NVIDIA Base Command Platform Release Notes


NVIDIA Base Command™ Platform is a comprehensive platform for businesses, their data scientists, and IT teams, offered in a ready-to-use cloud-hosted solution that manages the end-to-end lifecycle of AI development, AI workflows, and resource management.

This document captures the features and fixes associated with the specified release of Base Command Platform.


This section details identifiable versions of the different components of NVIDIA Base Command Platform.

Component Name

Current Version



NGC Base Command Web UI


NGC Catalog Web UI


NGC Org Web UI


NGC Registry Web UI




Base Command Platform


NGC Batch Worker


NGC Batch Service



This section details the different components of NVIDIA Base Command Platform.







This component refers to the main frontend entrypoint for ngc.nvida.com, handling user authentication and account settings.

_images/bcp-comp-5.png _images/bcp-comp-10.png _images/bcp-comp-8.png


NGC Base Command Web UI

This component refers to the “Base Command” section on the Base Command Platform web application that gives the users access to the platform’s Dashboard, Jobs, Datasets , and Workspaces.



NGC Catalog Web UI

This component refers to the “Catalog” section on the Base Command Platform web application which gives access to software for AI, HPC and Visualization provided by NVIDIA and third-party ISVs.



NGC Org Web UI

This component refers to the “Organization” section on the Base Command Platform web application accessible to the User Admins in an org.



NGC Registry Web UI

This component refers to the “Private Registry” section on the Base Command Platform web application that gives users access to NGC Private Registry, a secure space to store and share custom containers, models, Jupyter notebooks, and Helm charts within your enterprise.




This component refers to the Command Line Interface for interacting with NGC and Base Command Platform components.


Base Command Platform


This component refers to the feature releases associated with Base Command Platform.

NGC Batch

Batch Worker

This component refers to the NGC Base Command restful service that assists in the end-to-end lifecycle of resources, workflows, and operations.

NGC Batch

Batch Service

This component refers to the NGC Base Command service that interacts with other services such as cloud, storage, and compute.


Here are the latest release notes for the Base Command Platform.

Release 02/06/2024

NGC CLI 3.38.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the NGC CLI ngc registry collection publish resulted in a missing “product_name” attribute error.

Release 01/23/2024

NGC Catalog Web UI v1.148.2

  • Enhancement: The Enterprise Catalog, which houses software supported by NVIDIA AI Enterprise (NVAIE), is now integrated into the NGC Catalog (public). This unified catalog provides different access levels to NGC entities, such as containers, resources, and models. Users can view all entitled or public entities without switching to different orgs. NVAIE customers, with their active NVAIE entitlement, can access software and features exclusive to them from within the NGC Catalog.

NGC CLI 3.36.1

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where ngc org list-users without flags and with --invited flag incorrectly included invitations to teams under the org.

Release 01/09/2023

NGC CLI 3.36.0

  • Enhancement: Users can now log into NGC CLI using their email/password combination via a web browser and begin using CLI, eliminating the need for an API Key. To enable email authentication for CLI access, users need to execute ngc config set --auth-option email within the CLI. If the browser does not automatically open, users can manually open the link provided in the CLI, log in using their credentials, and then return to the CLI to complete the setup. The default authentication option will continue to use the API Key: ngc config set or explicitly set with ngc config set --auth-option api-key.

    Please note that the Session Key obtained through this authentication method will remain valid for 24 hours. After this period, users must log in again for continued access. Refer to the NGC CLI documentation for more information.

Release 12/12/2023

NGC CLI 3.35.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with ngc base-command quickstart project cluster-create command. Users can now successfully create new clusters for Quick Start projects.

  • Enhancement: The Data Mover now supports the following additional commands:

    ngc bc workspace import run: Transfer data from an object store (S3 or OCI pre-auth URL) into a new workspace.

    ngc bc workspace import list: Retrieve the list of all workspace imports.

    ngc bc workspace import info <job>: Check the status of a single import.

    These new commands, in combination with the existing ones (ngc bc dataset import, ngc bc dataset export, and ngc bc workspace export), will enable users to copy datasets or workspaces between ACEs on their own.

