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Program Listing for File control.cpp

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/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "morpheus/messages/control.hpp" #include <glog/logging.h> #include <pymrc/utils.hpp> #include <ostream> #include <stdexcept> namespace py = pybind11; namespace morpheus { const std::string ControlMessage::s_config_schema = R"()"; std::map<std::string, ControlMessageType> ControlMessage::s_task_type_map{{"inference", ControlMessageType::INFERENCE}, {"training", ControlMessageType::TRAINING}}; ControlMessage::ControlMessage() : m_config({{"metadata", nlohmann::json::object()}}) {} ControlMessage::ControlMessage(const nlohmann::json& _config) : m_config({{"metadata", nlohmann::json::object()}}) { config(_config); } ControlMessage::ControlMessage(const ControlMessage& other) { m_config = other.m_config; m_tasks = other.m_tasks; } const nlohmann::json& ControlMessage::config() const { return m_config; } void ControlMessage::add_task(const std::string& task_type, const nlohmann::json& task) { // TODO(Devin) Schema check VLOG(20) << "Adding task of type " << task_type << " to control message" << task.dump(4); auto _task_type = s_task_type_map.contains(task_type) ? s_task_type_map[task_type] : ControlMessageType::NONE; if (this->task_type() == ControlMessageType::NONE) { this->task_type(_task_type); } if (_task_type != ControlMessageType::NONE and this->task_type() != _task_type) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot add inference and training tasks to the same control message"); } m_tasks[task_type].push_back(task); } bool ControlMessage::has_task(const std::string& task_type) const { return m_tasks.contains(task_type) && m_tasks.at(task_type).size() > 0; } void ControlMessage::set_metadata(const std::string& key, const nlohmann::json& value) { if (m_config["metadata"].contains(key)) { VLOG(20) << "Overwriting metadata key " << key << " with value " << value; } m_config["metadata"][key] = value; } bool ControlMessage::has_metadata(const std::string& key) const { return m_config["metadata"].contains(key); } const nlohmann::json ControlMessage::get_metadata(const std::string& key) const { return m_config["metadata"].at(key); } const nlohmann::json ControlMessage::remove_task(const std::string& task_type) { auto& task_set = m_tasks.at(task_type); auto iter_task = task_set.begin(); if (iter_task != task_set.end()) { auto task = *iter_task; task_set.erase(iter_task); return task; } throw std::runtime_error("No tasks of type " + task_type + " found"); } void ControlMessage::config(const nlohmann::json& config) { if (config.contains("type")) { auto task_type = config.at("type"); auto _task_type = s_task_type_map.contains(task_type) ? s_task_type_map.at(task_type) : ControlMessageType::NONE; if (this->task_type() == ControlMessageType::NONE) { this->task_type(_task_type); } } if (config.contains("tasks")) { auto& tasks = config["tasks"]; for (const auto& task : tasks) { add_task(task.at("type"), task.at("properties")); } } if (config.contains("metadata")) { auto& metadata = config["metadata"]; for (auto it = metadata.begin(); it != metadata.end(); ++it) { set_metadata(it.key(), it.value()); } } } std::shared_ptr<MessageMeta> ControlMessage::payload() { // auto temp = std::move(m_payload); // TODO(Devin): Decide if we copy or steal the payload // m_payload = nullptr; return m_payload; } void ControlMessage::payload(const std::shared_ptr<MessageMeta>& payload) { m_payload = payload; } ControlMessageType ControlMessage::task_type() { return m_cm_type; } void ControlMessage::task_type(ControlMessageType type) { m_cm_type = type; } /*** Proxy Implementations ***/ std::shared_ptr<ControlMessage> ControlMessageProxy::create(py::dict& config) { return std::make_shared<ControlMessage>(mrc::pymrc::cast_from_pyobject(config)); } std::shared_ptr<ControlMessage> ControlMessageProxy::create(std::shared_ptr<ControlMessage> other) { return std::make_shared<ControlMessage>(*other); } std::shared_ptr<ControlMessage> ControlMessageProxy::copy(ControlMessage& self) { return std::make_shared<ControlMessage>(self); } void ControlMessageProxy::add_task(ControlMessage& self, const std::string& task_type, py::dict& task) { self.add_task(task_type, mrc::pymrc::cast_from_pyobject(task)); } py::dict ControlMessageProxy::remove_task(ControlMessage& self, const std::string& task_type) { auto task = self.remove_task(task_type); return mrc::pymrc::cast_from_json(task); } py::dict ControlMessageProxy::config(ControlMessage& self) { auto dict = mrc::pymrc::cast_from_json(self.config()); return dict; } py::object ControlMessageProxy::get_metadata(ControlMessage& self, const std::string& key) { auto dict = mrc::pymrc::cast_from_json(self.get_metadata(key)); return dict; } void ControlMessageProxy::set_metadata(ControlMessage& self, const std::string& key, pybind11::object& value) { self.set_metadata(key, mrc::pymrc::cast_from_pyobject(value)); } void ControlMessageProxy::config(ControlMessage& self, py::dict& config) { self.config(mrc::pymrc::cast_from_pyobject(config)); } } // namespace morpheus

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 11, 2023.