(Latest Version)



configure_logging(log_level[, log_config_file])

Configures Morpheus logging in one of two ways.

deprecated_message_warning(logger, cls, new_cls)

Log a warning about a deprecated message

deprecated_stage_warning(logger, cls, name)

Log a warning about a deprecated stage


Set the Morpheus logging level.



An enumeration.


Console log handler used by Morpheus, provides colorized output and sends all logs at level ERROR and above to stderr, others to stdout.

configure_logging(log_level, log_config_file=None)[source]

Configures Morpheus logging in one of two ways. Either specifying a logging config file to load or a logging level which will use a default configuration. The default configuration outputs to both the console and a file. Sets up a logging producer/consumer that works well in multi-thread/process environments.

log_level: int

Specifies the log level and above to output. Must be one of the available levels in the logging module.

log_config_file: str, optional (default = None):

Instructs Morpheus to configure logging via a config file. These config files can be complex and are outlined in the Python logging documentation. Will accept either a .ini file which will be loaded via logging.config.fileConfig() (See here) or a .json file which will be loaded via logging.config.dictConfig() (See here). Defaults to None.

deprecated_message_warning(logger, cls, new_cls)[source]

Log a warning about a deprecated message

deprecated_stage_warning(logger, cls, name)[source]

Log a warning about a deprecated stage


Set the Morpheus logging level. Also propagates the value to MRC’s logging system to keep the logging levels in sync


One of the levels from the logging module. i.e. logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARN, logging.ERROR, etc.


The previously set logging level

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 11, 2023.