NVIDIA UFM Enterprise User Manual v6.13.1
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise User Manual v6.13.1

Changes and New Features

This section lists the new and changed features in this software version.


For an archive of changes and features from previous releases, please refer to Changes and New Features History.


The items listed in the table below apply to all UFM license types.



Network Fast Recovery

Added the ability to automatically isolate a malfunctioning switch port as detected by the switch. Refer to Enabling Network Fast Recovery

Multi-Subnet UFM

Added support for multiple UFM instances, wherein multiple instances are aggregated, managed and controlled by a centralized UFM instance. Refer to Multi-Subnet UFM.

Switch ASIC Failure Detection

Added support for a new indication (UFM event) that identifies a failure of a specific switch ASIC. Refer to Configuring Partial Switch ASIC Failure Events.

UFM High-Availability Enhancements

Added support for configuring high-availability with dual-link connections to improve the high-availability robustness.

Automatic Switch Grouping

Added support for enabling automatic grouping of 1U switches by UFM, as per a pre-defined user-configured mapping. Refer to Appendix - Switch Grouping.


Incorporated support for a new UFM REST API that presents the current active SHARP trees. Refer to NVIDIA SHARP Resource Allocation REST API.

SHARP Reservation APIs

Added support for SHARP Reservation API enhancements. Refer to NVIDIA SHARP Resource Allocation REST API.

Operating System Update support

Implemented functionality to support the installation and upgrade of a standalone UFM after the upgrade of operating system packages (e.g., using yum update/apt upgrade). Furthermore, upgrading operating system packages will not impact a standalone UFM installation.

Email Time-Zone Settings

Added the ability to configure time-zone settings for UFM email notifications, ensuring that sent events or daily reports align with the configured time zone. Refer to Email.

Switch Connectivity Failure Indication

Incorporated support for a new UFM event indication that identifies failed communication with a specified managed switch. Appendix - Supported Port Counters and Events

Dynamic Telemetry

Added APIs that enable the creation and management of UFM Telemetry instances, allowing users to select desired counters and ports as per their requirements. Refer to UFM Dynamic Telemetry Instances REST API.

TFS (Telemetry Fluent Streaming) Plugin

Added support for UFM telemetry data streaming from multiple endpoints to Fluent Bit. Refer to Telemetry to Fluent Streaming (TFS) Plugin REST API.

Added support for enabling white/black counters lists within the TFS Plugin. Refer to Telemetry to Fluent Streaming (TFS) Plugin REST API.

DTS (DPU Telemetry) Plugin

Added support for displaying DPUs data within the UFM Web UI. Refer to DTS Plugin. 

Cyber-AI Plugin

Added support for displaying Cyber-AI software within the UFM Web UI. Refer to UFM Cyber-AI Plugin.

Packet Mirroring Collector (PMC) Plugin

Added the Packet Mirroring Collector (PMC) plugin that allows users to catch and collect mirrored pFRN and congestion notifications from switches for enhanced real-time network visibility. Refer to Packet Mirroring Collector (PMC) Plugin.

SNMP Traps Listener Plugin

Added the capability to enable registration and monitoring of SNMP traps from managed switches, in addition to updating UFM with the relevant trap information. Refer to SNMP Plugin.

Bright Cluster Integration Plugin

Added support for integration of data from Bright Cluster Manager (BCM) into UFM, providing a more comprehensive network perspective. Refer to UFM Bright Cluster Integration Plugin.

UFM System Dump

UFM System Dump collection enhancement. Refer to UFM System Dump Tab.

Expanding Non-Blocking Fabric (NDT Plugin extension)

Added a feature that facilitates seamless expansion of the IB fabric, ensuring uninterrupted functionality and optimal performance throughout the fabric. Refer to NDT Format – Merger.

PDR (Packet Drop Rate) Plugin

Added a new functionality that enables automatic detection and isolation of port failures through monitoring of PDR (Packet Drop Rate), BER (Bit Error Rate), and high cable temperatures. Refer to PDR Deterministic Plugin.


For bare metal installation of UFM, it is required to install MLNX_OFED 5.X (or newer) before the UFM installation.

Please make sure to use the UFM installation package that is compatible with your setup as detailed in Bare Metal Deployment Requirements.

The following distributions are no longer supported in UFM:

  • RH7.0-RH7.7 / CentOS7.0-CentOS7.7

  • SLES12 / SLES 15

  • EulerOS2.2 / EulerOS2.3

  • Mellanox Care (MCare) Integration

  • UFM on VM (UFM with remote fabric collector)

  • Logical server auditing

  • UFM high availability script - /etc/init.d/ufmha - is no longer supported

  • The UFM Multi-site portal feature is deprecated starting this SW release (April 2023)

  • Starting from UFM Enterprise version 6.14.0 (July release) onwards, deploying UFM in monitoring mode will be deprecated and will no longer be supported

  • Logical Elements tab - Removed as of UFM Enterprise v6.12.0


In order to continue working with /etc/init.d/ufmha options, use the same options using the /etc/init.d/ufmd script.

For example:

Instead of using /etc/init.d/ufmha model_restart, please use /etc/init.d/ufmd model_restart (on the primary UFM server)

Instead of using /etc/init.d/ufmha sharp_restart, please use /etc/init.d/ufmd sharp_restart (on the primary UFM server)
The same goes for any other option that was supported on the /etc/init.d/ufmha script

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Sep 8, 2023.