Release Notes

This section includes significant changes, new features, performance improvements and various issues.


New Features

  • Added nvpl_sparse_get_version API to obtain the librray version

  • Added new dense vector utility routines: nvpl_sparse_dn_vec_get, nvpl_sparse_dn_vec_get_values, and nvpl_sparse_dn_vec_set_values

  • Added nvpl_sparse_spsv_update_matrix API to update sparse matrix values between analysis and solve routines

Known Issues

  • N/A

Resolved Issues

  • N/A


The first early access release of NVPL SPARSE library.

New Features

  • Sparse C APIs support

  • Supports single- and multi-threaded (based on OpenMP) computation

  • Supports different sparse matrix data layouts and storage formats, such as CSR, COO, CSC, and Sliced-ELL

  • Supports differnt types of matrix/vector indices (e.g., 32-bit, 64-bit)

  • Supports different input/output/compute data types

  • Added generic sparse matrix-vector (SpMV) API

  • Added generic sparse tringular solver (SpSV) API

  • Added extensive consistency checks across input matrices and vectors. This includes the validation of sizes, data types, layout, allowed operations, etc

  • Provides constant descriptors for vector and matrix inputs to support const-safe interface and guarantee that the APIs do not modify their inputs

Known Issues

  • N/A

Resolved Issues

  • N/A