Installing UFM Server Software
The default UFM installation directory is /opt/ufm.
UFM Server installation options are:
High Availability (HA) - Delivered in a separate package as of UFM v6.10.0.
Docker Container
The following processes might be interrupted during the installation process:
httpd (apachi2 in Ubuntu)
After installation:
Activate the software license.
Before you run UFM, ensure that all ports used by the UFM server for internal and external communication are open and available. For the list of ports, see Used Ports.
A of UFM Enterprise v6.11.0, installation is based on Conda-4.12 (or newer) for Python3.9 environment and third-party packages deployments. The below-listed packages can be used for all supported operating systems.
Conda binaries |
Conda Python Environemnt |
_libgcc_mutex=0.1=main |
appdirs==1.4.4 |
_openmp_mutex=5.1=1_gnu |
apscheduler==3.9.1 |
c-ares=1.18.1=h7f8727e_0 |
asgiref==3.5.2 |
ca-certificates=2022.07.19=h06a4308_0 |
asn1crypto==1.5.1 |
curl=7.84.0=h5eee18b_0 |
attrs==21.4.0 |
krb5=1.19.2=hac12032_0 |
automat==20.2.0 |
ld_impl_linux-64=2.38=h1181459_1 |
bcrypt==3.2.2 |
libcurl=7.84.0=h91b91d3_0 |
cached-property==1.5.2 |
libedit=3.1.20210910=h7f8727e_0 |
cachetools==5.1.0 |
libev=4.33=h7f8727e_1 |
cairocffi==1.0.0 |
libffi=3.3=he6710b0_2 |
cairosvg==2.5.2 |
libgcc-ng=11.2.0=h1234567_1 |
carbon==1.1.10 |
libgomp=11.2.0=h1234567_1 |
certifi==2022.5.18 |
libnghttp2=1.46.0=hce63b2e_0 |
cffi==1.15.0 |
libssh2=1.10.0=h8f2d780_0 |
chardet==4.0.0 |
libstdcxx-ng=11.2.0=h1234567_1 |
charset-normalizer==2.0.12 |
ncurses=6.3=h5eee18b_3 |
click==8.1.3 |
openssl=1.1.1q=h7f8727e_0 |
constantly==15.1.0 |
pip=22.1.2=py39h06a4308_0 |
cryptography==37.0.2 |
python=3.9.12=h12debd9_1 |
cssselect==1.1.0 |
readline=8.1.2=h7f8727e_1 |
cssselect2==0.6.0 |
sqlite=3.39.2=h5082296_0 |
daemonize==2.5.0 |
tk=8.6.12=h1ccaba5_0 |
defusedxml==0.7.1 |
wheel=0.37.1=pyhd3eb1b0_0 |
distro==1.7.0 |
xz=5.2.5=h7f8727e_1 |
django==3.0.14 |
zlib=1.2.12=h7f8727e_2 |
django-piston3==0.3rc2 |
django-tagging==0.4.3 |
docker==5.0.3 |
ecdsa==0.17.0 |
flask==1.1.1 |
graphite-web==1.1.10 |
hyperlink==21.0.0 |
idna==3.3 |
importlib-metadata==4.11.3 |
incremental==21.3.0 |
inotify==0.2.10 |
ipaddress==1.0.23 |
ipy==1.1 |
isodate==0.6.1 |
itsdangerous==1.1.0 |
jinja2==2.10.3 |
jsonschema==4.5.1 |
lxml==4.8.0 |
markupsafe==1.1.1 |
more-itertools==8.13.0 |
mysqlclient==2.1.0 |
netaddr==0.8.0 |
netifaces==0.11.0 |
nose==1.3.7 |
ntlm-auth==1.5.0 |
numpy==1.22.4 |
paramiko==2.11.0 |
pbr==5.9.0 |
pillow==9.1.1 |
platformdirs==2.5.2 |
ply==3.11 |
psutil==5.9.0 |
pyasn1==0.4.8 |
pyasn1-modules==0.2.8 |
pycairo==1.21.0 |
pycparser==2.21 |
pycrypto==2.6.1 |
pycryptodomex==3.14.1 |
pydes==2.0.1 |
pydo==2.0.5 |
pygal==3.0.0 |
pyhamcrest==2.0.3 |
pyinotify==0.9.6 |
pynacl==1.5.0 |
pyopenssl==22.0.0 |
pyparsing==3.0.9 |
pyrsistent==0.18.1 |
pyserial==3.5 |
pysmi==0.3.4 |
pysnmp==4.4.12 |
python-dateutil==2.8.2 |
python-hostlist==1.21 |
python-magic==0.4.27 |
python-mimeparse==1.6.0 |
pytz==2022.1 |
pytz-deprecation-shim==0.1.0.post0 |
PyYAML==6.0 |
requests==2.27.1 |
requests-file==1.5.1 |
requests-ntlm==1.1.0 |
requests-toolbelt==0.9.1 |
service-identity==21.1.0 |
setproctitle==1.1.10 |
setuptools==62.3.2 |
six==1.16.0 |
soappy-py3==0.52.27 |
south==0.8.4 |
sqlparse==0.4.2 |
stdeb==0.10.0 |
subprocess32==3.5.4 |
tinycss==0.4 |
tinycss2==1.1.1 |
twisted==22.4.0 |
txamqp==0.8.2 |
typing-extensions==4.2.0 |
tzdata==2022.1 |
tzlocal==4.2 |
ujson==5.3.0 |
urllib3==1.26.9 |
webencodings==0.5.1 |
websocket-client==1.3.2 |
werkzeug==0.16.0 |
wheel==0.37.1 |
whisper==1.1.8 |
wstools==0.4.8 |
wstools-py3==0.54.4 |
zeep==4.1.0 |
zipp==3.8.0 |
zope-interface==5.4.0 |
aiohttp==3.8.1 |
aiosignal==1.2.0 |
async_timeout==4.0.2 |
asynctest==0.13.0 |
frozenlist==1.2.0 |
idna_ssl==1.1.0 |
multidict==5.2.0 |
yarl==1.7.2 |
For instructions on installing the UFM server software as a standalone for InfiniBand, please refer to Quick Start Guide.
If high availability (HA) is required, install UFM for HA on a server that is designated to be the master. For instructions, please refer to Quick Start Guide.
For more information, see High Availability.
Please refer to Docker Installation.
For instructions on how to activate the software license, please refer to the UFM Quick Start Guide.