NVIDIA Firmware Tools (MFT) Documentation v4.22.1-417 LTS

resourcedump Utility

The resourcedump tool extracts and prints data segments generated by the firmware. It is supported in 5th generation NIC’s devices. The dump output is used by NVIDIA for debug and troubleshooting.


Scapy and Pyverbs are no longer resourcedump dependencies. The same functionality has been changed with a C code that is based on the RDMA core included in OFED or Upstream.


mstresourcedump can be used only if Python 3.x is installed. Using lower versions will result in tool's failure.


To use the memory mode, the user must install the MLNX_OFED driver version that includes the rdma-core package, and in addition, must install the scapy package.


It is important for the user to generate a bin file for debugging and troubleshooting cases when needed by NVIDIA.


If the firmware version used is not supported, the tool will generate the following error message:
“Error: Failed to fetch query data with exception: Failed to send Register RESOURCE DUMP with rc: 515. Exiting...”.


resourcedump [-h] [-v] {dump,query}



Dump command


Query command

-h, --help

Show help message and exit

-v, --version

Shows tool version and exit

resourcedump query Usage


resourcedump query [-h] [--virtual-hca-id VIRTUAL_HCA_ID] [--mem] --device DEVICE


-h, --help

Show help message and exit


The virtual HCA (host channel adapter, NIC) ID

-d, --device

The device name


Perform the dump through memory (ofed with rdma-core dependency).

Accepts: [ibv device (for example "mlx5_4")]

An example of how to run the query command:


# resourcedump query --device /dev/mst/mt4119_pciconf0 __________________________________________________________________   Segment Type - 0x1300 (FULL_EQC) Dump Params Applicability Special Values -------------------------------- -------------- -------------- index1 (EQN) Mandatory N/A num-of-obj1 N/A N/A index2 (N/A) N/A N/A num-of-obj2 N/A N/A __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________   Segment Type - 0x1000 (FULL_QPC) Dump Params Applicability Special Values -------------------------------- -------------- -------------- index1 (QPN) Mandatory N/A num-of-obj1 N/A N/A index2 (N/A) N/A N/A num-of-obj2 N/A N/A … … …

resourcedump dump Usage


resourcedump dump [-h] --device DEVICE --segment SEGMENT [--virtual-hca-id VIRTUAL_HCA_ID] [--index1 INDEX1] [--index2 INDEX2] [--num-of-obj1 NUM_OF_OBJ1] [--num-of-obj2 NUM_OF_OBJ2] [--depth DEPTH] [--bin BIN] [--mem]


-h, --help

Show help message and exit


The virtual HCA (host channel adapter, NIC) ID


The first context index to dump (if supported for this segment)


The second context index to dump (if supported for this segment)


The number of objects to be dumped (if supported for this segment). accepts: ["all", "active", number, depends on the capabilities]


The number of objects to be dumped (if supported for this segment). accepts: ["all", "active", number, depends on the capabilities]


The depth of walking through reference segments. 0 stands for flat, 1 allows crawling of a single layer down the struct, etc. "inf" for all


The output to a binary file that replaces the default print in hexadecimal, a readable format

-d, --device

The device name


The segment to dump


Perform the dump through memory (ofed with rdma-core dependency).

Accepts: [ibv device (for example "mlx5_4")]

Examples of how to:

  • Run the dump command:


    # resourcedump dump --device /dev/mst/mt4119_pciconf0 --segment 0x1200 --index1 0x404 --depth 0 Found 10 segments: ------------------------------------------- Segment Type: 0xfffe Segment Size: 16 Bytes Segment Data: 0x0004FFFE 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x101A0111 ------------------------------------------- Segment Type: 0xfffa Segment Size: 20 Bytes Segment Data: 0x0005FFFA 0x12000000 0x00000404 0x00000000 0x00000000 -------------------------------------------

  • Run the Dump command and save it in bin file:


    # resourcedump dump --device /dev/mst/mt4119_pciconf0 --segment 0x1200 --index1 0x404 --depth 0 -–bin segment_1200.bin write to file: segment_1200.bin

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