Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.7 Driver Documentation
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.7 Driver Documentation

Changes and New Features





FEC Counters

[ConnectX-4 and above] Exposed Ethtool counters which report FEC (forward error correction) statistics via the 'ethtool -I --show-fec ethX' command.

• fc_fec_corrected_blocks_laneX

• rs_fec_corrected_blocks

• fc_fec_uncorrectable_blocks_laneX

• rs_fec_uncorrectable_blocks

• phy_corrected_bitz

Devlink Health Assets

[ConnectX-4 and above] Added more debug information to the health buffer, like the epoch time in second of the error and the error's severity. The print to dmesg is done with the debug level corresponding to the error's severity. This allows the user to use dmesg attribute: dmesg --level to focus on different severity levels of firmware errors.

CQE vs EQE when in IRQ Mode

[ConnectX-4 and above] Replaced the vendor-specific Ethtool API (priv-flag) with a standard Ethtool API (replaced 'ethtool --set-priv-flags ethX rx_cqe_moder on/off tx_cqe_moder on/off' with 'ethtool -C ethX cqe-mode-rx on/off cqe-mode-tx on/off'). This decreases the amount of vendor-specific configurations and aligns mlx5 driver with the upstream Ethtool API.

VF Group Throttling

[ConnectX-5 and above] Added the option to apply QoS configuration of a single function (VF, SF) or a group of functions using iproute2 devlink command.

VLAN Push on Rx and Pop on TX

[ConnectX-6 Dx and above] Added support in SwitchDev mode to push VLAN on RX (rules on uplink representor) and pop on TX (rules on VF representor). This feature is only supported in Software Steering mode.


[ConnectX-5 and above] Added support for sFlow sampling rules offloads. sFlow is an industry standard technology for monitoring high speed switched networks. Open vSwitch integrated sFlow to extend the visibility into virtual servers, ensuring data center visibility and control.

GRO Offload and Zero Copy TCP

Added support for SHAMPO (Split Header And Merge Payload Offload). This is a new functionality that enables stitching of packets data to unified skb representation in the network stack to reduce per-skb overhead.

General Driver Update

Driver base Upstream Kernel v5.18


General Driver Update

Driver base Upstream Kernel v5.18


General Driver Update

Updated to version rdma-core-41.0-1.el8


General Driver Update

Updated to version mstflint-4.21.0-1.el8


General Driver Update

Updated to version libvma-9.6.4-1.el8


General Driver Update

Updated to version ucx-1.13.0-1.el8

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 4, 2024.