Appendix - Relating BlueField to Host and Port

NVIDIA BlueField DPU Management and Initial Provisioning
  1. Get the BlueField's BMC MAC address using the following Redfish command over the 1GbE OOB port to the BlueField BMC:


    curl -k -u root:<password> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X GET https://<BF-BMC-IP>/redfish/v1/Managers/Bluefield_BMC/EthernetInterfaces/eth0 { "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/Bluefield_BMC/EthernetInterfaces/eth0", "@odata.type": "#EthernetInterface.v1_6_0.EthernetInterface", "DHCPv4": { "DHCPEnabled": true, "UseDNSServers": true, "UseDomainName": true, "UseNTPServers": true }, "DHCPv6": { "OperatingMode": "Stateful", "UseDNSServers": true, "UseDomainName": true, "UseNTPServers": true }, "Description": "Management Network Interface", "FQDN": "dpu-bmc", "HostName": "dpu-bmc", "IPv4Addresses": [ { "Address": "", "AddressOrigin": "DHCP", "Gateway": "", "SubnetMask": "" } ], "IPv4StaticAddresses": [], "IPv6AddressPolicyTable": [], "IPv6Addresses": [ { "Address": "fdfd:fdfd:10:237:966d:aeff:fe17:9f5f", "AddressOrigin": "DHCPv6", "AddressState": null, "PrefixLength": 64 }, { "Address": "fe80::966d:aeff:fe17:9f5f", "AddressOrigin": "LinkLocal", "AddressState": null, "PrefixLength": 64 } ], "IPv6DefaultGateway": "fe80::445b:ed80:5f97:8900", "IPv6StaticAddresses": [], "Id": "eth0", "InterfaceEnabled": true, "LinkStatus": "LinkUp", "MACAddress": "94:6d:ae:17:9f:5f", "MTUSize": 1500, "Name": "Manager Ethernet Interface", "NameServers": [ "fdfd:fdfd:7:77:250:56ff:fe8b:e4f9" ], "SpeedMbps": 0, "StaticNameServers": [], "Status": { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollup": "OK", "State": "Enabled" }, "VLANs": { "": "/redfish/v1/Managers/Bluefield_BMC/EthernetInterfaces/eth0/VLANs" } }

  2. Get the BlueField's high-speed port's MAC addresses using the following Redfish command over the 1GbE OOB port to the BlueField BMC:


    curl -k -u root:<password> -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -X GET https://<bmc_ip>/redfish/v1/Chassis/Card1/NetworkAdapters/NvidiaNetworkAdapter/NetworkDeviceFunctions/eth0f0 { "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/Card1/NetworkAdapters/NvidiaNetworkAdapter/NetworkDeviceFunctions/eth0f0", "@odata.type": "#NetworkDeviceFunction.v1_9_0.NetworkDeviceFunction", "Ethernet": { "MACAddress": "02:b1:b6:12:39:05", "MTUSize": 1500 }, "Id": "eth0f0", "Links": { "OffloadSystem": { "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/Bluefield" }, "PhysicalPortAssignment": { "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/Card1/NetworkAdapters/NvidiaNetworkAdapter/Ports/eth0" } }, "Name": "NetworkDeviceFunction", "NetDevFuncCapabilities": [ "Ethernet" ], "NetDevFuncType": "Ethernet" }

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