Deployment Guide (1.0.0)
Deployment Guide (1.0.0)

Model Repositories

Model repositories hold the model artifacts that will be loaded into and served by the deployed Triton Inference Servers. Model repositories for Triton Management Service are similar in structure and content to Triton Inference Server model repositories, but there are different options and configurations for the available locations.

In general, model repositories are configured by specifying the remote location of the repository (where the method of specifying the location is dependent on the type of repository) as well as a Repository Name when you deploy TMS. TMS operations requiring references to the model repository (i.e. lease creation requests) will use the configured Repository Names. Several different types of model repository are available.

TMS Configuration

HTTP(S) model repositories are not required to be pre-specified in the TMS values.yaml file. However, you can associate Kubernetes Secret with a particular HTTP url in the values.yaml file, in which case TMS will provide the contents of the secret in the Authorization request header:


# values.yaml server: modelRepositories: https: - secretName: Name of the Kubernetes secret to read and provide as a Authorization header for download requests. targetUri: URL of the remote web-sever in \<domain_label_or_ip_address\>/\<path\> format, used to determine if secrets apply to a model request or not.

The default values.yaml file contains an example secret named “ngc-model-pull”.

The targetUri is used to determine which secret is best suited to be used to download a given model based on the model’s URN. URN matching is broken up into two parts:

  1. Match the DNS label right to left, or absolute match of an IP Address. For example: would match, but would not match

  2. Match the path portion of URN from left-to-right. For example: internal-cdn/repository would match internal-cdn/repository/ai_models, but would not match internal-cdn/ai_models/repository.

To create a model-pull secret, use:


kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-file <secret-name>

Then which ever value was chosen for <secret-name> add to the values.yaml#server.modelRepositories.https list with the corresponding targetUri value.

Setting up the Repository

Models in HTTP(S) repositories should be zipped versions of the directories in a Triton Model Repository, served by some kind of web server and accessible through HTTP GET requests.

For example, if the triton model repository is structured as follows:


model_repository/ └── my_model ├── 1 │ └── model.onnx └── config.pbtxt

Then you should serve a file that contains one of the following file layouts:

  1. Copy

    $ unzip -l Archive: Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 0 2022-04-28 22:27 1/ 356 2022-04-28 22:27 1/model.onnx 59 2022-06-01 21:12 config.pbtxt --------- ------- 415 3 files

  2. Copy

    $ unzip -l Archive: Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 0 2022-07-08 00:23 my_model/ 59 2022-06-01 21:12 my_model/config.pbtxt 0 2022-04-28 22:27 my_model/1/ 356 2022-04-28 22:27 my_model/1/model.onnx --------- ------- 415 4 files

The file – and any other zip files with a similar structure – can be served by a wide variety of web server. One approach is to use the http.server module in the Python standard library. In a directory containing the zip file, execute the command


python -m http.server --directory .

This will serve the model with a URI http://localhost:8000/

Model URI

To refer to a model in an HTTP(S) repository, use the full URL of the server. For example:


tmsctl lease create -t ${tms_address} -m "name=my_model,uri="

TMS Configuration

TMS enables TMS administrators to provide model repositories from Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claims for requested Triton instances.

To enable requested Triton instances to load models from a persistent volume claim, provide the name of the particular Kubernetes persistent volume claim in an entry under values.yaml#server.modelRepositories.volumes, along with a valid name for the repository. The Persistent Volume Claim will then be mounted as a volume onto any Triton pod launched by TMS.


# values.yaml server: modelRepositories: volumes: # Name used to reference this model repository as part of lease acquisition. # May contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters (without spaces, hyphens `-` are permitted). - repositoryName: volume-models # Kubernetes persistent volume claim (pvc) used to fetch models. volumeClaimName: example-volume-claim

Setting up the Repository

Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes are cluster resources that can be consumed – like a node, while a Persistent Volume Claim is particular request to use that resource – like a pod. Since model repositories in TMS are used by multiple Triton instances, you’ll need to create a specific PVC for your repository that can then be mounted onto multiple pods.

One way to set up the repository is to create the model repository outside of kubernetes in a piece of storage that can be consumed as a Persistent Volume. Then, you can define that piece of storage as a Persistent Volume, and then attach a Persistent Volume Claim to it that allows kubernetes pods to consume that particular piece of storage. The NFS Model Repository path in the quickstart guide gives an example of this.

