NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.12.1


Description – returns information about all ports in the fabric, ports of a specific system, or all active and external ports in the fabric

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/ports

  • Main Operations

    • Get all ports

    • Get port/s by name

    • Get all ports of a system

    • Get all active ports

    • Get all external ports

  • Description – lists all ports in the fabric

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/ports

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response – Get all ports by system type (/ufmRest/resources/ports?sys_type=Switch).


    [ { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 33, "external_number": 33, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default \/ Switch: r-dmz-ufm-sw49 \/ NA \/ 33", "tier": 4, "lid": 8, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 4096, "peer_port_dname": "HCA-1\/1", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "FDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "dname": "33", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm131", "peer": "0c42a103008b3bd0_1", "peer_node_guid": "0c42a103008b3bd0", "systemID": "0002c903007b78b0", "node_description": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49:33", "name": "0002c903007b78b0_33", "module": "N\/A", "peer_lid": 9, "peer_guid": "0c42a103008b3bd0", "peer_node_description": "r-dmz-ufm131 HCA-1", "guid": "0002c903007b78b0" }, { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 30, "external_number": 30, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default \/ Switch: r-dmz-ufm-sw49 \/ NA \/ 30", "tier": 4, "lid": 8, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 4096, "peer_port_dname": "HCA-1\/2", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "FDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "dname": "30", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm137", "peer": "248a0703002e61db_2", "peer_node_guid": "248a0703002e61da", "systemID": "0002c903007b78b0", "node_description": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49:30", "name": "0002c903007b78b0_30", "module": "N\/A", "peer_lid": 16, "peer_guid": "248a0703002e61db", "peer_node_description": "r-dmz-ufm137 mlx5_1", "guid": "0002c903007b78b0" }, { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 23, "external_number": 23, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default \/ Switch: r-ufm-sw95 \/ NA \/ 23", "tier": 4, "lid": 18, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 4096, "peer_port_dname": "HCA-1\/1", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "EDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "EDR", "HDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "EDR", "HDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "2x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "2x", "4x" ], "dname": "23", "peer_node_name": "r-dcs96", "peer": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_1", "peer_node_guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a", "systemID": "b8599f0300fc6de4", "node_description": "r-ufm-sw95:23", "name": "b8599f0300fc6de4_23", "module": "N\/A", "peer_lid": 6, "peer_guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a", "peer_node_description": "r-dcs96 HCA-1", "guid": "b8599f0300fc6de4" }, { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 28, "external_number": 28, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default \/ Switch: r-dmz-ufm-sw49 \/ NA \/ 28", "tier": 2, "lid": 8, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 4096, "peer_port_dname": "29", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "FDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "dname": "28", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_29", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "systemID": "0002c903007b78b0", "node_description": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49:28", "name": "0002c903007b78b0_28", "module": "N\/A", "peer_lid": 8, "peer_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "peer_node_description": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49:29", "guid": "0002c903007b78b0" }...

  • Response with brief flag (/ufmRest/resources/ports?brief=true&active=true&page_number=1&rpp=10&sorting=system_name[asc],dname[asc])


    { "total_resources": 30, "filtered_resources": 28, "num_of_pages": 3, "first_index": 1, "last_index": 10, "data": [ { "system_name": "r-dcs96", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "lid": 6, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable" ], "mtu": 4096, "peer_port_dname": "23", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "EDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "r-ufm-sw95", "peer": "b8599f0300fc6de4_23", "peer_node_guid": "b8599f0300fc6de4", "systemID": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a", "node_description": "r-dcs96 HCA-1", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_1", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 18, "peer_guid": "b8599f0300fc6de4", "peer_node_description": "r-ufm-sw95:23", "guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a", "system_capabilities": [ "fw_inband_upgrade" ], "system_mirroring_template": false }, { "system_name": "r-dcs96", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "lid": 3, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable" ], "mtu": 4096, "peer_port_dname": "24", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "EDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "r-ufm-sw95", "peer": "b8599f0300fc6de4_24", "peer_node_guid": "b8599f0300fc6de4", "systemID": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a", "node_description": "r-dcs96 HCA-2", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0b_2", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 18, "peer_guid": "b8599f0300fc6de4", "peer_node_description": "r-ufm-sw95:24", "guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0b", "system_capabilities": [ "fw_inband_upgrade" ], "system_mirroring_template": false }, { "system_name": "r-dcs96", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "lid": 11, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable" ], "mtu": 4096, "peer_port_dname": "19", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "FDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "dname": "HCA-2/1", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_19", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "systemID": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a", "node_description": "r-dcs96 HCA-3", "name": "b8599f03000a77d0_1", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 8, "peer_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "peer_node_description": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49:19", "guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "system_capabilities": [ "fw_inband_upgrade" ], "system_mirroring_template": false }...

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – get specific port/s using their names

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/ports/<port-name1>,<port-name2>,…

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "peer_lid": 6, "number": 9, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c9030021f972_2", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "HCA-1/2", "guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "peer_node_guid": "0002c9030021f970", "lid": 11, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Switch IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "0002c903007b78b0", "tier": 4, "path": "default / Switch: r-dmz-ufm-sw49 / NA / 9", "name": "0002c903007b78b0_9", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "9", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm134", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 9 }, { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_20", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "20", "guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0b", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 4, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0b_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 } ]

  • Code Status

    • 200 – OK

    • 404 – NOT FOUND—port not found (by name)

  • Description – lists all ports of a specific system

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/ports?system=<system-name>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_20", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "20", "guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0b", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 4, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0b_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_20", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "20", "guid": "b8599f03000a77d1", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 15, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-2/2", "name": "b8599f03000a77d1_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-2/2", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_19", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "19", "guid": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 3, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-1/1", "name": "ec0d9a03007d7d0a_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 }, { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_19", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "19", "guid": "b8599f03000a77d0", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 14, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "b8599f03000a77d0", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dcs96 / NA / HCA-2/1", "name": "b8599f03000a77d0_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-2/1", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 } ]

  • Code Status

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – lists all active ports of a specific system, or for all systems

  • Request URL
    GET /ufmRest/resources/ports?active=<'true'/'True'/'TRUE'/'t'/'T'>
    GET /ufmRest/resources/ports?system=<system-name>&active=<'true'/'True'/'TRUE'/'t'/'T'>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_9", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "9", "guid": "0002c9030021f972", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 6, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "0002c9030021f970", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm134 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "0002c9030021f972_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_8", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "8", "guid": "0002c9030021f971", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 1, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "0002c9030021f970", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm134 / NA / HCA-1/1", "name": "0002c9030021f971_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 }, { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_32", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "32", "guid": "248a0703002e6293", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 10, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "248a0703002e6292", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm139 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "248a0703002e6293_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_31", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "31", "guid": "248a0703002e6292", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 9, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "248a0703002e6292", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm139 / NA / HCA-1/1", "name": "248a0703002e6292_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 }, ...

  • Code Status

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – lists all external ports of a specific system, or for all systems

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/ports?external=<'true'/'True'/'TRUE'/'t'/'T'>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_9", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "9", "guid": "0002c9030021f972", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 6, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "0002c9030021f970", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm134 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "0002c9030021f972_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 11, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "0002c903007b78b0_8", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "8", "guid": "0002c9030021f971", "peer_node_guid": "0002c903007b78b0", "lid": 1, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [], "active_speed": "14.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps" ], "systemID": "0002c9030021f970", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm134 / NA / HCA-1/1", "name": "0002c9030021f971_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "r-dmz-ufm-sw49", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 }, { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 2, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_32", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "32", "guid": "248a0703002e6293", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 10, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" "systemID": "248a0703002e6292", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm139 / NA / HCA-1/2", "name": "248a0703002e6293_2", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/2", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 2 }, { "peer_lid": 18, "number": 1, "module": "N/A", "physical_state": "Link Up", "peer": "248a070300f88fe0_31", "enabled_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" ], "mirror": "disable", "peer_port_dname": "31", "guid": "248a0703002e6292", "peer_node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0", "lid": 9, "severity": "Info", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "reset", "healthy_operations", "disable" ], "active_speed": "25.0 Gbps", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "description": "Computer IB Port", "supported_speed": [ "2.5 Gbps", "5.0 Gbps", "10.0 Gbps", "14.0 Gbps", "25.0 Gbps" "systemID": "248a0703002e6292", "tier": 1, "path": "default / Computer: r-dmz-ufm139 / NA / HCA-1/1", "name": "248a0703002e6292_1", "active_width": "4x", "dname": "HCA-1/1", "peer_node_name": "switch-ec4034", "mtu": 4096, "external_number": 1 }, ...

  • Code Status

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – lists all high BER ports

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/ports?high_ber_only=true

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 1, "external_number": 1, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default(1) / Switch: mantaray177 / MCS8500 L10 10 / 1 / 1", "tier": 3, "high_ber_severity": "Critical", "lid": 42365, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 2048, "peer_port_dname": "L10/U2/19", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "HDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR", "NDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "12x" ], "dname": "L10/U1/1", "peer_node_name": "mantaray177", "peer": "98039b0300a2b814_19", "peer_node_guid": "b8599f0300065d16", "systemID": "b8599f0300065d16", "node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U1/1", "name": "98039b0300a2b804_1", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 42368, "peer_guid": "98039b0300a2b814", "peer_node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U2/19", "guid": "98039b0300a2b804", "system_name": "mantaray177", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "system_capabilities": [ "burn_cables_transceivers" ], "system_mirroring_template": false }, { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 3, "external_number": 3, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default(1) / Switch: mantaray177 / MCS8500 L10 10 / 1 / 3", "tier": 3, "high_ber_severity": "Critical", "lid": 42365, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 2048, "peer_port_dname": "L10/U2/17", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "HDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR", "NDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "12x" ], "dname": "L10/U1/3", "peer_node_name": "mantaray177", "peer": "98039b0300a2b814_17", "peer_node_guid": "b8599f0300065d16", "systemID": "b8599f0300065d16", "node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U1/3", "name": "98039b0300a2b804_3", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 42368, "peer_guid": "98039b0300a2b814", "peer_node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U2/17", "guid": "98039b0300a2b804", "system_name": "mantaray177", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "system_capabilities": [ "burn_cables_transceivers" ], "system_mirroring_template": false }, { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 4, "external_number": 4, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default(1) / Switch: mantaray177 / MCS8500 L10 10 / 1 / 4", "tier": 3, "high_ber_severity": "Critical", "lid": 42365, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 2048, "peer_port_dname": "L10/U2/18", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "HDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR", "NDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "12x" ], "dname": "L10/U1/4", "peer_node_name": "mantaray177", "peer": "98039b0300a2b814_18", "peer_node_guid": "b8599f0300065d16", "systemID": "b8599f0300065d16", "node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U1/4", "name": "98039b0300a2b804_4", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 42368, "peer_guid": "98039b0300a2b814", "peer_node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U2/18", "guid": "98039b0300a2b804", "system_name": "mantaray177", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "system_capabilities": [ "burn_cables_transceivers" ], "system_mirroring_template": false } ]

  • Description – lists high BER ports based on severity (warning or error)

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/resources/ports?high_ber_only=true&high_ber_severity=error

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 1, "external_number": 1, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default(1) / Switch: mantaray177 / MCS8500 L10 10 / 1 / 1", "tier": 3, "high_ber_severity": "Critical", "lid": 42365, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 2048, "peer_port_dname": "L10/U2/19", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "HDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR", "NDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "12x" ], "dname": "L10/U1/1", "peer_node_name": "mantaray177", "peer": "98039b0300a2b814_19", "peer_node_guid": "b8599f0300065d16", "systemID": "b8599f0300065d16", "node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U1/1", "name": "98039b0300a2b804_1", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 42368, "peer_guid": "98039b0300a2b814", "peer_node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U2/19", "guid": "98039b0300a2b804", "system_name": "mantaray177", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "system_capabilities": [ "burn_cables_transceivers" ], "system_mirroring_template": false }, { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 3, "external_number": 3, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default(1) / Switch: mantaray177 / MCS8500 L10 10 / 1 / 3", "tier": 3, "high_ber_severity": "Critical", "lid": 42365, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 2048, "peer_port_dname": "L10/U2/17", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "HDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR", "NDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "12x" ], "dname": "L10/U1/3", "peer_node_name": "mantaray177", "peer": "98039b0300a2b814_17", "peer_node_guid": "b8599f0300065d16", "systemID": "b8599f0300065d16", "node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U1/3", "name": "98039b0300a2b804_3", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 42368, "peer_guid": "98039b0300a2b814", "peer_node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U2/17", "guid": "98039b0300a2b804", "system_name": "mantaray177", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "system_capabilities": [ "burn_cables_transceivers" ], "system_mirroring_template": false }, { "description": "Switch IB Port", "number": 4, "external_number": 4, "physical_state": "Link Up", "path": "default(1) / Switch: mantaray177 / MCS8500 L10 10 / 1 / 4", "tier": 3, "high_ber_severity": "Critical", "lid": 42365, "mirror": "disable", "logical_state": "Active", "capabilities": [ "healthy_operations", "reset", "disable", "get_cables_info" ], "mtu": 2048, "peer_port_dname": "L10/U2/18", "severity": "Info", "active_speed": "HDR", "enabled_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR" ], "supported_speed": [ "SDR", "DDR", "QDR", "FDR", "EDR", "HDR", "NDR" ], "active_width": "4x", "enabled_width": [ "1x", "4x" ], "supported_width": [ "1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "12x" ], "dname": "L10/U1/4", "peer_node_name": "mantaray177", "peer": "98039b0300a2b814_18", "peer_node_guid": "b8599f0300065d16", "systemID": "b8599f0300065d16", "node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U1/4", "name": "98039b0300a2b804_4", "module": "N/A", "peer_lid": 42368, "peer_guid": "98039b0300a2b814", "peer_node_description": "mantaray177:L10/U2/18", "guid": "98039b0300a2b804", "system_name": "mantaray177", "system_ip": "", "peer_ip": "", "system_capabilities": [ "burn_cables_transceivers" ], "system_mirroring_template": false } ]

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Sep 5, 2023.