Upgrading UFM Software
After UFM installation, UFM detects existing UFM versions previously installed on the machine and prompts you to run a clean install of the new version or to upgrade. We recommend backing up the UFM configuration before upgrading the UFM as specified in the section UFM Database and Configuration File Backup.
Upgrading the UFM Enterprise software version is supported up to two previous GA software versions (GA -1 or GA -2).
For example, if you wish to upgrade to UFM Enterprise v6.11.0, it is possible to do so only from UFM Enterprise v6.9.0 or v6.10.0.
You can upgrade the UFM standalone server software for InfiniBand from the previous UFM version.
To upgrade the UFM server software:
Create a temporary directory (for example /tmp/ufm).
Open the UFM software zip file that you downloaded. The zip file contains the following installation files for:
RedHat 7/CentOS 7/OEL 7: ufm-X.X -XXX.el7.x86_64.tgz
RedHat 8/CentOS 8/OEL 8: ufm-X.X -XXX.el8.x86_64.tgz
Ubuntu 18.04: ufm-X.X -XXX.ubuntu18.x86_64.tgz
Ubuntu 20.04: ufm-X.X -XXX.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
Extract the installation file for your system's OS to the temporary directory that you created.
Stop the UFM server. Run:
/etc/init.d/ufmd stop
From within the temporary directory, run the following command as root:
WarningA configuration backup file will be created in the running directory (e.g. /tmp/ufm). The backup file name is ufm_X.X.X_bkp.zip (X.X.X is the previous version).
Upgrade from the previous version: the existing UFM data and configuration are preserved.
In case upgrade.sh script stops before completion (e.g. missing prerequisite), the upgrade procedure can be resumed by fixing the issue (e.g. installing missing prerequisite) and rerunning ./upgrade.sh again.
Restart the UFM server. Run:
systemctl start ufm-enterprise.service
Warning/etc/init.d/ufmd start - Available for backward compatibility.
After the upgrade, remove the temporary directory
HA mechanisms have changed starting from UFM Enterprise v6.10.0. To upgrade from older UFM Enterprise versions (v6.9.0 and older), use the following upgrade procedure.
Follow the relevant instructions depending on your current UFM Enterprise version:
Upgrade from UFM Enterprise versions up to 6.9.X including
Instructions on Upgrading UFM HA from UFM Enterprise v6.9.0 (with old HA) to v6.10.0 or v6.11.0 (with NEW HA)
Prior to upgrading, perform cleanup of the yum cache on both master and standby nodes.
yum clean all
On CentOS7/RedHat7, check if there are any leftovers of the UFM inside the yum cache on both master and standby nodes.
find /var/cache/yum/ -name
/var/cache/yum/x86_64/7Server/UFMIf there are UFM leftovers, remove them by running:
rm -rf /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7Server/UFM
On the master node, open the UFM software zip file that you downloaded. The zip file contains the following installation files:
RedHat 7/CentOS 7/OEL 7: ufm-X.X -XXX.el7.x86_64.mofed5.tgz
RedHat 8/CentOS 8/OEL 8: ufm-X.X -XXX.el8.x86_64.mofed5.tgz
On the master node, change the dir location to a temporary directory. Run:
cd /tmp
On the master node, extract the installation file for your system's OS to a temporary directory.
tar zxvf ufm-X.X -XXX.el7.x86_64.mofed5.tgz
On the master node, change directory to the installation folder:
cd ufm-X.X -XXX.el7.x86_64.mofed5/
On the master node, run upgrade.sh:
On the standby node, if the UFM is not removed in the previous step, remove UFM from the standby node:
On the standby node, deploy the new UFM package by following steps 3 to 5.
On the standby node, install UFM as SA:
At this point, you have UFM installed on both servers in SA (Stand Alone) Mode. Note that the previous UFM configuration files are located only on the master node.
WarningThe backup of previous UFM configuration is located on the master node at /tmp/ufm-X.X -XXX.el7.x86_64.mofed5/ufm_<previous_version_number>_bkp.zip.
For example: /tmp/ufm-X.X -XXX.el7.x86_64.mofed5/ufm_6.9.1_bkp.zip
It is recommended to copy the backup to a safe location.To perform UFM HA installation, configuration and startup, refer to Installing UFM Server Software for High Availability - follow step 2 and onwards.
Upgrade from UFM Enterprise versions from to 6.10.0 and up
You can upgrade the UFM server HA software for InfiniBand from the previous release. The upgrade is performed on both servers.
To upgrade the UFM server software:
Stop UFM HA cluster
ufm_ha_cluster stop
Open the UFM software zip file that you downloaded. The zip file contains the following installation files:
RedHat 7/CentOS 7/OEL 7: ufm-X.X -XXX.el7.x86_64.tgz
RedHat 8/CentOS 8/OEL 8: ufm-X.X -XXX.el8.x86_64.tgz
Extract the installation file for your system's OS to a temporary directory.
From the installation folder, run the following command:
Install the latest UFM HA package. Follow steps 3-5 in Installing UFM Server Software for High Availability.
ImportantThere is no need to configure the UFM HA package after the installation procedure.
After the upgrade, start the UFM HA cluster. Run:
ufm_ha_cluster start
You can upgrade the UFM server HA software for InfiniBand from the previous release. The upgrade is performed on both servers.
To upgrade the UFM server software:
Stop UFM HA cluster:
master# ufm_ha_cluster stop
Extract the new UFM package:
master# tar -xzf ufm-
.ubuntu18.mofed5.tgzEnter to the installation folder:
master# cd /tmp/ufm-
.ubuntu18.mofed5Run the below command to backup the previous UFM version:
master# ./ufm_backup.sh
Move the generated backup file into a temporary folder:
master# mv ufm_6.
.1_bkp.zip /tmp/Run the following command to cleanup the UFM HA cluster on the master node:
master# ufm_ha_cluster cleanup
Run the following command to cleanup the UFM HA cluster on the standby node:
slave# ufm_ha_cluster cleanup
On the master node, remove the UFM HA indicator file:
master# rm -rf /opt/ufm/files/config_ha /opt/ufm/indicators/ufm_ha||
On the standby node, remove the UFM HA indicator file:
slave# rm -rf /opt/ufm/files/config_ha /opt/ufm/indicators/ufm_ha ||
On the master node, run the following upgrade command
master# cd /tmp/ufm-
.ubuntu18.mofed5 && ./upgrade.shWait until the upgrade procedure on the master node is done.
On the standby node, run the following upgrade command:
slave# cd /tmp/ufm-
.ubuntu18.mofed5 && ./upgrade.shOn the master node, run the following command to restore the backup file of the previous version.
master# /opt/ufm/scripts/ufm_restore.sh -f /tmp/ufm_6.
.1_bkp.zip -uOn the master node, configure UFM HA. Run:
master# configure_ha_nodes.sh --cluster-password
--main-hostname swx-ci-29
enp5s0f0 --standby-hostname swx-ci-30
enp5s0f0 --virtual-ip10.209
Run the following to check the UFM HA cluster status:
# ufm_ha_cluster status
The UFM should be up and running in HA configuration.