NVPL Sparse Generic APIsΒΆ

  • The Generic APIs provide the standard interface layer of NVPL Sparse. They allow computing the most common sparse linear algebra operations, such as sparse matrix-vector (SpMV) and sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpMM), in a flexible way. The APIs have the following capabilities and features:

    • Set matrix data layouts, number of batches, and storage formats (for example, CSR, COO, and so on).

    • Set input/output/compute data types. This also allows mixed data-type computation.

    • Set types of sparse vector/matrix indices (e.g. 32-bit, 64-bit).

    • Choose the algorithm for the computation.

    • Guarantee external memory for internal operations.

    • Provide extensive consistency checks across input matrices and vectors. This includes the validation of sizes, data types, layout, allowed operations, etc.

    • Provide constant descriptors for vector and matrix inputs to support const-safe interface and guarantee that the APIs do not modify their inputs.