferSegmentationOutputHolds information parsed from segmentation network output for one frame
 CNvDsInferTensorMetaHolds the raw tensor output information for one frame / one object
 CNvDsObjectSignatureHolds an object's signature
 CNvDsOpticalFlowMetaHolds optical flow metadata about a frame
 CNvDsPayloadHolds payload metadata
 CNvDsPersonObjectHolds a person object's parameters
 CNvDsPersonObjectExtHolds a person object's parameters
 CNvDsPreProcessAcquirerClass for acquiring and releasing a buffer from tensor pool by custom lib
 CNvDsPreProcessBatchHolds information about the batch of frames to be inferred
 CNvDsPreProcessCustomBufCustom Buffer passed to the custom lib for preparing tensor
 CNvDsPreProcessNetworkSizeHolds information about the model network
 CNvDsPreProcessTensorMetaTensor meta containing prepared tensor and related info inside preprocess user meta which is attached at batch level
 CNvDsPreProcessTensorParamsHolds model parameters for tensor preparation
 CNvDsPreProcessUnitA preprocess unit for processing which can be Frame/ROI
 CNvDsRectHolds a rectangle's position and size
 CNvDsRoiMetaHolds Information about ROI Metadata
 CNvDsSRContextHolds information about smart record instance
 CNvDsSRInitParamsHolds initializtion paramerters required to create NvDsSRContext
 CNvDsSRRecordingInfoHold information about video recorded
 CNvDsVehicleObjectHolds a vehicle object's parameters
 CNvDsVehicleObjectExtHolds a vehicle object's parameters