Upgrading UFM on Bare Metal Server
You can upgrade the UFM standalone server software for InfiniBand from the previous UFM version.
To upgrade the UFM server software:
Create a temporary directory (for example /tmp/ufm).
Open the UFM software zip file that you downloaded. The zip file contains the following installation files for:
RedHat 7/CentOS 7/OEL 7: ufm-X.X -XXX.el7.x86_64.tgz
RedHat 8/CentOS 8/OEL 8: ufm-X.X -XXX.el8.x86_64.tgz
Ubuntu 18.04: ufm-X.X -XXX.ubuntu18.x86_64.tgz
Ubuntu 20.04: ufm-X.X -XXX.ubuntu20.x86_64.tgz
Ubuntu 22.04: ufm-X.X-XXX.ubuntu22.x86_64.tgz
Extract the installation file for your system's OS to the temporary directory that you created.
Stop the UFM server. Run:
systemctl stop ufm-enterprise
From within the temporary directory, run the following command as root:
WarningA configuration backup ZIP file will be created in the running directory (e.g. /tmp/ufm). The backup file name is ufm_X.X.X_bkp.zip (X.X.X is the previous version).
Upgrade from the previous version: the existing UFM data and configuration are preserved.
In case upgrade.sh script stops before completion (e.g. missing prerequisite), the upgrade procedure can be resumed by fixing the issue (e.g. installing missing prerequisite) and rerunning ./upgrade.sh again.
Restart the UFM server. Run:
systemctl start ufm-enterprise.service
Warning/etc/init.d/ufmd start - Available for backward compatibility.
After the upgrade, remove the temporary directory
As of UFM version 6.14.0, UFM upgrade on HA supports in-service upgrade, meaning UFM can continue running during the steps of the upgrade, and there is no need to stop UFM before the upgrade (although this is also supported).
You can upgrade the UFM server HA software for InfiniBand from the previous release. The upgrade is performed on both servers.
To upgrade the UFM server software:
On the standby server, extract the new UFM Enterprise package to the /tmp folder:
tar -xzf ufm-X.X.X-XXXXX.tgz -C /tmp
On the standby server, enter to the installation folder and upgrade script:
standby# cd /tmp/ ufm-X.X.X-X.<OS_NAME>.x86_64.mofed5/
Run the UFM upgrade script on the standby server:
After the completion of the upgrade script, the UFM code will undergo an upgrade, while the UFM data will remain unchanged. The automatic upgrade of UFM data will take place during the next startup of UFM. To initiate this process, execute a failover from the Master node (or perform a takeover from the Standby node).
master# ufm_ha_cluster failover
WarningUFM will log the data upgrade to the syslog of the server, in case of issue a backup of the UFM data is saved prior to the upgrade in /opt/ufm/BACKUP directory and can be restored. For more information, refer to Appendix – Restoring UFM Data.
Once UFM is operational on the upgraded node (formerly the standby node), proceed to replicate steps 1 to 3 on the non-upgraded node (previously the master node).
On both servers, download latest UFM-HA package
wget https:
On both servers, extract HA package under /tmp/ and enter the new directory.
On both servers, run the upgrade command for the HA package:
./install.sh --upgrade
Configure HA. There are two methods:
Configure HA with SSH Trust - Requires passwordless SSH connection between the servers.
Configure HA without SSH Trust - Does not require passwordless SSH connection between the servers, but asks you to run configuration commands on both servers.
Configure HA with SSH Trust
On the master server only, configure the HA nodes. To do so, from /tmp, run the configure_ha_nodes.sh command as shown in the below example
configure_ha_nodes.sh --cluster-password
\ --local-primary-ip10.10
\ --peer-primary-ip10.10
\ --local-secondary-ip192.168
\ --peer-secondary-ip192.168
\ --no-vipWarningThe script configure_ha_nodes.sh is is located under /usr/local/bin/, therefore, by default, you do not need to use the full path to run it.
WarningThe --cluster-password must be at least 8 characters long.
WarningTo set up a Virtual IP for UFM and gain access to UFM through this IP, regardless of which server is running UFM, you may employ the --no-vip OR --virtual-ip command and provide an IP address as an argument. This can be achieved by navigating to https://<Virtual-IP>/ufm on your web browser.
WarningWhen using back-to-back ports with local IP addresses for HA sync interfaces, ensure that you add your IP addresses and hostnames to the /etc/hosts file. This is needed to allow the HA configuration to resolve hostnames correctly based on the IP addresses you are using.
Warningconfigure_ha_nodes.sh requires SSH connection to the standby server. If SSH trust is not configured, then you are prompted to enter the SSH password of the standby server during configuration runtime
Depending on the size of your partition, wait for the configuration process to complete and DRBD sync to finish.
Configure HA without SSH Trust
If you cannot establish an SSH trust between your HA servers, you can use ufm_ha_cluster directly to configure HA. To configure HA, follow the below instructions:
WarningPlease change the variables in the commands below based on your setup.
[On Standby Server] Run the following command to configure Standby Server:
ufm_ha_cluster config -r standby \ --local-primary-ip
\ --peer-primary-ip10.10
\ --local-secondary-ip192.168
\ --peer-secondary-ip192.168
\ --hacluster-pwd123456789
\ --no-vip[On Master Server] Run the following command to configure Master Server:
ufm_ha_cluster config -r master --local-primary-ip
\ --peer-primary-ip10.10
\ --local-secondary-ip192.168
\ --peer-secondary-ip192.168
\ --hacluster-pwd123456789
\ --no-vip
You must wait until after configuration for DRBD sync to finish depending on the size of your partition.