Unhealthy Ports REST API

NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.14.0
  • Description – Manages unhealthy ports in OpenSM

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/unhealthy_ports

  • Main Operations

    • Get unhealthy ports

    • Mark unhealthy ports as healthy

    • Mark healthy ports as unhealthy

  • Description – Gets all ports that are marked as healthy from OpenSM

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/unhealthy_ports

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Response


    [ { "PeerLID": "18", "PeerPortNumber": 6, "UnhealthyPortNumber": 1, "PeerGUID": "248a070300f88fe0", "PeerPort": "switch-ec4034/6", "UnhealthyNode": "r-dmz-ufm135", "UnhealthyPort": "r-dmz-ufm135/HCA-1/1", "State": "Info", "PeerPortDname": "6", "Condition": "MANUAL", "PeerNode": "switch-ec4034", "StatusTime": "Wed Apr 29 00:05:32 2020", "UnhealthyPortDname": "HCA-1/1", "UnhealthyGUID": "248a0703002e628e" } ]

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – Marks unhealthy ports or devices as healthy. Once device GUID is passed as a parameter, its unhealthy ports are marked as healthy.

  • Request URL – PUT /ufmRest/app/unhealthy_ports

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data


    "ports":[ "0002c9030060dc20_10" ], “devices”:[ “0002c9030060dc20” ], "ports_policy":"HEALTHY"

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 400 – bad request

  • Description – mark healthy ports as unhealthy, and send the action that you want to apply on this port
    Action: ["no_discover", "isolate"]

  • Request URL – PUT /ufmRest/app/unhealthy_ports

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data


    { "ports":[ "0002c9030060dc20_10" ], "ports_policy":"UNHEALTHY", "action":"no_discover" }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 400 – bad request

  • Description – Marks all unhealthy ports as healthy at once.

  • Request URL – PUT /ufmRest/app/unhealthy_ports

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data


    { "ports": [ "ALL" ], "ports_policy": "HEALTHY" }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – Gets unhealthy port.

  • Request URL – GET app/unhealthy_ports.

  • Parameter:

    • Connectivity

      • host-to-switch

      • switch-to-switch


Example: /ufmRestV2/app/unhealthy_ports?connectivity=host-to-switch

  • Description: Deletes unhealthy/healthy ports from health policy file.

  • Request URL: DELETE app/unhealthy_ports/policy

  • Request data- List of strings:

    • Port names - Deletes all the ports specified in the list.

    • Device GUID - Deletes all the ports in the health policy of that specified device GUID.

    • all_healthy - Deletes all the healthy ports in the health policy.

  • Status Codes-

    • 200 – OK

  • Response:
    A list of deleted ports.

  • Description: Retrieves all unhealthy/healthy ports from the health policy file.

  • Request URL: Get app/unhealthy_ports/policy

  • Request data

    • device_guid: Enables you to group ports by device.

  • Status Codes:

    • 200-OK

  • Response:


    [    {        "node_guid": "248a070300f88fe0",        "port_number": 6,        "policy": Healthy,        "action":””,        "last_updated": "Wed Apr 29 00:05:32 2020",        "node_description": "r-dmz-ufm135",        "node_name": "r-dmz-ufm135/HCA-1/1",        "capabilities": "mark_port_unhealthy",    } ]

  • Description – Retrieves all devices from the health policy.

  • Request URL – Get app/unhealthy_ports/policy_devices

  • Status Codes:

    • 200-OK

  • Response:


    [    {        "guid": "248a070300f88fe0",        "type": host,        "name":” r-dmz-ufm135/HCA-1/1”,        "number_of_policies”: 7    } ]

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Sep 8, 2023.