Persistent Volume Claims are generally exposed directly as file systems, so to create a model repository you can use the same structure as a Triton Inference Server model repositories – for example:


model_repository/ └── my_model ├── 1 │ └── model.onnx └── config.pbtxt

See the following resources for creating Persistent Volumes and Claims backed by various types of storage:

Model URI

To refer to a model in a PVC repository, prefix the model name with model:// and the name of the model repository configured in the values.yaml file. For example:


tmsctl lease create -t ${tms_address} -m "name=my_model,uri=model://volume-models/my_model"

TMS Configuration

To configure access to an S3 compatible object store, you must specify a Repository Name, a Bucket Name, and an S3 service Endpoint.


#values.yaml server: modelRepositories: S3: # Name used to reference this model repository as part of lease acquisition. # May contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters (without spaces, hyphens `-` are permitted). - repositoryName: repo0 # Name of the S3 bucket used to fetch models. bucketName: tms-models # Service URL of the S3 bucket. # If both 'endpoint' and 'awsRegion' fields are specified, TMS will default to using the value from 'endpoint'. # Must be a valid URL designating to an existing endpoint (eg. "http:/" or "http:/"). # Refer here to learn more: endpoint: ""

If your S3 Object Store is an actual AWS S3 bucket, you can provide the AWS Region of your bucket instead of the explicit endpoint


#values.yaml server: modelRepositories: S3: - repositoryName: repo0 bucketName: tms-models # Service region code of AWS S3 Bucket. # Field is for S3 buckets exclusively deployed through AWS. # Non-AWS S3 Buckets should be configured through the `endpoint` field. # Must be a valid code designating to existing AWS region (eg. "us-west-2"). # Refer here to learn more: awsRegion: "us-west-2"

If your model repository is in a private S3 bucket that requires access credentials, you have two options.

First, you can create a Kubernetes Secrets containing an access key ID and one containing a secret access key that represent the authority to list and retrieve the objects in the bucket. Then, you specify those secrets in the values.yaml file:


#values.yaml server: modelRepositories: S3: - repositoryName: repo0 bucketName: tms-models endpoint: "" # Name of the Kubernetes secret to read and provide as the access key ID to download objects from the S3 bucket. # Optional value when IAM or default AWS environment variables are not used for authorizing TMS to read from an S3 bucket. accessKey: "access-key-secret-name" # Name of the Kubernetes secret containing the secret access key to read from the S3 bucket # Optional value when IAM or default AWS environment variables are not used for authorizing TMS to read from an S3 bucket. secretKey: "secret-key-secret-name"

The other option is applicable when you are using AWS S3 buckets and when TMS is to be deployed on EKS. Instead of explicitly providing the key ID and secret key, you must associate an AWS IAM role which has s3:ListBucket and s3:GetObject permissions for that bucket with the TMS kubernetes service account. You can do this by providing the Amazon Resource Name of that IAM role in the values.yaml file.


#values.yaml server: security: aws: # AWS IAM role used read models S3 buckets configured in `modelRepositories.S3`. role: arn:aws:iam::00000000:role/Tms-s3-role

You should also ensure that the role you provide here has a trust policy that allows the tms-server service account to assume that role. For example, you can create this IAM role with the following eksctl command:


eksctl create iamserviceaccount --cluster tms-cluster --name=tms-server --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess --role-only --role-name=Tms-s3-role --approve

Please see the documentation on Configuring a Kubernetes service account to assume an IAM role to learn more.

Setting up the Repository

S3 model repositories should be set organized into folders that are similar to the following structure:


tms-models #bucket name └── my_model #s3 folder ├── 1 │ └── model.onnx └── config.pbtxt

All model folders (like the my_model folder above) should either be at the top level of your bucket, or contained in a single parent directory. If your model repository is not at the top level folder of your bucket you should include the full path when referring to the model in lease commands.

You should also ensure that you have an IAM role available that has access to the bucket (and folder) containing the models or that the bucket is publicly accessible.

Model URI

To refer to a model in an S3 repository, prefix the model name with model:// and the name of the model repository configured in the values.yaml file. TMS will internally resolve this to the correct S3 url. For example:


tmsctl lease create -t ${tms_address} -m "name=my_model,uri=model://aws-models/my_model"

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Dec 11, 2023.