NVIDIA UFM Enterprise User Manual v6.17.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise User Manual v6.17.0

OpenSM Configuration

In order to enable congestion control, set the parameter mlnx_congestion_control in the OpenSM configuration file to 2. For example:


mlnx_congestion_control 2

To disable congestion control, set the parameter value to 1. For example:


mlnx_congestion_control 1

To define a congestion control policy file, set the parameter congestion_control_file in OpenSM configuration file to point to congestion control policy file. For example:


congestion_control_policy_file /opt/ufm/files/conf/opensm/conf/congestion_control_policy_file

The file includes a reference to an active algorithm file name. The algorithm file has to be inside the ppcc_algo_dir.

For Example:


ca_algo_import_start     algo_start         algo_id:1         algo_file_name: active_algo_file_name         # PPCC parameter by name, as defined in algo profile         parameters: (BW_G,400),(ALPHA,3932),(MAX_DEC,63569),(MAX_INC,69468),(AI,36),(HAI,1200)     algo_end ca_algo_import_end

The ca_algo_import block contains all the algo blocks that map an algo_id to an algorithm profile file. The algo_id field of the algo blocks must be unique and start from 1. This block is used to import the various PCC algorithms into the configuration and associate them with their algo_id values.

To define a directory for the programmable congestion control algorithm profiles, set the parameter ppcc_algo_dir in OpenSM configuration file. For Example:


ppcc_algo_dir /opt/ufm/files/conf/opensm/conf/ppcc_algo_dir

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