Appendix - Migrating UFM-SDN Appliance Data to UFM Enterprise Appliance
This procedure is based on the UFM data backup/restore mechanism and will be performed via CLI commands.
Minimum UFM Enterprise Appliance version: 1.9.0
Minimum UFM tools plugin version: 1.0.0-6
Follow the instructions to backup UFM data on UFM-SDN Appliance:
[On Master] Backup the UFM data to a ZIP file. Run:
ufm data backup ufm2-backup-<site name>.zip
[On Master] Upload the UFM Data (ZIP file) to a remote server
ufm data upload ufm2-backup-<site name>.zip scp:
The following actions need to be performed prior to UFM data restoration,
Connect the appliances to the fabric and set initial network configuration (e.g., IP addresses, default gateway, hostname, DNS, NTP, etc…) via a serial console or a remote console.
Configure the appliances to run in HA (High-Availability) mode.
Load any UFM plugin Docker image that was deployed on the UFM-SDN Appliance cluster. The UFM plugins’ configuration will be restored as part of the UFM data restore.
[On Master and Standby] Fetch the image from a remote server
image fetch scp:
[On Master and Standby] Load the Docker image
docker load <ufm plugin image>
[On Master] Fetch the UFM Data backup (ZIP file) from the remote server:
ufm data fetch scp:
//username:password@hostname/path/to/ufm2-backup-<site name>.zip
[On Mater] Restore the UFM Data from the ZIP file:
ufm data restore ufm2-backup-<site name>.zip [with-upgrade]
NoteNote: The command argument “with-upgrade” is needed if the UFM version on UFM Enterprise Appliance is newer than the one on UFM-SDN Appliance. As a result, the UFM data is upgraded.
Once UFM data migration is completed successfully, some settings need to be modified via the NVP tool, to align with the UFM Enterprise Appliance. Stop the UFM-SDN Appliance and start the UFM Enterprise Appliance.
Load the Tools (NVP) plugin Docker image which is needed for post-restore configuration changes. Once it was loaded, add it to UFM
[On Master and Standby] Fetch the image from a remote server
image fetch scp:
[On Master and Standby] Load the Docker image:
docker load ufm-plugin-tools_<version>-docker.img.gz
[On Master] Add the Tools plugin to UFM:
ufm plugin tools add tag <version>
[On master] Disable the Tools plugin (since it is not a daemon):
no ufm plugin tools enable
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] Set the “fabric_interface” to ib0 (bond0 in UFM-SDN Appliance)
nvp set gv.cfg Server.fabric_interface ib0
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] Set the “mgmt_interface” and “ufma_interfaces” to eno8303 (it was eth0 in UFM-SDN Appliance)
nvp set gv.cfg Server.mgmt_interface eno8303 nvp set gv.cfg Server.ufma_interfaces eno8303
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] If “multi_port_sm” is set to “HA Enabled”, set the “additional_fabric_interfaces” to ib1 (not set in UFM-SDN Appliance since it used a bonded interface)
show ufm multi-port-sm nvp set gv.cfg Server.additional_fabric_interfaces ib1
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] If Management Interface Monitoring is enabled and the required interval is different from the default of 10 seconds, set the management interface monitoring interval accordingly:
nvp set UFMHealthConfiguration.xml
<interval>[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] Verify that the InfiniBand interfaces on the appliances are up and connected to the same InfiniBand fabric:
ib ibstat ib sminfo
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] Apply the configuration changes:
nvp apply force no-restart
NoteNote: The “no-restart” option applies the changes without restarting UFM, which is not needed since UFM is not running on the UFM Enterprise Appliance.
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] Set the UFM Enterprise Appliance HA nodes:
ufm ha-nodes <master hostname> <standby hostname>
[On UFM-SDN Appliance Master] Stop UFM:
no ufm start
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] Start UFM:
ufm start
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] Verify that UFM is up and running:
show ufm status
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master] If Client Certificate Authentication is enabled, replace the association of the SAN with “ufmsysadmin” user to “admin” user and remove the “ufmsysadmin” user via UFM REST API:
no ufm web-client associate-user <SAN> ufm web-client associate-user <SAN> admin
From the shell:
curl -X DELETE https:
[On UFM Enterprise Appliance Master and Standby] collect a system dump and upload it to a remote server:
debug generate dump file debug-dump upload latest scp: