NVIDIA UFM Enterprise Quick Start Guide v6.16.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise Quick Start Guide v6.16.0

Installing UFM Docker Container Mode

  • MLNX_OFED must be installed on the server that will run UFM Docker

  • For UFM to work, you must have an InfiniBand port configured with an IP address and in "up" state.


    For InfiniBand support, please refer to NVIDIA Inbox Drivers , or MLNX_OFED guides.

  • Make sure to stop the following services before running UFM Docker container, as it utilizes the same default ports that they do: Pacemaker, httpd, OpenSM, and Carbon.

  • If firewall is running on the host, please make sure to add an allow rule for UFM used ports (listed below):


    If the default ports used by UFM are changed in UFM configuration files, make sure to open the modified ports on the host firewall.

    • 80 (TCP) and 443 (TPC) are used by WS clients (Apache Web Server)

    • 8000 (UDP) is used by the UFM server to listen for REST API requests (redirected by Apache web server)

    • 6306 (UDP) is used for multicast request communication with the latest UFM Agents

    • 8005 (UDP) is used as a UFM monitoring listening port

    • 8888 (TCP) is used by DRBD to communicate between the UFM Primary and Standby servers

    • 2022 (TCP) is used for SSH

  • Supported versions for upgrade are UFM v.6.10.0 and above.

  • UFM files directory from previous container version mounted on the host.

To load the UFM docker image, pull the latest image from docker hub:


docker pull mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest


You can see full usage screen for ufm-installation by running the container with -h or -help flag:


docker run --rm mellanox/ufm-enterprise-installer:latest -h

If an Internet connection is not available, perform the following:

  • Copy the UFM image to your machine.

  • Load the image from the file using this command:


    docker image load -i <image-path>

Installation Command Usage


docker run -it --name=ufm_installer --rm \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v /etc/systemd/system/:/etc/systemd_files/ \ -v /opt/ufm/files/:/installation/ufm_files/ \ -v [LICENSE_DIRECTORY]:/installation/ufm_licenses/ \ mellanox/ufm-enterprise:latest \ --install [OPTIONS]

Modify the variables in the installation command as follows:

  • [UFM_LICENSES_DIR]: UFM license file or files location.


    Example: If your license file or files are located under /downloads/ufm_license_files/ then you must set this volume to be -v /downloads/ufm_license_files/:/installation/ufm_licenses/

  • [OPTIONS]: UFM installation options. For more details see the table below.

Command Options



Default Value

-f | --fabric-interface

IB fabric interface name.


-g | --mgmt-interface

Management interface name.


-h | --help

Show help


-m | --multisubnet-consumer

UFM Multisubnet Consumer mode


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