VPI - Vision Programming Interface

3.2 Release

Common Types

Defines common types used by several components. More...

Data Structures

struct  VPIPyramidalKeypointF32
 Stores a float32 pyramidal-based keypoint coordinate The coordinate includes the (x, y) position in an image inside a pyramid, and (octave and layer) selects a specific image on that pyramid. More...
struct  VPIKeypointF32
 Stores a float32 keypoint coordinate The coordinate is relative to the top-left corner of an image. More...
struct  VPIKeypointU32
 Stores a U32 keypoint coordinate The coordinate is relative to the top-left corner of an image. More...
struct  VPIHomographyTransform2D
 Stores a generic 2D homography transform. More...
struct  VPIBoundingBox
 Stores a generic 2D bounding box. More...
struct  VPIAxisAlignedBoundingBoxF32
 Stores an axis-aligned 32-bit floating point 2D bounding box. More...
struct  VPIStats
 Stores the statistics of an image. More...
struct  VPIMatches
 Stores the matches between 2 descriptors. More...
struct  VPIRectangleI
 Stores the geometric information of a rectangle. More...
struct  VPIPose
 Estimation of a transformation from one 3D coordinate system to another with object-space error. More...


 Defines the termination criteria macros. More...


enum  VPIInterpolationType
 Interpolation types supported by several algorithms. More...
enum  VPIBorderExtension
 Image border extension specify how pixel values outside of the image domain should be constructed. More...
enum  VPIOpticalFlowQuality
 Defines the quality of the optical flow algorithm. More...
enum  VPILockMode
 Defines the lock modes used by memory lock functions. More...
enum  VPIEventState
 Defines the states of the event. More...

Detailed Description

Defines common types used by several components.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ VPIPyramidalKeypointF32

struct VPIPyramidalKeypointF32

Stores a float32 pyramidal-based keypoint coordinate The coordinate includes the (x, y) position in an image inside a pyramid, and (octave and layer) selects a specific image on that pyramid.

Pyramids are used to approximate the scale space with one or more resolution levels, also known as octaves, where each octave may have one or more smoothing layers. One example is in the ORB algorithm, where its input is a pyramid, representing the scale space of its base image, that normally has several octaves, where each octave has a single layer. Octaves are defined as levels of dyadic-image pyramids, i.e. a VPIPyramid with scale=0.5.

Definition at line 319 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIPyramidalKeypointF32:
Data Fields
float x Keypoint's x coordinate.
float y Keypoint's y coordinate.
float octave Pyramid octave (or pyramid level) where the keypoint is located.
float layer Pyramid layer within the octave where the keypoint is located.

◆ VPIKeypointF32

struct VPIKeypointF32

Stores a float32 keypoint coordinate The coordinate is relative to the top-left corner of an image.

Definition at line 333 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIKeypointF32:
Data Fields
float x Keypoint's x coordinate.
float y Keypoint's y coordinate.

◆ VPIKeypointU32

struct VPIKeypointU32

Stores a U32 keypoint coordinate The coordinate is relative to the top-left corner of an image.

Definition at line 345 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIKeypointU32:
Data Fields
uint32_t x Keypoint's x coordinate.
uint32_t y Keypoint's y coordinate.

◆ VPIHomographyTransform2D

struct VPIHomographyTransform2D

Stores a generic 2D homography transform.

When only scale and translation transformation is needed, these parameters must be arranged in the matrix as follows:

\[ \begin{bmatrix} s_x & 0 & p_x \\ 0 & s_y & p_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \]

Scaling \((s_x,s_y)\) is relative to the center of the patch, position \((p_x,p_y)\) is relative to the top-left of the image.

In the general case, given an homogeneous 2D point \(P(x,y,1)\) and the matrix \(M^{3x3}\), the Euclidean 2D point \(O(x,y)\) is defined as

\begin{align} T &= M \cdot P \\ O &= (T_x/T_z, T_y/T_z) \end{align}

Definition at line 403 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIHomographyTransform2D:
Data Fields
float mat3[3][3] 3x3 homogeneous matrix that defines the homography.

◆ VPIBoundingBox

struct VPIBoundingBox

Stores a generic 2D bounding box.

Although this structure can store a 2D bounding box transformed by any homography, sometimes it stores an axis-aligned bounding box. To retrieve it, do the following:

float x = xform.mat3[0][2];
float y = xform.mat3[1][2];
float w = width * xform.mat3[0][0];
float h = height * xform.mat3[1][1];
float width
Bounding box width.
Definition: Types.h:426
float height
Bounding box height.
Definition: Types.h:427
VPIHomographyTransform2D xform
Defines the bounding box top left corner and its homography.
Definition: Types.h:425
float mat3[3][3]
3x3 homogeneous matrix that defines the homography.
Definition: Types.h:405

Definition at line 423 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIBoundingBox:
Data Fields
VPIHomographyTransform2D xform Defines the bounding box top left corner and its homography.
float width Bounding box width.
float height Bounding box height.

◆ VPIAxisAlignedBoundingBoxF32

struct VPIAxisAlignedBoundingBoxF32

Stores an axis-aligned 32-bit floating point 2D bounding box.

