rest-rdma Plugin
rest-rdma is a tool designed for sending requests over InfiniBand to the UFM server. These REST requests can fall into three categories:
UFM REST API requests
ibdiagnet requests
Telemetry requests
The rest-rdma utility is distributed as a Docker container, capable of functioning both as a server and a client.
Deploy Plugin on UFM Appliance
Log into your UFM as admin.
Enter config mode. Run:
enable config terminal
NoteMake sure that UFM is running with show ufm status. If UFM is down, then run with ufm start.
Ensure that rest-rdma plugin is disabled with the show ufm plugin command.
Pull the plugin container with docker pull mellanox/ufm-plugin-rest-rdma:[version].
Run ufm plugin rest-rdma add tag [version] to enable the plugin.
Check that plugin is up and running with docker pull mellanox/ufm-plugin-rest-rdma:[version]
Deploy Plugin on Bare Metal Server
Verify that UFM is installed and running.
Pull image from docker hub:
docker pull mellanox/ufm-plugin-rest-rdma:[version]To load image run:
/opt/ufm/scripts/ add -p rest-rdma
Deployment Client
Run the following command to pull the image from the docker hub:
docker pull mellanox/ufm-plugin-rest-rdma:[version]
Verify that the /tmp/ibdiagnet directory exists on the client's computer. If not – create it.
To start container as client (on any host in the same fabric as UFM server) run:
docker run -d --network=host --privileged --name=ufm-plugin-rest-rdma --rm -v /tmp/ibdiagnet:/tmp/ibdiagnet mellanox/ufm-plugin-rest-rdma:[version] client
To check that plugin is up and running, run:
docker ps
In server mode is started automatically and is restarted if exited. If the server is not running – enter to the docker and run the following commands to start the server:
cd /opt/ufm/src/ufm-plugin-ufm-rest
./ -r server
There are three options to run client. Running the client from inside the Docker container, using a custom script from the hosting server to execute the client or using the "docker exec" command from the hosting server.
Option 1: Run the client from inside the Docker container
Enter the docker container using docker exec -it ufm-plugin-rest-rdma bash
Then, run cd /opt/ufm/src/ufm-plugin-rest-rdma
Use the -h help option to see the available parameters
./ -h
Option 2: From the host server, the scripts can be located at /opt/ufm/ufm-plugin-ufm-rest/ directory inside the docker container. They can copied using the following command:
Notecp <containerId>:/opt/ufm/ufm-plugin-ufm-rest/[script name] /host/path/target
Notecp <containerId>:/opt/ufm/ufm-plugin-ufm-rest/ /host/path/target
To see the available options, run:
./ -h
Option 3: From hosting server, use the docker exec command.
NoteTo run from inside docker, run:
docker exec ufm-plugin-rest-rdma prior to the command.
For example: docker exec ufm-plugin-rest-rdma /opt/ufm/ufm-plugin-ufm-rest/src/ -r client -u admin -p password -t simple -a GET -w ufmRest/app/ufm_version
Telemetry and ibdiagnet request authentication options could be enabled or disabled (enabled by default – set to True) in ufm_rdma.ini file in [Server] section on the server. The rest_rdma server performs simple requests to UFM server, using supplied credentials to verify that the user is allowed to run telemetry or ibdiagnet requests.
Remote ibdiagnet Request
The following two user scripts can run on the hosting server.
These scripts should be copied from the container to the hosting server using the following command:
cp <containerId>:/opt/ufm/ufm-plugin-ufm-rest/[script name] /host/path/target
Example :
cp <containerId>:/opt/ufm/ufm-plugin-ufm-rest/ /host/path/target
The script does not require authentication as the server side can run on a machine which does not run UFM (which is responsible for the authentication). This means it can run from the hosting server.
/ [options]
Authenticated Remote ibdiagnet Request
The script can receive parameters as credentials for authentication with UFM server.
/ [options]
To get all the options, run the following command:
/ -h
Important Note:
When using, authentication is not required and the the ibdiagnet parameters should be sent in ibdiagnet format.
Example: ./ --get_phy_info
When using the, the ibdiagnet parameters should be sent using the –l key.
Example without credentials: ./ -l '--get_phy_info'
Example with credentials: ./ -u username -p password -l '–get_phy_info'
Please use the -h option to see the examples of credential usage.
Rest Request with Username/Password Authentication
To get the UFM version from inside the docker:
./ -r client -u admin -p admin_pwd -t simple -a GET -w ufmRest/app/ufm_version
To get the UFM version from hosting server using script:
./ -u admin -p admin_pwd -t simple -a GET -w ufmRest/app/ufm_version
For telemetry:
./ -r client -u admin -p admin_pwd -t telemetry -a GET -g 9001
-w /csv/enterprise
To get ibdiagnet run result using UFM REST API from inside the docker:
./ -r client -u admin -p admin_pwd -t ibdiagnet -a POST -w ufmRest/reports/ibdiagnetPeriodic -l '{"general": {"name": "IBDiagnet_CMD_1234567890_199_88", "location": "local", "running_mode": "once"}, "command_flags": {"--pc": ""}}'
Rest Request with Client Certificate Authentication
need to pass path to client certificate file and name of UFM server machine:
6. ./ -r client -t simple -a GET -w ufmRest/resources/modules -d /path/to/certificate/file/ufm-client.pfx -s
for telemetry if need authentication from inside the docker
./ -r client -t telemetry -a GET -g 9001 -w csv/enterprise -d /path/to/certificate/file/ufm-client.pfx -s
Client certificate file should be located INSIDE the docker container.
Rest Request with Token Authentication
need to pass token for authentication
./ -r client -k OGUY7TwLvTmFkXyTkcsEWD9KKNvq6f -t simple -a GET -w ufmRestV3/app/ufm_version
for telemetry if need to perform authentication
./ -r client -k 4rQRf7i7wEeliuJEurGbeecc210V6G -t telemetry -a GET -g 9001 -w /csv/enterprise
Token could be generated using UFM UI.
If a token is used for client authentication, ufmRestV3 must be used.