Release 10/31/2023

NGC CLI 3.32.0

  • Fix: Users can import workspaces that do not contain a name.

  • Fix: Resolved the issue where users trying to list the NGC CLI versions using “ngc version list” received 401 error response.

Release 10/17/2023

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.80.2

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where, after launching a Quick Start job, the generated NGC CLI command, ngc base-command quickstart cluster create, contained an incorrect value for the --workspace-mount option.

  • Enhancement: Improved the success message for Dataset creation to provide more information, including the UUID of the created dataset and its associated ACE.

NGC Catalog Web UI v1.108.0

  • Fix: Updated security scan results label from “(Latest) Scan Results” to “(Latest) Security Scanning Results” under Catalog > Containers.

  • Enhancement: Added support for container scanning, including SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) as a downloadable file and VEX for filtering non-issues from the container security scan issues list.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.57.8

  • Fix: Updated security scan results label from “(Latest) Scan Results” to “(Latest) Security Scanning Results” under Catalog > Containers.

NGC CLI 3.31.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with uploads to ACEs that have gRPC configured on port 443.

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where labels added to a job run command weren’t passed to the launched job.

Release 10/03/2023

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.77.11

  • Fix: Users switching between orgs will see the correct ACE and Storage Quota associated with the org on the Dashboard.

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where an incorrect max number of workers for Quick Start Dask & RAPIDS jobs prevented users from adding or removing workers as needed.

NGC Catalog Web UI v1.103.2

  • Enhancement: Users will be able to download a Model while viewing a Model list in table view..

NGC Registry Web UI v0.57.4

  • Fix: Users can upload files up to 5 TB in size in the Private Registry.

Release 09/19/2023

This release introduces the following Base Command Platform enhancement:

  • New NGC CLI Command Syntax for Base Command Platform

    The ngc batch commands have been replaced with ngc base-command or simply ngc bc. Please note that the old ngc batch commands are now deprecated and will be phased out in a future release. For more information, refer to the NGC CLI Documentation.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.56.4

  • Enhancement: Users can now upload files taking longer than 24 hours to complete.

NGC CLI 3.29.0

  • Fix: Display an error message for ngc diag all and ngc diag install commands for Docker-related issues.

  • Fix: Renamed the results column Sign In Used to Sign In Method when running the NGC CLI commands ngc org list-users and ngc team list-users to retrieve a list of org and team users.

  • Enhancement: Users will be able to specify a prefix when using the S3 endpoint to either import or export a resource.

  • Enhancement: The NGC CLI subcommands, add-user and update-user, will return an error message when specifying invalid roles. To see a list of available roles, use the -h option for the respective command, for example, ngc org add-user -h or ngc team update-user -h.

  • Enhancement: The ngc version info command will display the current NGC CLI version and the upgrade notice if a newer version is available.

  • Enhancement: The Base Command Platform Quick Start feature is accessible via the NGC CLI. For more information, refer to the NGC CLI documentation.

Release 09/05/2023

Base Command Platform v1.25.5

This release introduces the following Base Command Platform features:

  • Quick Start

    The Quick Start feature enables Base Command Platform users to launch an interactive JupyterLab session with just a single click, directly from the dashboard. Starting with a template, users can quickly configure instance details (such as GPU and CPU), add datasets or workspaces, or change containers, streamlining the workflow right from the dashboard.

    Users will also have access to templates for quickly launching interactive sessions with Dask and RAPIDS, providing them immediate access to the RAPIDS libraries, a collection of open-source GPU-accelerated data science libraries. Additionally, Dask allows users to scale workloads across multiple GPUs efficiently.

    Administrators holding an org-level BASE_COMMAND_ADMIN role can create and update templates their organization can access. To get started, log into NGC, then click Base Command > Dashboard from the left navigation menu.

    For more information, please refer to Quick Start Jobs.

