Network Operator Application Notes 23.10.0 - Sphinx Test

Universe Overview

Nvidia Universe acts as secure enclave for cloud provider services and can be used for tenant orchestrated DPU services as well. It orchestrates cloud resources to tenant workloads running on the host including network, security, and storage, on top of physical devices and DPU emulated ones. The solution provides multi-tenant isolation both on the API and on the resource level and has integration with Nvidia marketplace. In addition to being a service orchestration manager, Universe provides a fully automated DPU provisioning solution

Universe design supports different tenant control planes including K8s cluster(s), Slurm and OpenStack and is built with a modular architecture containing reusable building blocks, which can be integrated in various solutions. It leverages several open-source solutions, including K8s as the main framework, and integrates several Nvidia internal projects


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