Aerial RAN CoLab Over-the-Air - 23.1.A0.8

Early Adopters

We love to see how the Aerial RAN CoLab Over-the-Air is being used by developers, researchers, and the industry. Please send an email to with your project description and links to the project and code repository (e.g., GitHub).

  1. Open Air Alliance (

    Open ecosystem for creating and deploying advanced 5G networks, while enabling 6G research–software-defined, disaggregated radio access networks. Working with the OAI, the Aerial RAN CoLab Over-the-Air will significantly reduce time to innovation and create new efficiencies arcoss next-generation network deveopment: Demonstration of NVIDIA Aerial SDK and OAI 5G vRAN and CN

    NVIDIA ARC and OAI Demo Blog

  2. NorthEastern University (



    NorthEastern University blog post

  1. Rice University (



    Rice blog post

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