  • Workspace SFTP Access

    Base Command Platform Workspaces will now more easily interoperate with SFTP-compliant tools to readily provide a standard and secure access method to storage in a BCP environment. Users can now leverage NGC CLI to query a workspace and expose the port, hostname, and token for use with SFTP clients. Running ngc base-command workspace info with the --show-sftp flag will return all information necessary to communicate with the workspace via SFTP, along with a sample command for using the SFTP CLI tool. This new functionality is compatible with standard Linux, WSL, and MacOS SFTP tooling.

    For more information, please refer to Accessing Workspaces Using SFTP.

  • bcprun Logging Enhancements

    We’ve improved the logging behavior for bcprun jobs output, joblog.log and STDOUT/STDERR. For “PYTORCH” array-type jobs, STDOUT and STDERR logs are written to separate per-node, per-rank files in the job results directory. Users can view these logs in the NGC Web UI or download them using the CLI.

    For more information, refer to Managing Results in the Base Command Platform User Guide. For multi-node jobs, two new options are available for bcprun:

    • -d, --debug Prints debug bcprun execution statements to joblog.log.

    • log, --logdir Overrides the default log location. For jobs with array-type “PYTORCH” only.

    For more information on these parameters, refer to Launching Multi-node Jobs with bcprun.

  • NGC FSS on Port 443

The purpose of this feature is to simplify customer onboarding by allowing customers to open fewer ports outbound from their enterprise networks. This enhancement enables FSS’s data-plane traffic to run on the industry-standard port 443 instead of 443, 7565 and 9001. No action other than leveraging the proper version of the CLI is required on behalf of users.

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.77.0

  • Enhancement: Added Quick Start, a new Base Command Platform feature that allows administrators to create and manage job templates for launching jobs quickly and easily.

NGC Catalog Web UI v0.55.5

  • Fix: Resolved issue in Catalog Web UI where multiple labels produced incorrect filter results..

NGC CLI 3.27.0

  • Enhancement: Added the ability to display workspace Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) information with NGC CLI command :

    $ ngc workspace info <workspace> --show-sftp

Release 08/22/2023

NGC Web UI v2.287.0

  • Enhancement: Users have the option to use the Windows 64-bit installer for NGC CLI.

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.72.4

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with new job statuses not populating in the jobs table.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.55.5

  • Fix: Users will be able to add files up to 1 TB in size to Models or Resources.

  • Fix: Users can now use the wget command in the Download dropdown on the entity- and file browser-level pages to retrieve resources and models.

NGC CLI 3.26.0

  • Fix: Downloading individual files using the --file flag will now download the file to the workspace folder without retaining the folder directory structure from the workspace.

  • Enhancement: Users can now add custom metadata when importing datasets using the NGC CLI.

  • Enhancement: When uploading multi-part files, only failed parts will be re-uploaded instead of the entire file, improving speed for unreliable connections.

Release 08/08/2023

NGC Web UI v2.286.2

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with AMD64 Linux CLI download.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.53.5

  • Fix: Resolved an error where users with TEAM access but not ORG access were unable to view team-level entities in the Private Registry.

Release 07/25/2023

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.66.0

  • Fix: Users will see a banner message prompting them to use the CLI for file display when utilizing the File Browser to list 100 or more files in the dataset or workspace.

NGC Catalog Web UI v1.71.1

  • Fix: Unauthenticated users accessing pages in NGC Catalog will be redirected back to the original page they were trying to access after signing in.

NGC CLI 3.25.0

  • Enhancement:

    Labels have been added to Data Mover jobs allowing for easier searching:

    • All Data Mover jobs will have the label _nvsvc_datamover_job

    • All Data Mover jobs will have an additional label stating the type of Data Mover job. This label will be one of these three options:

      • _nvsvc_datamover_dataset_import

      • _nvsvc_datamover_dataset_export

      • _nvsvc_datamover_workspace_export

NGC Model Service and Worker v1.65.1

  • Enhancement: A checksum has been added to the download responses from the registry so that users can verify the file’s integrity.

Release 07/10/2023

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.63.0

  • Fix: Users with the correct access to NVIDIA AI Enterprise (NVAIE) can now choose those containers when creating jobs under Base Command > Create Job.

