Document Revision History
Section "Deploying via Docker"
Section "IB NDR Router Configuration"
Section "Pass-Fail Criteria"
Section "Import"
Section "Credentials"
Section "ClusterKit" with hpcx_dir variable
Section "Fabric Health Counters Collection" with hpcx_dir variable
Section "Apply"
Section "Report Generation"
Page "COT Summary Report"
Section "Configuration File"
Section "Cable Firmware Upgrade (IFFU) Variables"
Section "IB Cluster Bring-Up"
Section "Host Package Deployment"
Section "IB Cable Firmware Alignment"
Section "IB HCA Firmware Alignment"
Section "MLNX-OS System Alignment"
Section "Cable Validation"
Section "ClusterKit"
Section "Fabric Health Counters Collection"
Section "IB Fabric Health Checks"
Section "IB Network Discovery"
Section "UFM Telemetry Upgrade"
Section "MLNX_OFED Upgrade"
Section "MLNX-OS Upgrade"
Section "MLNX-OS Configure"
Section "MFT Upgrade"
Section "HPC-X Upgrade"
Section "Installation Steps"
Section "Upgrading Framework Script"
Section "Export"
Section "Import"
Section "Cable Validation"
Section "Fabric Health Counters Collection"
Section "Restoration Steps"
Section "MLNX-OS Upgrade Variables" by adding mlnxos_switch_hostname
Example code in section "IB Cluster Deployment Example"
Section "IB Network Verification"
Section "ClusterKit" with the ib_device variable
Section "IB Cluster Health Checks" naming to "IB Fabric Health Checks"
Section "IB Network Discovery" with clear_topolgoy parameter
Section "Configuration File"
Section "COT API"
Section "IB Cluster Health Checks"
Section "Pass/Fair Criteria"
Section "UFM Telemetry Upgrade Variables"
Section "Prerequisites" with new Kubernetes server and kubectl versions
Section "Restoration Steps"
Section "Installation Script" with --config_file option
Section "MLNX-OS Upgrade Variables" by removing mlnxos_switch_hostname
Example code in section "IB Cluster Deployment Example"
Section "IB Network Verification"
Section "MLNX_OFED Upgrade Variables"
Section "MFT Upgrade Variables"
Section "Host Package Deployment"
Section "MLNX-OS System Alignment"
Section "IB Network Discovery"
Section "UFM Telemetry Upgrade"
Section "MLNX_OFED Upgrade"
Section "MFT Upgrade"
Section "HPC-X Upgrade"
First release