NVIDIA UFM Enterprise Appliance Software User Manual v1.6.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise Appliance Software User Manual v1.6.0

Document Revision History





December 12, 2023

Updated Known Issues in This Release

November 21, 2023

Added instructions on Configuring TACACS+ and Performing AAA and Adding TACACS Users on the Server Side

November 5, 2023

Updated the following sections:

Added Appendix - Software Components Upgrade

Updated the following CLI Commands:

  • show interfaces - Updated the output and added optional argument interface name

  • show ib sharp - Updated the output to reflect the new settings

Added the following CLI commands:

  • In Routing:

    • show {ip | ipv6} route

    • show {ip | ipv6} default-gateway

  • In AAA Methods :

    • aaa authentication login default

    • show aaa

  • In TACACAS+ :

    • tacacs-server

    • tacacs-server host

    • show tacacs

  • In Chassis Management:

    • show files system

    • show resources

  • In UFM License :

    • ufm license install

    • ufm license delete

    • show ufm license

    • show files ufm-license

  • In UFM Configuration Management :

    • ufm configuration delete

    • ufm configuration export

    • ufm configuration fetch

    • ufm configuration import

    • ufm configuration upload

    • show files ufm-configuration

  • High-Availability

    • ufm ha configure

  • In UFM Multi-Port SM:

    • ufm multi-port-sm

    • show ufm multi-port-sm

    • ufm additional-fabric-interfaces

    • show ufm additional-fabric-interfaces

  • HCA Commands

    • ib hca-vl15-window

    • show ib hca-vl15-window


    • ib sharp dump-files-generation enable

    • ib sharp dynamic-tree-allocation enable

    • ib sharp dynamic-tree-algorithm

    • ib sharp ib-qpc-sl <0-15>

    • ib sharp ib-sat-qpc-sl <0-15>

    • ib sharp allocation enable


August 31, 2023

Updated the following sections:


August 10, 2023

Updated the following sections:

Added the following sections:

Added the following CLI commands:

August 24, 2023

Added step 4 to UFM Enterprise Appliance In-Service Upgrade


June 20, 2023

Updated the following sections:


June 5, 2023

Updated the following sections:

Updated the following CLI commands:

Added the following command:


May 18, 2023

Updated the following sections:

Added the following CLI Commands:


May 5, 2023

Updated the following sections:

Added the following sections:

Added the following CLI Commands:

  • General

    • show ufm status

  • System Management

    • show hosts

    • show version

  • OpenSM:

    • show ib sm allow-both-pkeys

    • ib sm allow-both-pkeys

    • show ib sm keep-pkey-indexes

    • ib sm keep-pkey-indexes

    • show ib sm virtualization

    • ib sm virtualization enable

    • ib sm virtualization ignore

    • show ib sm root-guid

    • ib sm root-guid

    • show ib sm routing-engines

    • ib sm routing-engines

    • show ib sm ar-sl-mask

    • ib sm ar-sl-mask

    • show ib sm configuration import

    • ib sm partition-config-merge

  • Partition:

    • show ib partition

    • ib partition management defmember

  • SHARP Aggregation Manager

    • ib sharp enable

    • ib sharp smx-protocol

    • ib sharp topology-api enable

    • show ib sharp

  • SHARP Configuration in OpenSM

    • ib sm sharp enable

    • ib sm sharp ignore

    • show ib sm sharp

  • High-Availability

    • ufm ha configure dual-subnet

  • Management Interface Monitoring

    • show ufm mgmt-interface

    • ufm mgmt-interface monitor interval

    • ufm mgmt-interface

    • ufm mgmt-interface monitor enable

  • UFM Logs:

    • show ufm logging

    • ufm logging syslog enable

    • ufm logging syslog

    • ufm logging syslog enable

    • ufm logging syslog ufm-events enable

    • ufm logging level

  • UFM Web Client:

    • ufm web-client mode

    • ufm web-client associate-user

    • show ufm web-client

    • ufm web-client client-authentication cert-refresh enable

    • ufm web-client client-authentication cert-refresh ca-cert

    • ufm web-client client-authentication cert-refresh server-cert

    • ufm web-client client-authentication cert-refresh run-now

  • UFM Audit:

    • ufm track-conf-changes enable

    • show ufm track-conf-changes

May 15, 2023

Added Upgrading UFM Enterprise Appliance CLI Package


Feb 19, 2023


Mar 16, 2023

Updated Changes and New Features - Added MFT package integration details


Feb 6, 2023

Updated the following sections:

Added the following sections:

Feb 6, 2023


Dec 1, 2022

Updated the following sections:

Dec 19, 2022



Nov 21, 2022

Updated the following sections:

Added the following section:


Jul 31, 2022

Updated the following sections:

Added the following section:

Oct 23, 2022

Update the following sections:

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Dec 13, 2023.