Known Issues in This Release

NVIDIA UFM Enterprise User Manual v6.15.2




Description: Modifying the mtu_limit parameter for [MngNetwork] in gv.cfg does not accurately reflect changes upon restarting UFM.

Keywords: mtu_limit, MngNetwork, gv.cfg, UFM restart

Workaround: UFM needs to be restarted twice in order for the changes to take effect.

Discovered in Release: v6.15.0


Description: The Logs API temporarily returns an empty response when SM log file contains messages from both previous year (2023) and current year (2024).

Keywords: Logs API, Empty response, Logs file

Workaround: N/A (issue will be automatically resolved after the problematic SM log file, which include messages from 2023 and 2024 years, will be rotated)

Discovered in Release: v6.15.0


For a list of known issues from previous releases, please refer to Known Issues History.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jan 5, 2024.