NGC Catalog Web UI v1.65.1

  • Enhancement: Single file downloads from models and resources will no longer require zipping, resulting in a faster download experience with the option to pause or resume.

  • Enhancement: The download progress bar will now update more frequently when downloading files from the catalog.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.52.2

  • Enhancement: The download progress bar will now update more frequently when downloading files from the registry, indicating the download is in progress and not stalled.

NGC CLI 3.24.1

  • Fix: Running ngc version upgrade while on Windows Git Bash will no longer freeze.

NGC Batch Worker v1.25.3

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the job status would not update when the job changes state.

Release 06/27/2023

NGC Catalog

  • Enhancement: Starting in July 2023, all NVIDIA container images published on the NGC Catalog will be signed, providing a standard mechanism for establishing trust, validating the image source, and ensuring integrity. For more information, refer to NVIDIA Signed Container Images in NGC Catalog.

  • Enhancement: Added sorting and searching to container tags.

NGC CLI 3.24.0

  • Fix: Windows CLI now replaces backslashes with forward slashes when uploading files. This allows the Private Registry application to correctly display the files within their folders.

  • Enhancement: Added a column ‘Sign In Used’ to list each user’s login method.

Release 06/13/2023

Base Command Platform v1.25.0

This release introduces three new features on the Base Command Platform:

  • Data Mover

    Data Mover allows users to import data from an object store as a dataset in a specified ACE storage and export data from Datasets and Workspaces in the ACE to an object store.

    Data can be imported and exported from S3 and OCI object storage with the NGC CLI (version 3.23.0 or later). To do so, you must set up NGC Secrets in Base Command Platform User Guide with specific keys.


    1. NGC CLI version 3.23.0 or later.

    2. Have a secret with the name “ngc” and the key: “ngc_api_key”.

    3. For S3 instances, a secret with the keys “aws_access_key_id”, and “aws_secret_access_key”.

      Note: Any S3-compatible instance will work.

    4. For Pre-Authenticated URLs (on OCI, today), a secret with the key name: “oci_preauth_url”.

      Note: For more information on Pre-Authenticated URLs, please refer to OCI - Using Pre-Authenticated Requests.

    Functionalities supported by the Data Mover feature are:

    1. dataset import {finish, info, list, start}

    2. dataset export {info, list, run}

    3. workspace export {info, list, run}

    For more information, please refer to Importing and Exporting Datasets.

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.52.0

  • Enhancement: The Jobs Overview page has been redesigned with a fresh look and feel while preserving its existing functionality.

  • Improvement: Unauthenticated users accessing pages in NGC will be redirected back to the original page they were trying to access after signing in.

NGC Catalog Web UI v1.63.3

  • Enhancement: As part of the multiple large file upload feature in the Private Registry (see below), users will see a new download UI that will bundle together files into a zip.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.50.4

  • Fix: Users will have the correct version preselected when creating a version for models and resources.

  • Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented users from seeing all the files in the model file browser. Users can now see the entire list of files in the file browser.

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the user could not see the option to upload files after creating a version for one resource.

  • Enhancement: Users will be able to upload multiple large files together in the Private Registry. Users will also see a new download UI that bundles files into a zip.

NGC CLI 3.23.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where users would see incorrect information on their available storage for dataset and workspace uploads.

  • Feature: Added Data Mover, a new feature enabling users to import and export datasets from S3 and OCI object storage using the NGC CLI.

    Data Mover supports the following commands:

    • dataset import {finish, info, list, start}

    • dataset export {info, list, run}

    • workspace export {info, list, run}

    The import commands allow the user to:

    • ngc dataset import start transfer data from an object store (S3 or OCI pre-auth URL)

    • ngc dataset import list retrieve the list of all imports by using

    • ngc dataset import info <job> check the status of a single import by using

    • ngc dataset import finish <job> complete the import (convert the result to a dataset) by using

    The export commands implement transferring data from the ACE into an object store:

    • ngc dataset export run transfer a dataset from the ACE into an object store (S3 or OCI pre-auth URL)

    • ngc workspace export run transfer a workspace from the ACE into an object store (S3 or OCI pre-auth URL)

    Commands ngc dataset export info and ngc workspace export info output the status of the export job. ngc dataset export list and ngc workspace export list print out all the export jobs a user has created.

