NVIDIA MLNX_OFED Documentation v5.8- LTS

Checksum Offload

The following Receive IP/L4 Checksum Offload modes are supported.

  • CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY: When this mode is used, the driver indicates to the Linux Networking Stack that the hardware successfully validated the IP and L4 checksum so the Linux Networking Stack does not need to deal with IP/L4 Checksum validation.

  • CHECKSUM_COMPLETE: When this mode is used, the driver still reports to the OS the calculated by hardware checksum value. This allows accelerating checksum validation in Linux Networking Stack, since it does not have to calculate the whole checksum including payload by itself.

  • CHECKSUM_NONE: When this mode is used, the driver indicates to the Linux Networking Stack that it must calculate and validate the IP/L4 checksum.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Dec 28, 2023.