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Program Listing for File triton_inference.cpp

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/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "morpheus/stages/triton_inference.hpp" #include "mrc/node/rx_sink_base.hpp" #include "mrc/node/rx_source_base.hpp" #include "mrc/node/sink_properties.hpp" #include "mrc/node/source_properties.hpp" #include "mrc/segment/builder.hpp" #include "mrc/segment/object.hpp" #include "mrc/types.hpp" #include "morpheus/messages/memory/response_memory.hpp" #include "morpheus/messages/memory/tensor_memory.hpp" // for TensorMemory #include "morpheus/objects/dev_mem_info.hpp" // for DevMemInfo #include "morpheus/objects/dtype.hpp" // for DType #include "morpheus/objects/tensor.hpp" // for Tensor::create #include "morpheus/objects/tensor_object.hpp" // for TensorObject #include "morpheus/objects/triton_in_out.hpp" // for TritonInOut #include "morpheus/types.hpp" // for TensorIndex, TensorMap #include "morpheus/utilities/matx_util.hpp" // for MatxUtil::logits, MatxUtil::reduce_max #include "morpheus/utilities/stage_util.hpp" // for foreach_map #include "morpheus/utilities/string_util.hpp" // for MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR #include "morpheus/utilities/tensor_util.hpp" // for get_elem_count #include <cuda_runtime.h> // for cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice #include <glog/logging.h> #include <http_client.h> #include <mrc/cuda/common.hpp> // for MRC_CHECK_CUDA #include <nlohmann/json.hpp> #include <pymrc/node.hpp> #include <rmm/cuda_stream_view.hpp> // for cuda_stream_per_thread #include <rmm/device_buffer.hpp> // for device_buffer #include <algorithm> // for min #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include <exception> #include <functional> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> // for runtime_error, out_of_range #include <utility> // IWYU pragma: no_include #define CHECK_TRITON(method) ::InferenceClientStage__check_triton_errors(method, #method, __FILE__, __LINE__); namespace { using namespace morpheus; using buffer_map_t = std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<rmm::device_buffer>>; // Component-private free functions. void InferenceClientStage__check_triton_errors(triton::client::Error status, const std::string& methodName, const std::string& filename, const int& lineNumber) { if (!status.IsOk()) { std::string err_msg = MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR("Triton Error while executing '" << methodName << "'. Error: " + status.Message() << "\n" << filename << "(" << lineNumber << ")"); LOG(ERROR) << err_msg; throw std::runtime_error(err_msg); } } void build_output_tensors(TensorIndex count, const std::vector<TritonInOut>& model_outputs, buffer_map_t& output_buffers, TensorMap& output_tensors) { // Create the output memory blocks for (auto& model_output : model_outputs) { ShapeType total_shape = model_output.shape; // First dimension will always end up being the number of rows in the dataframe total_shape[0] = count; auto elem_count = TensorUtils::get_elem_count(total_shape); // Create the output memory auto output_buffer = std::make_shared<rmm::device_buffer>(elem_count * model_output.datatype.item_size(), rmm::cuda_stream_per_thread); output_buffers[model_output.mapped_name] = output_buffer; // Triton results are always in row-major as required by the KServe protocol // https://github.com/kserve/kserve/blob/master/docs/predict-api/v2/required_api.md#tensor-data ShapeType stride{total_shape[1], 1}; output_tensors[model_output.mapped_name].swap( Tensor::create(std::move(output_buffer), model_output.datatype, total_shape, stride, 0)); } } ShapeType get_seq_ids(const InferenceClientStage::sink_type_t& message) { // Take a copy of the sequence Ids allowing us to map rows in the response to rows in the dataframe // The output tensors we store in `reponse_memory` will all be of the same length as the the // dataframe. seq_ids has three columns, but we are only interested in the first column. auto seq_ids = message->get_input("seq_ids"); const auto item_size = seq_ids.dtype().item_size(); ShapeType