  • Enhancement: Users can see their model and resource version downloads coming directly from S3. They will also see the progress bar instead of the thread-based download status.

Release 05/30/2023

Base Command Platform v1.24.6

We’re excited to announce Secrets Management Service (SMS), a new feature for users to securely maintain their secrets within NGC. NGC Secrets is a secure vault/repository for storing sensitive information, enabling easy identification and authentication with external systems.

SMS is accessible from the NGC Setup page and NGC CLI (version 3.21.1 and later) for users on a per-org per-product basis. To utilize this feature, organizations must have secrets management enabled.

SMS is currently integrated with Base Command Platform (BCP) jobs. Users in organizations with secrets enabled can inject their secrets when creating a job.

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.47.2

  • Fix: The Clear button in the job create form will clear the selected protocol option.

  • Fix: Users are not required to make a selection from the Node Topology field when creating multi-node jobs on the Base Command > Create Job page.

  • Fix: Set the default value of the Result Mountpoint field in the Data Output panel to “/results”.

  • Enhancement: Containers will now be validated based on the selected image tag and selected ACE instance.

NGC CLI 3.22.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue related to Workspace and Dataset upload where the upload was not finishing.

  • Fix: Users can view and interact with all tags associated with containers having more than 100 tags rather than being limited to only the first 100 tags.

  • Enhancement: Support secret management in the NGC CLI.

Release 05/16/2023

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.40.1

  • Fix: Additional text added to help users distinguish ACEs shown in “Storage Quota” on the Dashboard.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.46.4

  • Enhancement: Users can view Jupyter Notebooks by clicking View Notebook in File Browser.

NGC CLI 3.21.1

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with the log command for running jobs.

Release 05/02/2023

NGC Web UI v2.283.0

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.38.11

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where the system was killing jobs with total runtime of zero (0).

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where users creating a job in a team context cannot view their parent organization’s container.

  • Fix: Users can access the job log in the details page for jobs killed by the system.

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where an invalid search query by the user would result in an error with no ability to clear the invalid filter. Users can now clear the search filter for invalid search queries.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.42.1

  • Enhancement: Users will be able to copy the path of the NVIDIA public key for signed containers.

  • Enhancement: Users will see if a container has Signed Images on the Container detail page.

NGC CLI 3.21.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with --exclude and --dir flags for job result download. Users can now filter the files and directories they want to download from the results.

  • Fix: When working with containers with more than 100 tags, users will now be able to work with all the tags instead of just the first 100.

Release 04/18/2023

NGC Web UI v2.282.7

  • Fix: Users will be granted roles/access to teams when a BYO IDP rule applies to them after completing their profile.

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.38.2

  • Fix: Users will now see a cleaner UI when creating and sharing a workspace, the currently selected ACE in the select dropdown when creating a job, and only a single status history accordion open at a given time.

  • Enhancement: When creating a job, the runtime limit is set based on the selected ACE.

NGC Catalog Web UI v1.56.27

  • Fix: NGC Catalog home page banner can be closed whether the user is logged in or not.

  • Fix: Resolved an issue related to the content display in the NGC Catalog.

  • Fix: Users can learn more about Security Scanning for the Containers in the NGC Catalog.

NGC Org Web UI v0.34.1

  • Fix: List of Pending Invitations can be sorted based on ‘Date Invited’ column in the table.

  • Enhancement: Org owners can see the “External IdP” menu item on the dashboard page.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.39.5

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with container security scanning.

NGC CLI 3.20.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with listing team workspaces or datasets for users with the BASE_COMMAND_VIEWER role.

  • Fix: Resolved an issue related to simultaneous Models and Resources uploads.

Release 04/04/2023

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.36.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue where frequent re-fetching of result files was causing interruption to user interactions with the file browser.

  • Fix: Updated container selection placeholder text to allow for the selection of ACE instance on Base Command > Create Job page.

