NVIDIA BlueField Management and Initial Provisioning
NVIDIA BlueField Management and Initial Provisioning

Prerequisites for Initial BlueField Deployment

The following is a list of system requirements for the deployment process:

  • Connection to management network:

    • For BlueField DPU, BlueField BMC 1GbE interface connected to the management network via ToR

    • For BlueField SuperNIC, the host BMC connected to the management network via ToR or via NC-SI passthrough over data ports

      • BlueField BMC 1GbE interface connected to the management network via ToR is optional (MB312 use case)

  • Remote management controller (RMC) connected to BlueField BMC or host BMC Ethernet interface via ToR

  • DHCP server existing in the management network

  • An NVQual certified server


RMC is the platform for data center infrastructure managers to manage BlueFields from Top of Rack (ToR) over 1 GbE.


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