NVIDIA UFM Enterprise Appliance Software User Manual v1.8.2
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise Appliance Software User Manual v1.8.2

UFM Enterprise Appliance Upgrade


Upgrading the UFM Enterprise Appliance is supported up to two previous GA software versions (GA -1 or GA -2).
For example, if you wish to upgrade to UFM Enterprise Appliance v1.8.0, it is possible to do so only from UFM Enterprise v1.7.0 or v1.6.1.


This is the recommended upgrade procedure, which involves upgrading all UFM Enterprise appliance software components and operating system. For additional upgrade procedures of specific software components, please refer to Appendix - Software Components Upgrade.

As of UFM Enterprise Appliance version 1.5.0, upgrading the appliance on HA supports an in-service upgrade, meaning UFM can continue running during the steps of the upgrade, and there is no need to stop UFM before the upgrade.

The upgrade is performed on both Master and Standby nodes.

To upgrade the UFM Enterprise Appliance software:

  1. On the standby server, extract the OMU image to the /tmp folder:


    tar -xzf ufm-appliance-<version>-omu.tar -C /tmp

  2. On the standby server, access the installation folder and upgrade script:


    standby# cd /tmp/ufm-appliance-<version>-omu

  3. Run the UFM upgrade script on the standby server:


    ./ufm-os-upgrade.sh --yes --reboot

  4. After the reboot procedure is complete, a systemd service (ufm-os-firstboot.service) runs the remainder of the upgrade procedure. Once completed, a message is prompted to all open terminals including the status:
    "UFM-OS-FIRSTBOOT-FAILURE" - if installation is failed.
    "UFM-OS-FIRSTBOOT-SUCCESS" - if installation succeeded.


    To manually check the status, run systemctl status ufm-os-firstboot.service. If it is already finished, an error message is prompted stating that there is no such service. In that case, the log /var/log/ufm-os-firstboot.log can be checked instead.


    systemctl status ufm-os-firstboot.service




    Do NOT proceed to the next step before ensuring that the systemctl status ufm-os-firstboot.service service has been completed.

  5. After the completion of the upgrade script, the UFM code is upgraded, while the UFM data remains unchanged. The automatic upgrade of UFM data will take place during the next UFM startup. To initiate this process, execute a failover from the Master node (or perform a takeover from the Standby node).


    master# ufm_ha_cluster failover


    The upgrade script logs the data to /var/log/ufm_os_upgrade_<UFM-OS version>.log and outputs simultaneously it to the screen. In case of an issue, UFM data can be restored to factory default. For more information, refer to Appendix - UFM Factory Reset.

  6. Once UFM is operational on the upgraded node (formerly the standby node), proceed to replicate steps 1 to 3 on the non-upgraded node (previously the master node).

Alternatively, in-service upgrade can be performed via the CLI. The upgrade is performed on both Master and Standby nodes.

Follow the below instructions:

  1. On the Standby node, fetch the new image from a remote server. Run:


    ufmapl (config) # image fetch <download URL>

  2. On the Standby node, install the new image. Run:


    ufmapl (config) # image install <image name>

  3. Reload the Standby UFM Enterprise Appliance. Run:


    ufmapl (config) # reload

  4. After the completion of the upgrade on the Standby node, the UFM code is upgraded, while the UFM data remains unchanged. The automatic upgrade of UFM data will take place during the next UFM startup. To initiate this process, execute a failover from the Master node. Once the Standby node is up and running, perform a failover on the Master node. Run:


    ufmapl (config) # ufm ha failover

  5. Once UFM is operational on the upgraded node (formerly the standby node), proceed to replicate steps 1 to 3 on the non-upgraded node (previously the Master node).

© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 24, 2024.