  • Fix: Owners of a given job can perform various job actions regardless of their other user roles.

  • Fix: Generated CLI command will display the correct value for the mounted dataset. Additionally, the job form will set the correct total runtime based on the currently selected ACE.

  • Fix: Generated CLI command will now present the correct value for topology constraint --topology-constraint.

  • Fix: Updated role-based access for performing actions such as setting types of job labels (such as reserved labels), sharing and revoking access to workspaces and datasets, and the ability to view job results.

  • Fix: Only users with the correct access can create a workspace and share/revoke access to a given workspace or dataset.

  • Fix: Users can resize their table columns and maintain their job table filter state upon exiting/reentering the page.

  • Enhancement: Users will see an error toast if trying to access a resource that cannot be found.

  • Enhancement: Toast messages will last eight seconds now to allow users more time to read longer alerts.

NGC Org Web UI v0.28.1

  • Fix: The BYO IDP rules page will only be visible to org owners if the IDP is linked to their org that supports groups.

NGC Registry Web UI v0.36.5

  • Fix: Increased upload speed for large files.

  • Fix: Users will no longer see words broken between lines on the Private Registry Overview page.

  • Fix: Users will now only see the label sets in more labels modal which are independent of any entity type.

NGC CLI 3.19.0

  • Fix: Resolved an issue related to downloading shared datasets.

  • Fix: Private Registry publishers will see an error message if they create commands with incompatible arguments.

Release 03/16/2023

NGC Web UI v2.280.2

  • Fixed: The Create Job button on the Base Command Platform Dashboard will be disabled for users logged in as viewers.

  • Fixed: Users can convert job results to a dataset only when the job’s status is in a terminal state (i.e., when the job is no longer running).

NGC Base Command Web UI v0.33.5

  • Fixed: Fixed a typo with the --commandline field in the CLI command generated on the Base Command > Create Job page.

  • Fixed: Users with Base Command Platform Viewer access cannot click the Create Job button in the recent jobs section of the Dashboard page.

  • Fixed: The ACE dropdown in the storage quota section should now display options based on ACE’s name instead of its storage cluster description.

  • Fixed: Fixed an issue where workspaces were not mounting correctly when creating/cloning a job.

  • Fixed: The job log should now only scroll to the bottom of the log container if enough text is present.

  • Fixed: The tooltip will display correctly when a user hovers over a job’s sparklines on the Base Command > Jobs page.

  • Fixed: Fixed an issue with missing name when cloning and templating jobs that used legacy port fields.

  • Fixed: Only one notification for a given action (such as creating a workspace or deleting a workspace) will be displayed at a time, and the previous message will be removed.

  • Fixed: The Base Command > Workspaces table will automatically fetch available workspaces at set intervals so that any newly created workspaces will display to the user.

  • Fixed: Users will see usability improvements, such as accurate breadcrumb links, more readable placeholder text, and better support for smaller browser windows.

  • Fixed: Time slice and run time will default to and allow for 0 (zero) value.

  • Fixed: Enable Create Job button only if the form has been modified.

  • Enhancement: Containers will now be validated based on the selected image tag and selected ace instance.

NGC Org Web UI v0.27.1

  • Fixed: Improved access control to ensure org team/user actions that are not permitted are now disabled.

NGC CLI 3.17.0

  • Fixed: Windows users can upload large files for resources and models.

Release 03/07/2023

NGC Web UI v2.276.0

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where cloning a job from the table view resulted in missing values, such as container image, from the newly created job. Users should now be able to successfully clone a job from the table view with the necessary data to rerun.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue that would reset ACE run time for cloned jobs.

NGC CLI 3.16.0

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue related to a warning message with ngc batch job exec command.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue with running ngc batch attach on an array job.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where CLI did not exit the shell session even if the job was finished and required force exiting (CTRL-C) the session.

NGC Batch Worker v1.15.0

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue with the calculation of space used by the result set after the job is deleted.

Release 02/21/2023

NGC Web UI v2.275.7

  • Fixed: Provide support for batch jobs that did not download telemetry CSV data properly.