host_seq_ids(message->count); MRC_CHECK_CUDA(cudaMemcpy2D(host_seq_ids.data(), item_size, seq_ids.data(), seq_ids.stride(0) * item_size, item_size, host_seq_ids.size(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); return host_seq_ids; } std::pair<std::shared_ptr<triton::client::InferInput>, std::vector<uint8_t>> build_input( const InferenceClientStage::sink_type_t& msg_slice, const TritonInOut& model_input) { DCHECK(msg_slice->memory->has_tensor(model_input.mapped_name)) << "Model input '" << model_input.mapped_name << "' not found in InferenceMemory"; auto const& inp_tensor = msg_slice->get_input(model_input.mapped_name); // Convert to the right type. Make shallow if necessary auto final_tensor = inp_tensor.as_type(model_input.datatype); std::vector<uint8_t> inp_data = final_tensor.get_host_data(); // Test triton::client::InferInput* inp_ptr; triton::client::InferInput::Create( &inp_ptr, model_input.name, {inp_tensor.shape(0), inp_tensor.shape(1)}, model_input.datatype.triton_str()); std::shared_ptr<triton::client::InferInput> inp_shared; inp_shared.reset(inp_ptr); inp_ptr->AppendRaw(inp_data); return std::make_pair(inp_shared, std::move(inp_data)); } std::shared_ptr<const triton::client::InferRequestedOutput> build_output(const TritonInOut& model_output) { triton::client::InferRequestedOutput* out_ptr; triton::client::InferRequestedOutput::Create(&out_ptr, model_output.name); std::shared_ptr<const triton::client::InferRequestedOutput> out_shared; out_shared.reset(out_ptr); return out_shared; } void reduce_outputs(const InferenceClientStage::sink_type_t& x, buffer_map_t& output_buffers, TensorMap& output_tensors) { // When our tensor lengths are longer than our dataframe we will need to use the seq_ids array to // lookup how the values should map back into the dataframe. auto host_seq_ids = get_seq_ids(x); TensorMap reduced_outputs; for (const auto& output : output_tensors) { auto& tensor = output.second; ShapeType shape = tensor.get_shape(); ShapeType stride = tensor.get_stride(); ShapeType reduced_shape{shape}; reduced_shape[0] = x->mess_count; auto& buffer = output_buffers[output.first]; auto reduced_buffer = MatxUtil::reduce_max(DevMemInfo{buffer, tensor.dtype(), shape, stride}, host_seq_ids, 0, reduced_shape); output_buffers[output.first] = reduced_buffer; reduced_outputs[output.first].swap( Tensor::create(std::move(reduced_buffer), tensor.dtype(), reduced_shape, stride, 0)); } output_tensors = std::move(reduced_outputs); } void apply_logits(buffer_map_t& output_buffers, TensorMap& output_tensors) { TensorMap logit_outputs; for (const auto& output : output_tensors) { auto& input_tensor = output.second; auto shape = input_tensor.get_shape(); auto stride = input_tensor.get_stride(); auto& buffer = output_buffers[output.first]; auto output_buffer = MatxUtil::logits(DevMemInfo{buffer, input_tensor.dtype(), shape, stride}); output_buffers[output.first] = output_buffer; // For logits the input and output shapes will be the same logit_outputs[output.first].swap( Tensor::create(std::move(output_buffer), input_tensor.dtype(), shape, stride, 0)); } output_tensors = std::move(logit_outputs); } } // namespace namespace morpheus { // Component public implementations // ************ InferenceClientStage ************************* // InferenceClientStage::InferenceClientStage(std::string model_name, std::string server_url, bool force_convert_inputs, bool use_shared_memory, bool needs_logits, std::map<std::string, std::string> inout_mapping) : PythonNode(base_t::op_factory_from_sub_fn(build_operator())), m_model_name(std::move(model_name)), m_server_url(std::move(server_url)), m_force_convert_inputs(force_convert_inputs), m_use_shared_memory(use_shared_memory), m_needs_logits(needs_logits), m_inout_mapping(std::move(inout_mapping)), m_options(m_model_name) { // Connect with the server to setup the inputs/outputs this->connect_with_server(); // TODO(Devin) } InferenceClientStage::subscribe_fn_t InferenceClientStage::build_operator() { return [this](rxcpp::observable<sink_type_t> input, rxcpp::subscriber<source_type_t> output) { std::unique_ptr<triton::client::InferenceServerHttpClient> client; CHECK_TRITON(triton::client::InferenceServerHttpClient::Create(&client, m_server_url, false)); return