NVIDIA UFM Telemetry Documentation v1.13
NVIDIA UFM Telemetry Documentation v1.13

Changes and New Features in This Release

  • Added support for 100Gb/s lane cables and transceivers diagnostics for InfiniBand and Ethernet protocols, including Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) assessments for HDR and NDR

  • Enhanced functionality to collect system data from Managed systems

  • Added ability to track cable length when a transceiver is linked

  • Introduced Dynamic Telemetry Instances for internal use

SLRG Register Collection - The SLRG register, which is used in collecting certain fields, is no longer read by default due to the introduction of errors in NDR networks that result in inaccurate BER calculations. The immediate implication is that the following fields are no longer collected by default.

  • initial_fom_lane[0-3]=Lane[0-3]_initial_fom

  • fom_mode_lane[0-3]=Lane[0-3]_fom_mode

  • upper_eye_lane[0-3]=Lane[0-3]_upper_eye

  • mid_eye_lane[0-3]=Lane[0-3]_mid_eye

  • lower_eye_lane[0-3]=Lane[0-3]_lower_eye

  • last_fom_lane[0-3]=Lane[0-3]_composite_eye

However, if you are using a technology other than NDR, you can enable the SLRG register by configuring the plugin environment as follows:

  • Bringup: etc/ibdiagnet_template.ini,

  • UFM telemetry: launch_ibdiagnet_config.ini

    • plugin_env_CLX_EXPORT_API_SKIP_SLRG=0arg_12=--get_phy_info --enabled_regs slrg - Key might appear as "arg_slrg"

Note that even when the SLRG register is not collected, the generated CSV will still have columns for each of the aforementioned fields, but they will be empty.

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Sep 6, 2023.