Appendix – UFM Event Forwarder
UFM Event Forwarder enables streaming of UFM events via FluentBit forwarder plugin to any external destination.
To deploy the UFM Event Forwarder on a Linux machine:
Connect to the Linux host via SSH.
Ensure the docker is installed on the host. Run:
# docker –version
Make sure that the docker service is up and running. If it is not, start the docker service. Run:
# sudo service docker start
Pull the UFM Event Forwarder image. Run:
# sudo docker pull mellanox/ufm-events-forwarder
Alternatively, if you do not have internet connection, contact NVIDIA Support to receive the UFM Event Forwarder docker image and load it to the host. Run:
# sudo cp <ufm-events-forwarder image path> /tmp/ # sudo docker load -i /tmp/<image name>
If you are running in HA mode, repeat step 1-4 on the standby node.
NoteSteps 6-9 should only be configured on the master node.
Enable the event-forwarder in main UFM config file. Run:
# vim /opt/ufm/files/conf/gv.cfg [Plugins] events_forwarder_enabled=true
Configure UFM to send events via syslog to the FluentBit event forwarder in gv.cfg.
[Logging] syslog_addr= syslog = true ufm_syslog = true event_syslog = true syslog_level = <severity>
Note<severity> may be set to any of the following values: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG.
Configure the destination IP and port for the FluentBit event forwarder (requires Python 3):
# python /opt/ufm/scripts/events-forwarder/configure-fluent-bit.pyc -i <IP> -p <port>
Alternatively, if you have Python 2:
# /opt/ufm/venv_ufm/bin/python /opt/ufm/scripts/events-forwarder/configure-fluent-bit.pyc -i <IP> -p <port>
Start UFM. Run:
# /etc/init.d/ufmd start
Alternatively, if you are running in HA:
# /etc/init.d/ufmha start
Verify that UFM Event Forwarder is running successfully. Run:
# /etc/init.d/ufmd start ufmd start Starting opensm: [ OK ] Starting MySQL: [ OK ] Restarting httpd: [ OK ] Starting snmpd: [ OK ] Starting UFM main module: [ OK ] Starting Events-Forwarder: [ OK ] Starting Daily Report: [ OK ] Starting UnhealthyPorts: [ OK ] Starting ibpm: [ OK ]
NoteMake sure the status of Events-Forwarder is OK.
Stopping UFM will also stop the Event Forwarder.
# /etc/init.d/ufmd stop
ufmd stop
Stopping ibpm: [ OK ]
Stopping Daily Report: [ OK ]
Stopping UnhealthyPorts: [ OK ]
Stopping Events-Forwarder: [ OK ]
Stopping UFM main module: [ OK ]
Stopping MySQL: [ OK ]
Stopping OpenSM: [ OK ]
After configuration, the Event Forwarder should always be running on the active node only. After a failover, for example, it will be stopped on the old master and will be started on the new active node.
If the destination IP and port are reconfigured (step 8), the Event Forwarder container should be restarted automatically with the newly applied configuration.