input.subscribe(rxcpp::make_observer<sink_type_t>( [this, &output, &client](sink_type_t x) { // Using the `count` which is the number of rows in the inference tensors. We will check later if this // doesn't match the number of rows in the dataframe (`mess_count`). This happens when the size of the // input is too large and needs to be broken up in chunks in the pre-process stage. When this is the // case we will reduce the rows in the response outputs such that we have a single response for each // row int he dataframe. TensorMap output_tensors; buffer_map_t output_buffers; build_output_tensors(x->count, m_model_outputs, output_buffers, output_tensors); for (TensorIndex start = 0; start < x->count; start += m_max_batch_size) { triton::client::InferInput* input1; TensorIndex stop = std::min(start + m_max_batch_size, x->count); sink_type_t mini_batch_input = x->get_slice(start, stop); // Iterate on the model inputs in case the model takes less than what tensors are available std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<triton::client::InferInput>, std::vector<uint8_t>>> saved_inputs = foreach_map(m_model_inputs, [&mini_batch_input](auto const& model_input) { return (build_input(mini_batch_input, model_input)); }); std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const triton::client::InferRequestedOutput>> saved_outputs = foreach_map(m_model_outputs, [](auto const& model_output) { // Generate the outputs to be requested. return build_output(model_output); }); std::vector<triton::client::InferInput*> inputs = foreach_map(saved_inputs, [](auto x) { return x.first.get(); }); std::vector<const triton::client::InferRequestedOutput*> outputs = foreach_map(saved_outputs, [](auto x) { return x.get(); }); auto results = std::unique_ptr<triton::client::InferResult>([&]() { triton::client::InferResult* results; CHECK_TRITON(client->Infer(&results, m_options, inputs, outputs)); return results; }()); for (auto& model_output : m_model_outputs) { std::vector<int64_t> output_shape; CHECK_TRITON(results->Shape(model_output.name, &output_shape)); // Make sure we have at least 2 dims while (output_shape.size() < 2) { output_shape.push_back(1); } const uint8_t* output_ptr = nullptr; size_t output_ptr_size = 0; CHECK_TRITON(results->RawData(model_output.name, &output_ptr, &output_ptr_size)); auto output_tensor = output_tensors[model_output.mapped_name].slice({start, 0}, {stop, -1}); DCHECK_EQ(stop - start, output_shape[0]); DCHECK_EQ(output_tensor.bytes(), output_ptr_size); MRC_CHECK_CUDA( cudaMemcpy(output_tensor.data(), output_ptr, output_ptr_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); } } if (x->mess_count != x->count) { reduce_outputs(x, output_buffers, output_tensors); } // If we need to do logits, do that here if (m_needs_logits) { apply_logits(output_buffers, output_tensors); } // Final output of all mini-batches auto response_mem = std::make_shared<ResponseMemory>(x->mess_count, std::move(output_tensors)); auto response = std::make_shared<MultiResponseMessage>( x->meta, x->mess_offset, x->mess_count, std::move(response_mem), 0, response_mem->count); output.on_next(std::move(response)); }, [&](std::exception_ptr error_ptr) { output.on_error(error_ptr); }, [&]() { output.on_completed(); })); }; } void InferenceClientStage::connect_with_server() { std::string server_url = m_server_url; std::unique_ptr<triton::client::InferenceServerHttpClient> client; auto result = triton::client::InferenceServerHttpClient::Create(&client, server_url, false); // Now load the input/outputs for the model bool is_server_live = false; triton::client::Error status = client->IsServerLive(&is_server_live); if (!status.IsOk()) { if (this->is_default_grpc_port(server_url)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to connect to Triton at '" << m_server_url << "'. Default gRPC port of (8001) was detected but C++ " "InferenceClientStage uses HTTP protocol. Retrying with default HTTP port (8000)"; // We are using the default gRPC port, try the default HTTP