NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.0 Release
cvcore::bodypose2d Namespace Reference

Data Structures

struct  BodyPart
 Data structure for storing body part location. More...
class  BodyPose2D
 Interface for loading and running bodypose2d network. More...
class  BodyPose2DPostProcessor
 Interface for running post-processing on bodypose2d network. More...
struct  BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams
 Data structure to describe the post processing for BodyPose2D. More...
class  BodyPose2DPreProcessor
 Interface for running pre-processing on bodypose2d network. More...
class  HandBoundingBoxGenerator
 Class to compute the bounding box of hand from pose. More...
struct  HandBoundingBoxParams
 Data structure to describe the parameters tuned for bounding box detection from pose. More...
struct  Human
 Data structure for storing human info. More...


enum  HandType : uint32_t {
  HandType::LEFT_HAND = 0,
 Enum listing the hand used for gestures. More...


const CVCORE_API HandBoundingBoxParams defaultHandParams
 Default parameters for computing hand bounding box from pose. More...
const CVCORE_API ImagePreProcessingParams defaultPreProcessorParams
 Default parameters for the preprocessing pipeline. More...
const CVCORE_API ModelInputParams defaultModelInputParams
 Default parameters to describe the input expected for the model. More...
const CVCORE_API ModelInferenceParams defaultInferenceParams
 Default parameters to describe the model inference parameters. More...
const CVCORE_API BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams defaultPostProcessorParams
 Default parameters for the post processing pipeline. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HandType

enum cvcore::bodypose2d::HandType : uint32_t

Enum listing the hand used for gestures.


Definition at line 68 of file BodyPose2D.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ defaultHandParams

const CVCORE_API HandBoundingBoxParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultHandParams

Default parameters for computing hand bounding box from pose.

◆ defaultInferenceParams

const CVCORE_API ModelInferenceParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultInferenceParams

Default parameters to describe the model inference parameters.

◆ defaultModelInputParams

const CVCORE_API ModelInputParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultModelInputParams

Default parameters to describe the input expected for the model.

◆ defaultPostProcessorParams

const CVCORE_API BodyPose2DPostProcessorParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultPostProcessorParams

Default parameters for the post processing pipeline.

◆ defaultPreProcessorParams

const CVCORE_API ImagePreProcessingParams cvcore::bodypose2d::defaultPreProcessorParams

Default parameters for the preprocessing pipeline.