NVIDIA UFM Enterprise Appliance Software User Manual v1.2.1

Command Line Interface (CLI)

UFM Enterprise Appliance is equipped with an industry-standard command line interface (CLI). The CLI is accessed through SSH session or directly through the console port. This page explains how to use the CLI of UFM Enterprise Appliance.

The CLI has the following modes, and each mode makes available a different set of commands for execution. The different CLI configuration modes are:




When the CLI is launched, it begins in Standard mode. This is the most restrictive mode and only has commands to query a restricted set of state information. Users cannot take any actions that directly affect the system, nor can they change any configuration.


The "enable" command moves the user to Enable mode. This mode offers commands to view all state information and take actions like rebooting the system, but it does not allow any configuration to be changed. Its commands are a superset of those in Standard mode. To return to Standard mode, enter "disable" or "exit".


The "configure terminal" command moves the user from Enable mode to Config mode. Config mode is allowed only for user accounts in the "admin" role (or capabilities). This mode has a full unrestricted set of commands to view anything, take any action, or change any configuration. Its commands are a superset of those in Enable mode. To return to Enable mode, enter "exit" or "no configure". Note that moving directly from/to Standard mode to/from Config mode is not possible.

config interface management

Configuration mode for management interfaces

The prompt always begins with the hostname of the system. What follows depends on what command mode the user is in. To demonstrate by example, assuming the machine name is "ufm-enterprise-app", the prompts for each of the modes are:


ufm-enterprise-app > (Standard mode) ufm-enterprise-app # (Enable mode) ufm-enterprise-app (config) # (Config mode)

The following session shows how to move between command modes:


ufm-enterprise-app > (You start in Standard mode) ufm-enterprise-app > enable (Move to Enable mode) ufm-enterprise-app # (You are in Enable mode) ufm-enterprise-app # configure terminal (Move to Config mode) ufm-enterprise-app (config) # (You are in Config mode) ufm-enterprise-app (config) # exit (Exit Config mode) ufm-enterprise-app # (You are back in Enable mode) ufm-enterprise-app # exit (Exit Enable mode) ufm-enterprise-app > (You are back in Standard mode)

Commands entered do not print any response and simply show the command prompt after you press <Enter>.

Several config commands feature a "no" form whose purpose is to reset a parameter value to its inherited or default value, or to disable a configuration.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Sep 5, 2023.