std::unique_ptr<triton::client::InferenceServerHttpClient> unique_client; auto result = triton::client::InferenceServerHttpClient::Create(&unique_client, server_url, false); client = std::move(unique_client); status = client->IsServerLive(&is_server_live); } else if (status.Message().find("Unsupported protocol") != std::string::npos) { throw std::runtime_error(MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR( "Failed to connect to Triton at '" << m_server_url << "'. Received 'Unsupported Protocol' error. Are you using the right port? The C++ " "InferenceClientStage uses Triton's HTTP protocol instead of gRPC. Ensure you have " "specified the HTTP port (Default 8000).")); } if (!status.IsOk()) throw std::runtime_error( MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR("Unable to connect to Triton at '" << m_server_url << "'. Check the URL and port and ensure the server is running.")); } // Save this for new clients m_server_url = server_url; if (!is_server_live) throw std::runtime_error("Server is not live"); bool is_server_ready = false; CHECK_TRITON(client->IsServerReady(&is_server_ready)); if (!is_server_ready) throw std::runtime_error("Server is not ready"); bool is_model_ready = false; CHECK_TRITON(client->IsModelReady(&is_model_ready, this->m_model_name)); if (!is_model_ready) throw std::runtime_error("Model is not ready"); std::string model_metadata_json; CHECK_TRITON(client->ModelMetadata(&model_metadata_json, this->m_model_name)); auto model_metadata = nlohmann::json::parse(model_metadata_json); std::string model_config_json; CHECK_TRITON(client->ModelConfig(&model_config_json, this->m_model_name)); auto model_config = nlohmann::json::parse(model_config_json); if (model_config.contains("max_batch_size")) { m_max_batch_size = model_config.at("max_batch_size").get<TensorIndex>(); } for (auto const& input : model_metadata.at("inputs")) { auto shape = input.at("shape").get<ShapeType>(); auto dtype = DType::from_triton(input.at("datatype").get<std::string>()); size_t bytes = dtype.item_size(); for (auto& y : shape) { if (y == -1) { y = m_max_batch_size; } bytes *= y; } auto mapped_name = input.at("name").get<std::string>(); if (m_inout_mapping.find(mapped_name) != m_inout_mapping.end()) { mapped_name = m_inout_mapping[mapped_name]; } m_model_inputs.push_back(TritonInOut{input.at("name").get<std::string>(), bytes, DType::from_triton(input.at("datatype").get<std::string>()), shape, mapped_name, 0}); } for (auto const& output : model_metadata.at("outputs")) { auto shape = output.at("shape").get<ShapeType>(); auto dtype = DType::from_triton(output.at("datatype").get<std::string>()); size_t bytes = dtype.item_size(); for (auto& y : shape) { if (y == -1) { y = m_max_batch_size; } bytes *= y; } auto mapped_name = output.at("name").get<std::string>(); if (m_inout_mapping.find(mapped_name) != m_inout_mapping.end()) { mapped_name = m_inout_mapping[mapped_name]; } m_model_outputs.push_back( TritonInOut{output.at("name").get<std::string>(), bytes, dtype, shape, mapped_name, 0}); } } bool InferenceClientStage::is_default_grpc_port(std::string& server_url) { // Check if we are the default gRPC port of 8001 and try 8000 for http client instead size_t colon_loc = server_url.find_last_of(':'); if (colon_loc == -1) { return false; } // Check if the port matches 8001 if (server_url.size() < colon_loc + 1 || server_url.substr(colon_loc + 1) != "8001") { return false; } // It matches, change to 8000 server_url = server_url.substr(0, colon_loc) + ":8000"; return true; } // ************ InferenceClientStageInterfaceProxy********* // std::shared_ptr<mrc::segment::Object<InferenceClientStage>> InferenceClientStageInterfaceProxy::init( mrc::segment::Builder& builder, const std::string& name, std::string model_name, std::string server_url, bool force_convert_inputs, bool use_shared_memory, bool needs_logits, std::map<std::string, std::string> inout_mapping) { auto stage = builder.construct_object<InferenceClientStage>( name, model_name, server_url, force_convert_inputs, use_shared_memory, needs_logits, inout_mapping); return stage; } } // namespace morpheus

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 11, 2023.