NGC Org Web UI v0.26.8

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where users without sufficient permissions can see team actions.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where the Remove User action in the User table was stuck in a disabled state.

  • Fixed: Users will be able to filter columns by column headers, not just the name of the property.

NGC CLI 3.15.0

  • Fixed: Users can list resultset files in JSON format.

  • Fixed: Uploads with ngc registry model upload-version --source as a single file will now correctly return the file count and size.

  • Fixed: Model and resource version uploads using ngc registry resource upload-version will no longer time out for large files.

  • Enhancement: Validate instance and image architecture matches before scheduling a job.

Release 02/07/2023

NGC Web UI v2.275.2

  • Fixed: Display current NGC version on the web app.

  • Fixed: Improved user experience when searching for datasets and workspaces during job creation.

  • Fixed: Show InfiniBand telemetry for multi-node jobs.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where users may not be automatically redirected from the organization/team selection page.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where Select Your Organization / Team was broken in Safari.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where joblogs were not accessible for all multi-node type jobs.

  • Enhancement: Improved the organization and team selection on the Organization launch page.

NGC Org Web UI v0.26.4

  • Fixed: The Create Team button is now disabled when the user does not have appropriate permissions to create teams within an organization

NGC CLI 3.14.1

  • Fixed: Users will get a warning if they attempt to upload a model or resource with any files larger than the maximum allowed file size (currently 1TiB).

NGC Batch Service v1.44.8

  • Fixed: Allow storage volume to be empty when updating ACE.

Release 01/24/2023

NGC Org Web UI v0.26.1-r3

  • Fixed: Display the application name along with the version.

NGC CLI 3.13.0

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where an invalid array type argument for single-node jobs wasn’t flagged.

  • Fixed: When running ngc diag all or ngc diag server, the output will now include a connectivity check to the Helm chart repository.

NGC Batch Service v1.44.8

  • Fixed: Removed redundant REST error handler.

Release 01/10/2023

NGC Org Web UI v0.24.3

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where users encountered an application error when storage data is undefined.

NGC CLI 3.12.0

  • Enhancement: Users can now specify --column description when listing models and resources.

  • Enhancement: ngc team add-user can be used with User ID or Email. When specifying User ID, the name argument will no longer be required. When specifying an email, the name argument is required. Please only specify an email/name when adding a new, non-existent user to a team. If account with that email already exists in the team, CLI will ask user to use update-user command. Please only add an existing user to a team by specifying the digit User ID of that user.

  • Enhancement: When uploading a model or resource, users will see an animated progress bar and notice an improvement in performance.

Release 12/13/2022

NGC Web UI v2.104.0

  • Fixed: Users will see better visual alignment between a jobs status history table column header and its related data.

  • Enhancement: Users can pause a resumable multi-node job giving better job control and the allocated GPU resources.

  • Enhancement: Performance improvements with retrieving resultset and dataset files. Job resultset and dataset files are now fetched in real-time directly from the file storage service, reducing the time it takes for these files to become visible in the UI. Additionally, users can now view and download workspace files directly from the workspace details page.

NGC Org Web UI v0.23.2

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where hovering over GPU types in tables did not display type names in the tooltip.

  • Fixed: Fixed alignment issues with the Daily Peak graph under Organization > Usage.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where selecting a time frame for the Organization > Usage Monthly Peak table results in an application error.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where the Organization > Usage Monthly Peak table sorting feature was missing.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where the GPU Usage Monthly Peak Total didn’t reset at the beginning of a new month.

  • Enhancement: Redesigned the Organization > Usage pages to improve the display of GPU monthly and daily peak usages, system information, and log and private registry usage.

NGC CLI 3.11.0

  • Fixed: NGC CLI now supports the correct encoding of special characters such as _ .+ - found in email addresses.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where, in some cases, users saw a warning message “Access denied retrieving ace list” when issuing the NGC CLI command ngc config set.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where canceling a registry resource download results in the wrong message displayed to the user.

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue with downloading a single file of guest registry resource.

  • Enhancement: Users will be able to pause a resumable multi-node job giving better job control and the allocated GPU resources.



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