Using sockperf with VMA
Sockperf is VMA's sample application for testing latency and throughput over a socket API. The precompiled sockperf binary is located in /usr/bin/sockperf.
For detailed instructions on how to optimally tune your machines for VMA performance, please see the Tuning Guide and VMA Performance Tuning Guide.
To run a sockperf UDP test:
To run the server, use: sockperf sr -i <server ip>
To run the client, use: sockperf <sockperf test> –i <server ip>
<server ip> is the IP address of the server
<sockperf test> is the test you want to run, for example, pp for the ping-pong test, tp for the throughput test, and so on. (Use sockperf -h to display a list of all available tests.)
To run a sockperf TCP test:
To run the server, use: sockperf sr -i <server ip> --tcp
To run the client, use: sockperf <sockperf test> –i <server ip> --tcp
For optimal performance, please refer to Basic Performance Tuning.
Run sockperf server on Host A: sockperf sr
Run sockperf client on Host B: sockperf pp –i <server_ip>