Program Listing for File dtype.cpp
↰ Return to documentation for file (morpheus/_lib/src/objects/dtype.cpp
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#include "morpheus/objects/dtype.hpp"
#include "morpheus/utilities/string_util.hpp" // for MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR
#include <cudf/types.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h> // for CHECK
#include <map>
#include <sstream> // Needed by MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace {
const std::map<char, std::map<size_t, morpheus::TypeId>> StrToTypeId = {
{'?', {{1, morpheus::TypeId::BOOL8}}},
{{1, morpheus::TypeId::INT8},
{2, morpheus::TypeId::INT16},
{4, morpheus::TypeId::INT32},
{8, morpheus::TypeId::INT64}}},
{1, morpheus::TypeId::UINT8},
{2, morpheus::TypeId::UINT16},
{4, morpheus::TypeId::UINT32},
{8, morpheus::TypeId::UINT64},
{'f', {{4, morpheus::TypeId::FLOAT32}, {8, morpheus::TypeId::FLOAT64}}},
{'O', {{1, morpheus::TypeId::STRING}}}};
} // namespace
namespace morpheus {
DType::DType(TypeId tid) : m_type_id(tid) {}
bool DType::operator==(const DType& other) const
return m_type_id == other.m_type_id;
TypeId DType::type_id() const
return m_type_id;
size_t DType::item_size() const
switch (m_type_id)
case TypeId::BOOL8:
case TypeId::INT8:
case TypeId::STRING: // not sure, but size of individual char
case TypeId::UINT8:
return 1;
case TypeId::INT16:
case TypeId::UINT16:
return 2;
case TypeId::INT32:
case TypeId::UINT32:
case TypeId::FLOAT32:
return 4;
case TypeId::INT64:
case TypeId::UINT64:
case TypeId::FLOAT64:
return 8;
case TypeId::NUM_TYPE_IDS:
case TypeId::EMPTY:
throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown datatype");
std::string DType::name() const
// TODO(MDD): Replace this with a better version. For now, follow type_str
return this->type_str();
std::string DType::type_str() const
if (m_type_id != TypeId::BOOL8 && m_type_id != TypeId::STRING)
return MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR("<" << this->type_char() << this->item_size());
return std::string{this->type_char()};
// Cudf representation
cudf::type_id DType::cudf_type_id() const
switch (m_type_id)
case TypeId::INT8:
return cudf::type_id::INT8;
case TypeId::INT16:
return cudf::type_id::INT16;
case TypeId::INT32:
return cudf::type_id::INT32;
case TypeId::INT64:
return cudf::type_id::INT64;
case TypeId::UINT8:
return cudf::type_id::UINT8;
case TypeId::UINT16:
return cudf::type_id::UINT16;
case TypeId::UINT32:
return cudf::type_id::UINT32;
case TypeId::UINT64:
return cudf::type_id::UINT64;
case TypeId::FLOAT32:
return cudf::type_id::FLOAT32;
case TypeId::FLOAT64:
return cudf::type_id::FLOAT64;
case TypeId::BOOL8:
return cudf::type_id::BOOL8;
case TypeId::STRING:
return cudf::type_id::STRING;
case TypeId::EMPTY:
case TypeId::NUM_TYPE_IDS:
throw std::runtime_error("Not supported");
// Returns the triton string representation
std::string DType::triton_str() const
// Triton doesn't have any definitions or enums. Wow
switch (m_type_id)
case TypeId::INT8:
return "INT8";
case TypeId::INT16:
return "INT16";
case TypeId::INT32:
return "INT32";
case TypeId::INT64:
return "INT64";
case TypeId::UINT8:
return "UINT8";
case TypeId::UINT16:
return "UINT16";
case TypeId::UINT32:
return "UINT32";
case TypeId::UINT64:
return "UINT64";
case TypeId::FLOAT32:
return "FP32";
case TypeId::FLOAT64:
return "FP64";
case TypeId::BOOL8:
return "BOOL";
case TypeId::EMPTY:
case TypeId::NUM_TYPE_IDS:
case TypeId::STRING:
throw std::runtime_error("Not supported");
// From cudf
DType DType::from_cudf(cudf::type_id tid)
switch (tid)
case cudf::type_id::INT8:
return {TypeId::INT8};
case cudf::type_id::INT16:
return {TypeId::INT16};
case cudf::type_id::INT32:
return {TypeId::INT32};
case cudf::type_id::INT64:
return {TypeId::INT64};
case cudf::type_id::UINT8:
return {TypeId::UINT8};
case cudf::type_id::UINT16:
return {TypeId::UINT16};
case cudf::type_id::UINT32:
return {TypeId::UINT32};
case cudf::type_id::UINT64:
return {TypeId::UINT64};
case cudf::type_id::FLOAT32:
return {TypeId::FLOAT32};
case cudf::type_id::FLOAT64:
return {TypeId::FLOAT64};
case cudf::type_id::BOOL8:
return {TypeId::BOOL8};
case cudf::type_id::STRING:
return {TypeId::STRING};
case cudf::type_id::EMPTY:
case cudf::type_id::NUM_TYPE_IDS:
throw std::runtime_error("Not supported");
DType DType::from_numpy(const std::string& numpy_str)
CHECK(!numpy_str.empty()) << "Cannot create DataType from empty string";
char type_char = numpy_str[0];
size_t size_start = 1;
// Can start with < or > or none
if (numpy_str[0] == '<' || numpy_str[0] == '>')
type_char = numpy_str[1];
size_start = 2;
int dtype_size = 1;
if (numpy_str.size() > 1)
dtype_size = std::stoi(numpy_str.substr(size_start));
// Now lookup in the map
auto found_type = StrToTypeId.find(type_char);
CHECK(found_type != StrToTypeId.end()) << "Type char '" << type_char << "' not supported";
auto found_enum = found_type->second.find(dtype_size);
CHECK(found_enum != found_type->second.end()) << "Type str '" << type_char << dtype_size << "' not supported";
return {found_enum->second};
// From triton
DType DType::from_triton(const std::string& type_str)
if (type_str == "INT8")
return {TypeId::INT8};
else if (type_str == "INT16")
return {TypeId::INT16};
else if (type_str == "INT32")
return {TypeId::INT32};
else if (type_str == "INT64")
return {TypeId::INT64};
else if (type_str == "UINT8")
return {TypeId::UINT8};
else if (type_str == "UINT16")
return {TypeId::UINT16};
else if (type_str == "UINT32")
return {TypeId::UINT32};
else if (type_str == "UINT64")
return {TypeId::UINT64};
else if (type_str == "FP32")
return {TypeId::FLOAT32};
else if (type_str == "FP64")
return {TypeId::FLOAT64};
else if (type_str == "BOOL")
return {TypeId::BOOL8};
throw std::runtime_error("Not supported");
char DType::type_char() const
switch (m_type_id)
case TypeId::INT8:
case TypeId::INT16:
case TypeId::INT32:
case TypeId::INT64:
return 'i';
case TypeId::UINT8:
case TypeId::UINT16:
case TypeId::UINT32:
case TypeId::UINT64:
return 'u';
case TypeId::BOOL8:
return '?';
case TypeId::FLOAT32:
case TypeId::FLOAT64:
return 'f';
case TypeId::STRING:
return 'O';
case TypeId::NUM_TYPE_IDS:
case TypeId::EMPTY:
throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown datatype");
} // namespace morpheus