Definition at line 435 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIAxisAlignedBoundingBoxF32:
Data Fields
float left Defines the bounding box's left corner's coordinate.
float top Defines the bounding box's top corner's coordinate.
float width Bounding box width.
float height Bounding box height.

◆ VPIStats

struct VPIStats

Stores the statistics of an image.

Definition at line 547 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIStats:
Data Fields
float mean[4] Per channel mean.
float covariance[4][4] Per-channel covariance matrix, the square root of the diagonal is the standard deviation.
int32_t pixelCount Total pixel count.
float sum[4] Per channel sum.

◆ VPIMatches

struct VPIMatches

Stores the matches between 2 descriptors.

Definition at line 573 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIMatches:
Data Fields
int refIndex[VPI_MAX_MATCHES_PER_DESCRIPTOR] Match reference index.
float distance[VPI_MAX_MATCHES_PER_DESCRIPTOR] Distance between query and reference descriptor.

◆ VPIRectangleI

struct VPIRectangleI

Stores the geometric information of a rectangle.

Definition at line 587 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIRectangleI:
Data Fields
int32_t x
int32_t y
int32_t width
int32_t height

◆ VPIPose

struct VPIPose

Estimation of a transformation from one 3D coordinate system to another with object-space error.

Definition at line 795 of file Types.h.

+ Collaboration diagram for VPIPose:
Data Fields
float transform[3][4] Transformation from one 3D coordinate system to another.

\begin{bmatrix} R_{3\times3} & T_{3\times1} \end{bmatrix}

Where: \(R_{3\times3}\): Rotation matrix. \(T_{3\times1}\): 3D position of the source system origin expressed in coordinates of the target system.

A point in the source coordinate system \(A\) can be transformed to the same point in the target coordinate system \(B\) by the following equation:

\(\begin{bmatrix} x_B \\ y_B \\ z_B \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} R_{3\times3} & T_{3\times1} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_A \\ y_A \\ z_A \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}\)

float error Object-space error of the pose estimation.

Macro Definition Documentation



#include <vpi/Types.h>

Defines the termination criteria macros.

Termination based on maximum number of iterations.

Definition at line 638 of file Types.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ VPIInterpolationType

#include <vpi/Interpolation.h>

Interpolation types supported by several algorithms.


Nearest neighbor interpolation.

\[ P(x,y) = \mathit{in}[\lfloor x+0.5 \rfloor, \lfloor y+0.5 \rfloor] \]


Linear interpolation.

Interpolation weights are defined as:

\begin{align*} w_0(t)& \triangleq t-\lfloor t \rfloor \\ w_1(t)& \triangleq 1 - w_0(t) \\ \end{align*}

Bilinear-interpolated value is given by the formula below:

\[ P(x,y) = \sum_{p=0}^1 \sum_{q=0}^1 \mathit{in}[\lfloor x \rfloor+p, \lfloor y \rfloor+q]w_p(x)w_q(y) \]


Catmull-Rom cubic interpolation.

Catmull-Rom interpolation weights with \(A=-0.5\) are defined as follows:

\begin{eqnarray*} w_0(t) &\triangleq& A(t+1)^3 &-& 5A(t+1)^2 &+& 8A(t+1) &-& 4A \\ w_1(t) &\triangleq& (A+2)t^3 &-& (A+3)t^2 &\nonumber& &+& 1 \\ w_2(t) &\triangleq& (A+2)(1-t)^3 &-& (A+3)(1-t)^2 &\nonumber& &+& 1 \\ w_3(t) &\triangleq& \rlap{1 - w_0(t) - w_1(t) - w_2(t) } \end{eqnarray*}

Bicubic-interpolated value is given by the formula below:

\[ P(x,y) = \sum_{p=-1}^2 \sum_{q=-1}^2 \mathit{in}[\lfloor x \rfloor+p, \lfloor y \rfloor+q]w_p(x)w_q(y) \]

Definition at line 69 of file Interpolation.h.

◆ VPIBorderExtension

#include <vpi/Types.h>

Image border extension specify how pixel values outside of the image domain should be constructed.


All pixels outside the image are considered to be zero.


Border pixels are repeated indefinitely.






Consider image as limited to not access outside pixels.


Invalid border.

Definition at line 276 of file Types.h.

◆ VPIOpticalFlowQuality

#include <vpi/Types.h>

Defines the quality of the optical flow algorithm.


Fast but low quality optical flow implementation.




Slow but high quality optical flow implementation.

Definition at line 597 of file Types.h.

◆ VPILockMode

#include <vpi/Types.h>

Defines the lock modes used by memory lock functions.


Lock memory only for reading.

Writing to the memory when locking for reading leads to undefined behavior.


Lock memory only for writing.

Reading to the memory when locking for reading leads to undefined behavior. It is expected that the whole memory is written to. If there are regions not written, it might not be updated correctly during unlock. In this case, it's better to use VPI_LOCK_READ_WRITE.

It might be slightly efficient to lock only for writing, specially when performing non-shared memory mapping.


Lock memory for reading and writing.

Definition at line 613 of file Types.h.

◆ VPIEventState

#include <vpi/Types.h>

Defines the states of the event.


Event is not signaled yet.


Event has been signaled.

Definition at line 695 of file Types.h.