Running NVIDIA SHARP Aggregation Manager (AM) Daemons
As of NVIDIA SHARP version 2.7.0, sharpd daemon no longer exists. sharpd-related activity is now performed from the user-application process instead.
This section describes how to install Aggregation Manager in the fabric using NVIDIA SHARP AM daemon script.
NVIDIA SHARP Aggregation Manager daemon (sharp_am) is executed on a dedicated server along with the Subnet Manager.
Installing Aggregation Manager as a service is required when used from the HPC-X or from MLNX_OFED packages.
In order to install/remove NVIDIA SHARP AM daemons, use script provided with the NVIDIA SHARP package. For example:
Usage: (-s | -r) [-p SHARP location dir] -d
<sharpd | sharp_am> [-m]
-s - Setup SHARP daemon
-r - Remove SHARP daemon
-p - Path to alternative SHARP location dir
-d - Daemon name (sharp_am)
-b - Enable socket based activation of the service
Run the following as root:
# $HPCX_SHARP_DIR/sbin/ -s -d sharp_am
Daemon's log location is: /var/log/sharp_am.log
Set the "run level".
Start sharp_am as root.
# service sharp_am start
To remove sharp_am, run the following on the AM host:
# $HPCX_SHARP_DIR/sbin/ -r -d sharp_am
Upgrading SHARP AM daemons requires their removal and re-registration as instructed in the sections above.